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Everything posted by Helly

  1. Well im Trying to use this scrip, work fine but i thing is ignoring this set, cause i can use it again an again without time limit, ty in advice: set .intervalmavis, 3000; Here the full script: /*(¯`º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°¯`º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°¯`º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°¯º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º´¯) | | | rAthena Script | | | | Skill Matching Game | | By: | | Viole | | | | Current Version | | 1.4 | | | | Description: | | Just like a normal matching/memory game. | | Here, you need to match skill effects with | | the same skill effect by clicking the eggs. | | If 1 pair is matched, the pair disappears | | and gives a prize. If all are matched, | | npc gives another prize for completing | | the game. Depends on what prizes are set | | by the GM. ( In-game set ) | | If prizes are not set, default prize are | | distributed instead. 3 Minutes Game Duration. | | | | Changelogs: | | 1.0 Skill Matching Game ( Special Effects ) | | 1.1 Removed Timer (I'll add another timer soon) | | 1.2 Fixed Attempts Bug | | 1.2 Added Setwall in Event Room | | 1.3 Added time interval before you can | | join the event again. | | (Finish/Failed/AFK/Timer's up) | | 1.3 Set if Char/Account Based Time Interval | | 1.3 Added AFK Check ( Read note line 601 ) | | 1.4 Fixed minor mistake (Thanks to Emistry) | | 1.4 Changed few lines in time interval (cadz) | | | | Credits: | | Noobita for explaining *atoi | | Quinn for giving the eggs idea lol | | | | Edit things under : ( Added set timer ) | | C O N F I G U R A T I O N (line 448) | | | ´¯`º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°¯`º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°¯`º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤°¯º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º´¯´*/ prontera,164,172,2 script Mavis Vermillion 437,{ if( .gameon != 0 ) { mes .n$; mes "Looks like someone is playing the game, wait until it ends."; close; } if( $skillmatchgame_based == 0 ) { if( #Already_Played > gettimetick(2) ) { mes .n$; mes "Sorry, you have to wait "+ .intervalmavis / 60 +"minutes before joining the event again!"; close; } } if( $skillmatchgame_based == 1 ) { if( Already_Played > gettimetick(2) ) { mes .n$; mes "Sorry, you have to wait "+ .intervalmavis / 60 +"minutes before joining the event again!"; close; } } Player_Menu: specialeffect 75; specialeffect 312; specialeffect 42; specialeffect 40; mes .n$; mes "Welcome, ^008000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000, want to play?"; mes "Cost is ^0000FF"+.zeny+"^000000 zeny."; mes "If you don't have zeny."; mes "You can pay ^FF0000"+.payamount+" "+getitemname(.payitem)+"s^000000 instead."; next; switch( select("^FFA500Please warp me now!^000000:^0000FFI've changed my mind!^000000", ( getgmlevel() < .gmlvl )?"":"Admin Configuration")) { case 1: if((countitem(.payitem) < .payamount ) && ( Zeny < .zeny )) { mes .n$; mes "It seems you don't have enough zeny. Or even "+.payamount+" "+getitemname(.payitem)+"s."; mes "Poor little guy.."; close; } else { mes .n$; mes "Goodluck in your game!~"; if((countitem(.payitem) >= .payamount)) delitem .payitem, .payamount; else set Zeny, Zeny - .zeny; close2; goto Game_On; } Game_On: set .gameon, 1; set .attempt, .attempts; set .Char_Name$, strcharinfo(0); set .Char_ID, getcharid(3); attachnpctimer; warp .mapname$,.warpx,.warpy; sleep 5000; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : The game will start in 10 seconds.",8; sleep 2000; stopnpctimer; donpcevent "::OnShowTogepi"; set .gameon, 1; deletearray .@special_effects[0],127; //•••••Special Effects•••••// // You can change special effects #s here, remember to always have a pair # (Note: The same count with array .@npc_size) setarray .@special_effects[0],312,312,470,470,8,8,9,9,15,15,468,468,17,17,226,226,409,409,252,252,471,471,336,336,635,635,27,27,28,28,467,467,30,30,637,637; set .@seffect_size, getarraysize(.@special_effects); deletearray .skill_effects[0],127; set .@seffects, .@seffect_size; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@seffect_size; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@rand_seffects, rand(.@seffects); set .skill_effects[.@i], .@special_effects[.@rand_seffects]; deletearray .@special_effects[.@rand_seffects], 1; set .@seffects, .@seffects - 1; } set .event_showeffect, -1; set .attempt, .attempt + 1; set .gamepair, 0; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : See the Togepi's astonishing skill effects!",8; sleep 2000; deletearray .@npc_size[0],127; // NPC Count setarray .@npc_size[0],0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,33,34,35,36; set .@seffect_size, getarraysize(.@npc_size); deletearray .@show_seffects[0],127; set .@seffects, .@seffect_size; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@seffect_size; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { set .@rand_seffects, rand(.@seffects); set .@show_seffects[.@i], .@npc_size[.@rand_seffects]; deletearray .@npc_size[.@rand_seffects], 1; set .@seffects, .@seffects - 1; } for( set .@i, 0; .@i < 36; set .@i, .@i + 2 ) { donpcevent "SkillEffect" + .@show_seffects[.@i] + "::OnShowSkillEffects"; donpcevent "SkillEffect" + .@show_seffects[.@i + 1] + "::OnShowSkillEffects"; sleep 200; } sleep 1600; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : You only have " + .attempt + " attempts.",8; sleep 2000; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Starting in 3..",8; sleep 1000; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 2..",8; sleep 1000; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 1..",8; sleep 1000; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Go! Find pairs of skill effects now. You only got 3 minutes!",8; set .gameon, 2; initnpctimer; end; OnDoingGood: switch( rand(4) ) { case 0: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Well, lucky guy...",8; break; case 1: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Great...",8; break; case 2: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : You're doing good!",8; break; case 3: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Nice! Just keep looking..!",8; break; } end; OnDoingBad: switch( rand(4) ) { case 0: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Wrong egg! (" + .attempt + " lives)",8; break; case 1: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Sucks being you, I guess? (" + .attempt + " lives)",8; break; case 2: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Too bad! (" + .attempt + " lives)",8; break; case 3: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Drink Memory Plus! (" + .attempt + " lives)",8; break; } end; OnWinner: stopnpctimer; donpcevent "::OnHideTogepi"; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : YOU DID IT!!",8; set .gameon, 0; sleep 2000; mapwarp .mapname$,.maintown$,.mainx,.mainy; end; OnLose: stopnpctimer; donpcevent "::OnHideTogepi"; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : No more attempts. Sucks being you, I guess.",8; set .gameon, 0; sleep 2000; mapwarp .mapname$,.maintown$,.mainx,.mainy; end; OnTimer60000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 2 minutes remaining.",8; end; OnAfk: stopnpctimer; detachnpctimer; donpcevent "::OnHideTogepi"; end; OnTimer120000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 1 minute remaining.",8; end; OnTimer150000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Last 30 seconds.",8; end; OnTimer170000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : HURRY! Last 10 seconds.",8; end; OnTimer175000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 5..",8; end; OnTimer176000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 4..",8; end; OnTimer177000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 3..",8; end; OnTimer178000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 2..",8; end; OnTimer179000: areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : 1..",8; end; OnTimer180000: stopnpctimer; donpcevent "::OnHideTogepi"; areaannounce .mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion : Time's up. You did not make it.",8; if ( getareausers(.mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2) > 0 ) { if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 0 ) { set #Already_Played, strcharinfo(0); set #Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 1 ) { set Already_Played, strcharinfo(0); set Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } } set .gameon, 0; sleep 2000; mapwarp .mapname$,.maintown$,.mainx,.mainy; end; case 2: close; case 3: Admin_Menu: next; mes .n$; mes "Welcome back GM ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000."; mes "What do you want to do today?"; next; switch(select("Player Menu:Set Payment:Set Prize:Just dropping by!")) { case 1: next; goto Player_Menu; case 2: current_payment: next; mes .n$; mes "Current Item Payment:"; mes "^008000"+.payamount+" "+getitemname(.payitem)+"s^000000"; mes " "; mes "Current Zeny Payment:"; mes "^008000"+.zeny+"^000000 zeny"; next; switch(select("Set Item Payment:Set Zeny Payment:Go back to menu")) { case 1: next; mes .n$; mes "Ok, please input the item # to be the payment for joining the game."; next; input .@itemid; if (getitemname(.@itemid) == "null" || getitemname(.@itemid) == "") {next; mes .n$; mes "This item doesn't exists in the database.."; next; goto current_payment; } set .payitem, .@itemid; next; mes .n$; mes "How many "+getitemname(.payitem)+"s should players pay?"; next; input .@itemamount; if(.@itemamount <= 0){next; mes .n$; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto current_payment; } set .payamount, .@itemamount; next; mes "So, the item payment for the entering the game:"; mes "^008000"+.payamount+" "+getitemname(.payitem)+"s"; next; goto current_payment; case 2: next; mes .n$; mes "Ok, please input how much zeny players should pay for entering the game."; next; input .@payzeny; if(.@payzeny <= 0){next; mes .n$; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto current_payment; } set .zeny, .@payzeny; next; mes "So, the zeny payment for the entering the game:"; mes "^008000"+.zeny+" zeny."; next; goto current_payment; case 3: next; goto Admin_Menu; } case 3: current_prize: next; mes .n$; mes "Current Normal Prize:"; mes "^008000"+.rewardamount+" "+getitemname(.rewarditem)+"s^000000"; mes " "; mes "Current Winner Prize:"; mes "^008000"+.w_rewardamount+" "+getitemname(.w_rewarditem)+"s^000000"; next; switch(select("Set Normal Prize:Set Winner Prize:Enable/Disable Prize:Go back to menu")) { case 1: next; mes .n$; mes "Ok, please input the item to be given if the player finds a pair!"; next; input .@rewardid; if (getitemname(.@rewardid) == "null" || getitemname(.@rewardid) == "") {next; mes .n$; mes "This item doesn't exists in the database.."; next; goto current_prize; } set .rewarditem, .@rewardid; next; mes .n$; mes "How many "+getitemname(.rewarditem)+"s should players get?"; next; input .@rewardamount; if(.@rewardamount <= 0){next; mes .n$; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto current_prize; } set .rewardamount, .@rewardamount; next; mes "So, the current normal prize:"; mes "^008000"+.rewardamount+" "+getitemname(.rewarditem)+"s"; next; goto current_prize; case 2: next; mes .n$; mes "Ok, please input the item to be given if the player wins the game!"; next; input .@w_rewardid; if (getitemname(.@w_rewardid) == "null" || getitemname(.@w_rewardid) == "") {next; mes .n$; mes "This item doesn't exists in the database.."; next; goto current_prize; } set .w_rewarditem, .@w_rewardid; next; mes .n$; mes "How many "+getitemname(.w_rewarditem)+"s should the winner get?"; next; input .@w_rewardamount; if(.@w_rewardamount <= 0){next; mes .n$; mes "Please input a # greater than 0!"; next; goto current_prize; } set .w_rewardamount, .@w_rewardamount; next; mes "So, the current winner prize:"; mes "^008000"+.w_rewardamount+" "+getitemname(.w_rewarditem)+"s"; next; goto current_prize; case 3: enable_disable: next; mes .n$; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select("^FF0000Disable Normal Prize Distribution^000000:^0000FFEnable Normal Prize Distribution^000000:^FF0000Disable Winner Prize Distribution^000000:^0000FFEnable Winner Prize Distribution^000000")) { case 1: next; if(.give_prize == 0){ mes .n$; mes "Normal Prize Distribution is already disabled!"; next; goto enable_disable; } mes .n$; mes "Normal Prize Distribution has been disabled!"; set .give_prize,0; goto enable_disable; case 2: next; if(.give_prize == 1){ mes .n$; mes "Normal Prize Distribution is already enabled!"; next; goto enable_disable; } mes .n$; mes "Normal Prize Distribution has been enabled!"; set .give_prize,1; goto enable_disable; case 3: next; if(.w_give_prize == 0){ mes .n$; mes "Winner Prize Distribution is already disabled!"; next; goto enable_disable; } mes .n$; mes "Winner Prize Distribution has been disabled!"; set .w_give_prize,0; goto enable_disable; case 4: next; if(.w_give_prize == 1){ mes .n$; mes "Winner Prize Distribution is already enabled!"; next; goto enable_disable; } mes .n$; mes "Winner Prize Distribution has been enabled!"; set .w_give_prize,1; goto enable_disable; case 5: close; } case 4: next; goto Admin_Menu; } case 4: close; } } OnInit: //•••••••••••••••••••••••• C O N F I G U R A T I O N ••••••••••••••••••••••••// set .n$, "[ ^FFA500Mavis Vermillion^000000 ]"; // NPC Header set .attempts, 20; // Change this one to how many attempts you like, n+1 , if you input 5, attempts will be 5+1 = 6 set .intervalmavis, 3000; // [ Seconds ] Time interval before a player can join the game again! set .kicktimeifafk,120; // [ Seconds ] If afk for 120 seconds, kicked to Savepoint set $skillmatchgame_based, 0; // Timer Interval [ Account Based - 0 / Character Based - 1 ] set .payamount, 2; // Default item amount payment set .payitem, 675; // Default item payment set .zeny, 1000000; // Default zeny payment set .w_rewardamount, 1; // Default Winner Prize amount set .w_rewarditem, 677; // Default Winner Prize set .rewarditem, 674; // Default Normal Prize set .rewardamount, 1; // Default Normal Prize amount // These things here were due to my laziness. lol when writing the script. XD set .mapname$, "quiz_02"; // Event Map Location set .warpx, 305; // warp to Event Map x coordinate set .warpy, 253; // warp to Event Map y coordinate set .areax1, 295; // Event map areannounce x1 set .areay1, 261; // Event map areannounce y1 set .areax2, 314; // Event map areannounce x2 set .areay2, 242; // Event map areannounce y2 set .maintown$, "prontera"; // Spawn location when game ends set .mainx, 155; // spawn location x coordinate set .mainy, 179; // spawn location y coordinate set .w_give_prize, 1; // Default setting enable/disable winner prize ( Disable = 0, Enable = 1) set .give_prize, 1; // Default setting enable/disable normal prize ( Disable = 0, Enable = 1) set .gmlvl, 70; // Gm level to access admin menu set .gameon, 0; setwall .mapname$,296,260,18,6,0,"1wallqz"; setwall .mapname$,296,243,18,6,0,"2wallqz"; setwall .mapname$,296,259,16,4,0,"3wallqz"; setwall .mapname$,313,259,16,4,0,"4wallqz"; } quiz_02,297,259,4 script Togepi#0::SkillEffect0 463,{ if( getvariableofnpc(.gameon,"Mavis Vermillion") < 2 || getvariableofnpc(.Char_ID,"Mavis Vermillion") != getcharid(3) ) end; set Already_Played, getcharid(3); set #Already_Played, getcharid(3); set @matchnpc, atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); set .mapname$,getvariableofnpc(.mapname$,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .areax1,getvariableofnpc(.areax1,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .areay1,getvariableofnpc(.areay1,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .areax2,getvariableofnpc(.areax2,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .areay2,getvariableofnpc(.areay2,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .intervalmavis,getvariableofnpc(.intervalmavis,"Mavis Vermillion"); specialeffect getvariableofnpc(.skill_effects[@matchnpc],"Mavis Vermillion"); if( getvariableofnpc(.gameon,"Mavis Vermillion") == 2 ) { set getvariableofnpc(.event_showeffect,"Mavis Vermillion"), @matchnpc; set getvariableofnpc(.gameon,"Mavis Vermillion"), 3; } else if( @matchnpc != getvariableofnpc(.event_showeffect,"Mavis Vermillion") ) { set @npc_showeffects, getvariableofnpc(.event_showeffect,"Mavis Vermillion"); if( getvariableofnpc(.skill_effects[@npc_showeffects],"Mavis Vermillion") == getvariableofnpc(.skill_effects[@matchnpc],"Mavis Vermillion") ) { set .rewarditem, getvariableofnpc(.rewarditem,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .rewardamount, getvariableofnpc(.rewardamount,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .w_rewarditem, getvariableofnpc(.w_rewarditem,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .w_rewardamount, getvariableofnpc(.w_rewardamount,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .w_give_prize, getvariableofnpc(.w_give_prize,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .give_prize, getvariableofnpc(.give_prize,"Mavis Vermillion"); set getvariableofnpc(.gamepair,"Mavis Vermillion"), getvariableofnpc(.gamepair,"Mavis Vermillion") + 1; if( getvariableofnpc(.gamepair,"Mavis Vermillion") > 0 ) { if(.give_prize == 1){getitem .rewarditem, .rewardamount;}} set getvariableofnpc(.gameon,"Mavis Vermillion"), 2; donpcevent "SkillEffect" + @npc_showeffects + "::OnHideTogepi"; donpcevent "SkillEffect" + @matchnpc + "::OnHideTogepi"; set getvariableofnpc(.event_showeffect,"Mavis Vermillion"), -1; if( getvariableofnpc(.gamepair,"Mavis Vermillion") > 17 ){ // This 17 here, is the number of Pairs - 1 if(.w_give_prize == 1){ getitem .w_rewarditem, .w_rewardamount; } if(getareausers(.mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2) > 0 ) { if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 0 ) { set #Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 1 ) { set Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } } donpcevent "Mavis Vermillion::OnWinner"; } else donpcevent "Mavis Vermillion::OnDoingGood"; } else { set getvariableofnpc(.gameon,"Mavis Vermillion"), 2; set getvariableofnpc(.event_showeffect,"Mavis Vermillion"), -1; set getvariableofnpc(.attempt,"Mavis Vermillion"), getvariableofnpc(.attempt,"Mavis Vermillion") - 1; if( getvariableofnpc(.attempt,"Mavis Vermillion") < 1 ){ if(getareausers(.mapname$,.areax1,.areay1,.areax2,.areay2) > 0 ) { if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 0 ) { set #Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 1 ) { set Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } } donpcevent "Mavis Vermillion::OnLose"; } else donpcevent "Mavis Vermillion::OnDoingBad"; } } end; OnShowSkillEffects: specialeffect getvariableofnpc(.skill_effects[atoi(strnpcinfo(2))],"Mavis Vermillion"); end; OnHideTogepi: disablenpc "SkillEffect" + atoi(strnpcinfo(2)) + ""; end; OnShowTogepi: enablenpc "SkillEffect" + atoi(strnpcinfo(2)) + ""; end; } /* Note : Checks if character is afk or not, set time at the above CONFIGURATIONS. This script triggers with OnPCLoadMapEvent. OnPCLoadMapEvent triggers when the map has a mapflag *loadevent*. If you want to disable this script, because it triggers with other scripts on the same map, just remove the mapflag loadevent, and/or remove the entire *IfAfkFor2Minutes* script.*/ - script IfAfkFor2Minutes -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: set .@kicktimeifafk,getvariableofnpc(.kicktimeifafk,"Mavis Vermillion"); set .intervalmavis,getvariableofnpc(.intervalmavis,"Mavis Vermillion"); set Already_Played, getcharid(3); set #Already_Played, getcharid(3); while ( !getmapxy ( .@afkmap$, .@afkx, .@afky, 0) && .@afkmap$ == "quiz_02" ) { if ( .@afkx == .@afkmapx && .@afky == .@afkmapy ) { if( .@afkcountifidle < .@kicktimeifafk ){ set .@afkcountifidle,.@afkcountifidle+1; if(.@afkcountifidle==(.@kicktimeifafk-20)){ dispbottom "You have 20 seconds to move or you will be tagged as AFK"; } } else { dispbottom "You've been kicked for being afk."; if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 0 ) { set #Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } if ( $skillmatchgame_based == 1 ) { set Already_Played, gettimetick(2)+.intervalmavis; detachnpctimer; } set getvariableofnpc(.gameon,"Mavis Vermillion"), 0; donpcevent "Mavis Vermillion::OnAfk"; warp "SavePoint",0,0; break; } } else { set .@afkmapx,.@afkx; set .@afkmapy,.@afky; set .@afkcountifidle,0; } sleep2 1000; } } quiz_02,300,259,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#1::SkillEffect1 463 quiz_02,303,259,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#2::SkillEffect2 463 quiz_02,306,259,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#3::SkillEffect3 463 quiz_02,309,259,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#4::SkillEffect4 463 quiz_02,312,259,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#5::SkillEffect5 463 quiz_02,297,256,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#6::SkillEffect6 463 quiz_02,300,256,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#7::SkillEffect7 463 quiz_02,303,256,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#8::SkillEffect8 463 quiz_02,306,256,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#9::SkillEffect9 463 quiz_02,309,256,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#10::SkillEffect10 463 quiz_02,312,256,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#11::SkillEffect11 463 quiz_02,297,253,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#12::SkillEffect12 463 quiz_02,300,253,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#13::SkillEffect13 463 quiz_02,303,253,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#14::SkillEffect14 463 quiz_02,306,253,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#15::SkillEffect15 463 quiz_02,309,253,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#16::SkillEffect16 463 quiz_02,312,253,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#17::SkillEffect17 463 quiz_02,297,250,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#18::SkillEffect18 463 quiz_02,300,250,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#19::SkillEffect19 463 quiz_02,303,250,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#20::SkillEffect20 463 quiz_02,306,250,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#21::SkillEffect21 463 quiz_02,309,250,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#22::SkillEffect22 463 quiz_02,312,250,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#23::SkillEffect23 463 quiz_02,297,247,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#24::SkillEffect24 463 quiz_02,300,247,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#25::SkillEffect25 463 quiz_02,303,247,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#26::SkillEffect26 463 quiz_02,306,247,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#27::SkillEffect27 463 quiz_02,309,247,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#28::SkillEffect28 463 quiz_02,312,247,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#29::SkillEffect29 463 quiz_02,297,244,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#30::SkillEffect30 463 quiz_02,300,244,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#31::SkillEffect31 463 quiz_02,303,244,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#32::SkillEffect32 463 quiz_02,306,244,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#33::SkillEffect33 463 quiz_02,309,244,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#34::SkillEffect34 463 quiz_02,312,244,4 duplicate(SkillEffect0) Togepi#35::SkillEffect35 463 quiz_02 mapflag nowarp quiz_02 mapflag nowarpto quiz_02 mapflag nosave quiz_02 mapflag nomemo quiz_02 mapflag noteleport quiz_02 mapflag nochat quiz_02 mapflag novending quiz_02 mapflag loadevent
  2. Hi there, my problem is that the hall of fame of my web is only reading the "M"(Male Folder) so when is a girl char is showing the male gif and not the female has well. Can someone help me to fix please? this is the code Ty! else { $sex = "<img src='".$this->themePath('img/potm/M/0.gif')."' alt=\"Sex\"/>"; $sqlpvp = "SELECT pvpladder.name AS char_name, pvpladder.kills AS kills, pvpladder.deaths AS deaths, pvpladder.streaks, char.char_id, char.class AS bclass, login.sex, guild.name as gname FROM pvpladder LEFT JOIN `char` ON pvpladder.char_id = char.char_id LEFT JOIN `login` ON char.account_id = login.account_id LEFT JOIN `guild` ON char.guild_id = guild.guild_id ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 1"; $sthpvp = $server->connection->getStatement($sqlpvp); $sthpvp->execute(); $hofchars = $sthpvp->fetchAll(); if (empty($hofchars[0]->sex)) { $bsex = $hofchars[0]->sex; $bclass = $hofchars[0]->bclass; $sex = "<img src='".$this->themePath('./img/potm/'.$bsex.'/'.$bclass.'.gif')."' alt=\"Sex\"/>"; } else { $bsex = array(); $bclass = array(); }
  3. Si usaste esa opcion para diffear tienes que hacer una configuracion en el src en el archivo: src/config/core.h Buscar: /// Comment to disable the official packet obfuscation support. /// When enabled, make sure there is value for 'packet_keys' of used packet version or /// defined 'packet_keys_use' in db/[import/]packet_db.txt. /// This requires PACKETVER 2011-08-17 or newer. #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION y comentarlo: ///#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION Compilas e intentas de nuevo.
  4. And are you using the las rev of rathena? the GIT one?
  5. Try to use this tool: https://rathena.org/board/topic/76888-grf-unbollox/ this must help in both ways
  6. The iteminfo work this way: [501] = { <-- Id of your item in item_db.txt unidentifiedDisplayName = "Red Potion", <--- Name of your Item (This tree are for unidentified) unidentifiedResourceName = "빨간포션", <--- Icon and drop for your custom item unidentifiedDescriptionName = { }, <--- Description identifiedDisplayName = "Red Potion", <--- Name of your Item (Here start for identified) identifiedResourceName = "빨간포션", <--- Icon and drop for your custom item identifiedDescriptionName = { "A potion made from grinded Red Herbs.", <-- Description, here you can put all the lines you want "^FFFFFF_^000000", <-- This give you a space between description from other characteristics "Class:^0000FF Restorative item^000000", "Heal:^009900 45 - 65^000000 HP", "Weight:^009900 7^000000" }, slotCount = 0, <-- Amount of slots you want your item Show drom 1 to 4 ClassNum = 0 <-- Here you put the idview of your item in case is a hat }, <-- every item must end with this Good luck!
  7. Que programa usaste para diffear? Si usaste nemo seleccionaste Packet obfuscation?
  8. o.o no entendi tu pregunta a que te refieres con ragexe compatible con data? actualmente el exe mas nuevo compatible con rathena puedes verlo en su packet_db.txt y esta al final es el 55 buscate esa fecha, manten tu kro lo mas actualizado posible y consiguete el translate project que te sirve para poner tus items en ingles. Si no sabes de que te estoy hablando te dejo todo aqui debajo: Exe, Te recomiendo que lo busques tu mismo, por cierto en esta seccion tambien puedes encontrar ragnarok oficiales actualizados hasta fechas recientes: Empieza por aqui --- Basate en esto Herramienta para diffear: Nemo Setup compatible con los nuevos exe: Open Setup de Ai4rei Herramienta para buldear customs Grf o ver GRF oficiales: Grf Editor Post Descarga Mediafire(Es la mas actualizada) Proyecto de traduccion: copeas estas carpetas dentro de tu RO y tendras el RO en ingles muy actualizado incluyendo los luas yo te paso link renewal pero hay uno pre-renewal dentro del mismo git. Nota: No es necesario crear una data nueva si solo quieres trabajar con los items oficiales.
  9. Esta raro el error pero primero probemos usando esto: En tu nemo selecciona esta opcion(puedes buscarla desde la parte de arriva donde dice Patch Filter escribes packet y te lo mostrara): despues de diffear correctamente te vas a: src/config/core.h Busca la siguiente parte: /// Comment to disable the official packet obfuscation support. /// When enabled, make sure there is value for 'packet_keys' of used packet version or /// defined 'packet_keys_use' in db/[import/]packet_db.txt. /// This requires PACKETVER 2011-08-17 or newer. #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION y cuando la encuentre comenta: ///#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION Y compila!
  10. Es el 55, y por eso le pregunto, da muy vaga la información y en esto hay que decir detalles para poder ubicar el error y ayudar a corregir
  11. Hola, configuraste bien tus packets en packet_db.txt?, en tu mmo.h y clientinfo.xml? XP
  12. O.o are you using the triple slot machine or the simple? cause in the simple is wher eyou dont have more items: // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_prize[0],125,501,10; // <--- Simple in your screen only show one slot machine TRY TO ADD MORE ITEMS HERE setarray .tsm_prize[0],450,12429,10,12430,10,12431,10; // <--- this is for the triple slot it show a slot machine with 3 images.
  13. But what is happening? dont give items? only is giving one item? no items? only zeny? please be more specific in what is your problem, and if you can sen screen shot of that?
  14. Look the script is configurated to give Zeny and Item: // 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item .prize = 2; // <Right here, if you only want to give item change it to one // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_prize[0],501,10,item,amount,item,amount,item,amount; // this are the rewards for the single slot machine setarray .tsm_prize[0],450,501,30item,amount,item,amount,item,amount; //here are the rewards for the Triple slot machine
  15. Well i have add some custom pets, all work fine but i want to add a custom illus, i add the custompet.bmp in the illus fold and edit petinfo.lub PetIllustNameTable = { I try this way: [jobtbl.JT_PAD_CUSTOMMOB] = "À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\\illust\\pet_custompet.bmp" And this way: [jobtbl.JT_PAD_CUSTOMMOB] = "pet_custompet.bmp" i check this topic: https://rathena.org/board/topic/60349-resolved-custom-pet-illustration/ and this: https://rathena.org/board/topic/75175-qpets-picture/ Same Author, but nothing Any help please! TY but still having this:
  16. you must add it o.o cause if you download a 2016 data dont have it because is a jdata implementation so in kro data still not added... but in the corrected sprite GRF it cames with the costume_1folder so... you need to extract thats folders and add it in the same directory in your own grf
  17. Please feel free to use this, download the attached files of that post are updated until Summoner Class:
  18. Your client dont show you any error in red? like missing spritename.spr? the sprites must be here: every sprite in its genere folder in a costume_1 folder.
  19. Test and working fine! ty! I dont saw that part! :3 I owe you a drink!
  20. If you have an updated rathena this is the alternative sprite for Genetic and you cand use it with @bodystyle 1 the jobs that have sprites are: Genetic Royal Guard Mechanic Guillotine Cross Arch Bishop Ranger​ Some of them you can find it in the download section HERE (credits to Haziel), if you dont want to have error you must add their palettes too or when your users use the color 4 your client will crash or will got their body full in black.
  21. I found this script is from AnnieRuru, all work fine but when change the pet the old egg is not deleting. Delete the ítem that is needed to evol the pet but not the egg can someone help please! TY! prontera,212,168,1 script Will Conner 923,{ if ( getpetinfo(PET_CLASS) ) { mes .@npcname$; mes "Por favor regresa tu mascota a su Huevo."; cutin "",255; close; } getinventorylist; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; .@i++ ) { if ( @inventorylist_card1[.@i] != 0 ) { query_sql "select intimate, class, level, equip, name from pet where pet_id = "+( .@id = @inventorylist_card2[.@i] + ( ( @inventorylist_card2[.@i] >= 0 )? 0 : 1 << 16 ) + @inventorylist_card3[.@i] * ( 1 << 16 ) ), .@intimate, .@class, .@level, .@equipped, .@name$; if ( .@intimate > .pet_min_friendly ) { .@menu$ = .@menu$ +"^0000FF"+ .@name$ +" ^00CC00{"+ getmonsterinfo( .@class, 0 ) +"} ^000000["+ .@level +"] ^FF0000"+( ( .@equipped )? "*equipped" : "" )+":"; .@pet_id[.@c] = .@id; .@egg_id[.@c] = @inventorylist_id[.@i]; .@pet_name$[.@c] = .@name$; .@pet_class[.@c] = .@class; .@pet_level[.@c] = .@level; .@pet_equipped[.@c] = .@equipped; .@c++; } } } if ( !.@c ) { mes .@npcname$; mes "your inventory doesn't have any pet egg that intimate enough"; cutin "",255; close; } mes "select which pet that you want it to evolve"; next; .@s = select( .@menu$ ) -1; mes "selected : "+ .@pet_name$[.@s]; mes "level : "+ .@pet_level[.@s]; mes "equipped : "+( ( .@pet_equipped[.@s] )? "Yes" : "No" ); if ( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ) { mes "require :-"; .@size = getarraysize( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) mes getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" )+"x "+ getitemname( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ .@i +"]" ) ); } next; if ( !getd( ".pet"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ) { mes "this pet cannot evolve any further"; close; } if ( .@pet_level[.@s] < .min_level ) { mes "this pet doesn't meet the level requirement"; close; } if ( .@pet_equipped[.@s] ) { mes "please unequip this pet accesory to continue"; close; } if ( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ) { .@size = getarraysize( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) { if ( countitem( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ .@i +"]" ) ) < getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" ) ) { mes "you need "+ getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" ) +"x "+ getitemname( getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ .@i +"]" ) ) +" to evolve this pet"; cutin "",255; close; } } for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i += 2 ) { delitem getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ .@i +"]" ), getd( ".petr"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+( .@i +1 )+"]" ); } } makepet .@get_pet_id = getd( ".pet"+ .@pet_class[.@s] +"["+ rand( getarraysize( getd( ".pet"+ .@pet_class[.@s] ) ) ) +"]" ); mes "your "+ .@pet_name$[.@c] +" has reborn into "+ getmonsterinfo( .@get_pet_id, 0 ); mes "please rename your pet ~"; close; OnInit: .min_level = 2; // minimum level 80 to change pet egg .pet_min_friendly = getbattleflag("pet_support_min_friendly"); // setarray getd( ".petr"+ <require pet egg> ), <require itemID 1>, <require item require 1>, <require itemID 2>, <require item require 2>, ... setarray getd( ".petr"+ 3317 ), 7224,1; // custom pet setarray getd( ".petr"+ 3318 ), 7224,1; // custom pet // setarray getd( ".pet"+ <require pet egg> ), <random pet egg 1>, <random pet egg 2> .... setarray getd( ".pet"+ 3317 ), 3332; // ??? Angel 1 setarray getd( ".pet"+ 3318 ), 3330; // ??? Angel 1 // add more as needed waitingroom "Pet Evolution" , 0; end; }
  22. Hola que bueno que te sirviera, mira si quieres tener ID libres o tus propias ID para asi estar mas organizado te vas a tu src.: src/map/npc.h buscas esta línea: // Old NPC range #define MAX_NPC_CLASS 1000 // New NPC range ​#define MAX_NPC_CLAS2_START 10000 #define MAX_NPC_CLASS2_END 10203 // <-- Sustituye este numero por uno mas alto yo personalmente lo tengo en 11000 ​Guardas y compilas
  23. Here, you can have it i test both and work fine. hairs.rar
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