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Everything posted by Dolphin86

  1. hi im using the latest KRO , server files and exe, can someone tell me in-depth on how can i add a custom quest on quest log, most answer are back 2018 and below which is not really explain what or how to do it, mostly the the guy who understood or know how to do it did not explain in detail on how to do it correctly just answer with ok all good, worked fine now or etc without explaining oh how the process that he/ she done it. and there is no guide in rathena mostly just bits or fragment that those who are half away doing it, which in result the rest have to bit each and all of it to piece as a puzzle, i would like for anyone who had the knowledge to spend a lil of thier time to explain the process for the rest who are still puzzle by it for future reference... thank you for your help.
  2. hi i did some google but i cant really found any in rathena, here is the situation: 1. when a player gather an item, and he achieve gathering in amount of 100 of the item in his inventory, an npc msg will suddenly pop up, like congratulation you have gather 100 of apple, here is your reward ( anything will do i will edit it anyways) and then 100 of his apple will be deleted and he will get 1 item as reward in his inventory.. also this effect in all map. thanks!
  3. @Winterfox it works as it should now, no error or such all item crafted as planned, only debug came out when ever start crafting
  4. @Winterfox sorry but this is above my understanding... what are these debug warning..? btw it works as individual npc now , but it confused on what npc should craft what item, i did all 3 npc to craft different item, some how the npc reward me with different item from what i plan to craft. Updated script :
  5. got problem with custom item db, im not sure which part was wrong.. Error Screenshoot: i have the problem which is in this itemdb, but im not sure how to fix them..
  6. I really had no idea on this part how can i make this npc individual, since currently all the npc react the same, like if i start crafting on npc A i can still claim it from NPC B or C,D,E and the list goes on, how can i make it individuals, if player craft on NPC A, the player can only claim in from the NPC A, also how can i change the timer... and how can i make the another version of the same NPC will only react to only it's own owner ? (Onwer must have a certain item indicate only it owner can talk to the NPC..)
  7. @Winterfox yeap still dont work, mybe the script reads different i meant it confused on reading my script ? it keeps reading BeginnerQuest3 part not bypass it, Edit: i have change how the system read my script, yet still same result.. BeginnerQuest3: if(isequipped(40016)) goto GotNotEnough3; if(!isequipped(40016)) goto WhereAxe; if(countitem(40018) < 1 || countitem(40014) < 2 || countitem(40003) < 1) goto NotEnough3; NotEnough3: cutin "3rd_sura_master.bmp",2; mes"....."; next; mes "=== ^ff9300 Benimaru ^000000 ==="; mes "Its not enough kid.."; mes "Remember"; mes "[8] Stalk = [2] Ropes (workbench)"; mes "[1] Rock Chunk = [4] Rock (workbench)"; mes "[1] Branch"; next; mes "...."; cutin "",255; close; GotNotEnough3: mes "=== ^ff9300 Benimaru ^000000 ==="; mes "Great Work! Now go make your"; mes "[Stone Axe]."; set BeginnerQuest,4; next; mes "...."; cutin "",255; close; WhereAxe: mes "=== ^ff9300 Benimaru ^000000 ==="; mes "If you have the [Stone Axe]"; mes "please equip it."; next; mes "...."; cutin "",255; close;
  8. As title, the script did not detect the item that is already equipped, its on line 170 if(!isequipped(40016)) here is the script: Help please...
  9. @Winterfoxi can take the item now, but the text box Completed is still there
  10. @Winterfox this happen when i try to take the completed item, there is no error and i did not get the item, the npc still showing completed and when i talk again with the npc, the only option i have i to craft again, but item was never received
  11. owhhhh understood, but can u check my other post, its almost similar to this
  12. hye i do know the problem is with the label, but how should i rename it without making error on the whole script as i need it to be 1 minute wait.. or someone can fix it for me or at least show me an example? the script: thanks.. @Winterfox
  13. Double Set name at different lines was the problem..
  14. thanks, this is much more cleaner version Question: where is the timer part where i can set the time for waiting ? @Winterfox
  15. hello, could someone show me script example for this situation: 1. player bring item (multiple item) to the npc 2. npc will check for item requirement. 3. player will have to wait at least 1 minute before player can receive the item, while waiting the npc will have a text notification (crafting) and no other player can use the npc while its crafting 4. when the item craft is completed there will be a text notification completed (it will stay until the player who craft it or any other player take out the item (kinda stealing) here is my my script...
  16. Can someone show me an example of script, that which when player carry an item let say a dagger in his inventory ( Not Equipped ) and when ever the player kill any monster in any map, player will get a specific item with 100% success like a meat ? all the player need to do is just carry that dagger around in his inventory need 2 items drop, eg = meat and bone i found this script created by @sader1992 : LINK but it does not have item requirement Script :
  17. Hello again, i need someone to guide me on how can i add etc item to my server as custom etc item (not weapons, armor, garment,) just etc item like a medal something like that. thanks ! how should i add it in item_db_etc.yml, iteminfo.lua and what else i need to edit? where can i edit using offcial sprites and where should i put my custom item sprites ?
  18. Problem solved , this npc is set up by 5 sec delay from each clicks and vip detect are via items, just incase anyone needs it, here ya go credits goes to the owner of the script
  19. as title i was trying to enable player to talk to the npc only 3 times, on between those 3x talk there is 5 seconds gap where player will have to wait, now after the player talked to the npc 3x, he/she will need to wait 3 minutes until he /she can talk again with the npc, but i got confused to to set player from the 1st 5 sec wait to the 3 minute wait.. kindly guide me.. Script:
  20. as title, when i click on my npc at 1st time it was working as it should, but when i click it on the 2nd time i got this delay script: also i plan to make duplicate of this which each npc will give different items
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