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Everything posted by nobukadnezar

  1. i think it has no difference. since bat file use .exe to execute and more flexible.
  2. This is Genius. I was wondering this feature could be implemented in ragnarok and you prove it right! I would try it latter, I support thisdevelopment
  3. Hi folks, Is there any latest client that support play .bik at starting game? and any tools for converting any audio visual format to .bik format? thanks.
  4. Hey mine are working now, with both read data folder first or not. I tried to paste the .dll file where my KRO setup are working to my current ro folder and it's works. You could try it also Everade. But i don't know which specific .dll it is, and need some explanation about that...
  5. Pardon me, I have a few question after searching anywhere: 1. Where does client store the information about patch sequence as we fill on plist.plt? 2. Where should we store the patch file? e.g. on localhost it would be on htdocs right? 3. When using ConfTool.exe what is CRC using for? 4. Is it work with secure grf?
  6. I always use enable multiple grf. I have try uncheck the read data folder first and pack everything to grf, still not work with old setup or blue ghostring setup.
  7. i've using bat and blue ghostring setup and still not work. what do you mean "delete any reference to setup" and "Permission Error" ? And for more information, i delete setup.exe, and still can run the client. it seems the setup didn't need anymore,,,
  8. btw i use 2011-11-16aRagexeRE. i try with not reading data folder first nor load lua before lub and still got same problem. I don't understand what you mean to use a bat file to read dat first priority could you explain? and what exacly the setup.exe doing or change to the ragnarok folder?
  9. yeah both are not working, any sollution?
  10. maybe you should put on your directory without spaces e.g. D:/Ragnarok Online/lua2lub <- fail change it to D:/RO/lua2lub give it a try
  11. It works. thanks! but 2-hand quicken with 1 agi and berserk were no longer give max aspd.
  12. Anyone realize that berserk remove the 2-hand quicken skill for Lord Knight? or it is intentionally built that way? thanks.
  13. nice, Make the font more interesting would be nice
  14. thank you Emistry, i just code by myself but it only warps to sama map with random coords because i use only getpartyleader commands. So there was known code getmapxy for knowing the leader coordinates. This just what i searched for. For prevention, how about denying warp if party leader was in dead state? because it will be too easy for players if the leader was novice, and use play dead at endless tower =="
  15. it work's only for spammer. It didn't works with auto hiding, Maya purple filters etc... the most annoying was food making, i still dunno how ti counter it since it allow players to create food/weapon tempering without any ingridients.
  16. sedikit tambahan, saya belajar dari sini: http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=3759625 cukup lengkap
  17. It's warper to party leader (if we have a party). The current warper warps to "last warp, fields, dungeons, etc.... and we add "Party Warp" With this warper, we could warp to party leader which benefit us while questing or hunting. I once played in some ps which have this kind of warper.
  18. Hello. Anyone could make script foor warper to party leader? But it strict to certain maps, such as castle or PVP map. Any help would be appreciate. Thanks~ anyone?
  19. thanks Arcenciel, i tested the bot and works fine so far. I think this was enough. thanks~
  20. Anyone? If this antibot seems too hard, another antibot is fine for me. Because i have no antibot on my server lol
  21. Why don't you disable all commands at castle? so you just set
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