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Yasunari Ishibashi

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Everything posted by Yasunari Ishibashi

  1. if you could give examples of security npc script? function so the script provides code that must be answered before entering a particular room.
  2. If anyone can help? why is there an error as shown below? please help thank you
  3. I found a bug script, every time I checked I can use the command @go without having to answer questions. I can walk with ruwach hidding and can not be beaten monsters, player. whether it can justify the script?
  4. I use Centos 6 I've done step install yum install php-gd The next step what should I do?
  5. can some 1 help me, mine cant see Security Code, why? like this picture (IMG:http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/157/77934053.jpg)
  6. does anyone know where I can search cerescp as shown picture below? if i could ask for references?
  7. I've followed the instructions but still the same result case MO_BODYRELOCATION: if (unit_movepos(src, x, y, 1, 1)) { clif_skill_poseffect(src,skillid,skilllv,src->x,src->y,tick); #if PACKETVER >= 20111122 clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y); //Poseffect is the one that makes the char snap on the client... #endif if (sd) skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 2000); whether it should be changed as above?
  8. can anyone know why my problems any use of these skills have to click 2x the target destination. case MO_BODYRELOCATION: if (unit_movepos(src, x, y, 1, 1)) { clif_skill_poseffect(src,skillid,skilllv,src->x,src->y,tick); // clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y); //Poseffect is the one that makes the char snap on the client... if (sd) skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 2000);
  9. why after ragexe make use of the skills body Relocation error? any use of these skills have to click 2x the target destination.
  10. I've followed the instructions you give, for the first time succes and for the second time I've found the problem. as shown picture below the problem is in OptionInfo.LUA CmdOnOffList = { ["/battlemode"] = 0, ["/notrade"] = 0, ["/noshift"] = 0, ["/noctrl"] = 1, ["/skillfail"] = 1, ["/notalkmsg"] = 0, ["/notalkmsg2"] = 0, ["/showname"] = 1, ["/fog"] = 1, ["/aura"] = 1, ["/window"] = 0, ["/miss"] = 1, ["/q1"] = 0, ["/q2"] = 0, ["/effect"] = 1, ["/bgm"] = 1, ["/sound"] = 1, ["/loginout"] = 1, ["/shopping"] = 1, ["/stateinfo"] = 1, ["/snap"] = 0, ["/itemsnap"] = 0, ["/skillsnap"] = 1, ["/hoai"] = 0, ["/merai"] = 0, ["/camera"] = 0, ["/btg"] = 1, ["/lightmap"] = 1 } OptionInfoList = { ["Window_XPos"] = -1, ["Window_YPos"] = -1, ["Trilinear"] = 0, ["Bgm_Volume"] = 100, ["Effect_Volume"] = 100, ["AutoOpen1to1Window"] = 1, ["AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend"] = 1, ["PlaySound_Open1to1Window"] = 1, ["Simplicity_SkillList"] = 0, ["Show_SkillDescript"] = 0, ["ChangeChatMode"] = 1, ["LockMouse"] = 0, ["ChannelCopID"] = 0, ["Outdoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45, ["Outdoor_ViewDistance"] = 400, ["Indoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45, ["Indoor_ViewDistance"] = 300, ["SkinName"] = "<Basic Skin>", ["MouseExclusive"] = 1 } I managed to make full screen, but when I tried a second time. error as shown picture below & automatically be changed optioninfo.lua : CmdOnOffList["/notrade"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/noshift"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/noctrl"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/skillfail"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/notalkmsg2"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/showname"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/fog"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/aura"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/window"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/miss"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/q1"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/q2"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/effect"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/bgm"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/sound"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/loginout"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/shopping"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/stateinfo"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/snap"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/itemsnap"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/skillsnap"] = 1 CmdOnOffList["/hoai"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/merai"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/camera"] = 0 CmdOnOffList["/lightmap"] = 1 OptionInfoList["Trilinear"] = 0 OptionInfoList["Bgm_Volume"] = 100 OptionInfoList["Effect_Volume"] = 100 OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window"] = 1 OptionInfoList["AutoOpen1to1Window_Friend"] = 1 OptionInfoList["PlaySound_Open1to1Window"] = 1 OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45.000000 OptionInfoList["Outdoor_ViewDistance"] = 300.000000 OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewLatitude"] = -45.000000 OptionInfoList["Indoor_ViewDistance"] = 300.000000 OptionInfoList["SkinName"] = "<Basic Skin>" OptionInfoList["ChannelCopID"] = 0 OptionInfoList["Window_XPos"] = 360 OptionInfoList["Window_YPos"] = 144 OptionInfoList["Simplicity_SkillList"] = 0 OptionInfoList["Show_SkillDescript"] = 0 OptionInfoList["ChangeChatMode"] = 1 OptionInfoList["LockMouse"] = 0 OptionInfoList["MouseExclusive"] = 1 OptionInfoList["ISFULLSCREENMODE"] = 0 OptionInfoList["WIDTH"] = 640 OptionInfoList["HEIGHT"] = 480 OptionInfoList["BITPERPIXEL"] = 16 OptionInfoList["DEVICECNT"] = 0 OptionInfoList["MODECNT"] = 0 OptionInfoList["SPRITEMODE"] = 2 OptionInfoList["TEXTUREMODE"] = 2 OptionInfoList["bLockItemDropFromItemWnd"] = 0
  11. whether true ragexe 2011-11-22 name character's is above the head?
  12. EDITED I have a problem in -> skillinfolist.lua if anyone can help where I can download the file
  13. what does anyone know the cause? and what's the solution?
  14. how the job minstrels and wanderer, when used in one an NPC? bump... if( Class == 0 | Sex == 0 ){ jobchange 4075; else jobchange 4076; set BaseLevel,99; set JobLevel,70; resetskill; resetstatus; } end; } whether right script like the above?
  15. if anyone can help make this script? function of the script: //= --- //= MvP Rank Improved v1.0 //= --- //= This Rank will count every MvP you kill, //= to be more clear, will count every mob //= defined inside the array ".mobid[0]", //= so, if you add the poring ID will count in the rank //= you can modify and ad miniBoss because this array //= only have all MvPs, that's the idea, only MvPs... //= --- - script Rank MvP -1,{ OnInit: // Script Configuration setarray .mobid[0],1511,1647,1785,1630,1399,1039,1874,2068,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1957,1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1688,1646, 1373,1147,1059,1150,1956,2022,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1502,1623,1650,1583,1708,1312,1751,1685,1648,1917,1658; // MvP Ids set .a, 0; // Broadcast who killed the MvP and wich MvP and wick Map [0 Off - 1 On] set $@top, 10; // Max. Top Rank (Hihgly recommended between 5~10, more maybe bug the server (limited variables) end; OnNPCKillEvent: // Script execution for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.mobid); set .@c, .@c + 1) if (killedrid == .mobid[.@c]) set .@s, 1; // If a MvP if (!.@s) end; if (.a) // If announce On announce "The user [" +strcharinfo(0) +"] has killed a [" +getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0) +"] in the map [" +strcharinfo(3) +"]",bc_blue|bc_all; set MvP, MvP + 1; callfunc ("MvPRank",MvP,strcharinfo(0)); end; } // End Script prontera,164,166,4 script MvP Rank 997,{ // NPC que mostrará el Rank mes "[ ^FF0000MvP ^0000FFRank ^00FF00Top ^FF0000" +$@top +"^000000 ]"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "Top ^FF0000" +(.@c + 1) +"^000000 ^0000FF" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$") +"^000000 with ^FF0000" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c) +"^000000 MvP killed."; close; } // End if function script MvPRank { set @mvptotal, getarg(0); set @nomb$, getarg(1); for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) { if (@mvptotal >= getd("$topmvp" +.@c)) { if (strcharinfo(0) == getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$")) { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { if (getd("$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$") == "") { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1), getd("$topmvp" +.@c); setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$", getd("$topmvp$" +.@c); setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } // End if } // End if } // End if } // End loop return; } // End function but by adding a rank reset.
  16. where wrought download smallclient miruku? can anyone know? please share
  17. The script function is to change a particular job, 1 job = 1 npc with a single touch direct npc job change.
  18. NPC's function is to be a job change 1npc = 1 job, at once max lvup & joblvup example: NPC A Ontouch: atcommand "@ job 4077" strcharinfo + (0) + ""; atcommand "@ lvup 999" + strcharinfo (0) + ""; atcommand "@ joblvup 999" + strcharinfo (0) + ""; } NPC B Ontouch: atcommand "@ job 4060" strcharinfo + (0) + ""; atcommand "@ lvup 999" + strcharinfo (0) + ""; atcommand "@ joblvup 999" + strcharinfo (0) + ""; } etc. if anyone can help make the script? Make an example script just let me try to change her job.
  19. error when changing jobs example: sometimes job knight became a merchant. whether there is any script wrong? ClassMaster.txt
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