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Yasunari Ishibashi

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Everything posted by Yasunari Ishibashi

  1. how to fix it? error as shown below, please help
  2. ok thanks emistry if(checkcart() == 1) set @cart,1; if(checkfalcon() == 1) set @falcon,1; if(checkriding() == 1) set @riding,1; if(checkwarg() == 1) set @warg,1; if(@cart == 1) { setcart; } if(@falcon == 1) { setfalcon; } if(@riding == 1) { setriding; } if(@warg == 1) { setwarg; } I want to add the script above, because each check AntiBot cart, falcon, peco is lost, how to apply the script i fear misplaced.
  3. so the function is equal to hourlypoint script, but there is little that I change that to minutes & change hourly script function is to give 671 (silver coin) when using a custom headger 673 (bronze coin) every minute and every hour there is a special gift that is 7306 (token Coin) but to get a special prize shall be by check AntiBot if successful answer will get special gifts and if they can not answer AntiBot is then automatically kick from the server, if you can fix my script? sorry if my english bad, I hope you can understand what I mean...
  4. - script ZenyMenit -1,{ function GetString; //--Start of the Script OnPCLoginEvent: if(getgmlevel() > 10) goto Out; attachnpctimer ""+strcharinfo(0)+""; initnpctimer; end; Out: end; OnTimer30000: //Check if Vending (normal or @at) if(checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) { dispbottom "Menit Zeny berhenti karena anda sedang vending / chatting. Silahkan relog untuk mengulang dari awal."; stopnpctimer; end; } //Check if Idle getmapxy( .@map$, .@x, .@y, 0 ); if(@map$ == .@map$ && @x == .@x && @y == .@y) { set @afk, @afk + 1; } //If move timer resets else { set @afk, 0; } set @map$, .@map$; set @x, .@x; set @y, .@y; //Idle Check for 55 Minutes if(@afk == 55) { dispbottom "Menit Zeny berhenti karena kamu idle selama 55 menit. Silahkan relog untuk mengulang dari awal."; stopnpctimer; end; } end; OnTimer60000: set @minute, @minute + 1; if(countitem(25574) == 1) || (countitem(25576) == 1) || (countitem(25578) == 1) || (countitem(25579) == 1) || (countitem(25584) == 1){ set .@point_amt, 1; getitem 674,.@point_amt; }else{ set .@bonus_amt, 1; getitem 675,.@bonus_amt; } //Check for 1 Minute dispbottom "Total Hour's Played: " + @consecutive_hour; dispbottom "Total Minute's Played: " + @minute; if(@minute == 60){ switch( rand(2) ){ Case 0: atcommand "@option 2"; set .@String$,GetString( 15,rand(5,10) ); mes "[Antibot Check]"; mes "Input the ^FF0000RED COLOUR^000000 part"; mes "^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(5,10) )+"^FF0000"+.@String$+"^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(3,10) )+"^000000"; input .@Input$; if( .@Input$ != .@String$ ){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); }else{ set @minute,0; set .@cpoint_amt, 1; getitem 7606,.@cpoint_amt; set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1; atcommand "@option 0"; } break; Case 1: set .@A,rand(1000); set .@B,rand(1000); mes "If A = "+.@A+" B = "+.@B; switch( rand(4) ){ Case 0: set .@Answer,.@A + .@B; mes "How many is A + B ?"; break; Case 1: set .@Answer,.@A - .@B; mes "How many is A - B ?"; break; Case 2: set .@Answer,.@A * .@B; mes "How many is A * B ?"; break; Case 3: set .@Answer,.@A / .@B; mes "How many is A / B ?"; break; } input .@Input; if( .@Input != .@Answer ){ mes "Wrong"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); }else{ set @minute,0; set .@cpoint_amt, 1; getitem 7606,.@cpoint_amt; set @consecutive_hour, @consecutive_hour + 1; atcommand "@option 0"; } break; if(@consecutive_hour == 2) { set @consecutive_hour,0; } stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; } function GetString { if( getarg(0) & 1 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"; if( getarg(0) & 2 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"; if( getarg(0) & 4 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"; if( getarg(0) & 8 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","-","=","/","+"; set .@Str$,""; while( getstrlen( .@Str$ ) < getarg(1) ) set .@Str$,.@Str$ + .@List$[ rand( getarraysize( .@List$ ) ) ]; return .@Str$; } } } what gave the script every minute not give rewards? just get it in the first minute and the next stop, is there something wrong? please correct my script, thank you.
  5. why I was on the map morocc only 60 seconds?
  6. what if the script is made random so in a two script using the script AntiBot?
  7. Question 1 : atcommand "@option 2"; mes "[Antibot Check]"; mes "Please Red Colour Key in the Code..."; set .Code,rand(10000,99999); mes "^0000FF"+rand(1,9999)+"^FF0000"+.Code+"^0000FF"+rand(1,9999)+"^000000"; input @Code; if( @Code != .Code ){ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); }else{ atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); atcommand "@option 0"; } what if the script adding the alphabet A-Z in number example: set .Code,rand(11111,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,99999,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ); if anyone can help? Question 2 : does anyone have a script AntiBot as shown image below? Bump...
  8. if the coin is exchanged for 2 = 1 cashpoint, which should be changed?
  9. where the script went wrong? Please clue because I do not know which one should be changed ...
  10. - shop Coin_shop -1,501:50 prontera,164,169,4 script Coin Converter 436,{ set @i,0; mes "[ Coin Converter ]"; mes "Pilih yang kamu inginkan?"; mes "Pilih salah satu."; callshop "Coin_shop",1; npcshopattach "Coin_shop"; end; OnBuyItem: if(.BuildQuest) { for(set .e,0; !compare(getarg(.e+1),"Zeny"); set .e,.e+2) {} npcshopadditem "Coin_shop",getarg(.e+2),getarg(.e)*compare(getarg(.e+1),"SZeny"); setarray .Shop[.i],getarg(.e+2); set .i,.i+1; goto Quest_Setup; } if(.Shop[@i]!=@bought_nameid) for(set @i,1; 1; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } for(set @i,1; !@e; set @i,@i+1) if(.Shop[@i]==@bought_nameid) { set @e,1; set .i,@i; callsub Quest_Setup; } mes "[ Coin Converter ]"; mes "Saya memerlukan berikut ini :"; for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) mes "^FF0000" + ((countitem(getarg(@i))>=getarg(@i+1))? "^00FF00":"") + "" + getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + " [" + countitem(getarg(@i)) + "/" + getarg(@i+1) + "]"; if(getarg(@i)) mes "^FF0000" + ((Zeny>=getarg(@i))? "^00FF00":"") + "" + getarg(@i) + " Zeny"; mes "^000000Sebagai gantinya, saya akan memberikan :^0000FF"; for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) mes getarg(@i+1) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)); switch(select("Exchange:" + (((((getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 1) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 256) || (getiteminfo(@bought_nameid,5) & 512)) && @equip==0))? "Preview Item":"") + ":No thanks")) { case 1: for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) if(countitem(getarg(@i)) < getarg(@i+1)) { next; mes "Anda harus memiliki " + countitem(getarg(@i)) + " " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + ", while I require " + getarg(@i+1) + "."; mes "Silahkan mendapatkan ^FF0000" + (getarg(@i+1)-countitem(getarg(@i))) + " more " + getitemname(getarg(@i)) + "^000000."; close; } if(Zeny < getarg(@i)) { next; mes "Kamu tidak memiliki cukup zeny."; mes "Silahkan mendapatkan ^FF0000" + (getarg(@i)-Zeny) + " more Zeny^000000."; close; } for(set @i,0; !compare(getarg(@i+1),"Zeny"); set @i,@i+2) delitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); set Zeny,Zeny-getarg(@i); for(set @i,@i+2; getarg(@i+1,0); set @i,@i+2) getitem getarg(@i),getarg(@i+1); if (compare(getarg(@i,0),"announce")) announce strcharinfo(0) + " has just obtained " + getitemname(@bought_nameid) + "!",bc_all; close; case 2: set @bottomview, getlook(3); set @topview, getlook(4); set @midview, getlook(5); addtimer 1000, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On_Leave"; set @equip,getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 5); set @view, getiteminfo(@bought_nameid, 11); if(@equip != -1 && @view > 0) { if(@equip & 1) atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @view; if(@equip & 256) atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @view; if(@equip & 512) atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @view; } next; goto OnBuyItem; case 3: close; } On_Leave: atcommand "@changelook 1 " + @topview; atcommand "@changelook 2 " + @midview; atcommand "@changelook 3 " + @bottomview; set @equip,0; set @view,0; set @topview,0; set @midview,0; set @bottomview,0; end; OnInit: npcshopitem "Coin_shop",0,0; set .BuildQuest,1; set .i,1; Quest_Setup: switch(.i) { default: set .BuildQuest,0; set .e,0; set .i,0; end; case 1: callsub OnBuyItem,675,5,1,"SZeny",674,1,0; case 2: callsub OnBuyItem,674,10,1,"SZeny",673,1,0; case 3: callsub OnBuyItem,673,10,1,"SZeny",671,1,0; case 4: callsub OnBuyItem,671,10,1,"SZeny",670,1,0; } } if anyone can help justify my script problem? thanks
  11. Request refine custom : forging a script function with the base material elumunium & Oridecon but I want to put plus the desired number. example: we talk to npc and choose which will equip such armor forged & NPC replied to the wrought-up plus what? for example, we answered +6 then automatically we forge to +6 without repeating chat with the NPC. what can? please help me, thanks.
  12. if anyone can provide the script and the tutorial? specification : Starsgames Control Panel 4.6.4 © 2009 Starsgames Corporation
  13. what if the in map is created 10minutes & Can be calculated backwards? Thanks for helping.
  14. the script timeout not working properly. bump,...
  15. what if using more than one instance headger : if(getequipid(EQI_HEAD_MID)==25234,25345,23435,23452) is it true as above? if the script is working 24 hours? when the player online for 24 hours? or having to relog every few hours? Thank you for helping me.
  16. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ set .charName$,strcharinfo(0); mes "[Marco Hombreng]"; mes "Anda hanya memiliki 10 menit di dalam map."; next; menu "Gua Iblis[" + getmapusers("morocc") + " / 10]",mangkat; mangkat: announce "[Marco Hombreng]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" Masuk Gua Iblis",0; warp.Map$,0,0; initnpctimer; end; OnInit: set .Map$,"morocc"; set .timeOut,60000; end; OnTimer1000: if(getnpctimer(0)>=.timeOut) goto TimesUp; else { message .charName$,"You have "+((.timeOut-getnpctimer(0))/1000)+" Seconds."; initnpctimer; } end; TimesUp: message .charName$,"Time's Up!! You will be warped out right now.."; mapannounce .Map$,"Time's Up !! You will be warped out right now..",0; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181; end; } please correct my script went wrong, the script timeout not working properly. OnInit: set .Map$,"morocc"; set .timeOut,60000; end; OnTimer1000: if(getnpctimer(0)>=.timeOut) goto TimesUp; else { message .charName$,"You have "+((.timeOut-getnpctimer(0))/1000)+" Seconds."; initnpctimer; } end; thanks
  17. random chat color so no one color broadcaster. And for special zeny hourly script that uses custom headger (ItemID 25234) to get 10 silver coin every minute, and when not to use custom headger only get a silver coin every minute, if you can help change the script I mentioned above?
  18. thanks before, whether you can make a simple script to swap the functions of cashpoint to cashpoint coins & can see that we have how much cashpoint? so function npc is to exchange we have with cashpoint to cashpoint coin. Please help, thank you.
  19. so I want the script to work for the transfer was held cashpoint to another player and the script is able to show the number of cashpoint he has, if anyone can help make it simple script? Thank you.
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