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Everything posted by yakuu

  1. yakuu

    error in putty

  2. what a awkward script... - shop Swan#SWNP1 2000000,30255:2000000,30256:2000000,30257:2000000,30258:2000000,30259:2000000,30260:2000000,30261:2000000,30263:2000000,30264:2000000; - shop Hyo#HYNP1 2000000,30277:2000000,30282:2000000,30288:2000000,30296:2000000,30355:2000000,30356:2000000,30357:2000000,30358:2000000,30359:2000000,30369:2000000,30381:2000000,30408:2000000,30437:2000000,30438:2000000,30439:2000000,30458:2000000; quest_arena,143,106,4 script Swans and Hyos 928,{ set .name$, "^3399FF[Quest NPC]^000000"; mes ""+.name$+""; mes "Hello."; mes "What are you searching for?"; switch(select("Swans:Hyos")) { case 1: npcshopattach "Swan#SWNP1",1; callshop "Swan#SWNP1",1; end; case 2: npcshopattach "Hyo#HYNP1",1; callshop "Hyo#HYNP1",1; end; } OnBuyItem: mes ""+.name$+""; mes "^0000FF"+getitemname(@bought_nameid)+"^000000 costs:"; switch(@bought_nameid) { //Swan case 30255: case 30256: case 30257: case 30258: case 30259: case 30260: case 30261: case 30263: case 30264: set .@req1,7061; set .@amount1,150; set .@req2,7036; set .@amount2,5; set .@req3,674; set .@amount3,20; break; //Hyo case 30277: case 30282: case 30288: case 30296: case 30355: case 30356: case 30357: case 30358: case 30359: case 30369: case 30381: case 30408: case 30437: case 30438: case 30439: case 30458: set .@req1,7061; set .@amount1,250; set .@req2,7036; set .@amount2,15; set .@req3,30380; set .@amount3,1; break; //Standart default: set .@req1,7061; set .@amount1,200; set .@req2,7036; set .@amount2,15; set .@req3,674; set .@amount3,25; break; } mes ""+.@amount1+"x "+getitemname(.@req1)+""; mes ""+.@amount2+"x "+getitemname(.@req2)+""; mes ""+.@amount3+"x "+getitemname(.@req3)+""; dispbottom ""+getitemname(@bought_nameid)+":"; dispbottom ""+.@amount1+"x "+getitemname(.@req1)+""; dispbottom ""+.@amount2+"x "+getitemname(.@req2)+""; dispbottom ""+.@amount3+"x "+getitemname(.@req3)+""; if (getgmlevel()>=80) { dispbottom "[GM Bonus] You got "+@bought_nameid+""; getitem @bought_nameid, 1; } next; switch(select("I have them:I'll search them")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes ""+.name$+""; mes "good luck!"; close; } mes ""+.name$+""; if (countitem(.@req1) < .@amount1) {mes "You don't have "+.@amount1+"x "+getitemname(.@req1)+""; close; } if (countitem(.@req2) < .@amount2) {mes "You don't have "+.@amount2+"x "+getitemname(.@req2)+""; close; } if (countitem(.@req3) < .@amount3) {mes "You don't have "+.@amount3+"x "+getitemname(.@req3)+""; close; } mes "are you sure you want to trade your items?"; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: break; case 2: mes ""+.name$+""; mes "Well... think about it!"; close; } delitem .@req1, .@amount1; delitem .@req2, .@amount2; delitem .@req3, .@amount3; getitem @bought_nameid, 1; set #quests,#quests+1; close; } i hope you understand what i mean ~Privat old script have fun and enjoy ^^
  3. just rename the rebuild, its destroy the "morroc" feeling, morroc is now dusted dont rock. On you mapping skill its a good job but for me morroc = dust that isnt morroc.
  4. if you added these you have to minimize your skill tree view. Than the skill must be there.
  5. query_sql("select name from char where online = 1",@name$) explode(@name$) and and and ^^^^^^
  6. Get in your Webserver swtitch to your patch list, add there the name of your GRF/GPF in form patch(1.2(#))<TAB>destination(GRF or FLD)<TAB>patch_name.fileend Save and exit, Start your Patcher and let them work.
  7. yakuu

    error in putty

    x.X Just wait until the server is back online.. Oh and how i said, please change your Port, you can chekc the Port wich used with: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 example edit to: 7100 ... // Character Server Port char_port: 6121 example edit to: 7321 ... // Map Server Port map_port: 5121 example edit to: 5321 ... and ./athena-start restart
  8. Check the mob db, on my own it seems as is rAthena a bit easier than other reversion like eA or 3ceam. re: 1002,PORING,Poring,Poring,1,60,1,27,20 pre-re: 1002,PORING,Poring,Poring,1,50,0,2,1, When you do a low rate maybe its better to use the Pre. And, its weekend, if you didnt change the default npc droping rates are in but iam not shure about that.
  9. yakuu

    error in putty

    reboot fix all or what is that. Right answere; Port is already used, change them and restart athena, thats all.
  10. What about youre talking ? Windows ? Linux ? Cent os ? any else ? Allways this 2 sentense topics.. ~~~ €dit:; maybe some links you need.. x_X http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/phpmyadmin.htm http://www.iis-aid.com/articles/how_to_guides/install_and_configure_mysql_5_on_windows http://www.googleguide.com/
  11. test grf instead or gpf maybe that works. another fix test can be to add a new grf for patches but i think with that problem i change to another Patcher. But long time ago to use neoncube. x:
  12. If you wanna patch it into your GRF it need a grf or gpf file like you do folder like mine i do that actually normal thats for customs as example; C:\patch\customs\data\ with'in is there lua files, sprite, texture, idnum2itemdesctable, idnum2itemdisplaynametable, idnum2itemresnametable, num2itemdesctable, num2itemdisplaynametable, num2itemresnametable - its all you need for Customs. So ive a clear "patch folder" when iam done with the files on my desk i put them into that folder, creating grf upload the grf and let them patch in my patch grf Small tipp, use a patch.grf for patches, neoncube is after every patch verry slow if they need to read all the pal or each rsm and else. After sometime with neoncube youll swap to Thor But as first neoncube is okai. -Edit files -create grf - upload - adding to patch list - patch - have fun - say ty
  13. next step with neoncube(not a good patcher but you can use them) Is to create a .rar archive with "data/your tabel files" And adding them like to the patch list examples 1 FLD yourarchive.rar 2 GRF your grf/gpf 3 FLD morepatches 4 GRF andmore..
  14. Es lag ein der nicht registrierten Ragnarok exe nicht an der exe Die einfachste lösung ist, Ragnarok Installieren und durch die installation halt die setups etc. zu bekommen. Bei den neueren exen ist es leider so das der nur noch aus dem "original" setup ausliest bzw. bei meiner z.b. hast du RO auf C:/Ragna/Original/ und dein eigenen client C:/BlahRO/ Wenn ud jetzt in deinem blah ordner den setup benutz wird nicht passieren, wenn du jedoch den Original Setup benutz wird der dir den client anpassen wie du es einstellst. Also viel spaß ^^
  15. in der lua werden dir doch auch die fehler angesagt, einfach gründlich lesen wo der fehler ist oft ist dort auch nen "stück" aus einer zeile und die einfach per such funktion im editor suchen und man sieht das problem schnell!
  16. I think you have to change the mob's AI
  17. ill no one help here anymore. -.-
  18. as exsample: 18501,Cross_Suit,Assasin Cross Suit,5,89000,,500,,4,,4,0x00CFDF80,7,2,16,,10,1,0,{ changebase 4013; },{ },{ changebase Class; } just change the name and base blah, if you remove the last "changebase Class" your char will not back to the class before they wear a suit.
  19. langtypes and version changeing only some adds on the client or not, on my own test server, i can change both to what ever i want to. - so, client info isnt right to change there! Anotherthing that can happend is: /athena/src/map/clif.h enum {// packet DB MAX_PACKET_DB = 0xA00, MAX_PACKET_VER = 28, MAX_PACKET_POS = 20, }; is on my own. Test to change the PACKET_VER to 29 or 28. packet_db.txt last line: //Add new packets here //packet_ver: 29
  20. use default on the Packet_db dbpacket_db.txt packet_db_ver: default //packet_db_ver: 23 packet_ver: 5 To connect, you need to change the SRC: path: srccommonmmo.h #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20120410 #endif ALL OTHER use please // to ignore them. dont forget to compile after src changes. NP (:
  21. Hey there, i need some more information to help exact. (Make Exe) - Diffs + Exen you find there: http://rathena.org/tools/diff_patcher.php as example: My Diff and my Exe 2010-04-27aRagexeRE is in the diff, you need to add it to your Exe. - than they read: datatextureeffectauraring.bmp aurafloat.tga - NP ^^
  22. view ID up to 30k+ on rAthena clients would help me much
  23. yakuu


    http://rathena.org/tools/diff_patcher.php NP (:
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