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Everything posted by huntax

  1. here is the item i made with the script 30015,Rival_Mount_Flute,Rival Mount Flute,11,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setmounting(); },{},{} When I click the item it works my character gets on the mount. But when I click it again to get off the mount it doesn't work. I tried the Reins item 12622,Reins_Of_Mount,Reins Of Mount,11,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setmounting(); },{},{} Everything works i can get on and off the mount with no problem. Why isn't the custom item not making me get off my mount. Fixed it i changed a coding in pc.c /* Items with delayed consume are not meant to work while in mounts except reins of mount(12622) */ if( sd->inventory_data[n]->flag.delay_consume ) { if( nameid != ITEMID_REINS_OF_MOUNT && sd->sc.option&OPTION_MOUNTING ) return 0; else if( pc_issit(sd) ) return 0; } Changed it to my custom item id
  2. great looking map! Very nice for a guild vs guild map!
  3. go to your conf/battle/skill.conf look for // Should a check on the caster's status be performed in all skill attacks? // When set to yes, meteors, storm gust and any other ground skills will have // no effect while the caster is unable to fight (eg: stunned). skill_caster_check: yes Set it to no
  4. This Flux Cp is pretty much broken. Best to use Xantara's fluxcp
  5. did you add your mob into the lua files? if its a custom mob you need to go into your lua files>datainfo> and edit jobname.lub and npcidentity.lub http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Mobs Go down to where it talks about the Client Side.
  6. huntax

    Flux CP

    There are a few free themes under the download section web resources. Pretty much put the design in the themes folder then go under config>application.php then change default to whatever the name of the theme folder you downloaded 'ThemeName' => 'default', Also check your item database and mob database, they dont seem to be working.
  7. Hello rathena! On my server i wanted to have @night like every 2 hours and while its night the script spawns nightmare mobs (custom mobs) on certain maps. And then after like 30 mins of night time it turns @day and kills all the spawned nightmare mobs. Can anyone help me with a simple script to start me off please. Thank you BUMP
  8. no errors at all for you? were you able to add sites? Yea you are right but its not working with my Flux CP Theme. It has to do with my theme. I tried just the basic Flux Cp theme and it works. It might have to do something with these arrays? // - Menu and sub-menu items. (displayed on left nav & content sub menu) 'MenuItems' => array( 'Main Menu' => array( 'Vote for Credits!' => array('module' => 'vote') ), 'Misc. Stuff' => array( 'Voting Banners' => array('module' => 'banner'), 'Vote Stats.' => array('module' => 'vote', 'action' => 'stats') ) ), 'SubMenuItems' => array( 'banner' => array( 'index' => 'List Voting Banners', 'add' => 'Add Voting Banner' ) ),
  9. I'm having trouble with my vote 4 points addon. My flux cp is installed and working correctly. I'm using Xantara's flux cp by the way. I put the vote4credits folder in the fluxcp Addons folder like it said. but i get these errors Page Not Found The page you have requested was not found on our server. Please check the address and make sure it is correct, and try again. /home/?module=vote when i'm in the admin panel and click the vote stats i gives me this error Page Not Found The page you have requested was not found on our server. Please check the address and make sure it is correct, and try again. /home/?module=vote&action=stats same for the voting banners it gives me an error Page Not Found The page you have requested was not found on our server. Please check the address and make sure it is correct, and try again. /home/?module=banner
  10. bumb! I would like to know how to do this also. I want it to play a sound when I have a script that does @day and @night. I want to add a sound letting players know when it hits @day and @night
  11. I was wondering how do I go about doing this. Its for my missions boards so when they enter like a dungeon, its going to be the first thing they notice because of the aura. How can i make it keep an aura around my mission board npc sprite?
  12. bumb please. Is there a small source code i need to input to get it to show the respawn with the lastest svn?
  13. I have a question about the MVP Tomb. It works and all but i see other people with a MVP Respawn Timer and chatroom. Is that a code they left out when it was released it to the SVN? Is it a simple source code i can just put in and compile? Thank you!
  14. do i edit the sql tables at SQL workbench? [Fixed] thanks you
  15. I got my sql and my RO server running. My problem is how to change like the monster's HP. I notice in the db theres a re folder pre-re and they have mob.db files in there, When i change like a porings HP to like 5000 and @reloadmobdb ingame. It doesnt change at all. I tried in mob.db2 and mob.db but it doesnt change. Only way it i can change is it to go into sql-files and change it there but then i got to update it again to my sql. Is there an easy way to do this like before or is this how to edit stuff on sql? Pretty much I want to change certain stuff in the mob.db like HP and exp but I can't. I need to go sql-files and change the stuff there then update which takes longer. Thanks for reading this hope to get a response .
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