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Everything posted by xyxzero

  1. check the map's mapflag or use @mapflag inside the map you're not returning.
  2. all you need is spr and act file. collection (bmp) and item (bmp) extract mo yang mga yan sa corresponding folders nila inside your grf or data folder kung read data yung pag diffed mo sa client mo, then idnum2displayname (NAME NG ITEM NA MAG AAPPEAR SA SERVER), idnum2resnamtable (SPRITE NAME), idnum2desctable (DESCRIPTION). Note** iteminfo.lub/lua if yan gamit mo anjan na lahat ng kailangan mo, specified na siya, hindi mo na kailangan ng mga idnum2 etc etc. and then sa luafiles514 check mo yung accname.lua tska accessoryid.lua If naka lub sila compile mo muna sila to lua and then gawa ka spare save mo as lub lagay mo parehas sa grf mo yung lua at lub. accname = sprite number accessoryid = sprite name (again) tapos last is yung item_db2. add mo yung item mo and then before mag {},{},{} may makikita kang number, dun mo ilalagay yung sprite ID, yung nilagay mo sa accname.lua or lub.
  3. error yan sa sounds ng grf mo. tanggalin mo sa grf mo yung .wav mo. and then upload mo sa mga players mo.
  4. Radian is right! Just change the level: 0 or any to your GM Level.
  5. /* Player groups configuration file --------------------------------- This file defines "player groups" and their privileges. Each group has its id and name, lists of available commands and other permissions, and a list of other groups it inherits from. Group settings -------------- <id> Unique group number. The only required field. <name> Any string. If empty, defaults to "Group <id>". It is used in several @who commands. <level> Equivalent of GM level, which was used in revisions before r15572. You can set it to any number, but usually it's between 0 (default) and 99. Members of groups with lower level can not perform some actions/commands (like @kick) on members of groups with higher level. It is what script command getgmlevel() returns. Group level can also be used to override trade restrictions (db/item_trade.txt). <commands> A group of settings <command name> : <bool> or <commandname> : [ <bool>, <bool> ] First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for both atcommand and charcommand. For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt. Command names must not be aliases. <log_commands> Boolean value. If true then all commands used by the group will be logged to atcommandlog. If setting is omitted in a group definition, false is assumed. Requires 'log_commands' to be enabled in 'conf/log_athena.conf'. <permissions> A group of settings <permission> : <bool> If a permission is not included, false is assumed. For a full list of available permissions, see: doc/permissions.txt <inherit> A list of group names that given group will inherit commands and permissions from. Group names are case-sensitive. Inheritance results ------------------- Both multiple inheritance (Group 2 -> Group 1 and Group 3 -> Group 1) and recursive inheritance (Group 3 -> Group 2 -> Group 1) are allowed. Inheritance rules should not create cycles (eg Group 1 inherits from Group 2, and Group inherits from Group 1 at the same time). Configuration with cycles is considered faulty and can't be processed fully by server. Command or permission is inherited ONLY if it's not already defined for the group. If group inherits from multiple groups, and the same command or permission is defined for more than one of these groups, it's undefined which one will be inherited. Syntax ------ This config file uses libconfig syntax: http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-Files Upgrading from revisions before r15572 ------------------------------------- http://rathena.org/board/index.php?showtopic=58877 */ groups: ( { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { commands: true rates: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true whereis: true refresh: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true autotrade: true request: true go: true breakguild: true warp: true dye: true me: true storage: true skillall: true allskill: true hstyle: true hcolor: true feelreset: true duel: true leave: true invite: true accept: true reject: true identifyall: true storeall: true glvl: true guildstorage: true jump: true hairstyle: true haircolor: true changegm: true guild: true homevolution: true /* no commands by default */ } permissions: { /* without this basic permissions regular players could not trade or party */ can_trade: true can_party: true command_enable: true } }, { id: 1 name: "Super Player" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */ level: 1 commands: { storage: true } permissions: { can_trade: false command_enable: true } }, { id: 2 name: "Support" inherit: ( "Super Player" ) level: 1 commands: { version: true where: true jumpto: true who: true who2: true who3: true whomap: true whomap2: true whomap3: true users: true broadcast: true localbroadcast: true } log_commands: true permissions: { receive_requests: true view_equipment: false } }, { id: 3 name: "Script Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { tonpc: true hidenpc: true shownpc: true loadnpc: true unloadnpc: true npcmove: true addwarp: true } log_commands: true permissions: { any_warp: true } }, { id: 4 name: "Event Manager" inherit: ( "Support" ) level: 1 commands: { cleanarea: true cleanmap: true zeny: [true, true] disguise: [true, true] undisguise: [true, true] size: [true, true] raisemap: true day: true night: true skillon: true skilloff: true pvpon: true pvpoff: true allowks: true me: true marry: true divorce: true hide: true recall: true speed: true jump: true fakename: true kill: true die: true kami: true kamib: true jobchange: true blvl: true jlvl: true heal: true storeall: true cart: true mount: true doommap: true battleignore: true monsterignore: true whogm: true nuke: true killmonster: true killmonster2: true } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: true any_warp: true view_hpmeter: true view_equipment: false bypass_max_stat: false } }, { id: 5 name: "VIP" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can */ level: 0 commands: { rates: true jump: true mobsearch: true } permissions: { /* no permissions by default */ } }, { id: 10 name: "Law Enforcement" inherit: ( "Event Manager" ) level: 2 commands: { hide: true follow: true kick: true disguise: true fakename: true option: true speed: true warp: true kill: true recall: true ban: true block: true jail: true jailfor: true mute: true storagelist: true cartlist: true itemlist: true stats: true mutearea: true cleanmap: true cleanarea: true unjail: true unblock: true gvgon: true gvgoff: true doommap: true raisemap: true nuke: true raise: true jobchange: true monsterignore: true battleignore: true unmute: true } log_commands: true permissions: { join_chat: true kick_chat: true hide_session: true who_display_aid: true hack_info: false any_warp: true view_equipment: false view_hpmeter: true } }, { id: 99 name: "Admin" level: 99 inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" ) commands: { /* not necessary due to all_commands: true */ } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: true can_party: true all_skill: false all_equipment: false skill_unconditional: true use_check: true use_changemaptype: true all_commands: true channel_admin: true can_trade_bounded: true item_unconditional: false bypass_stat_onclone: true bypass_max_stat: true view_equipment: true /*all_permission: true*/ } } ) Try this. Edit the commands. hope it'll fix the problem. use @reloadatcommand
  6. use WeeMapCache (best for adding your map to your map_cache.dat) and then add to your (path) /example/db/map_index.txt
  7. decompile your lub files to lua first try using this http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/tool/
  8. you want your players to drop items when they die?
  9. you're using idnum etc??? feel free to pm me so i can help you
  10. it would be nice if you post your code here, range your code from lines 9900-10000
  11. sql servers are now easier rather than using txt. And yes Promise is right, it's very outdated to now if you'll use it.
  12. Thankyou for the release!!! goddameit please make a script about this changing the zeny bet to an item example betting a gold coin for the duelists. Thankyou!
  13. bump any help please
  14. thankyou @jezznar and @lelouch i tried your script jezznar but mobs won't show up. i tried lelouch and it's working fine now! I just gotta change the coordinates. Thankyou guys
  15. hi guys, i've tried many codes to my lhz04 dungeon and it doesnt work!!! here's my code (jupe_ele is my testing area), after i reloadscript they are summoned, but i put 2 seconds delay (for testing purpose) and it doesnt respawn anymore. please help . jupe_ele,0,0,0,0 monster Richard Frost 3300,90,5000,0,0 jupe_ele,0,0,0,0 monster Melody Windrush 3301,80,5000,0,0 jupe_ele,0,0,0,0 monster Lara Nightstone 3302,65,5000,0,0 jupe_ele,0,0,0,0 monster Sakura de Sylva 3303,65,5000,0,0 jupe_ele,0,0,0,0 monster Tundra Neyomi 3304,65,5000,0,0 jupe_ele,139,158,20,11 monster Clown Richard 3200,1,9200000,600000,1 jupe_ele,138,138,36,34 monster Gypsy Melody 3201,1,9200000,600000,1 jupe_ele,114,138,12,16 monster Paladin Lara 3202,1,9200000,600000,1 jupe_ele,139,117,20,11 monster Professor Sakura 3203,1,9200000,600000,1 jupe_ele,163,138,12,16 monster Stalker Tundra 3204,1,9200000,600000,1 jupe_ele,0,0,0 script mvp_jupe_ele -1,{ OnTimer2000: // delay1 = 6000000 ms (100 min) stopnpctimer; sleep rand(0,1)*60000; // 0 to 1 minutes OnInit: // Select Coordinates to summon a random MVP on switch(rand(1,7)) { case 1: set .@x,77; set .@y,251; break; case 2: set .@x,147; set .@y,224; break; case 3: set .@x,219; set .@y,219; break; case 4: set .@x,244; set .@y,120; break; case 5: set .@x,149; set .@y,41; break; case 6: set .@x,53; set .@y,109; break; case 7: set .@x,149; set .@y,151; break; } set .@mob,rand(3200,3204); monster "jupe_ele",.@x,.@y,strmobinfo(1,.@mob),.@mob,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyMVPDead"; // Select Coordinates to summon a random 99 on switch(rand(1,7)) { case 1: set .@x2,77; set .@y2,251; break; case 2: set .@x2,147; set .@y2,224; break; case 3: set .@x2,219; set .@y2,219; break; case 4: set .@x2,244; set .@y2,120; break; case 5: set .@x2,149; set .@y2,41; break; case 6: set .@x2,53; set .@y2,109; break; case 7: set .@x2,149; set .@y2,151; break; } set .@mob2,rand(3305,3309); monster "jupe_ele",.@x2,.@y2,strmobinfo(1,.@mob2),.@mob2,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMy99Dead"; end; OnMyMVPDead: killmonster "jupe_ele",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMy99Dead"; initnpctimer; OnMy99Dead: end; }
  16. buuump Here's the youtube link! Skip to 3:00 to see what is the sura's doing. You can see that he's dealing 32767 and that's tiger canon. please help!!! bump
  17. Hi guys, can anyone help me change my skill animation of tiger canon? I want my tiger canon to look like the basic attack of sura and max damage seen is only 32767 please help bump~ bump~
  18. if you want the map that the gm is in there like Admin is standing at prontera use map#607#1 (Gives 1 yggdrasil berry to all players at prontera) if you want all players to revieve use all#607#1 if you want a specific map to rain a item use map#607#1#map_name example map#607#1#izlude this does not required whether the gm or admin is in the izlude map. But gives all players items in izlude edit* whisper npc:fi
  19. xyxzero

    About eske

    I need help with my eske. I want it to make it only +1000 attack I edited the source for status.c SL_SKE batk += batk + 1000; SL_SKE watk += watk + 1000; and after I recompile the server, nothing happens. My atk is 1314 and when I eske myself (Dual) it gives 3k+ atk please help immediatly. im balancing my server and i cannot do it because of eske Thread closed! I removed the + sign before the = because baseatk will increase after the computation after the += HAHA solved my own issue
  20. how to fix sir nanakiwurtz?? in my working station all works perfectly. I tried to use my laptop and patched it and then it became like that
  21. I've added them to my own grf already. It's working properly. I used my laptop and tried to patch it and then it became like that! the picture is from the laptop used. Not the one im using to add custom items
  22. Hi guys, i need help. I patched the custom items like the idnum2 all of that and the problem is the picture below. I used another laptop for the patch to apply and this happens when i @item them and i see them as nothing in my inventory when i left click them the client will error. i'm using thor patcher and i tried to use RO-grf and then the folder is data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection AND data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item how do i get to patch these two in others grf? please help this is the picture any help please? bump help please
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