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Gois last won the day on January 1 2022

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  1. Can possible change the rsw map build for work in oldest client? Like new 19.1 maps works on 2021 exe.
  2. What about the people who paid to have access to it? What sense do you make us sign a piece of shit paper so that you can do this in the end? FOR A PERSONAL EGO CRASH? TOTAL SHAME!
  3. Hello everyone, I have a question about Slow Grace, in ASPD reduction when the char have a higher AGI status total the ASPD wont reduce. If the char have 193 ASPD still the same. But have lower AGI the skill works fine. Anyone know about this imunize/resistence status based on AGI total status? PS: I changed the formula in Skill.c many time but if char have a higher AGI makes him imune.
  4. Hey guys, I've got a question. I searched the entire source and couldn't find the visual effect activation of Kaupe and Kaite, because I'd like to remove them. Could you help me? att.
  5. Gois


  6. Gois


    You IP.Nexus have some problems. Everywhere when I try buy a new item, the IP.Nexus redirect from paypal homepage and not to page for the payment...
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