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Everything posted by Titan

  1. Can someone already apply this to client 2012-04-10? Been trying to make it work but still no luck. I'm using weediff and nemo..with my custom keys checked here.
  2. I guess, they won't be able to connect to the server. ohh that's great. been a major headache bcoz of cheaters. can this also eliminate bots? Exactly the purpose of this feature. nice..i'm going to try this asap..thanks
  3. I guess, they won't be able to connect to the server. ohh that's great. been a major headache bcoz of cheaters. can this also eliminate bots?
  4. try this https://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/
  5. nice work..clean and simple design..
  6. what's the advantage of this update? if i will be using own keys on my client, what happen to players who use custom client? thanks
  7. thanks! it fixed my humonculus problem just by adding the given file..
  8. I got the problem same as you, it showed error in last Git rathena: [Error] : run_script: infinity loop ! [Debug] : source (NPC) : BKInit (invisible/not on a map) same as mine and I can't enter the game when the script is enabled.
  9. try to search this in conf/battle/items.conf
  10. same problem with mine on Debian 7 x64
  11. happy new year everyone! did anyone know the answer yet? how to remove the HP bar of the monster.?
  12. I want my players to login their account in both servers with the save data but not simultaneously. Does the server recognize the account if it is still login in other server. example i first login it in nonPVP but not log it out, will it detect when i log it in the PVP server like what I have when using @autotrade notice? thanks guys
  13. Hi guys, Just want to ask if this is possible or someone tried this already? I want to create a server for pvp and nonpvp in different VPS but sharing a single database and client. thanks
  14. I'm using this script in my server but i think it is not triggering the end part. I configure it to start and stop every 3hrs. i mean 3hrs double rates and 3hrs normal rates. Can you check if it is working fine with you or I do something wrong to make it not working right?
  15. are u looking for jobmaster or job quest script? if job quest like in official servers, it is located in npc\jobs folder I mean, now at Jobs quest BS and Hunter are take place from Einbroch and Hugel. I want bring back them to Geffen and pay_fild10. Already change the maps for NPC but, not show up. Help me sir. are you sure you didn't comment out the script in your scripts_jobs.conf? is this how you edit your NPC?did you put the right coordinates? geffen,x,x,x script Guildsman#BLS 731,{
  16. are u looking for jobmaster or job quest script? if job quest like in official servers, it is located in npc\jobs folder
  17. Hi guys, I want to create a homepage for my two server. What I want is a code which tells that my char, login, map servers are all online/offline and also the online players. thanks in advance
  18. is this what you're looking for? http://rathena.org/board/topic/59529-setting-up-a-centos-vps-w-rathena-vnc/
  19. maybe you can ask your provider if they have a backup copy of your server if it is included in your package
  20. i already done googling but found no exact solution. I'm trying so seek some help from other server owners who also encountered this kind or error.
  21. Hi guys, I want to install my flux separate from my vps to my web host, the problem is I always got this error. can somebody help me out? thanks!
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