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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/18 in Posts

  1. You're looking for showscript: harboro1,215,212,3 script #rockno04 111,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: showscript "West: The Inn, East: The Sheriff's Office", getnpcid(0, "#rockno04"), SELF, getcharid(3); end; } If you want others to see it as well, then you'd use: harboro1,215,212,3 script #rockno04 111,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: showscript "West: The Inn, East: The Sheriff's Office", getnpcid(0, "#rockno04"); end; }
    3 points
  2. Afternoon all! As part of the on-going GDPR changes on our forums, a new set of pages have been created to display a concise Privacy Policy which outlines everything with both a full version and a simple-to-understand version. You can view this page here or by clicking on the link at the bottom of any page. Under section 6 you will also find a link to our new Cookie Policy which explains what cookies are, how they are used, who uses them and how to get rid of them. Please familiarise yourselves with these pages in order to keep yourselves informed. Thanks, Akky~
    2 points
  3. Hmmm, that script won't work though, it will be shown on the character instead of the NPC. It looks like I modified the script command to work with any input and I've added an extra parameter for the player_gid. My bad! So... it doesn't seem possible to achieve the original goal without modifying your function in the source...! The closest you'll get to is the latest option: harboro1,215,212,3 script #rockno04 111,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: showscript "West: The Inn, East: The Sheriff's Office", getnpcid(0); end; } It's visible by other players, but it's not a huge deal for what you're trying to do.
    1 point
  4. [Warning]: script: showscript: self can't be used for non-players objects. [Debug]: Source (NPC): #rockno04 at prontera (155,185) should be prontera,155,185,3 script #rockno04 111,5,5,{ end; OnTouch: showscript "West: The Inn, East: The Sheriff's Office", getcharid(3), SELF; end; }
    1 point
  5. prontera,147,175,5 script Vip Giver 52,{ OnInit: hideonnpc "Vip Giver"; OnPCLoginEvent: if (#freeviptime == 0) { vip_time 60*24*7, strcharinfo(0); set #freeviptime,1; } end; } As TheDerpySupport said, it's pretty straightforward.
    1 point
  6. I'm sorry, I made a mistake. Here you go, please upvote my post. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ___________ _____.__ // \__ ___/__.__.________/ ____\__| ____ ____ // | | < | |\_ __ \ __\| |/ \ / ___\ // | | \___ | | | \/| | | | | \/ /_/ > // |____| / ____| |__| |__| |__|___| /\___ / // \/ Scripts \//_____/ // //===================================================== // Name: Race to Max Level // // Description: // This NPC allows for Game Masters to set a reward to // be given to the first player of each 2nd class that // reaches maximum level (base and class). //===================================================== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// prontera,147,180,5 script Race to Max Level 58,{ set .@gm_level, 99; // GM level required to set the reward set .@maxbase, 99; set .@maxjob, 50; set .@defaultreward, 510; setarray .@rewardablejobs[0], Job_Knight, Job_Alchemist, Job_Assassin, Job_Bard, Job_Blacksmith, Job_Crusader, Job_Dancer, Job_Hunter, Job_Monk, Job_Priest, Job_Rogue, Job_Sage, Job_Wizard; Begin: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Hello, " + ((getgmlevel() >= .@gm_level) ? "master! What do you want to do today?" : "are you here for your reward?"); switch(select(((getgmlevel() >= .@gm_level) ? "Set Reward:Restart Race" : ":") + ":YES!:...Reward?:Who was rewarded?:Cancel")) { case 1: goto SetReward; case 2: goto RestartRace; case 3: goto GetReward; case 4: goto ExplainRace; case 5: goto ShowRewarded; default: end; } SetReward: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; if ($reward == 0) set $reward, .@defaultreward; mes "The reward is " + getitemname($reward) + " (ID: " + $reward + ")."; mes "Do you want to change it?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Please enter the new reward item ID."; input .@rewardid; clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Set " + getitemname(.@rewardid) + " as the reward?"; if(select("Yes:No") == 1) { set $reward, .@rewardid; } } goto Begin; RestartRace: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Are you sure you want to restart the race?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) { set $rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]], ""; } announce "The Race to Max Level has begun! Claim a reward once you reach " + .@maxbase + " base and " + .@maxjob + " class!", bc_all; } goto Begin; GetReward: mes "Let's see... " + strcharinfo(0) + ", huh?"; set .@competitioner, 0; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) { if (Class == .@rewardablejobs[.@i]) { set .@competitioner, 1; if (BaseLevel < .@maxbase || JobLevel < .@maxjob) { mes "I'm sorry, but you still need to level a bit more."; } else if ($rewarded$[Class] == strcharinfo(0)) { mes "You have already claimed your reward."; } else if ($rewarded$[Class] != "") { mes "Too late!"; mes "The reward for " + jobname(Class) + " was already claimed by " + $rewarded$[Class] + "."; } else goto GiveReward; } } if (.@competitioner == 0) mes "You need to change your job."; close; GiveReward: set $rewarded$[Class], strcharinfo(0); clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Congratulations! You were the first " + jobname(Class) + " to reach " + .@maxbase + " base and " + .@maxjob + " class!"; getitem $reward, 1; announce strcharinfo(0) + " (" + jobname(Class) + ") reached Max. Level and received " + getitemname($reward) + "!", bc_all; close; ExplainRace: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Yes! When you reach the maximum level for your class, talk to me and you'll be rewarded with a special item."; next; goto Begin; ShowRewarded: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) { mes jobname(.@rewardablejobs[.@i]) + ": " + (($rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]] != "") ? $rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]] : "^ff0000Nobody^000000"); } next; goto Begin; } You can change the maxbase and maxjob variables to match your server configuration, as well as define the minimum GM level to set the rewards on the NPC by changing gm_level variable.
    1 point
  7. Yes if there are no entries in your pvpladder
    1 point
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