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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/17 in Posts

  1. If this is just for your personal (GM) use, you can use the @stpoint command to increase them manually for your character. But if you want the amount to be updated server-wide, then refer to db/(pre-)re/statpoint.txt Take note that that file goes by level, so every time you level up you get a certain amount of point. Calculate accordingly.
    1 point
  2. Diff a new client and don't add the Change Walk to Delay patch.
    1 point
  3. WoE:Training Edition release! As of 7a011ecd, WoE:Training Edition and its related contents are now available on rAthena! First, I must mention that this update was brought to you by @Capuche, @Aleos, and @Cydh. This update would still not be a thing without them! The WoE:TE another version of War of Emperium for transcendent classes and below. Third classes and 2nd class of expanded classes are prohibited from participating. WoE:TE recreates all 5 of the Valkyrie and Luina realm castles called Gloria and Kafragarten. The entrance of WoE TE castle realms are located in Valkyrie and Luina. Some buffs and items are also disabled in WoE:TE for balance's sake. Content addition: - The WoE:TE system itself. - God Items Quest 3 Script engine addition: - OnAgitInit3, OnAgitStart3, OnAgitEnd3 These labels trigger when map-server receives WoE:TE castle data from the char-server, WoE:TE starts, and WoE:TE ends respectively. - agitcheck3, agitstart3, agitend3, gvgon3, gvgoff3 script commands. - getguildalliance script command. - See more about these recently added script commands in docs/script_commands.txt Secret signing off!
    1 point
  4. Try to open the mapname_in using gatwalker then check the map size there and resize the mini-map same as the map size inside the gatwalker.
    1 point
  5. Really should make a PR so I can fix via phone, else I'll forget nwhen I get home
    1 point
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