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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/14 in Posts

  1. File Name: [Models] 3 Color lamp Wow File Submitter: Pallas A File Submitted: 19 Apr 2014 File Category: Models Content Author: Blizzard Contact https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pallas-Athena/202566129954646?ref=hl imported from world of warcraft models for ragnarok online good use and create your new map and share with the community Click here to download this file
    1 point
  2. I like the over geometric design of the maze. The red burst in the middle fits very well with the overall theme. The trees also fit the theme, being dead and all. Lastly, the lava pools in between give an nice touch to perspective and lighting. If it were possible, it'd be cool to see lava rise and recede as a possible hazard for although I don't know how you'd do that. The light yellow circles could be different spawn points or something. I'd also expand the center square, although it's hard to tell without being ingame exactly how big it is. ^^;; Overall good job!
    1 point
  3. Use OnClock and disablenpc/enablenpc // rewards <item ID>, <number> setarray .reward, 7732, 5; .size_reward = getarraysize( .reward ); end; OnClock0000: OnClock1200: disablenpc strnpcinfo(3); end; OnClock0010: OnClock1210: enablenpc strnpcinfo(3); end; }
    1 point
  4. seek client translation project, they have msgstringtable below 2013-08-07Ragexe use that one, if not, you can change msgstringtable by yourselft. good luck
    1 point
  5. it should be while( getequiprefinerycnt(@part) < 10 ) successrefitem @part; @sandbox your method...if using in latest rathena..should be no problem.. but.. if using in old rathena ....problem occur...where players will get some refined item that exceed 10.... ex. +127 Equipment ...
    1 point
  6. Find successrefitem @part; Replace while(getequiprefinerycnt(@part) < 10) successrefitem @part;
    1 point
  7. Yes plsssssssss and give me something else plssss like a milk! Geez this request is too difficult for me, I don't even know what is a "Paty". Well really! first post : empty request. If you don't put more effort to say what you want no one will help you
    1 point
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