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  1. ive searched everything and tried the method on job_db1 but still failed. So what is the correct way to increase hp of some job . I did the hp factor and multiplicator and no luck on that.
  2. I recompiled my server and this is what happens in my ssh. any idea? https://imgur.com/hvT68zF
  3. thanks for the offer. but ill stick with my request. thank you
  4. Hi . I want to put some Cap Damage in some certain skills like cart termination , double strafe . 36k per hit for cart termination and 36k per hit in double strafe can someone guide me . im using eathena thanks
  5. I tried to whisper the npc:event_warp and it didnt show up the warp @edit. nvm. i fixed it already. btw thanks emistry ..
  6. Hi . I would like to request an event warper here are the info 1st. GM Activation 2nd. it should be hide/enable when it activates or whisper by the GM 3rd. There will be 2 warps in the same map with different coordinates (ex : prontera 123 123 and prontera 124 124) 4th. When the players are entering the Event Warper. there will be a chance to go to the destination (50% chance at prontera 123 123) and (50% chance at prontera 124 124) 5th. Im using eAthena thanks rathena and scripter
  7. myieee

    @go command

    if it is then how to add a special case in the src ? or can you give me an example btw im using eathena emulator
  8. I was looking for Capture the Flag Event script that works in eathena. and it seems like it doesnt exist anymore. so if there's a CTF Script that works in eathena .i like the script of Memory Killer CTC with auto reward thank you
  9. myieee

    @go command

    Is it possible to have 4 different coordinates in @go ? for example when i use @go 0 . my spawn coordinate is 145 , 155 so I want to add a different coordinate so it wont be stuck or stay in the same spawn point.
  10. Hi im requesting a Gamble NPC. Instructions 10 tcg to play there are 5 items to win but it has 10% chance to get the item im using eathena .TIA
  11. prontera,165,174,4 script WoE Information 835,{ //If you wish to change the name, search for all 'WoE Information' and replace them with the desired name. //To do: //GM: //Player: Warp to treasury when WoE isn't active? if (getgmlevel()>=$woe_mingmlv) goto L_Main; L_View: mes "[WoE Information]"; mes "Welcome to the WoE Information NPC, the current WoE times are as follows:"; callsub S_Listing2; set @temp$, ""; for (set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize($@woes3_pl_player$); set @i, @i+1) { set @temp$, @temp$+":"+$@woes3_pl_playermenu$[@i]; } menu @temp$,-,"Exit",L_Exit; next; if (getmapxy(@ignore$,@ignore,@ignore,1,"WoES3Pl_R"+$@woes3_pl_player$[@menu-2]) != -1) { callfunc("WoES3Pl_"+$@woes3_pl_player$[@menu-2]); } else { mes "Critical error. Please report this to a GM!"; } next; goto L_View; L_Exit: close; S_Listing: deletearray @ar_id[0], 128; deletearray @ar_town[0], 128; deletearray @ar_castle[0], 128; deletearray @ar_sday[0], 128; deletearray @ar_shour[0], 128; deletearray @ar_smin[0], 128; deletearray @ar_stick[0], 128; deletearray @ar_svar[0], 128; deletearray @ar_eday[0], 128; deletearray @ar_ehour[0], 128; deletearray @ar_emin[0], 128; deletearray @ar_etick[0], 128; deletearray @ar_evar[0], 128; set @results, query_sql("select * from `woe_times` order by `st` ASC",@ar_id,@ar_town,@ar_castle,@ar_sday,@ar_shour,@ar_smin,@ar_stick,@ar_svar,@ar_eday,@ar_ehour,@ar_emin,@ar_etick,@ar_evar,@ignore); for (set @temp,0; @temp<@results; set @temp, @temp+1) { set @temp$, ""; if (gettimetick(2) >= @ar_stick[@temp] && gettimetick(2) < @ar_etick[@temp]) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^339900+"; } else { set @temp$, @temp$+"^FF0000-"; } if (@ar_town[@temp]==127) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^000000All"; } else { set @temp_, @ar_town[@temp]; if (@temp_>=64) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^FFFF00Ar"; set @temp_, @temp_-64; } if (@temp_>=32) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^FF0000Sc"; set @temp_, @temp_-32; } if (@temp_>=16) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^9900CCNo"; set @temp_, @temp_-16; } if (@temp_>=8) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^808080Pr"; set @temp_, @temp_-8; } if (@temp_>=4) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^339900Pa"; set @temp_, @temp_-4; } if (@temp_>=2) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^0066FFGe"; set @temp_, @temp_-2; } if (@temp_==1) set @temp$, @temp$+"^FF9900Al"; set @temp$, @temp$+"^000000"; } set @temp$, @temp$+" "; if (@ar_castle[@temp]==31) { set @temp$, @temp$+"All"; } else { set @temp_, @ar_castle[@temp]; set @tmp, 16; for (set .@i, 5; .@i>0; set .@i,.@i-1) { if (@temp_>=@tmp) { set @temp$, @temp$+.@i; set @temp_,@temp-@tmp; } set @tmp, @tmp/2; } } set @temp$, @temp$+" "; for (set .@i, 1; .@i<3; set .@i, .@i+1) { set @temp$, @temp$+callfunc("daytostr",0,getd("@ar_"+((.@i==1)?"s":"e")+"day["+@temp+"]")); if (.@i==1) { set @temp$, @temp$+((@ar_shour[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_shour[@temp]+";"+((@ar_smin[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_smin[@temp]+"-"; } else { set @temp$, @temp$+((@ar_ehour[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_ehour[@temp]+";"+((@ar_emin[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_emin[@temp]; } } set @results$,@results$+@temp$+":"; } return; S_Listing2: deletearray @ar_id[0], 128; deletearray @ar_town[0], 128; deletearray @ar_castle[0], 128; deletearray @ar_sday[0], 128; deletearray @ar_shour[0], 128; deletearray @ar_smin[0], 128; deletearray @ar_stick[0], 128; deletearray @ar_svar[0], 128; deletearray @ar_eday[0], 128; deletearray @ar_ehour[0], 128; deletearray @ar_emin[0], 128; deletearray @ar_etick[0], 128; deletearray @ar_evar[0], 128; set @results, query_sql("select * from `woe_times` order by `st` ASC",@ar_id,@ar_town,@ar_castle,@ar_sday,@ar_shour,@ar_smin,@ar_stick,@ar_svar,@ar_eday,@ar_ehour,@ar_emin,@ar_etick,@ar_evar,@ignore); if (!@results) { mes "There are no current WoE times!"; return; } for (set @temp,0; @temp<@results; set @temp, @temp+1) { mes "--"; set @temp$, ""; if (gettimetick(2) >= @ar_stick[@temp] && gettimetick(2) < @ar_etick[@temp]) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^339900Active: ^000000Towns-"; } else { set @temp$, @temp$+"^FF0000Unactive: ^000000Towns-"; } if (@ar_town[@temp]==127) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^000000All "; } else { set @temp_, @ar_town[@temp]; if (@temp_>=64) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^FFFF00Arunafeltz "; set @temp_, @temp_-64; } if (@temp_>=32) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^FF0000Schwartzvelt "; set @temp_, @temp_-32; } if (@temp_>=16) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^9900CCNovice "; set @temp_, @temp_-16; } if (@temp_>=8) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^808080Prontera "; set @temp_, @temp_-8; } if (@temp_>=4) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^339900Payon "; set @temp_, @temp_-4; } if (@temp_>=2) { set @temp$, @temp$+"^0066FFGeffen "; set @temp_, @temp_-2; } if (@temp_==1) set @temp$, @temp$+"^FF9900Aldebaran "; set @temp$, @temp$+"^000000"; } mes @temp$; set @temp$, ""; if (@ar_castle[@temp]==31) { set @temp$, @temp$+"All Castles "; } else { set @temp_, @ar_castle[@temp]; set @tmp, 16; mes "Castles-"; for (set .@i, 5; .@i>0; set .@i,.@i-1) { if (@temp_>=@tmp) { set @temp$, @temp$+.@i; set @temp_,@temp-@tmp; } set @tmp, @tmp/2; } } mes @temp$; set @temp$, ""; for (set .@i, 1; .@i<3; set .@i, .@i+1) { set @temp$, @temp$+callfunc("daytostr",1,getd("@ar_"+((.@i==1)?"s":"e")+"day["+@temp+"]")); if (.@i==1) { set @temp$, @temp$+" "+((@ar_shour[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_shour[@temp]+":"+((@ar_smin[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_smin[@temp]+"-"; } else { set @temp$, @temp$+" "+((@ar_ehour[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_ehour[@temp]+":"+((@ar_emin[@temp]<10)?"0":"")+@ar_emin[@temp]; } } mes @temp$; } return; L_Main: mes "[WoE Time Setter]"; mes "Hello there, how can I help you GM?"; next; menu "Manage WoE Times",L_ModifyListing,"Start/Stop WoE",L_ManualWoE,"Plug-ins",L_Plugins,"Settings",L_Settings,"Test Player View",L_View,"Exit",-; close; L_Plugins: set @temp$, ""; for (set @i, 0; @i < getarraysize($@woes3_pl_gm$); set @i, @i+1) { set @temp$, @temp$+":"+$@woes3_pl_gmmenu$[@i]; } menu @temp$,-,"Reinitialize Plugins",L_Reinit,"Back",L_Main; if (getmapxy(@ignore$,@ignore,@ignore,1,"WoES3Pl_R"+$@woes3_pl_gm$[@menu-2]) != -1) { callfunc("WoES3Pl_"+$@woes3_pl_gm$[@menu-2]); } else { mes "Error loading function. Please make sure the plugin is named properly!"; } next; goto L_Plugins; L_Reinit: deletearray $@woes3_pl_playermenu$[0], 128; deletearray $@woes3_pl_player$[0], 128; deletearray $@woes3_pl_gmmenu$[0], 128; deletearray $@woes3_pl_gm$[0], 128; donpcevent "::OnLoadPlugins"; dispbottom "Plugins initialized"; sleep2 500; goto L_Plugins; L_ModifyListing: set @results$, ""; callsub S_Listing; menu @results$,-,"Add new time",L_ModifyAdd,"Back",L_Main; set @sel_modify, @menu-1; set @adding, 0; menu "Modify time",L_ModifyTown_Main,"Delete time",-,"Back",L_ModifyListing; if (gettimetick(2)>=@ar_stick[@sel_modify]&&gettimetick(2)<@ar_etick[@sel_modify]) { dispbottom "The selected WoE is currently active, if you delete it it will automatically stop! Proceed?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_ModifyAdd; callfunc("WoE_Status",0,@ar_town[@sel_modify],@ar_castle[@sel_modify]); } query_sql("delete from `woe_times` where `id` = '"+@ar_id[@sel_modify]+"'"); dispbottom "WoE time deleted!"; set $woe_chatinfo, 0; goto L_ModifyListing; L_ModifyAdd: set @adding, 1; L_ModifyTown_Main: //@sel_modify is passed from the selection of what exisitng time to modify... if (@adding) { set @sel, 0; setarray @sel_town[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; set @set_castle, 0; set @set_time, 0; } else { set @set_castle, 1; set @set_time, 1; set @temp__, 7; set @temp_, @ar_town[@sel_modify]; set @temp, 64; set @sel, 0; for (set .@i, 7; .@i>0; set .@i, .@i-1) { if (@temp_>=@temp) { set @sel_town[.@i], 1; set @temp_, @temp_-@temp; set @sel, @sel+1; } else { set @sel_town[.@i], 0; } set @temp, @temp/2; } set @temp_, @ar_castle[@sel_modify]; set @temp, 16; set @sel2, 0; for (set .@i, 5; .@i>0; set .@i, .@i-1) { if (@temp_>=@temp) { set @sel_castle[.@i], 1; set @temp_, @temp_-@temp; set @sel2, @sel2+1; } else { set @sel_castle[.@i], 0; } set @temp, @temp/2; } set @sday, @ar_sday[@sel_modify]; set @shour, @ar_shour[@sel_modify]; set @smin, @ar_smin[@sel_modify]; set @svar, @ar_svar[@sel_modify]; set @eday, @ar_eday[@sel_modify]; set @ehour, @ar_ehour[@sel_modify]; set @emin, @ar_emin[@sel_modify]; set @evar, @ar_evar[@sel_modify]; } dispbottom "Select the town(s) you wish this WoE time to apply to. If the name is green it means it's enabled, red means disabled."; L_ModifyTown_Sub: menu ((@sel_town[1])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[1]+":"+((@sel_town[2])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[2]+":"+((@sel_town[3])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[3]+":"+((@sel_town[4])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[4]+":"+((@sel_town[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[5]+":"+((@sel_town[6])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[6]+":"+((@sel_town[7])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[7]+":"+((@sel==7)?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[8],-,"^000000Proceed",L_ModifyCastle_Main,"Back",L_ModifyListing; if (@menu==8) if (@sel<7) { setarray @sel_town[1], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; set @sel, 7; goto L_ModifyTown_Sub; } else { setarray @sel_town[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; set @sel, 0; goto L_ModifyTown_Sub; } if (!@sel_town[@menu]) { set @sel_town[@menu], 1; set @sel, @sel+1; goto L_ModifyTown_Sub; } else { set @sel_town[@menu], 0; set @sel, @sel-1; goto L_ModifyTown_Sub; } L_ModifyCastle_Main: if (!@sel) { dispbottom "You must first select at least one town!"; goto L_ModifyTown_Sub; } set @town_code, 0; set @set_town, 0; if (@sel_town[1]) { set @town_code, @town_code+1; if (@sel==1) set @set_town, 1; } set @temp, 2; for (set .@i, 2; .@i<8; set .@i, .@i+1) { if (@sel_town[.@i]) { set @town_code, @town_code+@temp; if (@sel==1) set @set_town, .@i; } set @temp, @temp*2; } if (!@set_castle) { set @sel2, 5; setarray @sel_castle[1], 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; if (@sel==1 && @sel_town[5]) { set @sel2, 4; set @sel_castle[5], 0; } } set @set_castle, 1; L_ModifyCastle_Sub: if (@sel>1) { menu ((@sel_castle[1])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Castle 1:"+((@sel_castle[2])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Castle 2:"+((@sel_castle[3])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Castle 3:"+((@sel_castle[4])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Castle 4:"+((@sel_castle[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Castle 5",-,"^000000Proceed",L_ModifyTime_Main,"Back",L_ModifyTown_Sub; if (!@sel_castle[@menu]) { set @sel_castle[@menu], 1; set @sel2, @sel2+1; } else { set @sel_castle[@menu], 0; set @sel2, @sel2-1; } goto L_ModifyCastle_Sub; } else { menu ((@sel_castle[1])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@set_town+"_1$[1]")+":"+((@sel_castle[2])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@set_town+"_1$[2]")+":"+((@sel_castle[3])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@set_town+"_1$[3]")+":"+((@sel_castle[4])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@set_town+"_1$[4]")+((@set_town!=5)?":"+((@sel_castle[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@set_town+"_1$[5]"):""),-,"^000000Proceed",L_ModifyTime_Main,"Back",L_ModifyTown_Sub; if (!@sel_castle[@menu]) { set @sel_castle[@menu], 1; set @sel2, @sel2+1; } else { set @sel_castle[@menu], 0; set @sel2, @sel2-1; } goto L_ModifyCastle_Sub; } dispbottom "Select the castle(s) within the previously selected town(s) you wish this WoE time to apply to. If the name is green it means it's enabled, red means disabled."; L_ModifyTime_Main: if (!@sel2) { dispbottom "You must first select at least one castle!"; goto L_ModifyCastle_Sub; } set @cas_code, 0; if (@sel_castle[1]) set @cas_code, @cas_code+1; set @temp, 2; for (set .@i, 2; .@i<6; set .@i, .@i+1) { if (@sel_castle[.@i]) set @cas_code, @cas_code+@temp; set @temp, @temp*2; } if (!@set_time) { set @sday, 0; set @shour, 0; set @smin, 0; set @svar, 0; set @eday, 0; set @ehour, 0; set @emin, 0; set @evar, 0; } dispbottom "Select the starting and ending time for the WoE, note the hour is in military time, i.e. 0=12AM, 10=10AM, 22=10PM. Variance is the total amount in seconds to make the time be randomized, ex: setting start to 60 would make the start time either start up to 30 seconds earlier, or start up to 30 seconds later."; L_ModifyTime_Sub: for (set .@i, 1; .@i<3; set .@i, .@i+1) setd("@temp"+.@i+"$", callfunc("daytostr",1,getd(((.@i==1)?"@sday":"@eday")))); menu "Start Day [^0066FF"+@temp1$+"^000000]:Start Hour [^0066FF"+@shour+"^000000]:Start Minute [^0066FF"+@smin+"^000000]:End Day [^0066FF"+@temp2$+"^000000]:End Hour [^0066FF"+@ehour+"^000000]:End Minute [^0066FF"+@emin+"^000000]:Start Variance [^0066FF"+@svar+"^000000]:End Variance [^0066FF"+@evar+"^000000]",-,"Proceed",L_ModifyFinish,"Back",L_ModifyCastle_Sub; switch(@menu) { case 1: menu "Sunday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday",-,"Cancel",L_ModifyTime_Sub; set @sday, @menu-1; break; case 2: input @shour; if (@shour>23) set @shour, 0; break; case 3: input @smin; if (@smin>59) set @smin, 0; break; case 4: menu "Sunday:Monday:Tuesday:Wednesday:Thursday:Friday:Saturday",-,"Cancel",L_ModifyTime_Sub; set @eday, @menu-1; break; case 5: input @ehour; if (@ehour>23) set @ehour, 0; break; case 6: input @emin; if (@emin>59) set @emin, 0; break; case 7: input @svar; break; case 8: input @evar; break; } goto L_ModifyTime_Sub; L_ModifyFinish: if (@sday==@eday) if (@shour==@ehour) if (@smin==@emin) { dispbottom "Your start time cannot be your end time!"; goto L_ModifyTime_Sub; } set $woe_chatinfo, 0; set @temp1, callfunc("WoE_TickCounter",@sday,@shour,@smin,@svar); set @temp2, callfunc("WoE_TickCounter",@eday,@ehour,@emin,@evar); if (@temp1>@temp2) set @temp2,@temp2+604800; if (@adding) { query_sql("insert into `woe_times` (town,castle,sd,sh,sm,st,sv,ed,eh,em,et,ev,active) values ('"+@town_code+"', '"+@cas_code+"', '"+@sday+"', '"+@shour+"', '"+@smin+"', '"+@temp1+"','"+@svar+"','"+@eday+"', '"+@ehour+"', '"+@emin+"', '"+@temp2+"','"+@evar+"','0')"); } else { query_sql("update `woe_times` set town='"+@town_code+"', castle='"+@cas_code+"', sd='"+@sday+"', sh='"+@shour+"', sm='"+@smin+"',st='"+@temp1+"',sv='"+@svar+"',ed='"+@eday+"',eh='"+@ehour+"',em='"+@emin+"',et='"+@temp2+"',ev='"+@evar+"', active='0' where `id` = '"+@ar_id[@sel_modify]+"'"); } dispbottom "WoE time "+((@adding)?"added!":"modified!"); goto L_ModifyListing; L_ManualWoE: dispbottom "Select the castle(s) to start or stop WoE for."; menu (($woe_cas1_2[1]||$woe_cas1_2[2]||$woe_cas1_2[3]||$woe_cas1_2[4]||$woe_cas1_2[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[1]+":"+(($woe_cas2_2[1]||$woe_cas2_2[2]||$woe_cas2_2[3]||$woe_cas2_2[4]||$woe_cas2_2[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[2]+":"+(($woe_cas3_2[1]||$woe_cas3_2[2]||$woe_cas3_2[3]||$woe_cas3_2[4]||$woe_cas3_2[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[3]+":"+(($woe_cas4_2[1]||$woe_cas4_2[2]||$woe_cas4_2[3]||$woe_cas4_2[4]||$woe_cas4_2[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[4]+":"+(($woe_cas5_2[1]||$woe_cas5_2[2]||$woe_cas5_2[3]||$woe_cas5_2[4]||$woe_cas5_2[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[5]+":"+(($woe_cas6_2[1]||$woe_cas6_2[2]||$woe_cas6_2[3]||$woe_cas6_2[4]||$woe_cas6_2[5])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[6]+":"+(($woe_cas7_2[1]||$woe_cas7_2[2]||$woe_cas7_2[3]||$woe_cas7_2[4])?"^339900":"^FF0000")+$woe_towns$[7],-,"^339900Enable all",-,"^FF0000Disable all",-,"^000000Back",L_Main; if (@menu==8) { set $woe_manual, 0; callfunc("WoE_Status",1,127,31); set $woe_manual, 1; goto L_ManualWoE; } if (@menu==9) { set $woe_manual, 0; callfunc("WoE_Status",0,127,31); set $woe_manual, 1; goto L_ManualWoE; } set @temp, 64; for (set .@i, 7; .@i>0; set .@i,.@i-1) { if (.@i==@menu) { set @town, @temp; set @town_, .@i; } set @temp, @temp/2; } L_ManualCastles: menu ((getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_2[1]"))?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_1$[1]")+":"+((getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_2[2]"))?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_1$[2]")+":"+((getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_2[3]"))?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_1$[3]")+":"+((getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_2[4]"))?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_1$[4]")+((@set_town!=5)?":"+((getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_2[5]"))?"^339900":"^FF0000")+getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_1$[5]"):""),-,"^339900Enable all",-,"^FF0000Disable all",-,"^000000Back",L_ManualWoE; if (@menu==6) { set $woe_manual, 0; callfunc("WoE_Status",1,@town,31); set $woe_manual, 1; goto L_ManualCastles; } if (@menu==7) { set $woe_manual, 0; callfunc("WoE_Status",0,@town,31); set $woe_manual, 1; goto L_ManualCastles; } set @temp, 16; for (set .@i, 5; .@i>0; set .@i,.@i-1) { if (.@i==@menu) { set @cas, @temp; set @cas_,.@i; } set @temp, @temp/2; } set $woe_manual, 0; callfunc("WoE_Status",((getd("$woe_cas"+@town_+"_2["+@cas_+"]"))?0:1),@town,@cas); set $woe_manual, 1; goto L_ManualCastles; L_Settings: menu (($woe_mobspawn)?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Monster Spawns",-,(($woe_timerdisp)?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Chatroom Timer Display",-,(($woe_tannounce)?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Announce Treasure Spawns [Plug-in]",-,(($woe_announcebreaker)?"^339900":"^FF0000")+"Announce Emperium Breaker",-,"^000000Back",L_Main; switch(@menu) { case 1: if ($woe_mobspawn) { set $woe_mobspawn, 0; } else { set $woe_mobspawn, 1; } break; case 2: if ($woe_timerdisp) { set $woe_timerdisp, 0; } else { set $woe_timerdisp, 1; set $woe_chatinfo, 0; donpcevent "WoE Information::OnChatInfo"; } break; case 3: if ($woe_tannounce) { set $woe_tannounce, 0; } else { set $woe_tannounce, 1; } break; case 4: if ($woe_announcebreaker) { set $woe_announcebreaker, 0; } else { set $woe_announcebreaker, 1; } break; } goto L_Settings; OnInit: query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `woe_times` ( `id` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `town` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `castle` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `sd` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `sh` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `sm` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `st` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `sv` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `ed` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `eh` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `em` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `et` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `ev` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `active` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = MyISAM;"); set $woe_manual, 1; //Variable to know whether WoE was started by atcommand/manually through NPC, or through automatic timer. set $woe_mingmlv, 80; //The minimum GM level able to use the NPC setarray $woe_towns$[1], "Aldebaran", "Geffen", "Payon", "Prontera", "Novice Castles", "Schwartzvalt", "Arunafeltz", "All Castles"; //These are the town names, mostly for announcements setarray $woe_cas1_1$[1], getcastlename("aldeg_cas01"), getcastlename("aldeg_cas02"), getcastlename("aldeg_cas03"), getcastlename("aldeg_cas04"), getcastlename("aldeg_cas05"); //These are the castle names setarray $woe_cas1_2[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; //Aldebaran's agit status setarray $woe_cas1_3$[1], "aldeg_cas01", "aldeg_cas02", "aldeg_cas03", "aldeg_cas04", "aldeg_cas05"; setarray $woe_cas2_1$[1], getcastlename("gefg_cas01"), getcastlename("gefg_cas02"), getcastlename("gefg_cas03"), getcastlename("gefg_cas04"), getcastlename("gefg_cas05"); //These are the castle names setarray $woe_cas2_2[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; //Geffen's agit status setarray $woe_cas2_3$[1], "gefg_cas01", "gefg_cas02", "gefg_cas03", "gefg_cas04", "gefg_cas05"; setarray $woe_cas3_1$[1], getcastlename("payg_cas01"), getcastlename("payg_cas02"), getcastlename("payg_cas03"), getcastlename("payg_cas04"), getcastlename("payg_cas05"); //These are the castle names setarray $woe_cas3_2[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; //Payon's agit status setarray $woe_cas3_3$[1], "payg_cas01", "payg_cas02", "payg_cas03", "payg_cas04", "payg_cas05"; setarray $woe_cas4_1$[1], getcastlename("prtg_cas01"), getcastlename("prtg_cas02"), getcastlename("prtg_cas03"), getcastlename("prtg_cas04"), getcastlename("prtg_cas05"); //These are the castle names setarray $woe_cas4_2[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; //Prontera's agit status setarray $woe_cas4_3$[1], "prtg_cas01", "prtg_cas02", "prtg_cas03", "prtg_cas04", "prtg_cas05"; setarray $woe_cas5_1$[1], "Aldebaran Castle", "Geffen Castle", "Payon Castle", "Prontera Castle", "-"; //These are the castle names setarray $woe_cas5_2[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; //Novice's agit status setarray $woe_cas6_1$[1], getcastlename("schg_cas01"), getcastlename("schg_cas02"), getcastlename("schg_cas03"), getcastlename("schg_cas04"), getcastlename("schg_cas05"); //These are the castle names setarray $woe_cas6_2[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; //Schwartzvalt's agit status setarray $woe_cas6_3$[1], "schg_cas01", "schg_cas02", "schg_cas03", "schg_cas04", "schg_cas05"; setarray $woe_cas7_1$[1], getcastlename("arug_cas01"), getcastlename("arug_cas02"), getcastlename("arug_cas03"), getcastlename("arug_cas04"), getcastlename("arug_cas05"); //These are the castle names setarray $woe_cas7_2[1], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; //Arunafeltz's agit status setarray $woe_cas7_3$[1], "arug_cas01", "arug_cas02", "arug_cas03", "arug_cas04", "arug_cas05"; agitend; query_sql "update `woe_times` set `active` = '0' where `active` = '1'"; callfunc("WoE_Update"); donpcevent "WoE Information::OnChatInfo"; deletearray $@woes3_pl_playermenu$[0], 128; deletearray $@woes3_pl_player$[0], 128; deletearray $@woes3_pl_gmmenu$[0], 128; deletearray $@woes3_pl_gm$[0], 128; donpcevent "::OnLoadPlugins"; while(1) callfunc("WoE_Init"); end; OnChatInfo: while (1) { delwaitingroom; //Memory vortex restraining bolt, please don't remove it for the sake of humanity. if (!$woe_timerdisp) end; if (.@woe_e-gettimetick(2) <= 0 || !$woe_chatinfo) { set .@timeset, query_sql("select st,et from `woe_times` order by `st` ASC",.@woe_s,.@woe_e); set $woe_chatinfo, 1; } if (.@timeset) { if (gettimetick(2)>.@woe_s) { set .@sec, .@woe_e-gettimetick(2); set .@day, .@sec / 86400; set .@hr, .@sec % 86400 / 3600; set .@min, .@sec % 3600 / 60; set .@sec, .@sec % 60; waitingroom "Ends: "+.@day+"d "+((.@hr<10)?"0":"")+.@hr+":"+((.@min<10)?"0":"")+.@min+((!.@hr&&!.@min&&.@sec<60)?":"+((.@sec<10)?"0":"")+.@sec:""),0; } else { set .@sec, .@woe_s-gettimetick(2); set .@day, .@sec / 86400; set .@hr, .@sec % 86400 / 3600; set .@min, .@sec % 3600 / 60; set .@sec, .@sec % 60; waitingroom "Next: "+.@day+"d "+((.@hr<10)?"0":"")+.@hr+":"+((.@min<10)?"0":"")+.@min+((!.@hr&&!.@min&&.@sec<60)?":"+((.@sec<10)?"0":"")+.@sec:""),0; } if (.@hr||.@min>1) { sleep 60000-(gettime(1)*1000); } else { sleep 1000; } } else { waitingroom "Next: N/A, none set!",0; sleep 60000-(gettime(1)*1000); } } end; OnAgitStart: if ($woe_manual) { callfunc("WoE_Status",1,31,31); } end; OnAgitStart2: if ($woe_manual) { callfunc("WoE_Status",1,96,31); } end; OnAgitEnd: if ($woe_manual) { callfunc("WoE_Status",0,31,31); } end; OnAgitEnd2: if ($woe_manual) { callfunc("WoE_Status",0,96,31); } end; OnWhisperGlobal: if (getgmlevel() < $woe_mingmlv) end; if (@whispervar0$ == "start") { if (@whispervar1$ == "" && @whispervar2$ == "") dispbottom "Invalid syntax, type 'start#help' for assistance."; else if (@whispervar1$ == "help") dispbottom "start#town_code#castle_code - Starts WoE for the specified town(s) and castle(s)."; else callfunc("WoE_Status",1,@whispervar1$,@whispervar2$); } else if (@whispervar0$ == "stop") { if (@whispervar1$ == "" && @whispervar2$ == "") dispbottom "Invalid syntax, type 'stop#help' for assistance."; else if (@whispervar1$ == "help") dispbottom "stop#town_code#castle_code - Stops WoE for the specified town(s) and castle(s)."; else callfunc("WoE_Status",0,@whispervar1$,@whispervar2$); } else if (@whispervar0$ == "talk") goto L_Main; else if (@whispervar0$ == "help") { dispbottom "Welcome to the War of Emperium Setter 3 whisper help system."; dispbottom "The following are commands that you can whisper to the NPC..."; dispbottom " start#town_code#castle_code - Starts WoE for the specified town(s) and castle(s)."; dispbottom " stop#town_code#castle_code - Stops WoE for the specified town(s) and castle(s)."; dispbottom " talk - Opens dialog with the WoE Setter 3 NPC."; dispbottom " help - Displays this help information."; dispbottom "Town code: A bitmask (Add them together to use multiple towns) code to specify what towns the command affects."; dispbottom "Aldebaran=1, Geffen=2, Payon=4, Prontera=8, Novice=16, Schwartvalt=32, Arunafeltz=64, All=127."; dispbottom "Castle code: A bitmask code to specify what castles the command affects."; dispbottom "Castle 1=1, Castle 2=2, Castle 3=4, Castle 4=8, Castle 5=16, All=31."; } else dispbottom "Invalid syntax, type 'help' for assistance."; end; } //Returns the day name from a day # //arg0=Mode, 0=short, 1=full //arg1=Day # function script daytostr { switch(getarg(1)) { case 0: return ((getarg(0))?"Sunday":"Sun"); case 1: return ((getarg(0))?"Monday":"Mon"); case 2: return ((getarg(0))?"Tuesday":"Tue"); case 3: return ((getarg(0))?"Wednesday":"Wed"); case 4: return ((getarg(0))?"Thursday":"Thu"); case 5: return ((getarg(0))?"Friday":"Fri"); case 6: return ((getarg(0))?"Saturday":"Sat"); } return; } //Function to acquire the time difference between now and the arguments in seconds //arg0=Start/end day //arg1=Start/end hour //arg2=Start/end minute //arg3=Random time variance function script WoE_TickCounter { if ((getarg(0)>gettime(4))||(getarg(0)==gettime(4)&&getarg(1)>gettime(3))||(getarg(0)==gettime(4)&&getarg(1)==gettime(3)&&getarg(2)>gettime(2))) { set .@day, getarg(0)-gettime(4); } else { set .@day, 7-(gettime(4)-getarg(0)); } set .@hour, getarg(1)-gettime(3); set .@minute, getarg(2)-gettime(2); return gettimetick(2)+(.@day*86400)+(.@hour*3600)+(.@minute*60)+rand(-getarg(3)/2,getarg(3)/2)-gettime(1); } //Function to update the tick columns of past WoE times so that they may occur again! function script WoE_Update { deletearray .@id[0], 128; deletearray .@sd[0], 128; deletearray .@sh[0], 128; deletearray .@sm[0], 128; deletearray .@st[0], 128; deletearray .@sv[0], 128; deletearray .@ed[0], 128; deletearray .@eh[0], 128; deletearray .@em[0], 128; deletearray .@et[0], 128; deletearray .@ev[0], 128; set .@results, query_sql("select id,sd,sh,sm,st,sv,ed,eh,em,et,ev from `woe_times` where `et` <= '"+gettimetick(2)+"'",.@id,.@sd,.@sh,.@sm,.@st,.@sv,.@ed,.@eh,.@em,.@et,.@ev); set .@i, 0; for (set .@i,0; .@i<.@results; set .@i,.@i+1) { query_sql("update `woe_times` set `st` = '"+callfunc("WoE_TickCounter",.@sd[.@i],.@sh[.@i],.@sm[.@i],.@sv[.@i])+"', `et` = '"+callfunc("WoE_TickCounter",.@ed[.@i],.@eh[.@i],.@em[.@i],.@ev[.@i])+"', `active` = '0' where `id` = '"+.@id[.@i]+"'"); } return; } //Function to either start WoE or end it, depending on if the current time tick fits a valid time frame found in the SQL table function script WoE_Init { deletearray .@stown[0], 128; deletearray .@scastle[0], 128; deletearray .@etown[0], 128; deletearray .@ecastle[0], 128; set .@ends, query_sql("select town,castle from `woe_times` where `et` <= '"+gettimetick(2)+"' and `active` = '1'",.@etown,.@ecastle); if (.@ends) { set $woe_chatinfo, 0; query_sql("update `woe_times` set `active` = '0' where `et` <= '"+gettimetick(2)+"'"); callfunc("WoE_Update"); } set .@starts, query_sql("select town,castle from `woe_times` where `st` <= '"+gettimetick(2)+"' and `et` > '"+gettimetick(2)+"' and `active` = '0'",.@stown,.@scastle); if (.@starts) query_sql("update `woe_times` set `active` = '1' where `st` <= '"+gettimetick(2)+"' and `et` > '"+gettimetick(2)+"'"); set $woe_manual, 0; for (set .@i1, 0; .@i1<.@ends; set .@i1,.@i1+1 ) { //WOE END STUFF callfunc("WoE_Status",0,.@etown[.@i1],.@ecastle[.@i1]); } for (set .@i1, 0; .@i1<.@starts; set .@i1,.@i1+1 ) { //WOE START STUFF callfunc("WoE_Status",1,.@stown[.@i1],.@scastle[.@i1]); } set $woe_manual, 1; sleep 60000-(1000*gettime(1)); return; } //The actual function that starts/stops WoE, called by other NPCs/Functions //arg0=Stop(0) or start(1)? //arg1=Town(s) bitmask, 127=All //arg2=Castle(s) bitmask, 31=All function script WoE_Status { set .@tcode, getarg(1); set .@tcurrent, 64; for (set .@i_, 7; .@i_>0; set .@i_,.@i_-1) { if (.@tcode>=.@tcurrent) { if (.@i_>5) { if (!agitcheck2()&&getarg(0)) { agitstart2; } } else { if (!agitcheck()&&getarg(0)) { agitstart; } } set .@temp$, ""; set .@ccode, getarg(2); set .@ccurrent, 16; for (set .@i, 5; .@i>0; set .@i,.@i-1) { if (.@ccode>=.@ccurrent) { if (getarg(0)) { if (.@i_!=6&&.@i_!=7) { if(.@tcurrent!=16) donpcevent "Agit#"+getd("$woe_cas"+.@i_+"_3$["+.@i+"]")+"::OnAgitStart_"; } else if (.@i_==7) { donpcevent "Manager#aru0"+.@i+"_02::OnAgitStart2_"; } else { donpcevent "Manager#sch0"+.@i+"_02::OnAgitStart2_"; } } else { if (.@i_!=6&&.@i_!=7) { if (.@tcurrent!=16) donpcevent "Agit#"+getd("$woe_cas"+.@i_+"_3$["+.@i+"]")+"::OnAgitEnd_"; } else if (.@i_==7) {donpcevent "Manager#aru0"+.@i+"_02::OnAgitEnd2_"; } else { donpcevent "Manager#sch0"+.@i+"_02::OnAgitEnd2_"; } } setd "$woe_cas"+.@i_+"_2["+.@i+"]", getarg(0); set .@temp$, .@temp$+getd("$woe_cas"+.@i_+"_1$["+.@i+"]")+((.@ccode>.@ccurrent)?", ":" "); set .@ccode, .@ccode-.@ccurrent; } set .@ccurrent, .@ccurrent/2; } if (getarg(1)!=127&&.@tcurrent!=16) announce "WoE has "+((getarg(0))?"begun":"ended")+" for "+$woe_towns$[.@i_]+" ( Castle(s): "+((getarg(2)==31)?"All":.@temp$)+" )!",bc_all|bc_yellow; set .@tcode, .@tcode-.@tcurrent; } set .@tcurrent,.@tcurrent/2; } if (getarg(1)==127) { set .@temp$, ""; set .@ccode, getarg(2); set .@ccurrent, 16; for (set .@i, 5; .@i>0; set .@i,.@i-1) { if (.@ccode>=.@ccurrent) set .@temp$, .@temp$+.@i+((.@ccode>.@ccurrent)?", ":" "); set .@ccode, .@ccode-.@ccurrent; set .@ccurrent, .@ccurrent/2; } announce "WoE has "+((getarg(0))?"begun":"ended")+" for All Towns ( Castle(s): "+((getarg(2)==31)?"All":.@temp$)+" )!",bc_all|bc_yellow; } if (!getarg(0)) { set .@agit1, 0; set .@agit2, 0; for (set .@i_, 7; .@i_>0; set .@i_,.@i_-1) { for (set .@i, 5; .@i>0; set .@i, .@i-1) { if (getd("$woe_cas"+.@i_+"_2["+.@i+"]")==1) setd(".@agit"+((.@i_>5)?"2":"1"),1); } } if (!.@agit1&&agitcheck()) agitend; if (!.@agit2&&agitcheck2()) agitend2; } return; } this script has a lot of errors. can someone fix me for this i tried to fix it by myself but its not good enough. thanks
  12. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ mes "I am Party Match Manager."; mes "Party Leader may create a PVP Match here."; next; switch( select( ( .Created )?"Join Game[ ^FF0000"+.No+"vs"+.No+"^000000 ]":"Create Game", ( ( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel || getcharid(0) == getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) ) && .Created )?"^FF0000Remove Game^000000":"" )){ Case 1: switch( .Created ){ Case 0: getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; }else{ mes "How many Players for each Party Team ?"; mes "Min = 1 Max = "+$@partymembercount; mes "Because you only have "+$@partymembercount+" member right now."; next; input .No,1,$@partymembercount; announce "[ "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Party Match ] created by "+strcharinfo(0)+", you may register to join.",0; set .Team[0],getcharid(1); set .Created,1; } close; Case 1: if( !.Team[1] && getcharid(1) == .Team[0] ){ mes "Please wait for ^FF0000Team 2^000000 to Register."; }else{ if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; close; } getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( $@partymembercount < .No ){ mes "You didnt have enough of "+.No+" Member for the Game."; mes "You only have "+$@partymembercount+" Member."; }else{ mes "Confirm Registration ?"; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ){ set .Team[1],getcharid(1); set .Created,2; setarray .Members[0],.No,.No; for( set .@party,0; .@party < 2; set .@party,.@party + 1 ){ getpartymember .Team[.@party],1; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) warpchar .Map$,0,0,$@partymembercid[.@i]; } end; } } } close; Case 2: mes "^FF0000The Game is in Progress.^000000"; mes "[ A "+.No+" vs "+.No+" Game ]"; mes "Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[0] )+"^000000 vs Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[1] )+"^000000 ."; close; } close; Case 2: mes "Done, Match will be terminated right away."; mapannounce .Map$,"Match has been Cancelled by a GM.",0; close2; OnReset: deletearray .Team[0],getarraysize( .Team ); deletearray .Members[0],getarraysize( .Members ); if( .Winner ){ getpartymember .Winner,2; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem 512,100,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; getitem 607,1,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; } set .Winner,0; } sleep2 2000; set .Created,0; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181; end; } close; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ && .Created ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < 2; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( getcharid(1) == .Team[.@i] ) set .Members[.@i],.Members[.@i] - 1; if( .Members[0] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[1]; else if( .Members[1] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[0]; if( .Winner ){ mapannounce .Map$,"Team "+getpartyname( .Winner )+" Win the "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Game.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReset"; }else{ warp "prontera",155,181; } } end; OnInit: set .GMLevel,80; set .Map$,"pvp_y_1-1"; end; } Hi . i found this script and i want some changes here. - Only GM can activate this event - GM can set how many players in this party (3x3) , (4x4) , (5x5), (10x10) - the npc will show up for the reward and The winning party can claim the reward and the party name will be announced in the server thanks in advance
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