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    VA, USA

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  1. lol well hosting on a production web hosting server, not just a VPS run by 1 person
  2. Well I had been talking to Calcium about hosting all the miruku stuff but he has gone mia as far as I've been told and I guess this is what happens when you host stuff on VPSs instead of real hosting, lol
  3. Sooo if we know its broken, why hasn't it been fixed? lol
  4. This has been down at least all day.. its a "sponsored by" rathena site they gave it DNS and everything, anybody have any idea whats going on with this? Sitting on the torrent to help out the community doesn't make much sense if the tracker and entire site are down!!!
  5. MWestfall


    Umm, shouldn't the user be downloading directly from the RA SVN to avoid confusion a/o issues?
  6. Can we add a profile field for Google Talk? I have AIM, which works in Trillian MSN barely works in Trillian I have Y! which somewhat works in Trillian GTalk both works in trillian and goes to my phone in a non-bandwidth raping smart way, so its the only thing I'm on all the time.
  7. MWestfall


    It is, are you doing this on your own box? shared hosting? please provide more details when asking for help!
  8. Well I worked 12 hours yesterday and spent 9 hours and $1200 today trying to get my transmission fixed.... I still have work to do, and tomorrow I have about 7 hrs of work lined up already.... so when am I supposed to play RO?!?!?
  9. Sorry apparently I can't tell you >.<
  10. Hey All, My name is Matt I am the CIO of ECAN Solutions, Inc. We are a hosting provider which includes RO Hosting. If you would like information please feel free to PM me. Personally I don't play RO, but we have hosted many servers in the past and are even currently hosting some. I will try to be active on the forums themselves and help where I can, time permitting. I can also be reached directly by e-mail on mwestfall -= a - t -= ecansol.com Thanks! Matt
  11. The debug info is just that, debug info, its designed to help you track the source of the problem in the code if necessary. This is not one of those issues. The error is fairly descriptive: The MySQL connection is not allowing the configured user to read the information it is requesting.
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