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About Fanfare

  • Birthday 12/23/1991

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Fanfare's Achievements


Poring (1/15)



  1. OMG I LOVE YOU for showing me that 3d object converter existed.

  2. Oh I thought the bottles were little models, not textures. My bad KeyWorld And by the way Olrox, I didn't know that 3d object converter existed AT ALL. That changed EVERYTHING xD Thank you SO much for sharing the video! (: Yeah, that was what I planned to do with the textures, thank you
  3. Me alegro que hayáis retomado el proyecto, y me alegro todavía más que uséis Hercules para traducir. Yo me apuntaría, si no fuera porque ahora mismo estoy ocupado con mi propio servidor, pero si veo que las cosas se hacen bien, las traducciones de los demás son buenas (en español neutro y coherentes) y el proyecto no muere a la semana, me apuntaré y ayudaré en todo lo que pueda. Ánimo.
  4. What do you mean? What I want to change is the little bottles inside the model. I never edited any model so I don't know how to do that.
  5. Hi rAthena, I'm trying to customize a map with BrowEdit in order to use it for my server's Cash Shop building.There are some models I'd like to use but I need to edit them a little bit. The models are these white... shelves..? I don't even know... FURNITURE. Obviously Coke doesn't pay me so I want to remove the CocaCola logo on them and the little coke bottles in the shelves. Removing or replacing the signs on the wall should be easy enough, but I have no idea how to remove or replace the little bottles with something else. A friend told me there was a plugin for bender, to import models, but doesn't work anymore and the links I found are dead. Any clue? Thank you!
  6. Looking for a Developer

  7. Happy Birthday!

    1. Dinze


      Happy birthday! /o/

    2. Fanfare


      Thank you! :) Really appreciate it.

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