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Big (627) Pet Pack!


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Hello dear community,
I haven't done a public release in quite a while so I wanted to do something for you all again, but this time in a different category than maps. 
This is a big pet pack that I've been using for my own server, the players loved it. It was definitely one of the bigger attractions that caused the server to be successful. There are approx 627 pets (including the commented pets) and I followed up until episode 14. All pets can be tamed with the same taming item (#12105). Currently, immovables and the bigger monsters (Anubis, Abysmal Knight, Detale, Bapho, Naght, Dark Lord, etc) are commented. If you wish to enable them, simply uncomment them; although I do not advice this for immovables to avoid lost pets!
Server-Side Installation
Just paste the following entries in your trunk. Needless to say, but don't replace the whole thing, just add it at the bottom.
Client-Side Installation
Same as above, copy and paste the content of these links in your data folder.
About the universal tame...
Since I've used an existing item ID for this, you should change the script of it:
12105,Monster_Tame,Monster Tame,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ pet 0; },{},{}
It's up to you to change the data/text files appropriately to match its effect!
Questions & Answers
Q: Have all pets been tested?
A: No. I did not go through them all, that said you might come across an egg that summons the wrong monster but that's not very difficult to fix. 
Q: I see these are done with the old text files, do you also have a 2013+ client (itemInfo.lua) version?
A: No. I do not. My server was running on the old client files so I never needed this. If you want to make it happen, I recommend you to use kind sir xazax's converter. ;)
Q: How to change the capture rate?
A: Refer to the pet_db2.txt structure and the conf/battle/pets.conf file.
Q: Some pets do not open! The egg turns red as it is an broken item! What do I do?
A: The MAX_PET_DB in pet.h must be increased to 3000 (or up), make sure to re-compile after. Your one broken egg might still not work though, drop it and make another, you'll see that it works fine now.
Q: I un-commented the MVPs/Mini-Bosses, but I still can't capture any! How come?
A: Servers by default do not support capturing Boss Mosters, if you wish to enable this, go to src/map/pet.c and search for "// catch_target_class == 0 is used for universal lures (except bosses for now). [skotlex]" and change the lines below into:
    if (sd->catch_target_class == 0)
        sd->catch_target_class = md->class_;
    if(i < 0 || sd->catch_target_class != md->class_) {
        clif_emotion(&md->bl, 7);    //mob will do /ag if wrong lure is used on them.
        sd->catch_target_class = -1;
        return 1;
    } // (Don't forget to re-compile after)
Have fun with this! :)


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Nice release :)

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Very Nice Release ! A large expansion to available pets !~

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*** No longer need file. Found it in older version of rAthena. Bottom of post requests upvote if anyone is interested in a complete rewrite of this mod. If no response, Ill just make a small version for myself. Otherwise, if I see interest, Ill rewrite new version and also include new monsters too. ***


Hey all. Sorry for the necro post, but I feel this is the only way I'm hopefully going to get a reply with the file I need. I need a copy of the full version of the old rAthena pet_db.txt in tact. All the above files in this pack are lacking this important information. The pet system has since been revamped where several of the above files are no longer needed as the info now exists in the pet db itself. This means there is no way to merge the several files into a working new pet db and I will have to research every pet in order to make sure they have the proper skills. Would look funny bringing a pet lunatic to a level 100+ dungeon, and have it use a skill that clears the entire screen with vermilion, which I sort of did for fun with a succumbus. Anyway, I need a full copy of the old pet_db.txt file which shows the break down of what each part means. In turn I will make a new pet data base file for both server and client to just copy over and use. Being I have 627 to convert, and as you know Im an avid typer, if I get this file, it should take me a month to write, may be 2 to include new monsters. I can be found on discord, so feel free to dm me if you have this file. Please no urls on what ones fathers, sisters, cousins room mate makes in a week please ?

PS, please upvote if you want this updated script. I dont want to pour time into a project no one wants.


** project to convert all pets to yml.

** Add evolving to all pets to unlock special skills.

** This one Im debating on, which is pet breeding for unique pets with special skills.

Edited by Xanthor
Got needed file and update.
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On 8/3/2020 at 2:22 AM, Xanthor said:

*** No longer need file. Found it in older version of rAthena. Bottom of post requests upvote if anyone is interested in a complete rewrite of this mod. If no response, Ill just make a small version for myself. Otherwise, if I see interest, Ill rewrite new version and also include new monsters too. ***


Hey all. Sorry for the necro post, but I feel this is the only way I'm hopefully going to get a reply with the file I need. I need a copy of the full version of the old rAthena pet_db.txt in tact. All the above files in this pack are lacking this important information. The pet system has since been revamped where several of the above files are no longer needed as the info now exists in the pet db itself. This means there is no way to merge the several files into a working new pet db and I will have to research every pet in order to make sure they have the proper skills. Would look funny bringing a pet lunatic to a level 100+ dungeon, and have it use a skill that clears the entire screen with vermilion, which I sort of did for fun with a succumbus. Anyway, I need a full copy of the old pet_db.txt file which shows the break down of what each part means. In turn I will make a new pet data base file for both server and client to just copy over and use. Being I have 627 to convert, and as you know Im an avid typer, if I get this file, it should take me a month to write, may be 2 to include new monsters. I can be found on discord, so feel free to dm me if you have this file. Please no urls on what ones fathers, sisters, cousins room mate makes in a week please ?

PS, please upvote if you want this updated script. I dont want to pour time into a project no one wants.


** project to convert all pets to yml.

** Add evolving to all pets to unlock special skills.

** This one Im debating on, which is pet breeding for unique pets with special skills.

Please!! it would help a lot, pets make the experience more fun.

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Awesome release! Thanks for this!

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Can someone make an updated file for this using yml format as well?

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