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Points per minute?



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From link: http://rathena.org/board/topic/87122-%E2%99%A5-sim0ns-oldskool-script-collection/

//by Sim0n



- Items für 1ne woche gespielt, 1 monat 1 jahr....


- script online_counter -1,{

//--->AFK System<---\\
//Enable Anti AFK (Checks if the player moves or not) else the time will stop when a player stops mooving for X minutes and start when he's moving again
set .anti_afk,1;
//Time which is needed tiill the timer stops, if a player is AFK
set .afk_mins,10;

//--->Reward Item<---\\
//Get an Item each 24hrs after played a certain time (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
set .getitem,0;
//Time after you will get an item in minutes
set .item_time,120;
//Item and amount you will get
set .item,512;
set .item_amount,1;



if(!.anti_afk) {

//Without AFK System

set login_time,gettimetick(2);

dispbottom callfunc("seconds_to_days", sum_time_char, 0);
dispbottom callfunc("seconds_to_days", ##sum_time_acc, 1);

if (.getitem) {

if (gettimetick(2)-last_login >= 86400) { set last_login,gettimetick(2); set got_item,0; }

if (!got_item) {

sleep2 (.item_time)*60000; 

announce "You played more then "+ .item_time +" minutes! Here's your gift!",bc_self,0xFF0000;

//Reward item
getitem .item, .item_amount;

set got_item,1;




} else {

//With AFK System

dispbottom callfunc("seconds_to_days", sum_time_char, 0);
dispbottom callfunc("seconds_to_days", ##sum_time_acc, 1);

//dispbottom "[OC DEBUG] AFK Mins: "+.afk_mins;

while ( isloggedin( getcharid(3), getcharid(0) ) ) {

getmapxy @OC_map$, @OC_x, @OC_y, 0;

//dispbottom "[OC DEBUG] "+ @OC_map$ +" == "+ @OC_map_cache$ +" && "+ @OC_x_cache +" == "+ @OC_x +" && "+  @OC_y_cache +" == "+ @OC_y;

//dispbottom "[OC DEBUG] IF = "+ (@OC_map$ == @OC_map_cache$ && @OC_x_cache == @OC_x && @OC_y_cache == @OC_y);

if (@OC_map$ == @OC_map_cache$ && @OC_x_cache == @OC_x && @OC_y_cache == @OC_y) { 

set OC_afk_run,OC_afk_run + 1;

if (OC_afk_run >= .afk_mins) { 

set OC_afk, 1;
announce "You didn't move for "+ .afk_mins +" minute(s). Online Time Counter stopped.",bc_self,0xFF0000;


} else { 

set OC_afk, 0;
if (OC_afk_run >= afk_mins) {

announce "Online Time Counter Started again.",bc_self,0xFF0000; 
set OC_afk_run,0; 



sleep2  60000;

set @OC_map_cache$, @OC_map$;
set @OC_x_cache, @OC_x;
set @OC_y_cache, @OC_y;




if(!.anti_afk) {

//Without AFK System

set logout_time,gettimetick(2);

if (login_time) set sum_time_char, sum_time_char + logout_time - login_time;

set ##sum_time_acc, ##sum_time_acc + logout_time - login_time;

} else 

set ##sum_time_acc, ##sum_time_acc + tmp_online_sec;

if (##sum_time_acc < sum_time_char) set ##sum_time_acc, ##sum_time_acc + sum_time_char;


//RESET Time, only GMs
if (getgmlevel() >= 60 && @whispervar0$ == "reset") {

set ##sum_time_acc,0;
set sum_time_char,0;

dispbottom "[Online Counter] Time resetted...";




- script online_seconds_counter -1,{


if(getvariableofnpc( .anti_afk, "online_counter" )) {

while (!OC_afk) { 

sleep2 1000; 

set sum_time_char, sum_time_char + 1; 
set tmp_online_sec, tmp_online_sec + 1; 

if (getvariableofnpc( .getitem, "online_counter" )) {

if (gettimetick(2)-last_login >= 86400) { set last_login,gettimetick(2); set got_item,0; }

if (tmp_online_sec == getvariableofnpc( .item_time, "online_counter" )) {

announce "You played more then "+ getvariableofnpc( .item_time, "online_counter" ) +" minutes! Here's your gift!",bc_self,0xFF0000;

//Reward item
getitem getvariableofnpc( .item_time, "online_counter" ),getvariableofnpc( .item_amount, "online_counter" );

set got_item,1;






function script seconds_to_days {

set @days, getarg(0) / 86400;
set @hrs, (getarg(0) - @days * 86400) / 3600;
set @mins, (getarg(0) - (@hrs * 3600) - (@days * 86400)) / 60;
set @sec, getarg(0) - (@hrs * 3600) - (@mins * 60) - (@days * 86400);

if (!getarg(1))  

set @time$,"[Online Counter Current Char] Days: "+ @days +" || Hours: "+ @hrs +" || Mins: "+ @mins +" || Seconds: "+@sec;


set @time$,"[Online Counter Account] Days: "+ @days +" || Hours: "+ @hrs +" || Mins: "+ @mins +" || Seconds: "+@sec;

return @time$;

Instead of an item, what to change to make it "#Time" variable points per minute?



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