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100 click



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npc name'100 click'

when a user click 100 times of the NPC. the user will get a prize

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prontera,155,181,5 script click_100_npc 757,{


if( @click % 100 == 0 ){

getitem 512,1;

dispbottom "Get item per 100 click";



dispbottom @click+" click.";




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prontera,155,181,5	script	click_100_npc	757,{
if( @click % 100 == 0 ){
	getitem 512,1;
	dispbottom "Get item per 100 click";
	dispbottom @click+" click.";

should i put @click = 0 ;(to reset)
after "dispbottom "Get item per 100 click";"

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up to you....you can still put that if you afraid the counter is not cleared

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Here's my version; it's very similar to Emistry's, with some notes and variables to make things simple to change around (such as click amount, prize ID, prize amount).

prontera,155,181,5	script	Click Me!::clickme	757,{

		// Increase click count
		// Receive prize if max clicks reached
		if (@total_clicks == .max_clicks) {
			message strcharinfo(0), "You have received "+ .amount +" "+ getitemname(.prize_id) +".";
			getitem .prize_id, .amount;
			@total_clicks = 0;
		// Display click count
		} else {
			message strcharinfo(0), "You have clicked me "+ @total_clicks +" times.";
			// Configuration
			.max_clicks = 100;
			.prize_id = 909;
			.amount = 1;


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i use a similar script like the one you request o:


you can set up the prize and how many times you want them to click it


you can too set how many prizes of the specified item they can get (like 3 tcg carrd and so on)


gm setup


also info is included


pretty complete script o: 


credits to Leertaste (dunno who is, but thanks lol)

//===== rAthena Script =======================================
//= Domination Event
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Leertaste
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0a
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= Every eAthena or rAthena Version
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Automated Event where every click from every char
//= increases the Number by 1 (+1)
//= The winner is who increases the Number to the max. (for example 1000)
//===== Comments: ============================================
//= This Event is automated but can be started from InGame too
//= Price/Amount and Amount-to-click is also settable from InGame
//= Change (if(getgmlevel() > 60)) // 60 to the wished GM-Level for Setups
//===== Changelog: ===========================================
//= -1.0a - Addet Current Variables when changing Price/Amount
//=	  - Addet Effects to Show Member which Npc is meant
//=	  - Addet Ingame Menupoint (For Admin) to edit required manage GM-Level
//=	  - Addet Auto protect from Input 0 (Amount/GM Level)
//=	  - Changed NPC ID cause of annoying noise
//=	  - Fixed Bug that comes through Npctalk (changed to Announce)
//= -1.0  Finshed Scripting

turbo_room,107,94,4	script	[Domination]	403,{

if ($@domination_start == 1) {
			set .dom_click,.dom_click+1;
			//announce "Click numero: ["+.dom_click+"]",bc_map|bc_blue;
			specialeffect2 2;
			if (.dom_click == $@domination_amount) {
				announce "[Domination]: " + strcharinfo(0) + " ha ganado el juego!",bc_all;
				set .dom_click,0;
				set $@domination_start,0;
				getitem $prize_id_dom, $prize_amount_dom;

set .name$, "[Domination]";
set .menu$, "Times:Information:What's the Amount?:What's the Price?:Leave";
//if(getgmlevel() > $GM_Dom-1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000";
if(getgmlevel() > 1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000";
if(getgmlevel() > 99) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set GM Level ^ff0000[ADMIN]^000000";

	mes .name$;
	mes "What do you want?";
switch(select(.menu$))	{
	case 1:
	mes .name$;
	mes "^ff0000Domination^000000 starts each day at:";
	mes "^00800014:30^000000, ^00800017:30^000000 and ^00800020:30^000000 o'clock.";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 2:
	mes .name$;
	mes "^ff0000Domination^000000";
	mes "Is a game where you need";
	mes "to click the Number up to:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "Every click (from everybody)";
	mes "will increase the Number by 1";
	mes .name$;
	mes "To win you will need to have";
	mes "the last click to increase the";
	mes "Number up to the set amount";
	mes "(-- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --)";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 3:
	mes .name$;
	mes "The amount to click is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 4:
	mes .name$;
	mes "The Price is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+" ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 5:
	mes .name$;
	mes "Have a nice day.";

	case 6:							// Setting the Amount to click
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the Amount which";
	mes "is needed to reach:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	input $@domination_amount;
if ($@domination_amount == 0){
	mes .name$;
	mes "I think it's not a good idea put";
	mes "this to 0 because there will be no ending";
	mes " -- ^ff0000Automatically set to 500^000000 --";
	set $@domination_amount,500;
	mes .name$;
	mes "The amount to click is now:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 7:							// Setting the Price
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the Item ID of the Price:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_id_dom+"^000000 --";
	mes "(^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000)";
	input $prize_id_dom;
	mes .name$;
	mes "Now enter the Amount of items the winner will recieve:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+"^000000 -- ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	input $prize_amount_dom;
	mes .name$;
	mes "The Price ID is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id_dom+"^000000";
	mes "The Amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+"^000000.";
	mes " ";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+" ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 8:
	sleep2 100;
	goto l_start;

	case 9:
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the required GM Level";
	mes "to manage this Event.";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$GM_Dom+"^000000 --";
	input $GM_Dom;
if ($GM_Dom == 0){
	mes .name$;
	mes "I think it's not a good idea let";
	mes "GM Level 0 manage this event.";
	mes " -- ^ff0000Automatically set to 60^000000 --";
	set $GM_Dom,60;
	mes .name$;
	mes "GM Level = ^ff0000"+$GM_Dom+"^000000";
	mes "can now manage this event.";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	announce "[Domination]: Carrera de click esta apunto de comenzar en Zona Evento!!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 30000;
	announce "[Domination]: El evento de Carrera de click comenzara en 30 segundos!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 25000;
	announce "[Domination]: Preparense, solo quedan 5 segundos!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 4!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 3!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 2!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 1!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "Listo! Denme click tantas veces puedan!",bc_all;
	set $@domination_start,1;

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i use a similar script like the one you request o:


you can set up the prize and how many times you want them to click it


you can too set how many prizes of the specified item they can get (like 3 tcg carrd and so on)


gm setup


also info is included


pretty complete script o: 


credits to Leertaste (dunno who is, but thanks lol)

//===== rAthena Script =======================================
//= Domination Event
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Leertaste
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0a
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= Every eAthena or rAthena Version
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Automated Event where every click from every char
//= increases the Number by 1 (+1)
//= The winner is who increases the Number to the max. (for example 1000)
//===== Comments: ============================================
//= This Event is automated but can be started from InGame too
//= Price/Amount and Amount-to-click is also settable from InGame
//= Change (if(getgmlevel() > 60)) // 60 to the wished GM-Level for Setups
//===== Changelog: ===========================================
//= -1.0a - Addet Current Variables when changing Price/Amount
//=	  - Addet Effects to Show Member which Npc is meant
//=	  - Addet Ingame Menupoint (For Admin) to edit required manage GM-Level
//=	  - Addet Auto protect from Input 0 (Amount/GM Level)
//=	  - Changed NPC ID cause of annoying noise
//=	  - Fixed Bug that comes through Npctalk (changed to Announce)
//= -1.0  Finshed Scripting

turbo_room,107,94,4	script	[Domination]	403,{

if ($@domination_start == 1) {
			set .dom_click,.dom_click+1;
			//announce "Click numero: ["+.dom_click+"]",bc_map|bc_blue;
			specialeffect2 2;
			if (.dom_click == $@domination_amount) {
				announce "[Domination]: " + strcharinfo(0) + " ha ganado el juego!",bc_all;
				set .dom_click,0;
				set $@domination_start,0;
				getitem $prize_id_dom, $prize_amount_dom;

set .name$, "[Domination]";
set .menu$, "Times:Information:What's the Amount?:What's the Price?:Leave";
//if(getgmlevel() > $GM_Dom-1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000";
if(getgmlevel() > 1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000";
if(getgmlevel() > 99) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set GM Level ^ff0000[ADMIN]^000000";

	mes .name$;
	mes "What do you want?";
switch(select(.menu$))	{
	case 1:
	mes .name$;
	mes "^ff0000Domination^000000 starts each day at:";
	mes "^00800014:30^000000, ^00800017:30^000000 and ^00800020:30^000000 o'clock.";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 2:
	mes .name$;
	mes "^ff0000Domination^000000";
	mes "Is a game where you need";
	mes "to click the Number up to:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "Every click (from everybody)";
	mes "will increase the Number by 1";
	mes .name$;
	mes "To win you will need to have";
	mes "the last click to increase the";
	mes "Number up to the set amount";
	mes "(-- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --)";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 3:
	mes .name$;
	mes "The amount to click is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 4:
	mes .name$;
	mes "The Price is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+" ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 5:
	mes .name$;
	mes "Have a nice day.";

	case 6:							// Setting the Amount to click
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the Amount which";
	mes "is needed to reach:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	input $@domination_amount;
if ($@domination_amount == 0){
	mes .name$;
	mes "I think it's not a good idea put";
	mes "this to 0 because there will be no ending";
	mes " -- ^ff0000Automatically set to 500^000000 --";
	set $@domination_amount,500;
	mes .name$;
	mes "The amount to click is now:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 7:							// Setting the Price
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the Item ID of the Price:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_id_dom+"^000000 --";
	mes "(^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000)";
	input $prize_id_dom;
	mes .name$;
	mes "Now enter the Amount of items the winner will recieve:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+"^000000 -- ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	input $prize_amount_dom;
	mes .name$;
	mes "The Price ID is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id_dom+"^000000";
	mes "The Amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+"^000000.";
	mes " ";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+" ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 8:
	sleep2 100;
	goto l_start;

	case 9:
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the required GM Level";
	mes "to manage this Event.";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$GM_Dom+"^000000 --";
	input $GM_Dom;
if ($GM_Dom == 0){
	mes .name$;
	mes "I think it's not a good idea let";
	mes "GM Level 0 manage this event.";
	mes " -- ^ff0000Automatically set to 60^000000 --";
	set $GM_Dom,60;
	mes .name$;
	mes "GM Level = ^ff0000"+$GM_Dom+"^000000";
	mes "can now manage this event.";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	announce "[Domination]: Carrera de click esta apunto de comenzar en Zona Evento!!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 30000;
	announce "[Domination]: El evento de Carrera de click comenzara en 30 segundos!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 25000;
	announce "[Domination]: Preparense, solo quedan 5 segundos!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 4!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 3!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 2!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 1!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "Listo! Denme click tantas veces puedan!",bc_all;
	set $@domination_start,1;




In this case, he could change the variable @total_clicks in my script to .total_clicks and make it a (simple) game lol:

prontera,155,181,5	script	Click Me!::clickme	757,{
		// Increase click count
		// Receive prize if max clicks reached
		if (.total_clicks == .max_clicks) {
			message strcharinfo(0), "You have received "+ .amount +" "+ getitemname(.prize_id) +".";
			getitem .prize_id, .amount;
			.total_clicks = 0;
		// Display click count
		} else {
			message strcharinfo(0), "I have been clicked "+ .total_clicks +" times.";
			// Configuration
			.max_clicks = 100;
			.prize_id = 909;
			.amount = 1;
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i use a similar script like the one you request o:


you can set up the prize and how many times you want them to click it


you can too set how many prizes of the specified item they can get (like 3 tcg carrd and so on)


gm setup


also info is included


pretty complete script o: 


credits to Leertaste (dunno who is, but thanks lol)

//===== rAthena Script =======================================
//= Domination Event
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Leertaste
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0a
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= Every eAthena or rAthena Version
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Automated Event where every click from every char
//= increases the Number by 1 (+1)
//= The winner is who increases the Number to the max. (for example 1000)
//===== Comments: ============================================
//= This Event is automated but can be started from InGame too
//= Price/Amount and Amount-to-click is also settable from InGame
//= Change (if(getgmlevel() > 60)) // 60 to the wished GM-Level for Setups
//===== Changelog: ===========================================
//= -1.0a - Addet Current Variables when changing Price/Amount
//=	  - Addet Effects to Show Member which Npc is meant
//=	  - Addet Ingame Menupoint (For Admin) to edit required manage GM-Level
//=	  - Addet Auto protect from Input 0 (Amount/GM Level)
//=	  - Changed NPC ID cause of annoying noise
//=	  - Fixed Bug that comes through Npctalk (changed to Announce)
//= -1.0  Finshed Scripting

turbo_room,107,94,4	script	[Domination]	403,{

if ($@domination_start == 1) {
			set .dom_click,.dom_click+1;
			//announce "Click numero: ["+.dom_click+"]",bc_map|bc_blue;
			specialeffect2 2;
			if (.dom_click == $@domination_amount) {
				announce "[Domination]: " + strcharinfo(0) + " ha ganado el juego!",bc_all;
				set .dom_click,0;
				set $@domination_start,0;
				getitem $prize_id_dom, $prize_amount_dom;

set .name$, "[Domination]";
set .menu$, "Times:Information:What's the Amount?:What's the Price?:Leave";
//if(getgmlevel() > $GM_Dom-1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000";
if(getgmlevel() > 1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000";
if(getgmlevel() > 99) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set GM Level ^ff0000[ADMIN]^000000";

	mes .name$;
	mes "What do you want?";
switch(select(.menu$))	{
	case 1:
	mes .name$;
	mes "^ff0000Domination^000000 starts each day at:";
	mes "^00800014:30^000000, ^00800017:30^000000 and ^00800020:30^000000 o'clock.";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 2:
	mes .name$;
	mes "^ff0000Domination^000000";
	mes "Is a game where you need";
	mes "to click the Number up to:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "Every click (from everybody)";
	mes "will increase the Number by 1";
	mes .name$;
	mes "To win you will need to have";
	mes "the last click to increase the";
	mes "Number up to the set amount";
	mes "(-- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --)";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 3:
	mes .name$;
	mes "The amount to click is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 4:
	mes .name$;
	mes "The Price is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+" ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 5:
	mes .name$;
	mes "Have a nice day.";

	case 6:							// Setting the Amount to click
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the Amount which";
	mes "is needed to reach:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	input $@domination_amount;
if ($@domination_amount == 0){
	mes .name$;
	mes "I think it's not a good idea put";
	mes "this to 0 because there will be no ending";
	mes " -- ^ff0000Automatically set to 500^000000 --";
	set $@domination_amount,500;
	mes .name$;
	mes "The amount to click is now:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$@domination_amount+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 7:							// Setting the Price
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the Item ID of the Price:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_id_dom+"^000000 --";
	mes "(^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000)";
	input $prize_id_dom;
	mes .name$;
	mes "Now enter the Amount of items the winner will recieve:";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+"^000000 -- ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	input $prize_amount_dom;
	mes .name$;
	mes "The Price ID is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id_dom+"^000000";
	mes "The Amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+"^000000.";
	mes " ";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$prize_amount_dom+" ^008000"+getitemname($prize_id_dom)+"^000000 --";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	case 8:
	sleep2 100;
	goto l_start;

	case 9:
	mes .name$;
	mes "Enter the required GM Level";
	mes "to manage this Event.";
	mes " ";
	mes "Current is:";
	mes " -- ^ff0000"+$GM_Dom+"^000000 --";
	input $GM_Dom;
if ($GM_Dom == 0){
	mes .name$;
	mes "I think it's not a good idea let";
	mes "GM Level 0 manage this event.";
	mes " -- ^ff0000Automatically set to 60^000000 --";
	set $GM_Dom,60;
	mes .name$;
	mes "GM Level = ^ff0000"+$GM_Dom+"^000000";
	mes "can now manage this event.";
	mes .name$;
	mes "What else?";
	goto h_menu;

	announce "[Domination]: Carrera de click esta apunto de comenzar en Zona Evento!!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 30000;
	announce "[Domination]: El evento de Carrera de click comenzara en 30 segundos!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 25000;
	announce "[Domination]: Preparense, solo quedan 5 segundos!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 4!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 3!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 2!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "[Domination]: 1!",bc_all;
	specialeffect 12, SELF;
	sleep2 1000;
	announce "Listo! Denme click tantas veces puedan!",bc_all;
	set $@domination_start,1;




In this case, he could change the variable @total_clicks in my script to .total_clicks and make it a (simple) game lol:

prontera,155,181,5	script	Click Me!::clickme	757,{
		// Increase click count
		// Receive prize if max clicks reached
		if (.total_clicks == .max_clicks) {
			message strcharinfo(0), "You have received "+ .amount +" "+ getitemname(.prize_id) +".";
			getitem .prize_id, .amount;
			.total_clicks = 0;
		// Display click count
		} else {
			message strcharinfo(0), "I have been clicked "+ .total_clicks +" times.";
			// Configuration
			.max_clicks = 100;
			.prize_id = 909;
			.amount = 1;


yup pretty cool o:! but that one i gave him can be ingame configured o:! 

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thanks thanks @emistry working with our server^^

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