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Posts posted by zeusc137

  1. On 8/15/2023 at 3:00 AM, namerpus18 said:

    I have checked it and kinda understand it but not fully as I am not yet familiar to sql structures or parameters but I think its kinda straight forward. From what i see 'mvplog' is a function right? And inside the parentheses are its parameters? 

    Uhm regarding the script I made above does it make sense? I just want to know if i understand a little now about source code editing. coz pointers realy confused me most of the time and giving me hard time always.



    EDIT. is there something i can lookup in source code that uses this 'mvplog'? just to figure how to use it


    Thanks a lot

    I think you can focus on what you want to do with the logs as they already exist so you might find something else you could test using it, if I understand your situation maybe try creating a new NPC from scratch that given a MVP ID you tell the last 10 players who hit it 

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/22/2023 at 12:09 AM, Tero said:

    Been on a little bit of a break after all the work I did on RO recently, but I've been filling in a bit of content here and there.


    For starters, I finally got marriage working.  The custom marriage script that came with my distribution had a few bugs.  I'm not sure if they are fixed in the latest version, but I've included the fixed version in this post.   Here's the happy couple.  (Not pictured their previous 6 divorces while I debugged the script)


    In order for this to work, the wedding rings need to be marked as married partner tradeable, which they weren't initially in my distribution (this is bit flag 511 in item-trade.txt).  Also, for some reason, the Tuxedo was marked as an etc item, I restored it to being an equippable item as it was before.

    I've also been adding some new stuff here and there.  For starters, there's now a new dungeon in Jawaii called the Tunnel of Love.  It's accessed via this NPC in Jawaii.


    This place is pretty unique.  For starters, he won't even let you in if you don't have your wedding ring equipped, and if you take it off in the dungeon you get warped out (this is achieved via an unequip script on the wedding ring, which only activates on this particular map).  The map itself is a reskinned version of Beach Cave North, but it plays track 172, which I think fits well with it.


    There are a couple new enemies here and a new boss, but it also has a lot of pairs of enemies like Poporing and Marin, and Bongun and Munak.  The boss is a fairly unique one called The Lovers, which consists of two boss-like entities who have comparable power.  The female is the "main boss", if you defeat her they both die, and the male enemy is the summon, but she will only summon him on spawn and never resummons him if he dies.  As long as he's alive, he tries to heal her and cast buffs on her, so you kind of want to target him first, but she starts using NPC_POWERUP once he goes down (this uses the same check on number of living slaves that bosses typically use to respawn their summons).  They drop a couple different things, but the real prize is the Lovers' Ring, a slotted accessory that gives an incredible +2 to all stats, making it easily the best accessory in the game.  The catch is that it only works if you're also equipping your wedding ring in the other slot, which significantly limits its power.  Actually, pretty much everything unique you can get in here is connected to the wedding ring in some way.  I mainly wanted a way to make wearing the wedding ring kinda viable.  Obviously, under normal circumstances you just keep it in your inventory and only swap to it when you want to use the wedding skills, but I think this gives you some fun options if you'd prefer to keep it equipped.  This also means that for characters who are single, the fact that they can't come to this dungeon isn't a big deal.


    I also added a boss based on Red Scar from Ragnarok 2 to the Cave Dungeon in the past.


    This area bares some resemblance to where you fight him in RO2 and RO2 takes place in the past compared to RO1, so I thought it was a fun little touch.  He's quite an easy boss, not much more powerful than GTB, which makes sense because he was one of RO2's earliest bosses and this area is one of the first you can access in the past.  I also don't know if I ever talked about the Humanoid Chimera pet.  She's the hardest pet to get in the entire game (she requires killing T_W_O, who is close to Satan Morroc in power), but her pet skill is that she can give you Soul Link.  This actually uses a completely new skill called "SL_OMNI" which calls all of the other soul link spells depending on the target's class.


    You might be wondering how I created these new bosses.  Actually, it was very easy.  You can probably tell that they're using the sprites of existing enemies, namely Succubus, Incubus, and Desert Wolf.  RO has a file in the System subfolder under the client folder (this is also where iteminfo.lub) is located that the game uses to dynamically apply certain sprite effects to various enemies.  They use this to create quite a number of the enemies in the game.


    The file is monster_size_effect_sak_new.lub.  It's quite easy to understand and modify, the entries in the list are just the Monster IDs, then there's a list of effects to apply to them.  For Red Scar, his effects look like this.

        [2546] = {
            MonsterSize = 1.5,

    So what this does is it takes Desert Wolf's sprite, makes it 1.5x the size, then applies 4 effects to it.  The first 3 create the "boss aura", while the last colours him red.  And presto!  It's a vaguely new enemy sprite!


    In terms of things that weren't so simple, there's also this place.


    This is the Endless Sands dungeon, which is found in the past.  Unlike other things I added, this is a totally new map that I made from scratch.  It's not fancy or anything, it's mostly just some bumpy terrain with some cacti and a sand texture, but I like it.  This dungeon is also a maze, where each screen has multiple exits but only one leads forward.  The Pixy Porings also appear here, and they have pretty good stuff, though they're pretty strong for porings.


    Should you make it to the exit, you can reach Valhalla!  It's actually just the Lasagna field maps, but I think it looks kind of heavenly.


    This is the most dangerous area in the entire game.  There's a ton of new enemies and gear here, but the enemies have comparable power to Odin's Tower and since this is in the past all enemies deal double damage and take only half.  Defeating the Wish Maiden (who actually uses a different sprite that's from a newer version of the game) will not be easy.  You're probably going to want at least a couple boss cards before you come here.


    I feel like I'm probably mostly done with PVE content now, the next big thing I'll have to figure out is all the PVP stuff.  The amount of stuff to fiddle with never ends.

    marriage.txt 28.99 kB · 4 downloads

    I feel happy and relieved by looking at how much you've acomplished!

    I get stuck most of the time trying to make my game match with kRO as much as I can 😅

    You're inspiring some people thank you!


    Have a great weekend everyone! ❤️❤️

  3. 1 hour ago, imat1 said:

    No. You need to generate your own cps.dll and paste it inside your ro folder.

    Hello there!

    I understand now!

    I was encrypting it using "GRF Editor", however I didn't go through the option where I had that "Generate cps.dll" option...

    But I found it later using the window menu, thank you!

  4. On 9/27/2020 at 1:52 AM, Start_ said:

    That error said no files has been found. Maybe try to created a new one? Or copy from other clients.

    Hi there! I hope all is good!

    What about if my "ragnarok.grf" works without encryption, and I want to encrypt it?

    I added a key "123123" to my "ragnarok.grf" and it stopped working...

    Should I just copy another "cps.dll" from another private server that uses any encryption?

    Thanks in advance for any help! ❤️ 

  5. On 12/19/2020 at 6:20 AM, zigk said:


    How do I add a custom aura to an item when worn? I manage to do it with this code:

    {},{misceffect 200;}, {}

    I use "@ go/ warp" command and its only visible to the wearer and the players

    Thanks in advance

    Hello there,

    Happy Friday!!!

    Any chance you would have some progress to share on this?

  6. 19 hours ago, zeusc137 said:


    Hi everyone!

    Actually it's not working quite as I'd expect as I'm still not able to delete using the email confirmation.

    This is on my `conf/char_athena.conf` (I did stop and start the server 2 times to test it this time!!!)


    // Restrict character deletion by BaseLevel
    // 0: no restriction (players can delete characters of any level)
    // -X: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel <= X
    // Y: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel >= Y
    // e.g. char_del_level: 80 (players can't delete characters with 80+ BaseLevel)
    char_del_level: 0
    // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed.
    // Default: 86400 (24 hours)
    // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer.
    char_del_delay: 60
    // Restrict character deletion by email address or birthdate.
    // This restricts players from changing the langtype and deleting characters.
    // Defaults based on client date.
    // 1: Email address
    // 2: Birthdate
    // 3: Email address or Birthdate
    // - This config only works for clients that send 0x0068 or 0x01fb for delete request.
    // - Use langtype 1 for newer clients (2013+), to use 0x01fb.
    // - Clients that are not using 0x0068 or 0x01fb, only use birthdate (YYMMDD) as default.
    char_del_option: 1
    // Restrict character deletion as long as he is still in a party or guild
    // 0: No restriction is applied
    // 1: Character cannot be deleted as long as he remains in a party
    // 2: Character cannot be deleted as long as he remains in a guild
    // 3: Character cannot be deleted as long as he remains in a party or guild(default)
    char_del_restriction: 3


    I got this email from database: [email protected] and tried like this:



    But get the following error message:

    I posted this question in the wrong place, but if you get here using clients later than 2010-08-03 you also have to check `src/char/char.cpp` and change this part:


    -#if PACKETVER >= 20100803
    -       charserv_config.char_config.char_del_option = CHAR_DEL_BIRTHDATE;
    +// #if PACKETVER >= 20100803
    +       // charserv_config.char_config.char_del_option = CHAR_DEL_BIRTHDATE;
    +// #else
            charserv_config.char_config.char_del_option = CHAR_DEL_EMAIL;
    +// #endif



  7. On 7/27/2023 at 2:21 PM, zeusc137 said:

    I think this problem was solved! Thanks everyone!

    However is there a suggestion for an specific CLIENT version? I want renewal + 4th classes and I'm using latest rAthena!

    I'm planning to mantain this for a very long time! ❤️ 

    Sorry if I should have asked this somewhere else!

    I'm using this EXE which seems to work nice:

  8. On 7/28/2023 at 12:01 PM, zeusc137 said:

    Thank you! ❤️ I was able to fix the names of the items using an appropriated iteminfo_EN.lua when I was applying recommendations on Warp/Nemo!

    The one thing I'm not sure right now how to fix is this message at the top (maybe I have to just delete it for now until I create my own art?):

    I was able to fix this one making sure I was reading the correct mapInfo file!

  9. 11 minutes ago, zeusc137 said:

    After changing that in rathena I was able to fix it on my 2021-11-17_Ragexe_1637052357.exe client with this setting on WARP:



    Hi everyone!

    Actually it's not working quite as I'd expect as I'm still not able to delete using the email confirmation.

    This is on my `conf/char_athena.conf` (I did stop and start the server 2 times to test it this time!!!)


    // Restrict character deletion by BaseLevel
    // 0: no restriction (players can delete characters of any level)
    // -X: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel <= X
    // Y: you can't delete chars with BaseLevel >= Y
    // e.g. char_del_level: 80 (players can't delete characters with 80+ BaseLevel)
    char_del_level: 0
    // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed.
    // Default: 86400 (24 hours)
    // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer.
    char_del_delay: 60
    // Restrict character deletion by email address or birthdate.
    // This restricts players from changing the langtype and deleting characters.
    // Defaults based on client date.
    // 1: Email address
    // 2: Birthdate
    // 3: Email address or Birthdate
    // - This config only works for clients that send 0x0068 or 0x01fb for delete request.
    // - Use langtype 1 for newer clients (2013+), to use 0x01fb.
    // - Clients that are not using 0x0068 or 0x01fb, only use birthdate (YYMMDD) as default.
    char_del_option: 1
    // Restrict character deletion as long as he is still in a party or guild
    // 0: No restriction is applied
    // 1: Character cannot be deleted as long as he remains in a party
    // 2: Character cannot be deleted as long as he remains in a guild
    // 3: Character cannot be deleted as long as he remains in a party or guild(default)
    char_del_restriction: 3


    I got this email from database: [email protected] and tried like this:



    But get the following error message:

  10. On 10/29/2017 at 11:00 PM, panducakep said:


    I stuck on trying to solve this problem. What I've used and done:

    1. Latest rAthena Version. Pulled from Github

    2. 2015-11-04aRagexe Client, diffed using the latest NEMO. Thanks to @Secrets (Note: I enable "the packet obfuscation"  option because I also enable it in packets.h)

    3. Edited src/config/packets.h

      Reveal hidden contents

    // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
    // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
    #ifndef _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_
    #define _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_

     * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org)
     * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/

    #ifndef PACKETVER
        #define PACKETVER 20151104

    #ifndef PACKETVER_RE
        /// From this point on only kRO RE clients are supported
        #if PACKETVER > 20151104
            #define PACKETVER_RE

    #if PACKETVER >= 20110817
        /// Comment to disable the official packet obfuscation support.
        /// This requires PACKETVER 2011-08-17 or newer.
        #ifndef PACKET_OBFUSCATION
            #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION

            // Define these inside src/custom/defines_pre.h or src/custom/defines_post.h
            //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY1 <key1>
            //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY2 <key2>
            //#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY3 <key3>

            /// Comment this to disable warnings for missing client side encryption
            #define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_WARN
        #if defined(PACKET_OBFUSCATION)
            #error You enabled packet obfuscation for a version which is too old. Minimum supported client is 2011-08-17.

        //#define DUMP_UNKNOWN_PACKET

        //#define DUMP_INVALID_PACKET

     * No settings past this point

    /// Check if the specified packetversion supports the pincode system

    /// Check if the client needs delete_date as remaining time and not the actual delete_date (actually it was tested for clients since 2013)
    #define PACKETVER_CHAR_DELETEDATE (PACKETVER > 20130000 && PACKETVER <= 20141022) || PACKETVER >= 20150513

    /// Check if the specified packetvresion supports the cashshop sale system

    #endif // _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_

    4. Uncomment #define VIP_ENABLE in src/config/core.h

    5. Add #define PACKETVER 20151104 in src/custom/defines_post.h

    6. Compiled the server and run it.

    7. The console works perfectly without any Error notification. All Green.

    8. I run the diffed.exe, select the service, put the username and password, and LOGGED IN (the window shows "... players online")

    9. After clicking it, a window popped up and said "Rejected from Server". I cannot go to char creation window.

    10. I checked the char-server console, it said  "Char-server 'ragnarok': authentication of the account 2000005 REFUSED (ip:"


    Very welcome to anyone can help this problem. Thank you.

    After changing that in rathena I was able to fix it on my 2021-11-17_Ragexe_1637052357.exe client with this setting on WARP:


  11. On 1/26/2022 at 3:45 AM, Start_ said:

    For 4th classes -> Just use latest rAthena. They're already merge 4CrAM into rAthena.


    For guild emblem -> You need to research how to pull from other branch into your current branch. (Git)


    git pull https://github.com/vstumpf/rathena.git feature/webservice

    After merged guild emblem -> You need to

    1.) Import required .sql files for guild emblem.

    2.) Config inter_athena for guild emblem.

    3.) Config ExternalSettings_kr.lub for guild emblem. (See screenshot)



    4.) For linux -> This is my used commands. (Execute it on server directory) (If anyone knew correct commands please post it.)

    ./configure --enable-web-service
    make clean && make server

    5.) For linux -> Added webserver to chmod

    chmod a+x login-server && chmod a+x char-server && chmod a+x map-server && chmod a+x web-server && chmod a+x athena-start
    ./athena-start start

    If it doesn't work please check out firewall and some other requirements from Secret's and vstumpf's.


    Hello there! thank you for this!!!

    Could you also point what *.sql files for guild emblem I need? I can't find anytyhing inside /sql-files in rathena repo!

    Thanks again!!! 🙂 

  12. 8 hours ago, Chaos92 said:

    most probably because of the client. you need client 2021 and above for 4th jobs.

    Thanks @Chaos92! I'm starting to understand this! I'm also using this branch: https://github.com/datawulf/rathena/tree/skillupd
    From this PR to rebalance skills: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/pull/7024

    I think the latest clients don't read clientinfo.xml anymore, right? (Any tip to workaround that?)

    Thank you for the guidance and sorry for asking so many questions around the forum! haha ❤️ 

  13. On 3/17/2023 at 1:14 AM, konishiwa said:

    your rathena support expanded job 4?, care to share?

    Hi @konishiwa! I have the 3rd classes working only! Do you think we could try to help each other? Did you find any tutorial or anything else?

    I’m planning to maintain my server for very long time so I want to research on it if you have any starting point or documentation to share I appreciate. 

    Have a great weekend everyone!! ☺️🙌

  14. 26 minutes ago, ajonck said:

    I'm sorry!!! I just figured out I was not running it the way I said before!!!!


    If you encounter this error make sure you don't create a ticket like me!!! Go and check the basics again!


    Thanks everyone for passing by!

    Make sure you run `./configure` without --enable-prere just this:

    `./configure --enable-packetver=<YOUR_VERSION>`

    after that just I've just done:

    `make clean server`

    and it worked as follows:




    With that I was able to use 3rd class, but it still DON'T work for 4th class... Is there something I should know already by now? 🙏


    My NPC turned me into a novice again and the @job command don't work for any of those 4th jobs as follows:





  15. Just now, ajonck said:

    Hello everyone! I'm having some progress I'm really proud I could start running my server but now I'm trying to find how to make it work with 3rd/4th classes

    I have everything I need from CLIENT side to run that and I think my rathena was configured correctly, so why my `@jog 4060` to Dragon Night fails?

    Thank you so much! I promise I will answer other people one day too because I've been asking so many questions! haha


    Have a great weekend everyone! Mine I hope it's gonna be coding fun stuff for my RO server ❤️ 



    This is my server in case any one of you want to check it out: http://www.zeus-bro.net/
    It's currently in English but I'm planning to translate it to pt_BR soon!
    Also, I didn't create the Thor Patcher yet so it opens through "RagnaZeus.exe" file! 😂


  16. Hello everyone! I'm having some progress I'm really proud I could start running my server but now I'm trying to find how to make it work with 3rd/4th classes

    I have everything I need from CLIENT side to run that and I think my rathena was configured correctly, so why my `@jog 4060` to Dragon Night fails?

    Thank you so much! I promise I will answer other people one day too because I've been asking so many questions! haha


    Have a great weekend everyone! Mine I hope it's gonna be coding fun stuff for my RO server ❤️ 


  17. 7 hours ago, Chaos92 said:

    Most probably because of the client files.

    Use english translation by Chris : https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE and dont forget to read the Wiki/Guides.

    Btw, use 2021 clients or latest for 4th job classes.

    Thank you! ❤️ I was able to fix the names of the items using an appropriated iteminfo_EN.lua when I was applying recommendations on Warp/Nemo!

    The one thing I'm not sure right now how to fix is this message at the top (maybe I have to just delete it for now until I create my own art?):

  18. 36 minutes ago, Winterfox said:

    I think supportwise the best option is to use a client with a date according to the packet version rathena uses by default or earlier, since I assume the packet version defined by rathena is the latest stable one and backwards compatibility is given by the server naturally growing with the version numbers of the client.

    Good call! Thank you for that! Would you mind telling me where can I find this?

    I just cloned latest rathena and I was too newbie to find it myself! hahaha

    EDIT: I found this at `src/config/packets.hpp`! Thank you @Winterfox



    #ifndef PACKETVER
      /// Do NOT edit this line! To set your client version, please do this instead:
      /// In Windows: Add this line in your src\custom\defines_pre.hpp file: #define PACKETVER YYYYMMDD
      /// In Linux: The same as above or run the following command: ./configure --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD
      #define PACKETVER 20211103


  19. Hello, thanks for passing by!

    I'm trying to use NEMO to modify this 2019-06-05hRagExeRE.exe applying recommended but this is how it looks:

    I know this is CLIENT issue because my other client 2019-06-05fRagexe.exe was working just fine! 

    What should I do? I'm trying to create my own private server with Renewal + 4th classes.


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