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Posts posted by SusanoSprites

  1. On 4/7/2017 at 8:41 PM, jpg said:

    @Temtaime Will you open source it? Or at least do something like give access to core rAthena members, maybe make it an official project? Bus factor and all.

    I wouldn't support you (Patreon) if you don't do that and I think many people feel the same. Too many client projects abandoned over the years, the trust is already gone.






    Pd: is dead again

  2. Status.c
    // Absolute modifiers from passive skills
    		base_status->int_ += (skill+1)/2; // +1 INT / 2 lv
    		base_status->dex += skill;
    	if((skill = pc_checkskill(sd,RA_RESEARCHTRAP))>0)
    		base_status->int_ += skill;
    	if (pc_checkskill(sd, SU_POWEROFLAND) > 0)		
    base_status->int_ += 20;	
    +	if((skill=pc_checkskill(sd,SKILL_NAME))>0)
    +		magic_atk_ele[ELE_FIRE] += 10*skill;



  3. I'm not sure but I think this could be resolved head frames: https://rathena.org/wiki/New_Classes 



    // --- data\imf [Thank Omega for the .imf clarification] .imf -- It's still unclear what this file does, but the client requires it for all classes.

    It's noted that it has something to do with the default head/hairstyle for each class and may effect the starting placement of the act file.




    PS: i don't know how edit IMF FILE anyone  know? it's possible?

  4. Hi

    I need this to help a project @slee and  job sprites are very large and only half seen in the equipment UI window
    I guess this may be hexing the exe
    If anyone can tell me that some have to change in the exe they are the appreciate it.
  5. I need the patch, to use this script

    Lvup skill for useit

    - script SKILL_LVUP_FOR_USE -1,{
    if(lskillid == 17) {
    set useskill,useskill+1;
    if (getskilllv(17) == 1) { if (useskill >= 2000) { dispbottom "LV UP!."; skill 17,2,0; end; }
    dispbottom "["+useskill+"/2000] Exp for FIRE BALL Nivel 1";
    I have already searched but only found that of AnnieRuru post herc.ws
    PD: if you have a diff or patch that works in the same way can one please contact me
    PD2: Eathena dead... T.T

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