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Everything posted by f_fman

  1. hello, I am trying to create a script that give a edda weapon box for each memeber of the party, but in the case that the party has characters with the same ip or unique id, it only gives it to one of them.
  2. some custom NPCs that I create for the custom map that I did for the private server gate ro, and the item in the base of the statues is another custom feature call the champion pvp belt, in this case the first edition. the NPCs show the information of the old G-ro tournament champions. and the map calls hall of fame.
  3. this is my current work in progress script. I dont know if I am missing something to be sure that the npc complete that 2 episodes. egg1,232,159,5 script skipquest 10233,{ //banquet setarray .@quest161[0],7681,7682,11420,7684,14516,14469,7682,14474,7683,7686,14507,14495,7682,5403,5402,11400,11412,14475,14487,14481,14480,14482,14500,12369,5415,5416,5417,5418,5419,5420,5421,5422,5423,5424,5425,5428,5431,5436,5439,5442,5445,5432; //terra gloria setarray .@quest162[0],7741,14615,16031,14602,14602,16019,16061,14600,11462,14601,11464,14613,5737,16030,16048,16045,16050,16014,16028,16054,16055,16056,16057,16013,16027,16041,16032,16041,16029,16036,12376,7746,7747,7748,7749,7751; mes "[skip quest npc]"; mes "hello I can skip for you all the quest of the episode 16.1 and 16.2 "; next; mes "are you interested?"; next; menu "I am interested", L1, "no interest", L2; L1: for(set .@i,0; .@i<(getarraysize(.@quest161)); set .@i,.@i+1) { mes "quest "+ .@quest161[.@i] + " ^FF0000 set^000000"; setquest .@quest161[.@i]; } next; for(set .@i,0; .@i<(getarraysize(.@quest161)); set .@i,.@i+1) { mes "quest "+ .@quest161[.@i] + " ^FF0000 complete ^000000"; completequest .@quest161[.@i]; if( .@i == (getarraysize(.@quest161))){ } } mes "16.1 done"; next; for(set .@i,0; .@i<(getarraysize(.@quest162)); set .@i,.@i+1) { mes "quest "+ .@quest162[.@i] + " ^FF0000 set^000000"; setquest .@quest162[.@i]; } next; for(set .@i,0; .@i<(getarraysize(.@quest162)); set .@i,.@i+1) { mes "quest "+ .@quest162[.@i] + " ^FF0000 complete ^000000"; completequest .@quest162[.@i]; if( .@i == (getarraysize(.@quest162))){ } } mes "16.2 done"; next; //setquest 7853; //setquest 7854; //setquest 7855; //setquest 7856; //setquest 7857; questinfo_refresh(); terra_gloria_main = 25; ep_illusion = 0; npctalk "use /navi prt_cas_q 21/39 speak with Nihilim"; next; warp "prt_cas_q",134,8; close; L1Exit: L2: mes "ok"; //close; L2Exit: }
  4. gracias, yo creo que ya con esas opciones, puedo hacerlo por el momento gracias
  5. hello I am looking for npc that instant complete the episode 17.1 and the banquet of heros, and terra glorria episodes, using a custom ticket.
  6. I just want to know if the process that I am doing is the correct to add a new custom branch into my server in the lasted version of rAthena, because I saw the others requests about the topic are really outdated. this is my process: for now I only have 4 mvps in the pool of the branch to summon, for test, I dont know if that is the problem I didnt find in mob.h this variable #define MAX_RANDOMMONSTER 5 this is my steps. in mob.c I add this line sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_boss_G01.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); and if (type == MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch && flag&RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS) flag = static_cast<e_random_monster_flags>(flag&~RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS); if (type == MOBG_G_D_Branch_01 && flag&RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS) flag = static_cast<e_random_monster_flags>(flag&~RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS); in mob.h enum e_random_monster : uint16 { MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree = 0, MOBG_Poring_Box, MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch, MOBG_Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise, MOBG_ClassChange, MOBG_Taekwon_Mission, MOBG_G_D_Branch_01, }; and I crete in db\re mob_boss_G01.txt and added the boss like this. MOBG_G_D_Branch_01,1582,Deviling,1000000 in the mob_summon.yml I add this. Body: - Group: G_D_Branch_01 Default: MAYA Summon: - Mob: MAYA Rate: 100000 - Mob: DEVILING Rate: 700000 - Mob: Drake Rate: 700000 in item_db_usable.yml - Id: **** AegisName: name Name: name Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_G_D_Branch_01,1,""; and in item_db.txt (I dont know if this is necesary with the YML structure in use). ***,name,name,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_G_D_Branch_01,1,""; },{},{} Declare in script_constants.hpp /* mob random groups */ export_constant(MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree); export_constant(MOBG_Poring_Box); export_constant(MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch); export_constant(MOBG_Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise); export_constant(MOBG_ClassChange); export_constant(MOBG_G_D_Branch_01); after I did that I got this error. mob_get_random_id: Invalid type (6) of random monster. I want to know if that is the correct process to do that, or what is my mistake. I remember 1 time work for me, but I couldnt edit the rate of the MVPs or add new MVPs
  7. thats work for me, but for a Reason, after the first Rebuild of the Solution after that change, I only can modify the MVP that I originally put in the custom group, but it doesnt detect the new MVPs that I add to it.
  8. en las nuevas versiones no existe al parecer el MAX_RANDOMMONSTER en el mob.h, si no que tiene que agregar uno custom en este enum. en mob.henum e_random_monster : uint16 { MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree = 0, MOBG_Poring_Box, MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch, MOBG_Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise, MOBG_ClassChange, MOBG_Taekwon_Mission, MOBG_SupperBoss,}; y luego agregarlo en mob_summon.ymlBody: - Group: SupperBoss, Default: MAYA Summon: - Mob: MAYA Rate: 100000 - Mob: DEVILING Rate: 700000 y hacer el mob_supperbox.txt y agregar los mvps con la siguente extructura MobID,DummyName,Rate y al final hacer esto. Declararlo en script_constants.hpp /* mob random groups */ export_constant(MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree); export_constant(MOBG_Poring_Box); export_constant(MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch); export_constant(MOBG_Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise); export_constant(MOBG_YOUR_Branch); export_constant(MOBG_ClassChange); el problema que estoy teniendo es que si no agregas un MVP al inicio cuando hace la Build despues de esos cambios, como que el proyecto ya no vuelve a recibir en ese grupo, los nuevos mvps. y no he podido solucionar eso, solo me recibe cambios de rates en los MVPs que estaban originalmente en el grupo.
  9. hello I am having a problem, I dont know why, is not detecting my new monster spawn data base for my custom branch. the item work but only spawn normal mobs, no mvps. for now I only have 4 mvps in the pool of the branch to summon, for test, I dont know if that is the problem I didnt find in mob.h this variable #define MAX_RANDOMMONSTER 5 this is my steps. in mob.c I add this line sv_readdb(dbsubpath2, "mob_boss_G01.txt", ',', 4, 4, -1, &mob_readdb_group, silent); and if ((type == MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch || MOBG_G_D_Branch_01) && flag&RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS) flag = static_cast<e_random_monster_flags>(flag&~RMF_MOB_NOT_BOSS); in mob.h enum e_random_monster : uint16 { MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree = 0, MOBG_Poring_Box, MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch, MOBG_Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise, MOBG_ClassChange, MOBG_Taekwon_Mission, MOBG_G_D_Branch_01, }; and I crete in db\re mob_boss_G01.txt and added the boss like this. MOBG_G_D_Branch_01,1582,Deviling,1000000 in the mob_summon.yml I add this. Body: - Group: G_D_Branch_01 Default: MAYA Summon: - Mob: MAYA Rate: 100000 - Mob: DEVILING Rate: 700000 in item_db_usable.yml - Id: **** AegisName: name Name: name Type: Usable Buy: 10000 Weight: 200 Flags: BuyingStore: true DeadBranch: true Script: | monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_G_D_Branch_01,1,""; and in item_db.txt ***,name,name,2,10000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ monster "this",-1,-1,"--ja--",-1-MOBG_G_D_Branch_01,1,""; },{},{} solution of reyes dark on that topic works, for me, but for a reason I can not edit the mvps to summon after that, by mistake I didnt add a MVP that I needed, and now is only detecting the rate changes of the initials but not the new one. Declare in script_constants.hpp /* mob random groups */ export_constant(MOBG_Branch_Of_Dead_Tree); export_constant(MOBG_Poring_Box); export_constant(MOBG_Bloody_Dead_Branch); export_constant(MOBG_Red_Pouch_Of_Surprise); export_constant(MOBG_YOUR_Branch); export_constant(MOBG_ClassChange);
  10. I fix the problem the version of the rAthena that I was using was too old for the assets that I am using in my custom map, is the offline server package that came preconfig. calls RO rAthene server 2020 RO rAthena.zip - Google Drive
  11. hello I am working in a custom npc that can display a character information, but I am really noob in the Synthax of rAthena. hofs,106,60,5 character info display 94,{ mes "[char info display]"; setd ".@cname$", "testeo"; setd ".@cdes$", "character description"; setd ".@cjob$", "paladin"; mes .@cname$,.@cdes$, .@cjob$; } but I would like to use the query sql ("SELECT for read all the especifict information of a character ID that I put as a variable in the npc directly. query_sql("SELECT
  12. hello I am getting this error when I teleport to my custom map, but I check in the GRF, that all the files are detected, correctly I check the map files in the grf editor, all the texture all load correctly, the gat too, and all the modeles, and I update the mapcache with Mapcache editor. Module Name: D:\...\....\Play.exe Time Stamp: 0x4c341251 - Wed Jul 07 07:36:17 2010 Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x005b77f0 Play.exe 0x005b534b Play.exe 0x0059fc79 Play.exe 0x0059f9d0 Play.exe 0x00530ca4 Play.exe 0x006ff17a Play.exe 0x007136ad Play.exe 0x773bfa29 KERNEL32.DLL 0x77eb7c7e ntdll.dll 0x77eb7c4e ntdll.dll eax: 0x1d47ce90 ebx: 0x00000000 ecx: 0x0083a8a8 edx: 0x00383000 esi: 0x00000051 edi: 0x00000051 ebp: 0x0019f9c4 esp: 0x0019f9a4 stack 0019f9a4 - 0019fda4 0019F9A4 : 10 CD 47 1D EC D8 FD 0E 10 CD 47 1D 00 00 00 00 0019F9B4 : EC D8 FD 0E E4 F9 19 00 88 FD 72 00 00 00 00 00 0019F9C4 : F0 F9 19 00 4B 53 5B 00 51 00 00 00 37 AB 78 00 0019F9D4 : 98 D7 FD 0E 98 D7 FD 0E 98 D7 FD 0E 37 AB 78 00 0019F9E4 : 84 FB 19 00 D0 FB 72 00 01 00 00 00 2C FA 19 00 0019F9F4 : 79 FC 59 00 20 FA 19 00 10 CD 47 1D 10 CD 47 1D 0019FA04 : 37 AB 78 00 98 D7 FD 0E 98 D7 FD 0E 00 00 00 00 0019FA14 : 00 00 00 00 28 FA 19 00 FD E9 5A 00 00 00 00 00 0019FA24 : 98 D7 FD 0E 90 FB 19 00 90 FB 19 00 D0 F9 59 00 0019FA34 : 61 FE 80 00 89 FE 80 00 50 FE 80 00 83 01 08 01 0019FA44 : 6D 00 00 00 40 D7 FD 0E 21 04 00 00 6D 00 00 00 0019FA54 : 40 D7 FD 0E 48 D7 FD 0E AB 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 0019FA64 : E8 8F F8 0E B4 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 07 00 00 0019FA74 : FF 00 01 00 70 02 BB 02 0A 08 00 00 3B 00 00 00 0019FA84 : 00 00 00 00 6D 00 00 00 50 80 F8 0E 47 D7 FD 0E 0019FA94 : 7C 2D 01 01 FC 1D 00 00 A8 FB 19 00 00 AF EC 77 Launch Info 00A4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : Novice
  13. sorry about, that I didnt knew it, thats not gonna happen again
  14. I gonna create one in the correct section, can some one delete this one, and sorry about that
  15. https://github.com/Neo-Mind/WARP I am trying to use the WARP tool to install extention Generate MapEffect Plugin [Expt.] but I am getting this error in the testing Testing Extension : Generate MapEffect Plugin [Expt.] Error: CO Exit point missing I am dont really know how to use that extention if I install it correctly
  16. hello, I am creating a custom sky map for my server, and I want to replace it with the hex tutorial, the only problem is that I didnt find the map that is used in this tutorial. BrowEdit Tutorial #7 - Making a Sky Map - YouTube some can tell me a sky map that I can replace. or another way to add a sky map?
  17. looks like I need to reinstall de cp, because I still ahve the same issue @Chaos92 I think my main issue is that the server is using 4th classes and episode 17.2, I dont know if that are creating conflict with the data base of the CP, because I see that it doesnt have the 4th classes. and maybe some stuff of the last episode.
  18. I tried it but still same problem, this is the 2 erros that I get when I try to check the characters, in the control panel (the top one) and when I try any action (the bottom one).
  19. thanks, I just have a question, the control panel, that I have is one that I bougth, and it use the theme that override the Default,, I dont know if I merge this one with the CP that I have, maybe I gonna get a miss configuration. just a noob question, because since long time that I set up a control panel
  20. Hello, I am having problem with the access privileges in the Flux CP of my server, I am using a Lv99 GM account, I can not reset my characters look or position, or others. <?php // This file should control all access to specified modules and actions. return array( // Module/action permissions. // These are handled during runtime by Flux. // '*' is a default that is checked for any action that has not been // specified an access level. 'modules' => array( 'main' => array( '*' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'donate' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'notify' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'update' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'complete' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'history' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'trusted' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'purchase' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'add' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'clear' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cart' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'checkout' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'remove' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'pending' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'itemshop' => array( 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'imagedel' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'cashshop' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'account' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'create' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'login' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'logout' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'transfer' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'xferlog' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cart' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'changepass' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changesex' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'confirm' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resend' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resetpass' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'resetpw' => AccountLevel::UNAUTH, 'changemail' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'confirmemail' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'prune' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'character' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'online' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'prefs' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'changeslot' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'resetlook' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'resetpos' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'mapstats' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'divorce' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'guild' => array( 'emblem' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'export' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'castle' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'economy' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'auction' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::LOWGM ), 'ranking' => array( 'character' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'guild' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'zeny' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'death' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'homun' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'swordman' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'bowman' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'spearman' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'mvp' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'item' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'copy' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'iteminfo' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'monster' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'server' => array( 'status' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'status-xml' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'info' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'logdata' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'char' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'cashpoints' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'feeding' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'inter' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'command' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'branch' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'chat' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'login' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'mvp' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'npc' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'pick' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'zeny' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'cplog' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'create' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'paypal' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'login' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'resetpass' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changepass' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'changemail' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'ban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'ipban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'txnview' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'ipban' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'unban' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'remove' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'service' => array( 'tos' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'captcha' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'install' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'reinstall' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'test' => array( '*' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'woe' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE ), 'mail' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN ), 'history' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'cplogin' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'gamelogin' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'emailchange' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'passchange' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'passreset' => AccountLevel::NORMAL ), 'pages' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'content' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'news' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'view' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'manage' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'add' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'edit' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, 'delete' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, ), 'servicedesk'=> array( 'index' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'create' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'view' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, 'staffindex' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'staffview' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'staffviewclosed'=> AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'staffsettings' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, 'catcontrol' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM ), 'vending' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, 'viewshop' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, ), 'webcommands' => array( 'index' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, ), ), // General feature permissions, handled by the modules themselves. 'features' => array( 'ViewAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's account details. 'ViewAccountBanLog' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's account ban log. 'DeleteAccount' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // (not yet implemented) 'DeleteCharacter' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // (not yet implemented) 'SeeAccountPassword' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // If not using MD5, view another person's password in list. 'TempBanAccount' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Has ability to temporarily ban an account. 'TempUnbanAccount' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Has ability to remove a temporary ban on an account. 'PermBanAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // Has ability to permanently ban an account. 'PermUnbanAccount' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // Has ability to remove a permanent ban on an account. 'SearchMD5Passwords' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Ability to search MD5'd passwords in list. 'ViewCharacter' => AccountLevel::HIGHGM, // View another person's character details. 'DivorceCharacter' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Divorce another character. 'AddShopItem' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to add an item to the shop. 'EditShopItem' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify a shop item's details. 'DeleteShopItem' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to remove an item for sale on the shop. 'ManageCashShop' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to manage the in-game cash shop. 'ViewGuild' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to view another guild's details. 'SearchWhosOnline' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, // Ability to search the "Who's Online" page. 'ViewOnlinePosition' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see a character's current map on "Who's Online" page. 'EditAccountGroupID' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to edit another person's account group ID. 'EditAccountBalance' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to edit another person's account balance. 'ModifyAccountPrefs' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify another person's account preferences. 'ModifyCharPrefs' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to modify another person's character preferences. 'IgnoreHiddenPref' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see users on "Who's Online" page, hidden or not. 'IgnoreHiddenPref2' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see users on "Who's Online" page, hidden by app config or not. 'SeeHiddenMapStats' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Ability to see hidden map statistics. 'ChangeSlot' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to change another character's slot. 'ModifyIpBan' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Minimum group level required to modify an existing IP ban. 'RemoveIpBan' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Minimum group level required to remove an existing IP ban. 'HideFromZenyRank' => AccountLevel::NORMAL, // Ability to set "Hide from zeny ranking" pref. 'SeeItemDbScripts' => AccountLevel::ANYONE, // Ability to see item_db scripts in view page. 'SeeItemDb2Scripts' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Ability to see item_db2 scripts in view page. 'ViewRawTxnLogData' => AccountLevel::ADMIN, // Minimum group level required to view Raw Transaction Log in txnview page. 'ResetLook' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to reset another character's look. 'ResetPosition' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to reset another character's position. 'ViewWoeDisallowed' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to bypass WoE-disabled page security check. 'SeeCpLoginLogPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to see password in CP login log (also requires CpLoginLogShowPassword in application.php) 'SearchCpLoginLogPw' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to search through passwords in the CP login log. 'SeeCpResetPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to see passwords in CP log's "password resets" page. 'SearchCpResetPass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to search passwords in CP log's "password resets" page. 'SeeCpChangePass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to see passwords in CP log's "password changes" page. 'SearchCpChangePass' => AccountLevel::NOONE, // Minimum group level required to search passwords in CP log's "password changes" page. 'SeeAccountID' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to see Account ID on account view and character view pages. 'SeeUnknownItems' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Minimum group level required to see unidentified items as identified. 'AvoidSexChangeCost' => AccountLevel::LOWGM, // Avoid paying cost (if any) for sex changes. 'EditHigherPower' => AccountLevel::NOONE, 'BanHigherPower' => AccountLevel::NOONE ) ); ?>
  21. View File NinjaKitsune Mask this is a ninja Kitsune (fox) mask I create in my free time, only have the .spr and .act but not the image for the invetory, drop or item description. please don't delete the last image, feel free to use it on the your server, but not commercialize it in custom item packs. and remember give me the credit for it. Submitter f_fman Submitted 04/03/2021 Category Headgears Video Content Author ffman22(Seth)  
  22. Version 1.0.0


    this is a ninja Kitsune (fox) mask I create in my free time, only have the .spr and .act but not the image for the invetory, drop or item description. please don't delete the last image, feel free to use it on the your server, but not commercialize it in custom item packs. and remember give me the credit for it.
  23. for be more specific it works like a head gear, but insted of display in the head, is display in the body
  24. hello I have a question, I am working in a custom Item for the server, but because this one has a sprite display, and is in the armor, I need to create, an specific .act file, for each class, how can I tell to the server or client, that use the specific act file, depend of each class?
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