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Posts posted by Checkmate

  1. He basically means he named the manner.txt > manner.txt.txt instead in his own GRF so client couldn't read the file and replaced by data.grf's manner.txt


    Ouch.. double format [ .txt.txt ] 

    Why im asking cuz i have this issue too actually....

    and i submit it on bug section.. lol


    Which client are you using now? 0807 should be able to provide every latest things other than Oktoberfest costume?

    Sorry, I figured it out. I'm an idiot. I didn't have a manner.txt in my custom grf and added one but I named it "manner.txt" but, instead of it saving it as a txt, it set the name as that. So the file name, including extension, was "manner.txt.txt" and so, as a result, the game resorted to the data.grf's manner.txt. I fixed the name and now it works properly. Thanks for trying to help me, unfortunately it was something so small.



    So the solution is added a new one manner.txt inside custom.grf?..?

  3. Welcome! If you want to start a server i recommend you to create a team or join to some, this days a lot of RO servers are failing because just one person are handling them :)


    I totally agree with you... 1 person only handling ro... Btw can your share maybe forum or chit chat to join the others?..?

  4. In this latest version of Rathena I came across the following problem.

    when I'm in pvp and @storage, I can not use YGG with open kafra


    Yap... While opening the @storage a.k.a Kafra Storage,you cannot consumed anything item that can cosume except equip and unequipment..

    It been set by default... 

    Maybe it was created to avoid exploiting.


    So, I have this issue with one of my loading screens and its gotten quite annoying. It seemed to have come with the client that I downloaded so I dont know how to recreate the issue but it only appears for one of my loading screens. I wouldn't mind just removing the screen in all, that would probably be much easier, but I just don't know how. 

    I suggest to add a ".jpg" format image (resolution: 1024 x 768) with the name "loadingscreen01" in the path the error show you.

    This can be added in your ".grf" file with "GRF builder" or similar software. The message is telling you an image is missing, so to fix it you need to add it.



    I think what 


    was true.. Try to add.jpg..


  6. So, I have this issue with one of my loading screens and its gotten quite annoying. It seemed to have come with the client that I downloaded so I dont know how to recreate the issue but it only appears for one of my loading screens. I wouldn't mind just removing the screen in all, that would probably be much easier, but I just don't know how. 

    I think is must be something wrong while you make the patcher of it..

    Look carefully on their name,path and maybe in your clientinfo.xml

    Take a look in here too for more detail









  7. Hi there... Sorry if im post in the wrong section.. Move it if it was wrong.It abot the skill Exceed break.

    One of player found this error and try to report to me... But im dont know either this is a bug or it was allowed. I dont have idea on it. Someone can explain it... 
    Thank you so much.

    Check here
    Chat box while talking to it



    and this





    Thx again

  8. prontera,150,150,0	script	HiddenEffect	111,{
    	// Used while to make it loop
    	while(.Effect) {
    		// Interval delay of each effect
    		sleep 1000;
    		// Not sure if this is needed but it seems like only changing .Effect will not stop While from looping
    		if (.Effect) {
    			// Random 25 types of effect
    			switch(rand(25)) {
    				case 0: misceffect 1; break;
    				case 1: misceffect 7; break;
    				case 2: misceffect 12; break;
    				case 3: misceffect 15; break;
    				case 4: misceffect 16; break;
    				case 5: misceffect 28; break;
    				case 6: misceffect 30; break;
    				case 7: misceffect 34; break;
    				case 8: misceffect 43; break;
    				case 9: misceffect 65; break;
    				case 10: misceffect 67; break;
    				case 11: misceffect 75; break;
    				case 12: misceffect 77; break;
    				case 13: misceffect 85; break;
    				case 14: misceffect 97; break;
    				case 15: misceffect 98; break;
    				case 16: misceffect 102; break;
    				case 17: misceffect 104; break;
    				case 18: misceffect 119; break;
    				case 19: misceffect 121; break;
    				case 20: misceffect 128; break;
    				case 21: misceffect 130; break;
    				case 22: misceffect 134; break;
    				case 23: misceffect 153; break;
    				case 24: misceffect 170; break;
    				case 25: misceffect 226; break;
    	if (.Effect) {
    		set .Effect, 0;
    		dispbottom "Effect enabled!";
    	} else {
    		set .Effect, 1;
    		dispbottom "Effect disabled!";
    	bindatcmd "toggleeffect",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnToggle",99,99; // Bind command @toggleeffect for account level 99
    	set .Effect, 0; // Disabled by default

    This should work, you can use @toggleeffect to turn the effect on and off.


    Yeah... It workd sir.. Thanks alot.. but...

    How come player also can click to that npc which is can make the npc spam more and more and more... -.-

    How to make player cannot click it..  or maybe just hide ir from player clicking?..?

    **Or maybe we can make NPC 'A' to make an @effect on NPC 'B' which is on the other map??**

  9. Hye all... 
    Like a title say...

    Here the script that need to change from Baby Job  into Novice
    I mean how can we change it or edit script that only Novice can reenter the pvp map


    Case 6: // Baby PvP Room

    if (getmapusers("pvp_y_1-2") > 99) callsub S_full;
    if (class < 4023 || class > 4045) goto L_NotBaby;
    callsub S_payment;
    warp "pvp_y_1-2",0,0;


  10. be grateful, I just setup rathena test server just to answer your question


    prontera,156,185,6	script	kdsjfhsdkfs	100,{
    	mes "blah";
    	if ( select( "Show me Top 7 highest Zeny", "Show me Top 5 highest Cash Points", "Show me Top 10 Gold Coin holder" ) == 1 ) {
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select name, zeny from `char` left join login on `char`.account_id = login.account_id where group_id < 10 order by zeny desc limit 7", .@name$, .@zeny );
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    			mes .@name$[.@i] +" - "+ .@zeny[.@i] +"Z";
    	else if ( @menu == 2 ) {
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select name, value from `char` left join global_reg_value on `char`.account_id = global_reg_value.account_id left join login on `char`.account_id = login.account_id where global_reg_value.str = '#CASHPOINTS' and group_id < 10 group by `char`.account_id order by cast( value as signed ) desc limit 5;", .@name$, .@cash );
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    			mes .@name$[.@i] +" - "+ .@cash[.@i] +" points.";
    	else {
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select name, amount from inventory left join `char` on inventory.char_id = `char`.char_id left join login on `char`.account_id = login.account_id where nameid = 671 and group_id < 10 order by amount desc limit 10", .@name$, .@amount );
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    			mes .@name$[.@i] +" - "+ .@amount[.@i] +" gold coins.";

    besides inventory, there also can be storage, carts, guild_storage, mail and auction


    inventory is bound to character

    storage is bound by account

    guild storage is bound to a guild

    auction .... I don't want to think about it

    it will be just insane to list them all



    Im just curious about all these stuff...

    Thx again miss cuz setting up rAthena for answering my question.. That was very helpfull..  ^ ^



    by the way ... I forgotten that using IN is a very slow process in mysql -> blame Emistry



    Owh.. In hercules was more complicated... but if got some error can fix easily without need to edit whole error or database or script.

    That was a long and ermm liltle easy to understand for newbie like me.

    And all i need to do know is change all the word from 'acc_reg_num_db` into `global_reg_value` right...

    And add the last query to make NPC read how many gold_coin from player... I try it first.. Very helped.. Thx alot guys...  ^ ^ /no1

    [ Edited ]


    1 #





    select name, value from `char` left join acc_reg_num_db on `char`.account_id = acc_reg_num_db.account_id left join login on `char`.account_id = login.account_id where `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' group by `char`.account_id order by value desc;0.0010 ~ 0.0014 sec

    select `char`.account_id as aaa, ( select name from `char` where account_id = aaa order by char_num limit 1 ), value from `char` left join acc_reg_num_db on `char`.account_id = acc_reg_num_db.account_id where `key` = '#CASHPOINTS' group by `char`.account_id order by value desc;0.0011 ~ 0.0019 sec


    so just have to add 'login.group_id < 10' clause


    Im stuck in here... Im confused where to add the clause, put in 'key' or where?..?

    1 : acc_reg_num_db.account_id where `key` 


    2 # 


    The queries was to detect gold coin only from iventory right?..?

    How to add more.. I mean to check into storage,gstorage,cart,iventory?



    I wonder if there any npc that can make a list or check of top 7 or maybe 5 richest player with zeny and cash. Only player not Staff or GM

    Are those npc can be created..??..??


    Sure, you can:

    • query_sql() in /doc/scripts_commands.txt
    • SELECT, LIMIT, ORDER, from mysql docs



    Command in NPC to select total zeny from all characters on the server to .@total_zeny array.

    query_sql(" SELECT SUM(`zeny`) FROM `char`", .@total_zeny);

    It will select from `char` table 10 richest players to the two arrays: .@player$[], and .@zeny[]

    query_sql("SELECT name, zeny FROM `char` ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 10", .@player$, .@zeny); 

    Thx sir for this knowledge  ^ ^



    query_sql( "SELECT `name`,`zeny` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` NOT IN ( SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `group_id` > 0 ) ORDER BY `zeny` DESC LIMIT 5",.@char$,.@zeny );
    .@size = getarraysize( .@char$ );
    for( .@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++ )
    	mes .@char$[.@i]+" - "+.@zeny[.@i];

    something like this... didnt test.


    Thx also sir about this.. ^  ^

    Sql query... @.@




    select zeny, name from `char` where account_id in ( select account_id from login where group_id < 10 ) order by zeny desc limit 7;

    select name, value from `char` inner join global_reg_value on `char`.char_id = global_reg_value.char_id where global_reg_value.str = '#CASHPOINTS' and `char`.account_id in (  select account_id from login where group_id < 10 ) order by cast( value as signed ) desc limit 7;
    this is a request so ...

    prontera,156,185,6	script	kdsjfhsdkfs	100,{
    	mes "blah";
    	if ( select( "Show me Top 7 highest Zeny", "Show me Top 5 highest Cash Points" ) == 1 ) {
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select zeny, name from `char` where account_id in (  select account_id from login where group_id < 10 ) order by zeny desc limit 7", .@zeny, .@name$ );
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    			mes .@name$[.@i] +" - "+ .@zeny[.@i] +"Z";
    	else {
    		.@nb = query_sql( "select name, value from `char` inner join global_reg_value on `char`.char_id = global_reg_value.char_id where global_reg_value.str = '#CASHPOINTS' and `char`.account_id in (  select account_id from login where group_id < 10 ) order by cast( value as signed ) desc limit 5", .@name$, .@cash );
    		for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@nb; .@i++ )
    			mes .@name$[.@i] +" - "+ .@cash[.@i] +" points.";
    I also didn't test


    And about this Miss Annieruru... /thx alot...

    It works well



    but i encounter some error  when trying to check the@cashpoints or @kafrapoints.

    That npc did not showing it unlike the zeny. It just sow the close button






    Errmmmm... How to make this fixed?..?

    And the other thing,just incase how can we add a command which can make NPC read how much item example gold_coin of the player in whole server?..?

    Cuz above topic was refer to zeny and cash point which is can be log into server and how about if the item?..?

    Wodering about that??..??

  13. when player talk to npc, the dialog closes automatically and they are stuck since dialog was not close properly. The only solution is to do a character select. 


    Nope.. Im also have th same issue...
    Latest version right?..?


    Try to check here


    You can disable the SECURE_NPCTIMEOUT (src/config/secure.h) for now. It's being looked into. I believe this is related to your case.


    From topic here 


    Another solution for that is @warp or @go /ok . I guess it is a NPC script bug. :)

    Yup that was the solution. Its more better than relog char.
    Otherwise try give them @refresh cmd(But i think sometime @refresh can be abuse,so just go @go and @warp) /heh

    and it was happen to default warper too which is provide by rAthena.


    I wonder if there any npc that can make a list or check of top 7 or maybe 5 richest player with zeny and cash. Only player not Staff or GM

    Are those npc can be created..??..??


    Sure, you can:

    • query_sql() in /doc/scripts_commands.txt
    • SELECT, LIMIT, ORDER, from mysql docs



    Command in NPC to select total zeny from all characters on the server to .@total_zeny array.

    query_sql(" SELECT SUM(`zeny`) FROM `char`", .@total_zeny);

    It will select from `char` table 10 richest players to the two arrays: .@player$[], and .@zeny[]

    query_sql("SELECT name, zeny FROM `char` ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 10", .@player$, .@zeny); 

    Errrr.... If you dont mind can show me how to do it... I mean an live example.. 

    Cuz to create a new script... I still dont get it much...

  15. Players on my server are unable to move sometimes after warping and the time in which you can play before i happens varies.I warped to 200 different maps before it did it to me then the next time it was 2 times.I thought it was my client and packet version so i changed my client to 20130807 and my packet version.But it still keeps occurring. I've looked for a solution but couldn't find anything here.If anyone knows what could be the cause of this that would be awesome.


    Try to give them @refresh cmd to see it solve the problem or not...

    Or maybe they stuck after talking to npc?..?

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