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Posts posted by Elijah23

  1. Thanks! Working man! :)


    Hope you release an addon or module that will be compatible with flux , :) thanks!


    your hopes was heard


    FluxCP addon ready




    Installation: move `vending` addon folder to `fluxcp-folder\addons`

    oh... forgot about update data in table


    Function: vending_purchasereq



    // vending item
    pc_additem(sd, &vsd->status.cart[idx], amount, LOG_TYPE_VENDING);
    vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount -= amount;
    pc_cart_delitem(vsd, idx, amount, 0, LOG_TYPE_VENDING);
    clif_vendingreport(vsd, idx, amount);



    //vending to db [Sanasol]
            if(vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount >= 1)
                if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"update `vending` set `amount`='%d' where `char_id`='%d' and `index`='%d'", vsd->vending[vend_list[i]].amount, vsd->status.char_id, vend_list[i]) )
                if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,"delete from `vending` where `char_id`='%d' and `index`='%d'", vsd->status.char_id, vend_list[i]) )
    //vending to db [Sanasol]


    Thanks for this! :) Can't download it, error: git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128)

  2. A plugin for RagnarokOnline Patcher Lite (RSU). Allows for patching multiple GRF files (kRO, RE, Custom) using just one patch client.




    Basically this is similar to what the ragray plugin did, now you can use it for your own servers and what not smile.png




    Feel free to contribute to the repo if you want, my C / C++ sucks ^^;


    Tried this, but I'm getting failed retrieve when updating the KRO and RE, it seems to be the patch site is not working?

  3. @@Stolao


        //Minimum Hours Between Collecting Daily Reward
        //   Day: 22-24
        //   Week: 168
        set .MinWait,22;


    What does this line really means? -> 22 hours before the next daily login reward?


    if it's what does it really mean, I have a proposal to change it into like this:

        //Minimum Hours Between Collecting Daily Reward
        // 24 hours = 24 x 3600
        set .MinWait,86400;


    and change this :

    set .@i, (gettime(7) * 365 * 24) + (gettime(8) * 24) + gettime(3);
        if(.@i >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait))


    into this:


    set .@i,gettimetick(2) + .MinWait; //24 hours.
            if(#LastDailyReward < gettimetick(2))


    in this way, we can incorporate this script:


    set .@last,#LastDailyReward - gettimetick(2);
    set .@hour, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) / 3600;
    set .@min,  .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / 60;
    set .@sec,  .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 % 60;


    and we can show the message this way:


    dispbottom "Next daily reward will be in : "+.@hour+":"+.@min+":"+.@sec+".";
  4. So, I found that this script still has a limitation on the .Rewards because of the 128 variables limit of an array. And that's a bad things in my opinion, because I know that some players are loyal to their server where they play, and some of them even login every single day..! By doing this, they will get lots of surprises when they login everyday, so they will try to not break the login chain! ;) I'm not too good at explaining things, my code will tell the rest :P

    //===== EinherjarRO Scripts ================================== 
    //= Daily Prize, OnPCLoginEvent
    //===== By: ================================================== 
    //= Stolao
    //===== Current Version: ===================================== 
    //= 1.48
    //===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
    //= rAthena SVN
    //===== Description: ========================================= 
    //= A reward system for players who play more frequently
    //===== Comments: ============================================
    //= Todo:
    //= Revamp Exp and Points System, its kinda meh
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.00 Daily Prize
    //= 1.01 Fixed Typo
    //= 1.02 Removed unessisary calculation
    //= 1.03 Added a sleep2 for delayed reward
    //= 1.04 Added dispbottom
    //= 1.05 Made Clearer
    //= 1.06 Made Disbutton Dynamic
    //= 1.07 Added .RewardQnt for configable Reward Quantity
    //= 1.08 Fixed Typo
    //= 1.09 Seperated .ZMulti into .Mode and .ZMulti
    //= 1.0A Changed zeny formula for .Mode 0
    //= 1.0B Changed Variable Names, More detailed exsplanations
    //= 1.0C Fixed typo again lol
    //= 1.0D Added in .PointType$, can now configure zeny into any point types
    //= 1.0E Added LoginCount
    //= 1.0F Made LoginCount Customisable
    //= 1.10 Changed Variable Names, More detailed exsplanations
    //= 1.11 Added Wipe feature
    //= 1.12 Fixed bug, changed "close;" to "close2;"
    //= 1.13 Changed .LogCount to bitwise
    //= 1.14 Changed .wipe to a whisper event, per Euphys Suggestion
    //= 1.15 Changed Formatting of config, per Euphys Suggestion
    //= 1.16 Added Login Reward Countdown, on each login
    //= 1.17 Added .PointName$
    //= 1.18 Fixed Typo
    //= 1.19 Added Checkweight
    //= 1.1A Changed query_sql for $LOGINCOUNT to set
    //= 1.1B Fixed bug with #DRewardCon, arraysize compersison (Thanks AnnieRuru)
    //= 1.1C Added meathod for characters online for attachrid
    //= 1.1D Actually Fixed the 1.1B Bug
    //= 1.1F Changed zeny formula to remove .ZMulti from mode 0
    //= 1.20 Changed .Reminder to .Welcome
    //= 1.21 Fixed missing details in Welcome Message
    //= 1.22 Changed .Mode to be bitwise
    //= 1.23 Added Item enable disable to .Mode
    //= 1.24 Changed whisper to allow for player Whispers
    //= 1.25 Added "time" Whisper Command for players, Thanks arzzae for suggestion
    //= 1.26 Made Whisper commands configable
    //= 1.27 Made GmLvl for wipe Configable
    //= 1.28 Fixed "Points" bitwise
    //= 1.29 Added Exp to .Mode
    //= 1.2A Optimized Rewards Script a little
    //= 1.2B Bug Fix with Display message on reciving rewards
    //= 1.2C Optimize a little more
    //= 1.2D Added server xp rate to config
    //= 1.2F Re-added checkweight
    //= 1.30 Move Checkweight up higher in script, makes more since
    //= 1.31 Removed XP Dispbutton
    //= 1.32 Added Buffer
    //= 1.33 Made BUffer Toggle-able
    //= 1.34 Made Buffer Dynamic
    //= 1.35 Optimized Buffer a little
    //= 1.36 Made Buffer More Dynamic
    //= 1.37 Optimized Buffer a little more
    //= 1.38 Fixed a typo in "seem" was "see"
    //= 1.39 removed "typo" bindatcmds
    //= 1.3A Fixed bug with sc_, didnt support names had to switch to ids
    //= 1.3B Fixed bug in buff bonus (time and rate)
    //= 1.3C Revamped buffs to take only 1 variable (now can only be 32 buffs)
    //= 1.3D Made Day(s) dynamic
    //= 1.3E Removed "Time" reqirement from players to check there Next Login Bonus
    //= 1.3F Added an Else after checkweight
    //= 1.40 Fixed typo in .BuffInfo
    //= 1.41 Reorganized rewards script
    //= 1.42 changed .@i -> .@x in Option & 32 (bug report by rakuzas)
    //= 1.43 Removed Login Count related scripts, as its not really part of rewards system
    //= 1.44 Made @loginreward do whole script, instead of relogging,
    //= 1.45 Removed Disable/Enable for whole script (just remove npc)
    //= 1.46 Changed A few Description, for easier understanding
    //= 1.47 Move sleep2 up to prevent possible multi rewards bug
    //= 1.48 Deleted unnecessary line "if( #DRewardCon == 0 ) set #DRewardCon,1;"
    //===== Contact Ifo: =========================================
    //= [Stolao] 
    //= Email: [email protected]
    -	script	LOGIN	-1,{
    	sleep2 1000+.Rest*60000;
    	set .@i,(gettime(7)*365*24)+(gettime(8)*24)+gettime(3);
    	if(.@i >= (#LastDailyReward + .MinWait)){
    		if(.@i < #LastDailyReward + .MaxWait){ set #DRewardCon,#DRewardCon+1;
    		 } else { set #DRewardCon,1; }
    		set .@j,(#DRewardCon%64);
    		set .@p,getd(".Rewards"+.@j+"["+((#DRewardCon-(.@j*64))-2)+"]"); set .@q,getd(".Rewards"+.@j+"["+((#DRewardCon-(.@j*64))-1)+"]");
    		if(#DRewardCon>.Max) { set .@p,.MaxLogin[0]; set .@q,.MaxLogin[1]; }
    			if(!checkweight(.@p,.@q)){ dispbottom "You seem to be overweight, put some stuff away and relog to claim your prize!"; end;
    			} else { getitem .@p,.@q; dispbottom ""+.@q+" "+getitemname(.@p)+""; }
    		if(.Mode&2) set .@A,#DRewardCon*.ZMulti;
    		if(.Mode&8) set .@A,.@A+.@q;
    		if(.Mode&2||.Mode&8){  setd .PointType$,getd(.PointType$)+.@A; dispbottom ""+.@A+" "+.PointType$+""; }
    		if(.Mode&4){ set .@B,#DRewardCon*.XPMulti[0]; set .@C,#DRewardCon*.XPMulti[1]; }
    		if(.Mode&16){ set .@B,.@B+.@q; set .@C,.@C+.@q; }
    		if(.Mode&4||.Mode&16){ getexp .@B,.@C; }
    			for(set .@x,0; .@x < getarraysize(.BuffInfo); set .@x,.@x+4){
    				if(#DRewardCon % .BuffInfo[.@x+1] == 0) sc_start .BuffInfo[.@x], .BuffInfo[.@x+2]*60000, .BuffInfo[.@x+3];
    		dispbottom "You have collected your daily reward, for "+#DRewardCon+" day"+((DRewardCon>1)?"s":"")+" in a row.";
    		set #LastDailyReward,.@i;
    	} else { dispbottom "You have "+(#LastDailyReward + .MinWait-.@i)+" hours till your next reward."; }
    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    //  Daily Reward
    // -----------------------------------------------------------
    	//To Enable @ Command '@LoginReward' unslash next lines
    	// * Needs extra commands for typos
    //	bindatcmd("loginreward"	,"LOGIN::OnLoginCmnd",0,99);
    	//Minimum Hours Between Collecting Daily Reward
    	//   Day: 22-24
    	//   Week: 168
    	set .MinWait,22;
    	//Hours Before Lose Consecutive Daily Rewar
    	//   Day: 48-50
    	//   Week: 336
    	set .MaxWait,50;
    	//Number of mins after logging before collecting prize
    	set .Rest,0;
    	//Type of Points/Zeny earned 
    	//   eg: CASHPOINTS, Zeny, LoginPoints
    	set .PointType$,"Zeny";
    	//   1: Item | 2: "Points" from Multi | 4: Exp from Multi 
    	//   8: "Points" from Days with ItemID of 0 |16: Exp from Days with ItemID of 0
    	//   32: Gain Buffs Every X Consecutive Days logged in
    	// (a bit value, e.g. 3 = Items & Points from Multi)
    	set .Mode,1+2+4+8+16+32;
    	//Consecutive Day Points Multiplier
    	// * If players login longer than the last set day,
    	//   they will keep getting a larger Multiplier
    	set .ZMulti,100;
    	//Maximum Consecutive Days
    	// * If players login more than this value in a row, they will get the 'MaxLogin' prize.
    	set .Max,365;
    	//Consecutive Day Exp Multiplier
    	//  ,;
    	// * If players login longer than the last set day,
    	//   they will keep getting a larger Multiplier.
    	setarray .XPMulti,10,10;
    	// Consecutive Days Buff
    	// Each buff contains 4 variables (32 Total Max)
    	// ,,,, // Buff 1
    	// ,,,, // Buff 2
    	//   ...;
    	//  Example: 188,7,45,3
    	//    -Every 7th consecutive day logged in Player gains +3 Str for 45 mins
    	//  Type is 188, which references which SC_ to use, SC_INCSTR in this example
    	//     -For a full list of SC_ visit the db/const.txt
    	//  Days is days buff is applied, in this example 7, so every 7th day, 14,21,28....
    	//  Duration is buff duration is Minuits, in this example 45 mins
    	//  Rate is buff strength, in this example player gains 3 Str
    	setarray .BuffInfo	,188,7,45,3	// +3 Str for 45 Mins Every 7th Day
    				,189,7,45,3	// +3 Agi for 45 Mins Every 7th Day
    				,190,7,45,3	// +3 Vit for 45 Mins Every 7th Day
    				,191,7,45,3	// +3 Int for 45 Mins Every 7th Day
    				,192,7,45,3	// +3 Dex for 45 Mins Every 7th Day
    				,193,7,45,3	// +3 Luk for 45 Mins Every 7th Day
    				,194,4,45,25	// +25 Hit for 45 Mins Every 4th Day
    				,196,4,45,25	// +25 Flee for 45 Mins Every 4th Day
    				,198,10,60,10	// +10% Hp for 60 Mins Every 10th Day
    				,199,10,60,10	// +10% Sp for 60 Mins Every 10th Day
    				,200,13,30,10	// +10% Atk for 30 Mins Every 10th Day
    				,201,13,30,10	// +10% Matk for 30 Mins Every 10th Day
    				,257,9,120,50	// +50% Exp for 120 Mins Every 9th Day
    				,258,9,120,50;	// +50% Item Drops for 120 Mins Every 9th Day
    	// Daily Prize items (max 64 days):
    	//   ,, // Day 1
    	//   ,, // Day 2
    	//   ...;
    	// * You need to specify all the arrays below, up to 64 pairs for 1 group.
    	setarray .Rewards0[0],
    		512,1,		// Day 1
    		513,2,		// Day 2
    		514,3,		// Day 3
    		0,1000;		// Day 4
    	setarray .Rewards1[0],
    		512,1,		// Day 65
    		513,2,		// Day 66
    		514,3,		// Day 67
    		0,1000;		// Day 68
    	setarray .Rewards2[0],
    		512,1,		// Day 129
    		513,2,		// Day 130
    		514,3,		// Day 131
    		0,1000;		// Day 132
    	setarray .Rewards3[0],
    		512,1,		// Day 193
    		513,2,		// Day 194
    		514,3,		// Day 195
    		0,1000;		// Day 196
    	setarray .Rewards4[0],
    		512,1,		// Day 257
    		513,2,		// Day 258
    		514,3,		// Day 259
    		0,1000;		// Day 260
    	setarray .Rewards5[0],
    		512,1,		// Day 321
    		513,2,		// Day 322
    		514,3,		// Day 323
    		0,1000;		// Day 324
    	setarray .MaxLogin[0],512,999;


    That would be good increasing the capacity of the rewards but a little bit too much for configuration since you need to input all the arrays with values.

    I have a suggestion, can we optimize the rewards like this:

    Day 1:(Itemid,amount,itemid,amount){itemid,amount} making the daily login rewards not just limited to 1 item xD

    Day 2:(Itemid,amount,itemid,amount){itemid,amount}

    and so on..


    if day 1 is the only thing specified, it will be the same reward for the next day, but will be multiplied depending on what we'll be configuring:

    Reward Multiplier: 1,2,3 and so on...


    If day 1 is the only specified multiplier, then it would be one used for all the time, xD

    Hope it can be done like that xD

  5. Hello, If anyone could share their files regarding this matter.

    I'm using the latest Basic Data folder by alexandria but I'm still
    getting minor glitches with the hair palettes and head sprite.


    I'm getting weird lines in the nose and hair style 1-9 doesn't change color from hair dye 1-10.


    Already tried replacing my files and using Kamishi's corrected head
    sprite and body sprites as well as palettes but still getting this weird


    So if you're not encountering this error, would you mind sharing your files?



  6. Hello everyone, just want to ask anyone who can do this.. :)

    Just an expansion of delitem script command but can be used to cart and storage for a specific account ID.. :)

    I know that the delstorageitem for sql can be done with an SQL query, but it would be better to use a script command for me.. :)

    Maybe you can add also the countitem part for the cart inventory, countcartitem xD.. :) I think it would be useful for everyone.. :)

    Advance Thanks.. :)

  7. Same here, xD when doing @reloadscript..

    And when used in live server, it causes random map crash somewhere (random time) although I don't have a crashdump since I can't make one with my vps.. lmao


    Wow, AnnieRuru in rathena.. xD nice to see you here.. :)

  8. Hello everyone,

    just wanted to ask regarding this error that I'm getting..

    [Error] Memory manager: freed data is changed. (freed in server's location\src\common\db.c line 1072)

    db.c line 1072 shows:

    if (which&DB_RELEASE_DATA && data.type == DB_DATA_PTR) aFree(data.u.ptr);

    I have really no Idea what's causing the error.. xD

    I'm using the latest rathena revision.. :)

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