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Posts posted by Elijah23

  1. Here, I was able to make it duplicable but can't make it to have the duplicates have their own Waitingroom with the rune they have...

    Each duplicate will have their own cooldown and will appear after the duration of the runes...

    Each duplicate has different runes...

    - script Runes -1,{
    set .@dif, strnpcinfo(2);
    if ( .remind[.@dif] == 0 ) {
     set .remind[.@dif], 1;
    dispbottom "Walkthrough to get Runes.";
    switch( .Runes ){
     Case 1:
      sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,60000,100;
      sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,60000,100;
     Case 2:
      initnpctimer "Runes",1;
      skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1;
      sc_start SC_CLOAKING,60000,10;
      stopnpctimer "Runes",1;
     Case 3:
      sc_start4 SC_REGENERATION,60000,-10,1,0,0;
     Case 4:
      getmapxy( .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0) );
      clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,60;
      clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,60;
     Case 5:
      sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,60000,0;
    dispbottom "You have gained "+.Names$[.Runes]+" for 1 minute!";
    disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    set .Runes,0;
    set .timeout, 1; // Set this for the cooldown of Runes
    if ( .timeout == 0 ) set .timeout, 1; // Set this for the cooldown of Runes
    set .@dif, strnpcinfo(2);
    set .remind[.@dif], 0;
    set .starttime[.@dif], gettimetick(2);
    do {
     set .remaintime[.@dif], .timeout * 60 + .starttime[.@dif] - gettimetick(2);
     set .@hour[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] / 3600 ;
     set .@min[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] % 3600 / 60 ;
     set .@sec[.@dif], .remainTime[.@dif] % 3600 % 60 ;
     delwaitingroom strnpcinfo(0);
     waitingroom "Cooldown "+( ( .@hour[.@dif] )?( .@hour[.@dif] +":"):"" )+( ( .@min[.@dif] < 10 )?"0"+ .@min[.@dif]: .@min[.@dif] )+":"+( ( .@sec[.@dif] < 10 )?"0"+ .@sec[.@dif]: .@sec[.@dif] ), 0;
     set .Runes,rand(1,5);
     sleep 995;
    } while ( .remaintime[.@dif] > 1 );
    set .remaintime[.@dif], 0;
    delwaitingroom strnpcinfo(0);
    OnTimer60000: //Change this if you changed the cooldown for Runes...
    setarray .Names$,"Runes","Double Damage","Invisibility","Regeneration","Clone","Haste";
    sc_end SC_CLOAKING;
    enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    set .Runes,rand( 1,5);
    prontera,159,164,4, duplicate(Runes) Runes#1 837,2,2
    prontera,154,159,4, duplicate(Runes) Runes#2 837,2,2

  2. ahh ok, waiting, so how about the timer if im not mistaken you can get runes every 2 minutes.What I mean to say is the runes will only get every 2 minutes or change it to 5 minutes but the DD haste clone effect will only last 1 minute.

    EDIT: ATM, you can try to change the OnTimer...

    60000 = 1min.

    120000 = 2min. and so on..

    after changing the on timer.. just change the value of

    ( 60 - (getnpctimer(0)/1000) )+" Sec." )

    if your Ontimer is 120000... change it to...

    ( 120 - (getnpctimer(0)/1000) )+" Sec." )

    Yes, that's why I'm planning to change the timer just like in ToastofDoom's WOE Setter or AnnieRuru's Private MVP Room.. but it's complicated.. XD

    But I will try my best to do so.. :P

     Case 2:
      initnpctimer "Runes",1;
      skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1;
      sc_start SC_CLOAKING,60000,10;
      stopnpctimer "Runes",1;
      disablenpc "Runes";

    Wakoko.thist will start Assassin Cloaking at level 10 right? and the effect is SC_Cloaking.

    is there any way to insert this command to items,? meaning when someone wore that item he will get cloaking. but no like Assassin Cross card. The Cloaking have duration and cooldown.

    i think you cold just insert it like this in the itemdb.. EDIT: Tested and working with me but it will not uncloak you...

    { skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1; sc_start SC_CLOAKING,60000,10; },{},{}

  3. Its working, no bug as of now..thanks

    Just tell me if you found one...

    As of now, I'm finding a way to duplicate the npc and make it look like more the dota runes which has two spawns but one at a time...

    It can be done if making another npc, but I can't get it to work with a duplicate.. :P

  4. how to use this? I mean what map the rune's will respawn? can I used it in my pvp map?

    yes you can use this, just change the header of the script... and you can also change the npc scprite to your liking...

  5. Try this... I modified Emistry's script a little..

    *ADDED MATKRATE in DoubleDamage,

    *ADDED temporary Cloaking skill to use Invisibilty...

    *ADDED auto uncloak....

    *USED SC_REGENERATION to make sp regen too..

    *USED own durations..

    *USED dispbottom instead of announce...

    The problems I encountered are SC_REGENERATION can't be stop when hp/sp full.. :D

    and sometimes it is stuck to the case 0, showing nothing in the waiting room and no rune to be retrieved, i don't know why..

    If you find any more bugs, just post.. :P

    prontera,155,170,4,    script    Runes    837,2,2,{
    dispbottom "Walkthrough to get Runes.";
    switch( .Runes ){
     Case 1:
      sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,60000,100;
      sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,60000,100;
      disablenpc "Runes";
     Case 2:
      initnpctimer "Runes",1;
      skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1;
      sc_start SC_CLOAKING,60000,10;
      stopnpctimer "Runes",1;
      disablenpc "Runes";
     Case 3:
      sc_start4 SC_REGENERATION,60000,-10,1,0,0;
      disablenpc "Runes";
     Case 4:
      getmapxy( .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0) );
      clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,60;
      clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,60;
      disablenpc "Runes";
     Case 5:
      sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,60000,0;
      disablenpc "Runes";
    dispbottom "You have gained "+.Names$[.Runes]+" for 1 minute!";
    set .Runes,0;
    setarray .Names$,"Runes","Double Damage","Invisibility","Regeneration","Clone","Haste";
    sc_end SC_CLOAKING;
    enablenpc "Runes";
    set .Runes,rand( 1,5);
    while( 1 ){
    waitingroom (( .Runes )? "   "+.Names$[.Runes]:"Cooldown "+( 60 - (getnpctimer(0)/1000) )+" Sec." ) ,0;
    sleep 1000;

    Reason for edit: codebox

    Reason for edit2: Possible Fix for the 2nd bug... Now fully working for me...

  6. I think the runes should be a combination of npc and item... so you can use timers to enable and disable npc...

    then ontouch of the NPC, it will buff the character with the buff of the custom item,

    And maybe source modifications.. :D

    just my opinion.. :P

  7. Glad to know you found a way and made a skill, I hate making them but I'm sure the effect in the end is easier xD;

    Just added the multiplier....

    if (incweight > 0) {
    for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= incweight; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    set MaxWeight, MaxWeight + 500 * incweight;

    Wouldn't that way, say you have level2 increase weight, give 2000?

    At level 2 incweight, the for loop would run twice, giving 500*2 the first time, then 1000*2=2k the second time..?

    I added it because without the multiplier, when i reset, it's just giving me +500 weight, but when i added the multiplier it added the original weight I have added in the NPC..

    For example, the npc is like the gym pass thing, can add permanent weight gain 10x...

  8. Hi! I'm just wondering if this can be done with our clients?..

    Custom Status Icons for custom status...

    I have seen the source and lua files but can't find the way the client see the icons...

    For example,

    SI_GIANTGROWTH = 319 in source
    EFST_GIANTGROWTH = 319 in lua
    but in texture/effect
    all i can see is the runes thing..

    Would you mind to share if you know.. smile.gif

    Thanks.. smile.gif

  9. Hi!

    I'm making a custom passive skill which increases some attributes like in the item script...

    For example,

    bonus bDef,30; bonus bMdef,-30; bonus bMatkRate,100; bonus bCastrate,-20; bonus bAllStats,3;

    So i was able to put the skill but i can't add the bonuses..

    here's an example of the code i placed in source code..

    if( (skill=pc_checkskill(sd,ALL_DARKELF)) == 1 )
    sd->add_def[i].rate += 30;

    Is this right?.. Sorry, I'm new to this...

    And i don't know where to add this... :D Advance thanks.. :)

  10. In your reset npc try adding this into the reset clause:

    if (incweight > 0) {
    for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= incweight; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    set MaxWeight, MaxWeight + 500;

    And for initial setting from however you wish to do it, npc, item, etc..

    set incweight, incweight + 1;
    set MaxWeight, MaxWeight + 500;

    Thanks to this.. :)

    Anyways, already have added a new skill just like ALL_INCCARRY before i saw this.. :D

    I did try this and its working.. :D

    Just added the multiplier....

    if (incweight > 0) {
    for ( set .@i, 1; .@i <= incweight; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    set MaxWeight, MaxWeight + 500 * incweight;

  11. Hi everyone..

    I'm trying to make a npc which increases the max weight of a character +500 when he/she gave the special item to the npc..

    I was able to manage to increase the max weight using this code:

    set MaxWeight,MaxWeight + 500

    But my problem is, when the character reset his stats, the additional maxweight will also be removed...

    Any ideas how to this?... Thanks in advance.. :)

  12. Actually what i tried is Item Type 18, the one with the warning message with opening or not..

    I''m finding a way if there's a way to edit that message or make another item type which shows the message i want...

    for a New item Type an src edit would be required as far as I know

    yeah already knew that..

    And I also noticed that the message is from msgstringtable.txt

    Still looking on how to it.. :) anyway, thanks to your help.. :(

  13. owh...then i think you have to keep use that xD

    guess dreamunreal forget to add a patch to load that text file upon server is restart / booting....xD

    sorry my bad...coz i didnt tested it....>.<

    Don't know what went wrong, it suddenly works...

    It's just reading the item_droprate.txt when Dropflag is set to 0...

    But i'm experiencing a bug...

    Dropflag 0 is not working...


    that should make elunium .01% drop right? but still 100% for every mob...

    • Upvote 1
  14. Try this code...

    prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 436,{
    set .BuyCost,10;
    set .Point,10;
    switch(select("Buy Skill Points:Buy Stat Points")){
    Case 1:
    mes "How many Skill Points you want to Buy ?";
    mes "Each Cost "+.BuyCost+" Pod.";
    input @Amount,0;
    if( @Amount == 0 ) close;
    if( countitem( 7179 ) < @Amount * .BuyCost ){
       mes "Not Enough POD";
    mes "Gained "+@Amount+" Skill Points.";
    set SkillPoint,SkillPoint + (@Amount * .Point);
    delitem 7179,@Amount * .BuyCost;
    Case 2:
    mes "How many Stat Points you want to Buy ?";
    mes "Each Cost "+.BuyCost+" Pod.";
    input @Amount,0;
    if( @Amount == 0 ) close;
    if( countitem( 7179 ) < @Amount * .BuyCost){
       mes "Not Enough POD";
    mes "Gained "+@Amount+" Stat Points.";
    set StatusPoint,StatusPoint + (@Amount * .Point);
    delitem 7179,@Amount * .BuyCost;

    So you'll just need to edit the value of .Point..:(

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