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Posts posted by adani_jmc

  1. 2022 here,

    To download the 2017 version, you need to scroll down the page a bit, and find  and click "Visual Studio Express" text link.

    Then scroll down again and click on "Express 2017 for Windows Desktop" to download the web installer.

    While it say "Express", you can still choose the VS Community 2017 later.


    *if the open up windows is empty, you need to close the optional window first, then choose the Community Editon in the [Available] Tab


    When you choose the SDK Individual Component with Windows 10, you have to download "Windows 10 SDK".

    There is no Windows 8.1 SDK in Windows 10, but you can find it if your pc/laptop have Windows 7 installed.

  2. correct me if wrong,

    the evolution required a pet with a full intimacy, if you set the 'Fullness' to 0, this mean the pet will never get hungry and the intimacy will never increas.

    How about to try set a value, to see if the autofeed and evolution menu will appears and works or not.

    and to make intimacy increase faster, try to set IntimacyFed, you can also increase the pet intimacy with @petfriendly (max. 1000).

  3. You need to change the sprite setting for the item (if you wants to make the blue match the red)

    In "Your Ragnarok Online/System" Folder, open ItemInfo.lub or ItemInfo_sak.lub (depend on your servertype in clientinfo)

    I assume, you are using Large Baphomet Horns with ID 5518
    or if you have different item, search the item you want to change in the ItemInfo

    		identifiedDisplayName = "Gigantic Majestic Goat",
    		identifiedResourceName = "대형마제스틱고우트",
    		ClassNum = 180

    Since the "red" one sprite derived from Majestic goat (ID 2256), you need search and change your "Large Baphomet Horns" sprite
    copy the
    identifiedResourceName (Sprite's File Name)
    ClassNum (This is similar to View ID)

    So, your data will be like this

    		identifiedDisplayName = "Gigantic Majestic Goat",
    		identifiedResourceName = "마제스틱고우트",
    		ClassNum = 41

    You can change different headgear with this way, if you want to change different sprite (not headgear) you don't need to fill the ClassNum

    Also this way only work with 2015+ Clients

  4. Hello, its been a while, i've a question

    is there a way to make homunculus get experience from master in pre-renewal mode with newer client? (example 2018-06-21)

    because it only work with pre-renewal mode.


    After homunculus auto attack AI doesnt work in newer client, its become so pain to farm exp for homunculus with manual attack,

    i dont want to came back using older client (which it work) because i want to add some newer client feature.


    thanks for your answer ~


    EDIT the latest NEMO Homunculus auto attack AI patch update working now thx @4144 (you need to update it up to July 1st, 2020)

    but i still want the master shared exp feature

  5. I think this is the clue bro,

    Note: MIN_STORAGE + vip_storage_increase cannot exceed MAX_STORAGE.

    Your MIN_STORAGE is 600
    You set MAX_STORAGE to 800

    So, you only have 200 space available to use

    also if you want to add more MAX_STORAGE, there is a limit for this, but i dont remember the exact number,

    @Start_ suggestion is the only way for you to add more storage space.

  6. How about to try change your encoder/converter? i usually use Format Factory, you can change the bitrate in the output setting while choosing the file.

    and its just normal if a Bgm is read only for a game, because the engine only need to read and dont need to write.

  7. its an old bug, dont mind, as long your mp3 can be hear at first time,. even default mp3 come from installer sometime will stop play (usually when your char warped into the map), but for most custom mp3 you have to change your custom mp3 bitrate to make it more stable, example you can try to readjust between 144, 128,  96 or 80, just dont use higher bitrate like 192 - 320kbps, it takes time to load, and makes your slow pc player suffer.

    btw, you can add your own mp3 without replace any file from BGM file, you only need to add your mp3 file name in each mapname you wanted to change inside mp3nametables.txt 

  8. I have different error, in mine, my job_db1.txt missing 1 column.

    i dont have column "Shield" 

    Also all characters in my server have 190 ASPD, even with only 1 agi and 1 dex, is job_db1.txt cause it ?

    *Note: i just download rAthena hours ago, i only have two edit on source, disable renewal and add packetver on define-pre.hpp

    // JobID,Weight,HPFactor,HPMultiplicator,SPFactor,Unarmed,Dagger,1HSword,2HSword,1HSpear,2HSpear,1HAxe,2HAxe,1HMace,2HMace(unused),Rod,Bow,Knuckle,Instrument,Whip,Book,Katar,Revolver,Rifle,Gatling Gun,Shotgun,Grenade Launcher,Fuuma Shuriken,2HStaff
    // Novice
    0,	20000,0    ,500  ,100  ,500  ,650  ,700  ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,800  ,2000 ,700  ,700  ,650  ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 , 650


    thx for anyone who can answer this problem


    **EDIT :

    I've solve my own, i dont completly change my configuration into pre-renewal, LoL.

    Now all characters on my server have normal ASPD, and no more job_db1.txt error on the map-server console. 

  9. Hi, i want to ask something about deleting character

    it say, "Enter your birthday (e.g: 20101126)

    it works if in the login sql my birthday 0000-00-00

    so i just type it 00000000 when deleting character and it works

    the problem is:

    mine was 19890413 and in the login sql 1989-04-13

    but when i try to input 19890413

    show an error "Your entered birthday does not match"

    i try to type it 00000000 or 1989-04-13 it dont work too

    so there is a way to make it right ?

    anyway, i used 2011-03-15aRagexeRE

    thx for answer it :)

  10. Hi, i was wandering how to make multiple server in one CPU

    i plan to build 3 server so whats im thinked of is

    1. I want player can login to each server with one ID, but every server they can make different character,

    so,should i configure it on Inter_athena.conf directly to one database and create a different character database configuration?

    2. Its have one custom.grf, so should i edit the clientinfo, or just use it for play?

    3. how much ram needed for run 3 rAthena ?

    Thats it

    thx if you want to answer it :)

  11. did you add log.sql?

    Yes i do

    you must make a seperate database for log, name it log, then run the log.sql file in ur /sql-files/ folder and make sure you give it permissions. also make sure you specify in the conf/inter_athena.conf the name of ur database.

    No, it doesnt necesarry, in the Inter_athena.conf you will see which database you want to use for each configuration

    Hi adani_jmc,

    From your terminal, there seems to be an error with how the name of the tables are set.

    Source: https://rathena.svn....log_athena.conf

    By default, the log is written in a .log file and not SQL. So you must comment the standard default, and un-comment the proper SQL table names. So it should look like this instead...

    // log_gm_db: log/atcommandlog.log
    // log_branch_db: log/branchlog.log
    // log_chat_db: log/chatlog.log
    // log_mvpdrop_db: log/mvplog.log
    // log_npc_db: log/npclog.log
    // log_pick_db: log/picklog.log
    // log_zeny_db: log/zenylog.log
    log_gm_db: atcommandlog
    log_branch_db: branchlog
    log_chat_db: chatlog
    log_mvpdrop_db: mvplog
    log_npc_db: npclog
    log_pick_db: picklog
    log_zeny_db: zenylog

    i think this is the best answer, yeah it still uncomment, okeh i'll try it

    thanks for answering my question :P

  12. rathen10.png

    ehm .. its appears on map-server console

    first one is when i throw an item

    and second is when i pickup again it

    anyone know whats wrong with it ?

    yeah i know its from picklog, i use mySQL for logging it


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