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Status Updates posted by Arcenciel

  1. Thanks for vouching for me Merc. <3

  2. Thanks for vouching for me. <3

  3. Thanks for willing to vouch for me! Really appreciate it.

    1. jTynne


      You're awesome, always looking to learn more, and have helped TONS of people. I know you'd make an excellent moderator here, man!

  4. That can't be healthy...

  5. Too lazy. I'll go online just so you can see me and then I'll leave.

  6. Trying to script an Instance.

    1. jTynne


      Instances are a pain! Good luck, Arc!

  7. Welcome back! Are you staying around this time? O_o

    1. ToastOfDoom


      Who knows... I might wake up one day and never want to return....again.

  8. Welcome to the team!

    1. Judas


      thanks =)

  9. Why do people complicate simple things.....

  10. Yeah! Keep it up Euphy. No more spoonfeeding these babies.

  11. Yes! Why?! Those were what the cool kids wore back in the days!

    1. Eurydice


      I had one and I only used them once. D: Then one of them stopped working. T_T LOL I feel old. x-x

  12. You are too boo!

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