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Posts posted by cook1e

  1.   - Id: 13 
        Group: Group_Robe
          - Slot: 1
              - Option: RECOVER_HP_KILL_TARGET
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 16
                Chance: 1000
              - Option: RECOVER_HP_KILL_TARGET
                MinValue: 20
                MaxValue: 80
                Chance: 1000
              - Option: VAR_MAXHPAMOUNT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 300
                Chance: 1000
              - Option: VAR_MAXSPAMOUNT
                MinValue: 10
                MaxValue: 150
                Chance: 1000
          - Slot: 2
              - Option: VAR_MAXHPPERCENT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 5
                Chance: 1000
              - Option: VAR_MAXSPPERCENT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 5
                Chance: 1000
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 5
                Chance: 1000
          - Slot: 3
              - Option: CLASS_DAMAGE_NORMAL_USER
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 5
                Chance: 100
              - Option: CLASS_DAMAGE_BOSS_USER
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 5
                Chance: 100
              - Option: VAR_STRAMOUNT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 3
                Chance: 100
              - Option: VAR_AGIAMOUNT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 3
                Chance: 100
              - Option: VAR_INTAMOUNT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 3
                Chance: 100
              - Option: VAR_DEXAMOUNT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 3
                Chance: 100
              - Option: VAR_LUKAMOUNT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 3
                Chance: 100
              - Option: VAR_VITAMOUNT
                MinValue: 1
                MaxValue: 3
                Chance: 100

    Hello, what is the correct format? with this configuration i always get 3 bonus even if the chances are very low (1%) for example.

    Can't figure how to make it to be with these chances (  First Slot 100% ) - ( Second Slot 40% ) - ( Third Slot 20% ).

  2. apt-get dist-upgrade
    apt-get install mysql-server
    mysql -u root -p  (si no tienes contraseña, en la terminal solo presiona enter)
    CREATE DATABASE ragnarok;
    GRANT ALL ON ragnarok.* TO ragnarok@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "tucontraseña";
    GRANT ALL ON log.* TO ragnarok@localhost;
    cd /ubicacion/rathena/sql-files
    mysql -u ragnarok -ptucontraseña ragnarok < main.sql
    mysql -u ragnarok -ptucontraseña log < logs.sql


  3. Para configurar tu base de datos, te dejo está pequeña guia.

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt install libmariadb-dev libmariadb-dev-compat
    mysql -u root -p  (si no tienes contraseña, en la terminal solo presiona enter)
    CREATE DATABASE ragnarok;
    GRANT ALL ON ragnarok.* TO ragnarok@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "tucontraseña";
    GRANT ALL ON log.* TO ragnarok@localhost;
    cd /ubicacion/rathena/sql-files
    mysql -u ragnarok -ptucontraseña ragnarok < main.sql
    mysql -u ragnarok -ptucontraseña log < logs.sql

    Si quieres acceder a tu base de datos desde tu navegador, puedes instalar phpmyadmin.

    sudo apt install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext
    En el proceso de instalación te dara a elegir 2 opciones, elige apache2, luego te dirá si quieres usar dbconfig-common, elige YES.
    sudo phpenmod mbstring
    y finalmente, reinicia apache2 > sudo systemctl restart apache2
    Para iniciar sesión seria el nombre de tu base de datos y la contraseña que utilizaste para la base de datos.

    Si necesitas más ayuda no dudes en escribir nuevamente por acá.

  4. Si utilizas OVH puedes cambiar el sistema operativo de tu VPS a Ubuntu 18.04 o el que gustes pero es recomendable Ubuntu, guarda tu emulador en tu PC.

    NOTA: si cambias de sistema operativo tu VPS se reseteará y perderás lo que este dentro por eso te digo que guardes tu emulador en tu PC para luego volver a subirlo.

    Igual el error que tienes 0xc00007b puede ser solucionado instalando esta actualización de microsoft. Descargar acá

  5.   - Id: 1086
        AegisName: GOLDEN_BUG
        Name: Golden Thief Bug
        Level: 65
        Hp: 222750
        BaseExp: 102060
        JobExp: 77760
        MvpExp: 97200
        Attack: 952
        Attack2: 843
        Defense: 159
        MagicDefense: 81
        Str: 71
        Agi: 77
        Vit: 80
        Int: 62
        Dex: 140
        Luk: 76
        AttackRange: 1
        SkillRange: 10
        ChaseRange: 12
        Size: Large
        Race: Insect
        Element: Fire
        ElementLevel: 2
        WalkSpeed: 100
        AttackDelay: 768
        AttackMotion: 768
        DamageMotion: 480
        DamageTaken: 10
        Ai: 07
        Class: Boss
          Mvp: true
          - Item: Gold_Ring
            Rate: 2000
          - Item: Ora_Ora
            Rate: 1000
          - Item: Gold
            Rate: 500
          - Item: Golden_Mace
            Rate: 75
          - Item: Golden_Gear
            Rate: 125
          - Item: Golden_Bell
            Rate: 250
          - Item: Emperium
            Rate: 150
          - Item: Elunium
            Rate: 1000
          - Item: Oridecon
            Rate: 750
          - Item: Golden_Bug_Card
            Rate: 1
            StealProtected: true

    Debes quitar la siguiente linea.
    DamageTaken: 10

  6. prontera,155,173,5	script	Healer	123,{
    .@Price = 1000; // Zeny Cost
    mes "[Healer]";
    mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ".";
    mes "What you want?";
    	switch(select("Free Healer:Paid Healer"))
    		case 1:
    			mes "[Healer]";
    			mes "You only will get Heal.";
    				switch(select("Yes, please.:No, thanks."))
    					case 1:
    							specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2;
    							percentheal 100,100;
    					case 2:
    							mes "As you wish.";
    		case 2:
    			mes "[Healer]";
    			mes "Paid Healer will give you Heal + Buffs.";
    				switch(select("Yes, please.:No, thanks."))
    					case 1:
    						if (Zeny < .@Price) end;
    							specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2;
    							percentheal 100,100;
    							specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY;
    							sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10;
    							specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING;
    							sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10;
    							Zeny -= .@Price;
    					case 2:
    							mes "As you wish.";


    • Love 1
  7.   - Id: 368
        Name: PA_SACRIFICE
        Description: Martyr's Reckoning
        MaxLevel: 5
        Type: Weapon
        TargetType: Self
          NoDamage: true
          IgnoreAtkCard: true
          IgnoreDefense: true
          IgnoreFlee: true
          IgnoreAutoGuard: true
          IgnoreCicada: true
        Hit: Single
        HitCount: 1
        CastCancel: true
            Plagiarism: true
            Reproduce: true
          SpCost: 100


  8. #   Trade:                  Trade restrictions. (Default: null)
    #     Override              Group level to override these conditions.
    #     NoDrop                If the item can not be dropped. (Default: false)
    #     NoTrade               If the item can not be traded. (Default: false)
    #     TradePartner          If the item can not be traded to the player's partner. (Default: false)
    #     NoSell                If the item can not be sold. (Default: false)
    #     NoCart                If the item can not be put in a cart. (Default: false)
    #     NoStorage             If the item can not be put in a storage. (Default: false)
    #     NoGuildStorage        If the item can not be put in a guild storage. (Default: false)
    #     NoMail                If the item can not be put in a mail. (Default: false)
    #     NoAuction             If the item can not be put in an auction. (Default: false)


      - Id: ID
        AegisName: ITEM_NAME
        Name: ITEM_NAME
        Type: TYPE
          NoDrop: true
          NoTrade: true
          NoSell: true
          NoCart: true
          NoGuildStorage: true
          NoMail: true
          NoAuction: true


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