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Everything posted by BabaVoss

  1. Have you fix this already? If so, can u share how?
  2. good day @Playtester @PedroProplayer can you guys share how to make this work? I wanted to stop NDL and chainskill with this method. thank you for example, BOLTS, all bolts should share the same cooldown. I am using Cooldown function on skill db, each skill will have different cd.
  3. Good day guys, how do i customize min_skill_delay_limit of skill.conf i wanted to break chain skill for some jobs like professor, wiz and etc, but when i set this up. Some jobs like Champion cannot use dangerous + critical explosion + dangerous very well. is it possible to make specific job exception for this configure? thank you
  4. Thank you for your help! it work! @Winterfox - script LAST_HIT_MONSTER FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit:
  5. Good day Rathena! Im trying to create an event, which is Last Hit event. Basically it works just like a normal player killing a mob, but the last hit will get the prize. im using a mob that takes 1 damage only, for example @monster 1915, and put a item drop on it. but the problem is, the player that made the last hit/killed it, doesnt get the prize. but the one who made too much damage. can anyone help me to create this event? thank you
  6. how do i fix this? this is the script on pc.c if (map_getcell( sd->bl.m, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CELL_CHKPVP ) && battle_config.cellpvp_deathmatch && sd->state.pvp) { add_timer(tick+battle_config.cellpvp_deathmatch_delay, pc_deathmatch_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 1|8; }
  7. Good day guys, do you guys know where we can buy andro client for our ragnarok servers? i would like to release my server to android version too. thanks
  8. Good day guys, how do i make this delay_dependon_agi to just maximum of 95% acd only? thank you
  9. copy, this script works with my server. it is attach to a freebie npc per account, apparently i dont know how to attach this to this gold room warper npc, and to be able to clear it once the cooldown is done. TOWN,45,65,5 script Welcome Reward 871,{ .@unique_id$ = get_unique_id(); if($reward_status > 0 || $reward_count < 1){ mes "[ Reward NPC ]"; mes "Sorry, but the this rewards are out. Better luck next time."; close; } if(getd("$ID_" + .@unique_id$) > 0 || #NPCREWARD1 > 0){ mes "[ Reward NPC ]"; mes "You have already claimed your reward."; close; }
  10. good day, can anyone help fixing this script. it works fine, but the purpose of this script is to not abuse gold room. this script can be by pass with making new account. Can anyone help make this PER UNIQUE ID? critown,134,138,6 script gold room 456,{ function t { function s; set .@left, getarg(0); if ( .@left <= 0 ) return getarg(0); set .@day, .@left / 86400; set .@hour, .@left % 86400 / 3600; set .@min, .@left % 3600 / 60; set .@sec, .@left % 60; return ( ( .@day ? .@day +" day"+ s( .@day ) : "" ) + ( .@hour ? .@hour +" hour"+ s( .@hour ) : "" ) + ( .@min ? .@min +" min"+ s( .@min ) : "" ) + ( .@sec ? .@sec +" sec"+ s( .@sec,1 ) : "" )); function s { return ( ( getarg(0) > 1 ? "s" : "" ) + ( getarg(1,0) ? "" : " " ) ); } } if ( gltimer <= 0 && enter_gold_room < gettimetick(2) ) { set gltimer, .glt; enter_gold_room = gettimetick(2) + 86400 * .dly; } else if ( enter_gold_room > gettimetick(2) && gltimer <= 0 ) { mes "I'm sorry you can't enter in the gold room. You must wait "+ t( enter_gold_room - gettimetick(2) )+"."; close; } mes "You have "+t( gltimer )+" remaining."; select( "enter in the gold room" ); warp .map$,0,0; attachnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer1000: if( playerattached() ){ if(strcharinfo(3)!=.map$) { stopnpctimer; end; } set gltimer, gltimer-1; if( gltimer <= 0 ) { stopnpctimer; warp "prontera",0,0; message strcharinfo(0), "end of time for the gold room"; end; } else setnpctimer 0; } end; OnInit: set .dly , 7 ; //Delay in days. set .glt , 1800 ; //Gold Room Timer in seconds. set .map$, "geffen" ; // end; }
  11. Good day rathena! Can i rrquest for a script that gives bonus effect on jobs. For example, job professor will have 50% reduce aftercast delay when having base 150 int. Thank you!
  12. im sorry i dont think i do have db backup for the last week. but im using myphpadmin sql, does it have back up logs?
  13. good day guys, can anyone help me how to roll back a server for a 1 week. there was a bug on an npc, everybody bought an item for free. and theres a lot who have bought already. i wanted to do a 1 week rollback. can anyone help pls? thanks
  14. thank you for your reply, I dont want it to be attach on items. Is there other way?
  15. Hi guys is it possible to make a function script or like onpcloginevent script or OnPCStatCalcEvent script - script agibase -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (readparam(bAgi)>=150) bonus bDelayRate,-90; end; }
  16. Hello good day, can i ask for help. can you pls add town mapflag to this script pls thaank you if (sd->sc.option & (OPTION_HIDE | OPTION_CLOAK | OPTION_CHASEWALK) || sd->special_state.perfect_hiding || map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m)) {
  17. @joecalis good day joecalis, sorry to bump you again. Can you pls add town mapflaag to this? if (sd->sc.option & (OPTION_HIDE | OPTION_CLOAK | OPTION_CHASEWALK) || sd->special_state.perfect_hiding || map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m)) { thank you pls
  18. good day guys, can i request a guide on how to wipe all items, zenny and character beside the account? i just did a beta test on my server, and im trying to figure out how to delete all items created and zenny. i dont want to delete the account because im going to use ACCOUND ID for beta test reward. can someone help? please and thanks in advance
  19. thanks for giving the idea, it work now. i just address duplicate setarray and on getitem. genius thank you have a good day!
  20. Credits to sir @pajodex for this script, Can anyone help me to add more item drop on mvp kill? // =================== MVP KILL =============== // ====== MVP will drop an item only ========== // ====== at specific maps. =================== // ====== if players are on a party =========== // ====== item will be given randomly ========= // ====== to any online party members ========= // ============== by : pajodex ================ // ==== Additional Comments: ================== // 1.0 - Initial release (MVP Kill standalone) // 1.1 - used setarray function to optimize script // 1.2 - Added modified Euphy MVP ladder // slight rework on the script // 1.3 - Fixed on reset function (Report by: celeron0134) // ============================================ - script #mvp_kill -1,{ OnInit: setarray .p_rwd, 607,1; // Party reward <item>,<amount> setarray .s_rwd, 60001,1; // Solo reward <item>,<amount> .chance = 100; // Drop rate chances % //.gm = 20; // Prevents gm level and above to trigger the event // MVP Map list setarray .t_maps$[0],"moc_pryd06","lhz_dun03","gld2_prt","abbey02","ayo_dun02","lhz_dun04","ra_fild02","xmas_fild01","dic_dun02","beach_dun","iz_dun05","tur_dun04","lhz_dun02","jupe_core","moc_fild22","anthell02","odin_tem03","gon_dun03","gef_fild02","thana_boss","gef_fild10","ein_dun02","gef_fild14","moc_pryd04","dew_dun01","in_sphinx5","niflheim","moc_fild17","xmas_dun02","ice_dun03","kh_dun02","treasure02","moc_prydn2","pay_dun04","ra_san05","mosk_dun03","ama_dun03","thor_v03","gef_dun01","mjolnir_04","abyss_03","dic_dun03","prt_sewb4","pay_fild11","gef_dun02","gl_chyard","ra_fild03","ra_fild04","ve_fild01","ve_fild02","lou_dun03","prt_maze03","bra_dun02","gld_dun01","gld_dun01_2","ba_lib","ba_lost","niflheim","ba_2whs01","ba_pw03","ba_pw01","ba_pw02"; end; OnNPCKillEvent: //if (getgmlevel() >= .gm ) end; // If gm = event wont happen if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_MVPEXP )) { for (.@a = 0; .@a < getarraysize(.t_maps$); .@a++) { if ( strcharinfo(3) == .t_maps$[.@a]) { if ( getcharid(1) ) { getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { .@partymemberaid[.@c] = $@partymemberaid[.@i]; .@c++; } } if (rand(100) < .chance) getitem .p_rwd[0], .p_rwd[1], .@partymemberaid[ rand( .@c ) ]; mapannounce .t_maps$[.@a],"[ System ] : Player ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] of party ["+ strcharinfo(1) +"] has killed "+ getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_NAME ) +" at "+ strcharinfo(3), bc_all; } else { if (rand(100) < .chance) getitem .s_rwd[0], .s_rwd[1]; mapannounce .t_maps$[.@a],"[ System ] : Player ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] has killed "+ getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_NAME ) +" alone at "+ strcharinfo(3), bc_all; } MVPKills = MVPKills+1; dispbottom "---------------------------------------------------"; dispbottom "You killed a total of "+MVPKills+" MVP"+((MVPKills == 1)?"":"s")+"."; dispbottom "---------------------------------------------------"; end; } } } }
  21. @pajodex good day sir, is it possible to put back the drop chance?
  22. it can still be bypass, by lastest titan grfs
  23. Good day, hi guys so basically this is a common problem on servers. Which is the "titan grf" , it makes character sprites bigger. Which makes them most vulnerable during war of emperium or on PK. Is there anyway we could make an anti titan modification, im thinking maybe by changing the default sprite name of the job on Àΰ£Á· makes it possible to titan-proof the server. Question is, how? Or is there any possible way to prevent this? Check photo below
  24. good day sir @Forshaken what do you mean, sorry i quite dont understand. basically what i wanted to do is, i want to apply kiel script delay rate in function script instead. not attach in item, or card.
  25. @joecalis it didnt work ? and this script below didnt work anymore either. OPTION_HIDE | OPTION_CLOAK | OPTION_CHASEWALK) || sd->special_state.perfect_hiding || map_flag_gvg
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