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Everything posted by BabaVoss

  1. hello guys i would like to ask for Script help. I have this script, its just a normal Branch Room. but the problem is, all monster got stuck inside if a player wont kill it. here is my script. I would like to it to be, if NO USER inside setarray maps, all monster will be clean. pls help askald,159,183,1 script Private Branch Room 100,{ setarray $@maps$[1], "new_1-3", "06guild_01", "06guild_02", "06guild_03", "06guild_04", "06guild_05", "06guild_06"; for(set .@b,1; .@b < getarraysize($@maps$); set .@b,.@b + 1) { if(.@b==1){ set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Public- "+((getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])>=30)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")")+":"; } else { set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "Private["+(.@b-1)+"]- "+((getmapusers(""+$@maps$[.@b]+"")>=5)?"^CD0000Closed^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")":"^007700Open^000000("+getmapusers($@maps$[.@b])+")")+":"; } } if(select(.@menu$)) { callfunc "GRfunction",$@maps$[@menu],@menu; } } function script GRfunction { if(getmapusers(getarg(0))<=30&&getarg(1)==1){ warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } if(!getmapusers(getarg(0))){ mes "Input a new password."; input($password$[getarg(1)]); next; warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } if(getmapusers(getarg(0))<=5&&getarg(1)!=1) { mes "This room is password protected please input the password now."; input(@name$); if(@name$==$password$[getarg(1)]){ mes "correct!"; next; warp getarg(0),0,0; end; } else { mes "Incorrect!"; close; } } else { mes "I'm sorry this room is full."; close; } } 06guild_01 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_02 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_03 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_04 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_05 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_06 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_07 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_08 mapflag nowarpto 06guild_01 mapflag nomemo 06guild_02 mapflag nomemo 06guild_03 mapflag nomemo 06guild_04 mapflag nomemo 06guild_05 mapflag nomemo 06guild_06 mapflag nomemo 06guild_07 mapflag nomemo 06guild_08 mapflag nomemo 06guild_01 mapflag noteleport 06guild_02 mapflag noteleport 06guild_03 mapflag noteleport 06guild_04 mapflag noteleport 06guild_05 mapflag noteleport 06guild_06 mapflag noteleport 06guild_07 mapflag noteleport 06guild_08 mapflag noteleport 06guild_01 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_02 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_03 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_04 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_05 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_06 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_07 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_08 mapflag nosave SavePoint 06guild_01 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_02 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_03 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_04 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_05 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_06 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_07 mapflag nopenalty 06guild_08 mapflag nopenalty
  2. Hello sir pride, the announcer works now. but i have a debug error when an mvp is killed inside branch room, it shows this error message
  3. Hello guys, can someone help me fix this script. This script is made by @pajodex, MVP kill announcer works. but I want it to be on default MVP maps only. which indicated at setarray .t_maps but right now this script announce MVP kills from private and public rooms and other maps aswell. // =================== MVP KILL =============== // ====== MVP will drop an item only ========== // ====== at specific maps. =================== // ====== if players are on a party =========== // ====== item will be given randomly ========= // ====== to any online party members ========= // ============== by : pajodex ================ // ==== Additional Comments: ================== // 1.0 - Initial release (MVP Kill standalone) // 1.1 - used setarray function to optimize script // 1.2 - Added modified Euphy MVP ladder // slight rework on the script // 1.3 - Fixed on reset function (Report by: celeron0134) // ============================================ - script #mvp_kill -1,{ OnInit: setarray .p_rwd, 607,1; // Party reward <item>,<amount> setarray .s_rwd, 607,1; // Solo reward <item>,<amount> .chance = 50; // Drop rate chances % .gm = 10; // Prevents gm level and above to trigger the event // MVP Map list setarray .t_maps$[0],"moc_pryd06","lhz_dun03","gld2_prt","abbey02","ayo_dun02","lhz_dun04","ra_fild02","xmas_fild01","dic_dun02","beach_dun","iz_dun05","tur_dun04","lhz_dun02","jupe_core","moc_fild22","anthell02","odin_tem03","gon_dun03","gef_fild02","thana_boss","gef_fild10","ein_dun02","gef_fild14","moc_pryd04","dew_dun01","in_sphinx5","niflheim","moc_fild17","xmas_dun02","ice_dun03","kh_dun02","treasure02","moc_prydn2","pay_dun04","ra_san05","mosk_dun03","ama_dun03","thor_v03","gef_dun01","mjolnir_04","abyss_03","dic_dun03","prt_sewb4","pay_fild11","gef_dun02","gl_chyard","ra_fild03","ra_fild04","ve_fild01","ve_fild02","lou_dun03","prt_maze03","bra_dun02","gld_dun01_2","ba_lib","ba_lost","niflheim","ba_2whs01","ba_pw03","ba_pw01","ba_pw02"; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if (getgmlevel() >= .gm ) end; // If gm = event wont happen if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_MVPEXP )) { for (.@a = 0; .@a < getarraysize(.t_maps$); .@a++) { if ( strcharinfo(3) == instance_mapname("06guild_01") ) end; if ( strcharinfo(3) == instance_mapname("force_1-1") ) end; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .t_maps$[.@a]) { if ( getcharid(1) ) { getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { .@partymemberaid[.@c] = $@partymemberaid[.@i]; .@c++; } } if (rand(100) < .chance) getitem .p_rwd[0], .p_rwd[1], .@partymemberaid[ rand( .@c ) ]; announce "[ System ] : Player ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] of party ["+ strcharinfo(1) +"] has killed "+ getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_NAME ) +" at "+ strcharinfo(3), bc_all; } else { if (rand(100) < .chance) getitem .s_rwd[0], .s_rwd[1]; announce "[ System ] : Player ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] has killed "+ getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_NAME ) +" alone at "+ strcharinfo(3), bc_all; } MVPKills = MVPKills+1; dispbottom "---------------------------------------------------"; dispbottom "You killed a total of "+MVPKills+" MVP"+((MVPKills == 1)?"":"s")+"."; dispbottom "---------------------------------------------------"; end; } } if ( getcharid(1) ) { announce "[ System ] : Player ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] of party ["+ strcharinfo(1) +"] has killed "+ getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_NAME ) +" at "+ strcharinfo(3), bc_all; } else { announce "[ System ] : Player ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] has killed "+ getmonsterinfo( killedrid, MOB_NAME ) +" alone at "+ strcharinfo(3), bc_all; } end; } } prontera,148,170,6 script MVP Ladder#Euphy 891,{ mes "[Rank MVP]"; mes "Hello."; mes "What are you doing here"; next; switch(select("Check Ranking.", "My stats.",( getgmlevel() >= 99 ) ? "RESET":"","Nothing...")) { case 1: mes "[Rank MVP]"; query_sql("SELECT char_id, CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'MVPKills' ORDER BY CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) DESC LIMIT 20",.@cid,.@value); for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@cid); set .@i,.@i+1) { query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id = "+.@cid[.@i]+";",.@j$); set .@name$[.@i], .@j$; } if (!getarraysize(.@cid)) mes "The rankings are empty."; else for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@cid); set .@i,.@i+1) mes "["+(.@i+1)+"] "+.@name$[.@i]+" ~ "+.@value[.@i]+" kills"; close; case 2: mes "[Rank MVP]"; mes "You killed "+((MVPKills)?"^0055FF"+MVPKills:"no")+"^000000 MVP"+((MVPKills == 1)?".":"s."); close; case 3: if ( select( "Confirm","Cancel" ) == 1 ) { query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num` SET `value` = '0' WHERE `key` ='MVPKills'"); addrid(0); MVPKills = 0; } close; default: close; } OnInit: waitingroom "MVP LADDER!",0; end; }
  4. noted, thank sir fluxion, but can i still diff patch my exe, if for example gepard is already attach to it?
  5. Can someone help me fix my clientinfo.xml im currently using <langtype>1</langtype> but /flag dont work, control+#. but when i change it to langtype 0, flags works. but the fonts change size to small. and this window also appears before log in screen.
  6. hello guys i need help on how do i fix this. how do i make table for this type of error
  7. //=============================== Reward Engine ===============================// OnRewardHolder: set .@sql$, ((.Options&4)?"position = 0":"online = 1"); freeloop(1); set .@gid, getarg(0); set .@size, query_sql ("SELECT `account_id`, `char_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gid+"' AND "+.@sql$,.@aid,.@cid); for(set .@j,0; .@j<.@size; set .@j,.@j+1) { if ((.Options&8) && !(.Options&4)) { set .@ip$, replacestr(getcharip(.@aid[.@j]),".","a"); if (getd(".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$)) continue; setd ".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$,1; } if (isloggedin(.@aid[.@j])) { for(set .@k,0; .@k<getarraysize(.holderprize); set .@k,.@k+2) getitem .holderprize[.@k], .holderprize[.@k+1], .@aid[.@j]; message rid2name(.@aid[.@j]),"You have been rewarded for being part of the guild at "+callsub(OnKoeMap)+" King of Emperium."; } } return; OnRewardDefender: set .@sql$, ((.Options&4)?"position = 0":"online = 1"); freeloop(1); set .@gid, getarg(0); set .@size, query_sql ("SELECT `account_id`, `char_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gid+"' AND "+.@sql$,.@aid,.@cid); for(set .@j,0; .@j<.@size; set .@j,.@j+1) { if ((.Options&8) && !(.Options&4)) { set .@ip$, replacestr(getcharip(.@aid[.@j]),".","a"); if (getd(".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$)) continue; setd ".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$,1; } if (isloggedin(.@aid[.@j])) { for(set .@k,0; .@k<getarraysize(.defenderprize); set .@k,.@k+2) getitem .defenderprize[.@k], .defenderprize[.@k+1], .@aid[.@j]; message rid2name(.@aid[.@j]),"You have been rewarded for gracefully defending your Emperium "+callsub(OnKoeMap)+" King of Emperium."; } } freeloop(0); return; OnRewardBoth: set .@sql$, ((.Options&4)?"position = 0":"online = 1"); freeloop(1); set .@gid, getarg(0); set .@size, query_sql ("SELECT `account_id`, `char_id` FROM `guild_member` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@gid+"' AND "+.@sql$,.@aid,.@cid); for(set .@j,0; .@j<.@size; set .@j,.@j+1) { if ((.Options&8) && !(.Options&4)) { set .@ip$, replacestr(getcharip(.@aid[.@j]),".","a"); if (getd(".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$)) continue; setd ".@ip_"+.@i+"_"+.@ip$,1; } if (isloggedin(.@aid[.@j])) { for(set .@k,0; .@k<getarraysize(.bothprize); set .@k,.@k+2) getitem .bothprize[.@k], .bothprize[.@k+1], .@aid[.@j]; message rid2name(.@aid[.@j]),"You have been rewarded for being a part of the best defender guild and King Of Emperium Holder at "+callsub(OnKoeMap)+"."; } } freeloop(0); return; OnKoeMap: for(.@i=0;.@i<getarraysize(.maps$);.@i+=2) if(.maps$[.@i]==strnpcinfo(2)) return .maps$[.@i+1]; return; and this error mes appears, pls help thank you in advance.
  8. Sorry for the noob question, can u teach me how to do this? I have no idea where or how to start.
  9. hello guys good day, how do i put minimize and exit button on client exe
  10. - script 1 -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: if ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid, 21 ) ) { if(killedrid == (2927)){ getitem 6319,1; //item } if(killedrid == (2750)){ getitem 6319,1; //item } if(killedrid == (2049)){ getitem 6224,1; //item } if(killedrid == (3088)){ getitem 6224,1; //item } if(killedrid == (2250)){ getitem 6090,1; //item } if(killedrid == (2951)){ getitem 6090,1; //item } } end; } Hello guys good day, can anyone help with this script. I made this script as a modified arena. I need it to be drop by chance only. sorry still a newbie. thanks in advance
  11. yes i tried i tried putting only 1 line, it still on the same position. ? im using 2015 client
  12. askald,200,87,4 script Fishing Area#1 552,{ mes "Hello there fella!"; mes "Do you know what item can you fish here?"; if (select("No,I want to know about it", "Yes") == 1) { mes "Let me know if you"; mes "ever changed you mind"; close; } next; mes "But i want to challenge you first."; mes "To check if you are worthy to do this quest."; mes "Are you accepting my challenge?."; if (select("Yes", "No") == 1) { next; mes "Okay, See the following items."; mes " "; mes "<ITEM>HD Oridecon<INFO>6240</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(6240)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>HD Elunium<INFO>6241</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(6241)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Convex Mirror Box<INFO>14168</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(14168)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Steamed Tongue<INFO>12202</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12202)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Steamed Scorpion<INFO>12203</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12203)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Dragon Breath Cocktail<INFO>12204</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12204)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Hwergelmir Tunic<INFO>12205</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12205)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Cooked Nine Tail's Tail<INFO>12206</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12206)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Stew of Immortality<INFO>12207</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12207)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Blessing Scroll<INFO>12215</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12215)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Increase Agility Scroll<INFO>12216</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(12216)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Mother's Nightmare<INFO>7020</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(7020)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Fang of Garm<INFO>7036</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(7036)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Pocket Watch<INFO>7513</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(7513)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Gemstone<INFO>7300</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(7300)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Fire Dragon Scale<INFO>7451</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(7451)+")^000000"; mes "<ITEM>Young Twig<INFO>7018</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(7018)+")^000000"; } else { next; mes "Come back to me when you change your mind"; } close; OnInit: .@map$ = strnpcinfo(4); .@npc$ = strnpcinfo(0); while (1) { showscript "Fishing Area"; sleep 500; } end; } hello yes here it is. thank you for helping
  13. hello guys good eve, how do i fix this? <ITEM>idname<INFO>id#</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000("+countitem(id#)+")^000000 it stacks on a single line ?
  14. thank you sir @Tokei @Chaos92, now i know what this script means. im really a newbie, im just learning tru rathena and from people like u. thanks additional question sir, how about giving reward for gender exclusive for example if the character is Male, it should give getitem 50506 -Kagerou job ring. and for female getitem 50508 Oboro job ring. i wasnt able to make 1 job ring for both gender on ninja because of the script i used. these two should have gender restriction to avoid crash. for Kagerou -0x02000000,63,1,2097152,,20,0,0,{ changebase 4211; },{ changebase Class; }{} for oboro -0x02000000,63,0,2097152,,20,0,0,{ changebase 4212; },{ changebase Class; }{}
  15. Hello guys, i need help with this part of my script. //for job restrict if (BaseJob == Job_Ninja) { mes "[Kagerou Shin]"; mes "Do you want to craft [Kagerou] Job ring?"; next; mes "[Kagerou Shin]"; mes "Show me that you are worthy of my suit, Im going to test your strength by killing monster."; mes "Are you strong enough to accept the mission?"; next; switch(select("Yes!:No!")) { case 1: mes "[Kagerou Shin]"; mes "First thing you'll need to do is complete all requirements to craft my suit. After completing all requirements, come back to me and I'll give you my suit."; next; switch(select("Kagerou Job Ring:Missions:Cancel")) { case 1: // Item turn in mes "[Kagerou Shin]"; mes "Im going to need these items:"; mes "^00CC001 Goddess Tear^000000"; mes "^00CC001 Valkyrie's Token^000000"; mes "^00CC001 Giant Bradium Fragment^000000"; mes "^00CC001000 Golds^000000."; mes "and ^00CC00200 Credits^000000."; next; switch(select("I have all the materials you need.:I'll be right back!")) { case 1: if(countitem(7830) > 0 || countitem(7831) > 0 || countitem(6151) > 0 || countitem(969) > 999 || countitem(60003) > 199) { next; mes "[Kagerou Shin]"; mes "Congratulations! You have completed the missions."; mes "You are a true Ninja, you're worth of this suit."; delitem 7830,1; //goddess tear delitem 7831,1; //valkyrie's token delitem 6151,1; //giant bradium fragment delitem 969,1000; //Gold delitem 60003,200; //Credits getitem 50506,1; //Kagerou suit close; } else { mes "[Kagerou Shin]"; mes "You have not yet completed all the requirements!"; close; } case 2: mes "[Kagerou Shin]"; mes "I need all the requirements to craft the suit."; close; } okay so the problem is, if the "if(countitem(7830) > 0 || countitem(7831) > 0 || countitem(6151) > 0 || countitem(969) > 999 || countitem(60003) > 199)" items are not complete, it will consume the other requirements and it show the "case 1: mes Congrats" message. Check picture below Where in if the requirements are not complete, it should show this message mes "You have not yet completed all the requirements!"; but if for example, there is NO requirements at all, it works fine. See picture below and if for example, the requirements are complete. it works fine too. Im only having problems, if there's a missing/not complete requirement. thank you in advance.
  16. hello bro, with part of the script should i adjust?
  17. hello bro, follow up question regarding this. what does this script means. if (def1 > 100) def1 = 100; ATK_RATE2(wd->damage, wd->damage2, attack_ignores_def(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) ?100:(is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R) ? (int64)is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_R)*(def1+vit_def) : (100-def1)), attack_ignores_def(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) ?100:(is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L) ? (int64)is_attack_piercing(wd, src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, EQI_HAND_L)*(def1+vit_def) : (100-def1)) this last part, 100-def1 i would like to understand the default script before ill make changes. the reason why i want to adjust it basically because, thana card takes effect only if vit def is around 150 or higher. which part of the script should i adjust, incase i want it to take efficient effect around 120 vitdef. on the test i made, lets say, weapon with 2hydra and 2turtle general versus 1thana 2tg and hydra card, NON-thana still deals more damage on 120-140 vit def target rathen than with thana itself.
  18. @Chaos92 hello sir, i sent you a direct message. thank youuu
  19. hello guys good day, i need help with this. its about KOE reward, it doesnt give, longest def prize ang emp holder prize as well. and everytime KOE ends, this error appears.can anyone help me with this. thank you
  20. hello guys, so i found this script. its kinda interesting but the current currency is zenny. i want it to be creds or other option of currency. can you guys help me fix this script, thank you. next; if(zeny<10000) { mes "[Leon]"; mes "You do not have 10,000z"; close; } set zeny,zeny-10000; set trustfundbalance,trustfundbalance+100; set $JackpotAmount,$JackpotAmount+9000; mes "[Leon]"; mes "You have chipped ^0088009,000z^000000 into the Jackpot!"; mes "Total Jackpot : ^FF0000"+$JackpotAmount+"z^000000"; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "If your guess is not correct, you will lose the zeny you chipped in, and will need to try again!"; mes "However, the pot will be that much bigger the next time anyone plays!"; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Please enter the number that you think will win the Jackpot!"; mes "It is between numbers ^FF00001^000000 and ^FF0000100^000000."; next; input .@JackpotPick; if(.@JackpotPick<1||.@JackpotPick>100) { next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "You must enter a number between ^FF00001^000000 and ^FF0000100^000000. I do not give refunds!"; goto JackpotStart; close; } mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "My number is ^880000"+.@JackpotPick+"^000000!"; next; if(.@JackpotPick!=$JackpotNumber) { mes "[Leon]"; mes "You guessed the wrong number."; mes "You can always try again!"; goto JackpotStart; close; } mes "[Leon]"; mes "You guessed the correct number!"; next; mes "[Leon]"; mes "Congratulations! You have won the Jackpot of ^008800"+$JackpotAmount+" zeny^000000!"; set zeny,zeny+$JackpotAmount; announce "[ Jackpot ]: "+strcharinfo(0)+" has won the Jackpot of "+$JackpotAmount+" zeny !!",0x76EE00; set $JackpotAmount,0; close2; announce "[ Jackpot ]: The number that won the Jackpot was "+$JackpotNumber+".",0x76EE00; set $JackpotNumber,0; sleep2 5000; announce "[ Jackpot ]: To win Jackpot come chip in some zeny and take a guess!",0x76EE00; end; case 2:
  21. Hello good day, im using pre-renewal server. I would like to ask where i can change the formula of thanatos/ice pick effect? base on my test, it is base on targets hard def, not on soft def. i believe in pre-re it should be on targets soft def. thanks you in advance
  22. thanks for the help guys, i already fix it thank youuu.
  23. hello guys can i ask for a default copy of clip.cpp, i editing something inside, specifically hiding animation. but finger offensive has been affected, it cannot be spammed. pls help thanks i need the default clif.cpp or how do i get its default, i still have my client files.
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