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Everything posted by Corrosive

  1. That's interesting. I was able to compile the code you pasted without any errors . What revision are you using?
  2. I was hoping somebody else would answer this.... anyways I believe it is client sided (/nc). However if you go into your unit.c and search for unit_attack_timer_sub... You can just insert this above if(ud->state.attack_continue) ud->attacktimer = add_timer(ud->attackabletime,unit_attack_timer,src->id,0); This code is 100% untested.
  3. You'll have to search in the pc_groups.c file. What you're looking for is in the pc_group_can_use_command.
  4. Try replacing this: With this
  5. I was unable to see this reply until now... This is an active project. More changes have been made to the skills for each nation currently.
  6. Greetings. So I'm not sure if anybody knows me at all... but that doesn't matter. What matters is this: Norectus: Theater of War Norectus takes place in a world where 5 enemy nations are at war with each other. Alliances between nations can be built based on player actions, and the leaders of each nation (NPCs for the first couple of in-game years). The game is heavily driven by story, and will ultimately give players that roleplay experience (if they choose to). Since the game is driven by story, it will be a persistent world. Currently I'm understaffed (literally the only person working on this major modification), so any help would be appreciated. FEATURES Character Upon initial login, all players will start out as a 'Nobody'. This is essentially a new recruit unaffiliated with any nation. After an in-game trial, you will be given the option to pick one of the five nations. All nations have three skill tabs. Character, Weapon, and Misc. The Character skill tab contains Elemental Skills, Nation Skills, as well as misc abilities (such as Chaser and Quick Escape). These skills can be used with any weapon. The Weapon skill tab contains three sets of weapon skills, dependent on the nation you select. Only one set of weapon skills can be active at a time, and can be switched whenever you change your current weapon. Both skill levels and experience are saved no matter how many times you switch your weapon. The Misc skill tab contains unique skills that are obtained after completing a specific condition. All of the skills in this tab are considered "rare abilities" that not everybody may have. There are also some skills which are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Guilds Guilds have been renamed to "Unit" Units hold up to 6 players. The max level of a unit is 20. The max level of unit skills are 20. You can receive bonuses from being in the unit without being near the unit leader. Account Initially, you can only have one character per account. Account upgrades will all you to have up to a maximum of three characters. Combat Natural HP and SP regeneration is 10 times slower than normal. (HP went from 6 seconds to 60 seconds, SP went from 8 seconds to 80 seconds). Players can learn unique skills by defeating boss-type monsters. PvM Monsters and players from the same nation work together to take on enemies from other nations, as well as neutral ones. On PvP battlegrounds, there are PvM objectives. Such as taking out a rare monster for its loot before the enemy faction can. A unique ability will allow a player to tame monsters. PvP Video soon to come. Points and Rankings There are several point systems built into this game: PvP points are gained/lost by the amount of kills and deaths you gain while facing another player. PvM points are gained/lost by the TYPE of monster killed, as well as the amount of deaths you gain while fighting monsters. Military points are gained/lost by the amount of Campaigns AND Skirmishes won. Loyalty points are gained/lost by the amount of missions completed/failed. Turning into a mercenary instantly sets your loyalty points to 0, and all gain is reduced by 50%. Once you become a mercenary, you are not able to rejoin any nation. Mercenaries can use all weapons, but can only learn up to level 5 of all nation skills. Weapon Skills Currently there are over 400 custom skills. ALL skills in this game level up from usage. Meaning if you want a level 10 skill, you'll need to spam that skill over and over again. Warning: Before you click that spoiler tag... just be warned. This will be a heavy read. There ARE videos under Dagger and Knuckle skills! More to come. Ursana Musical Instrument Dagger Chakram Chinoron Bow Crossbow Axe Noritor Mace Flail Staff Espea Bo Knuckle Fan Altoson Sword Spear Katar The list posted here isn't my current list sadly. I'll update it as soon as I get the time. Questions? Comments? Feedback? HELP? Anything will be appreciated. Thank you for your time. - Corrosive
  7. I've done this with my nation script. I'll try my best to see if I can find it.
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