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Everything posted by Golem1988

  1. Я делал замену треков стандартных на обычные песни 192 битрейта, и не было воспроизведения в игре. сталкивался с такой хренью, оказалось дело в отсутствующем файле... файла дескрипта музыки небыло... его вкинул- заработало... мб там еще и не тока в битрейте дело ,мб в чемто еще. Надо экспериментировать. я заменил всего 3 саунда, все 3 пошли
  2. Там предел качества есть, до 244 чтоли... все что до 244 (224? ен суть важно) воспроизводит нормально... ) Короче 192 битрейт самое то пихать на саунды.
  3. Это не бред, я так и сделал пока... Лилит, там обновы, которые ввели труреневал корейский в АСПД. И дело в том что формулы на кРО и иРО отличаются тем, что на кРО аспд занижено. а на раггейме аспд не как на кРО, походу там иРОшное... если бы у меня хайрейт был + статы скажем 255 макс итд то вааще небыло бы вопросов... но на лоу- мид рейтах теперяшняя ситуация печальна... и модиф вышел не месяц назад а около 2ух или трех...
  4. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? This Item has this skill, but skill doesn't work. Where's the problem?
  5. Skill seems not working... Is it implement? In database this skill is uncommented, skill is added to the last page of skill... but it's unable to use it. Any support? Thanks.
  6. I'ts like kinda player abuse, isn't it? Even kRO let them do so You have what, 0.001 exp and etc rates on your server? Oh I see, oldschool "pre- re without 3rd and 99/70" Than, just remove the food, thats more episodes later than 99/70 Just kidding, lol )
  7. same problem with deletepset 1;
  8. В общем столкнулся с огроменной проблемой, люди просто паникуют и сильно напрягаются по теме АСПД формул... мол формулы сильно снижают АСПД... типа на оффах аспд формулы другие итд. И на самом деле текущая аспд формула просто уничтожает некоторые из веток раскачки персонажей. На лоу рейт сервере весьма ощутимая проблема. Есть ли способ бороться с этим? Есть ли способ юзать аспд формулы с iRO или того же раггейма?
  9. One quesstion about you'r script... I need manually add cards that NPC will accept or not? And, you're welcome
  10. There's cooldown settings in some of *.conf files... Something about: cash food use delay, just set value to 0 instead of 3600 and I hope it will help.
  11. Well, there are very much cards that are useless for players, and I would like to add some NPC, that would exchange any cards for points or something like this... So, you just go and give him useless cards, instead players receive points for them and those points players will be able to exchange to some more usefull stuff. Thanks.
  12. WTF?! 4 requests for ONE npc from 4 people, you gone crazy men? Or are you all working with one projetc? And all sitting here and requesting ONe request all together? And, there's no special knowlege needed to edit the main job changer... oh lol...
  13. I want to request Event script, so basicly there are children, they are hiding in some location (town) when event starts, so, players need to find hidden children and receive revard I have seen this event in some servers, but didn't found such a script, maybe someone can help me, please? )
  14. Nope, just ninjas throw kunai.
  15. One of my players found some custom AI files, but I would be very thankfull if you'd give some link to AI by Judas. Thanks.
  16. My players playing Kagero asking me, why kunai throw is doing so low damage, for about 900 dmg in pvp (all stats 120? tested on GM char). Is that damage normal or something is wrong with throw kunai damage formula? Have about 10 requests like mine in my server support forum. I'm kinda new to Kagero class, and can't give an answer myself. I don't have any possibility to test the damage on iRO or kRO. Youtube videos seems like showing stronger damage of throw kunai skill. Thanks in advice and support.
  17. So, I want ask some questions about Taekwon. 1) Does Ranking system work? As my players said Ranker Taekwon should automaticly use skills (counterkick and others) if he's a Ranker. 2) Do taekwon skills are fully implemented?
  18. Moved from 2011-08 to 2012-04 and used newer AI. So, homun (the first class and the second one, not S homun) won't use their skills now. Players configure their AI but no effect. Some support please?
  19. Brilliant, I was waiting for that 1.1 release. My players like your warper very well and I like it as well
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