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Everything posted by PapaZola

  1. i already try but got warning or putty
  2. hello how i can change max job for ninja,gunslinger,star glatior,soulinker to max job 70
  3. hello how i can make custom suit job like christmas,summer buat using @commands im used lua files and i wanna try add suit for akatsuki
  4. hello all anyone still have files for vote 4 points scgp if still have please give me a mirror n guide how to add thx
  5. zandotc can share the source?
  6. hurmm headcache hahaha
  7. yeah i want make reflect to paladin
  8. papa already follow the source but got error when i try recompile
  9. yeah eaxmple u play champion and papa playing paladin papa devo u and u go asura enemy the damage reflect to u not papa
  10. i know this one right judas? http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/rathena/changeset/15185 same src with me but still cant here lke example the problem
  11. judas can help me about devotion

    1. Judas


      If know one helps then i can probably look a it on friday

    2. PapaZola


      oke.thx judas..T_T

  12. i have same problem anyone can give a diff patch? easy to fix bump
  13. hello all can i have script like this? every this map left 0 player will kill all monster and cleanmap(example private mvp room when all player die on map.this script will clean the map.) example map pvp_n_1-3 pvp_n_2-3 pvp_n_3-3 pvp_n_4-3 pvp_n_5-3 pvp_n_6-3 pvp_n_7-3 pvp_n_8-3
  14. hello sorry for keep asking i got this error when player kill other player in pvp here my pvp ladder http://pastebin.com/JkccPVdw and here my dota sound script http://pastebin.com/rXkTKXUR thx for helping
  15. anyone can help? when spawn mvp become this
  16. hurmm can try give me a full script? hehehe still waitting my master sir emistry
  17. sir ngek beer hat on my server disable
  18. here my pvp ladder script sir emistry http://pastebin.com/CYqqDZMw and i got 1 more this error here my script mvp room http://pastebin.com/uaEyxGGQ
  19. yeah we just waiitng reply from Elven
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