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Posts posted by uDe

  1. BUMP for today.

    I've compared to 3ceAM mob_db and mob_skill_db and there's not much changed. But why the MVP like Assassin Cross Eremes (Mob-ID#1647) are very aggressive? I mean like 3ceAM, after that MVP being spawned (in MVP room) he'll stay for a while before chasing and summoning slaves. But now, after spawned, he'll directly chasing and summoning the slaves.

  2. What is this "Xray" database you're referring to? Are you talking about Pre-renewal database? I'm a bit confused with the whole "Xray".

    Sorry for that.. XRay is client.. Not version.. So, here's the version that I'm compared : eAthena - 3ceAM 14785

    if they are casting to much Skills etc, you can edit they mob skill db , too make them weaker

    Besides form this, there's no other way to change it?

  3. nope its not.

    If that so, can I simply replace the line of pre-re MVP like Assassin Cross MVP to XRAY Assassin Cross MVP?


    1647,B_EREMES,Assassin Cross Eremes,Assassin Cross Eremes,99,1411230,0,4083400,1592380,1,4189,8289,37,39,90,181,62,37,122,60,10,12,1,7,85,0x37B5,100,76,384,288,2041700,617,5500,603,5000,732,2000,1234,1500,1230,1500,2319,9000,1233,3500,1232,3500,1265,3500,13002,3500,0,0,0,0,4359,1


    1647,B_EREMES,Assassin Cross Eremes,Assassin Cross Eremes,99,1411230,0,4083400,1592380,1,4189,8289,37,39,90,181,62,37,122,60,10,12,1,7,85,0x37B5,100,76,384,288,2041700,10000,617,5500,603,5000,732,2000,1234,1500,1230,1500,2319,9000,1233,3500,1232,3500,1265,3500,13002,3500,0,0,0,0,4359,1

  4. Hello guys.. Currently I'm using r16816 and I've disabled #define RENEWAL

    Here's my renewal.h setting :


    // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
    // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
    #ifndef _CONFIG_RENEWAL_H_
    #define _CONFIG_RENEWAL_H_
    * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org)
    * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/
    * @INFO: This file holds general-purpose renewal settings, for class-specific ones check /src/config/classes folder
    /// game renewal server mode
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal specific support such as renewal formulas
    //#define RENEWAL
    /// renewal cast time
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal casting time algorithms
    /// cast time is decreased by DEX * 2 + INT while 20% of the cast time is not reduced by stats.
    /// example:
    ///  on a skill whos cast time is 10s, only 8s may be reduced. the other 2s are part of a
    ///  "fixed cast time" which can only be reduced by specialist items and skills
    //#define RENEWAL_CAST
    /// renewal drop rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal item drop rate algorithms
    /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    /// based on the http://irowiki.org/wiki/Drop_System#Level_Factor table
    //#define RENEWAL_DROP
    /// renewal exp rate algorithms
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal item exp rate algorithms
    /// while enabled a special modified based on the difference between the player and monster level is applied
    //#define RENEWAL_EXP
    /// renewal level modifier on damage
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    // leave this line to enable renewal base level modifier on skill damage (selected skills only)
    //#define RENEWAL_LVDMG
    /// renewal enchant deadly poison algorithm
    /// leave this line to enable the renewed EDP algorithm
    /// under renewal mode:
    ///  - damage is NOT increased by 400%
    ///  - it does NOT affect grimtooth
    ///  - weapon and status ATK are increased
    //#define RENEWAL_EDP
    /// renewal ASPD [malufett]
    /// (disable by commenting the line)
    /// leave this line to enable renewal ASPD
    /// - shield penalty is applied
    /// - AGI has a greater factor in ASPD increase
    /// - there is a change in how skills/items give ASPD
    /// - some skill/item ASPD bonuses won't stack
    //#define RENEWAL_ASPD
    #endif // _CONFIG_RENEWAL_H_

    But, the problem I saw here is the MVP are too strong. FYI, I want to make my server like XRAY version but using renewal client. It's hard to kill MVP because they are strong and fast..

    So, can anyone help me to change the MVP to like XRAY version of MVP?

    Here's my monster.conf setting :


    // rAthena Battle Configuration File
    // Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
    // Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
    // Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
    // Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
    // Note 3: Value is a bit field. If no description is given,
    //		 assume unit types (1: Pc, 2: Mob, 4: Pet, 8: Homun)
    // The HP rate of MVPs. (Note 2)
    mvp_hp_rate: 100
    // The HP rate of normal monsters (that is monsters that are not MVP's) (Note 2)
    monster_hp_rate: 100
    // The maximum attack speed of a monster
    monster_max_aspd: 199
    // Defines various mob AI related settings. (Note 3)
    // 0x001: When enabled mobs will update their target cell every few iterations
    //		(normally they never update their target cell until they reach it while
    //		chasing)
    // 0x002: Makes mob use their "rude attack" skill (usually warping away) if they
    //		are attacked and they can't attack back regardless of how they were
    //		attacked (eg: GrimTooth), otherwise, their rude attack" is only activated
    //		if they can't melee reach the target (eg: sniping)
    // 0x004: If not set, mobs that can change target only do so when melee attacked
    //		(distance player/mob < 3), otherwise mobs may change target and chase
    //		ranged attackers. This flag also overrides the 'provoke' target.
    // 0x008: If set, when a mob loses track of their target, they stop walking
    //		inmediately. Otherwise, they continue to their last target tile. When
    //		set mobs also scatter as soon as they lose their target. Use this mode
    //		to make it much harder to mob-train by hiding and collecting them on a
    //		single spot (ie: GrimTooth training)
    // 0x010: If set, mob skills defined for friends will also trigger on themselves.
    // 0x020: When set, the monster ai is executed for all monsters in maps that
    //		have players on them, instead of only for mobs who are in the vecinity
    //		of players.
    // 0x040: When set, when the mob's target changes map, the mob will walk towards
    //		any npc-warps in it's sight of view (use with mob_warp below)
    // 0x100: When set, a mob will pick a random skill from it's list and start from
    //		that instead of checking skills in orders (when unset, if a mob has too
    //		many skills, the ones near the end will rarely get selected)
    // 0x200: When set, a mob's skill re-use delay will not be applied to all entries of
    //		the same skill, instead, only to that particular entry (eg: Mob has heal
    //		on six lines in the mob_skill_db, only the entry that is actually used
    //		will receive the delay). This will make monsters harder, especially MvPs.
    // 0x400: Set this to make mobs have a range of 9 for all skills. Otherwise, they
    //		will obey the normal skill range rules.
    // Example: 0x140 -> Chase players through warps + use skills in random order.
    monster_ai: 0
    // Should mobs be able to be warped (add as needed)?
    // 0: Disable.
    // 1: Enable mob-warping when standing on NPC-warps
    // 2: Enable mob-warping when standing on Priest Warp Portals
    // 4: Disable warping when the target map is a 'nobranch' map.
    mob_warp: 0
    // If these are set above 0, they define the time (in ms) during which monsters
    // will have their 'AI' active after all players have left their vecinity.
    mob_active_time: 0
    boss_active_time: 0
    // Mobs and Pets view-range adjustment (range2 column in the mob_db) (Note 2)
    view_range_rate: 100
    // Chase Range is the base minimum-chase that a mob gives before giving up
    // (as long as the target is outside their field of view). This is the range3
    // column in the mob_db. (Note 2)
    chase_range_rate: 100
    // Allow monsters to be aggresive and attack first? (Note 1)
    monster_active_enable: yes
    // Should the mob_db names override the mob names specified in the spawn files?
    // 0: No
    // 1: always use the mob_db Name column (english mob name)
    // 2: always use the mob_db JName column (original Kro mob name)
    override_mob_names: 0
    // Monster damage delay rate (Note 1)
    // Setting to no/0 is like they always have endure.
    monster_damage_delay_rate: 100
    // Looting monster actions.
    // 0 = Monster will consume the item.
    // 1 = Monster will not consume the item.
    monster_loot_type: 0
    // Chance of mob casting a skill (Note 2)
    // Higher rates lead to 100% mob skill usage with no/few normal attacks.
    // Set to 0 to disable mob skills.
    mob_skill_rate: 100
    // Mob skill delay adjust (Note 2)
    // After a mob has casted a skill, there is a delay before being able to
    // re-cast it. Note that skills with a delay of 0 can't be affected by this
    // setting.
    mob_skill_delay: 100
    // Rate of monsters on a map, 200 would be twice as many as normal. (Note 2)
    mob_count_rate: 100
    // Respawn rate of monsters on a map. 50 would make mobs respawn twice as fast (half delay time) (Note 2)
    //Note: This does not affects mobs with inmediate respawn (most normal mobs)
    mob_spawn_delay: 100
    plant_spawn_delay: 100
    boss_spawn_delay: 100
    // Should mobs not spawn within the viewing range of players?
    // 0 is disabled, otherwise it is the number of retries before giving up
    // and spawning the mob within player-view anyway, unless the max (100) is used,
    // in which case the mob will not be spawned, and it'll be retried again in
    // 5 seconds.
    // NOTE: This has no effect on mobs that always spawn on the very same cell
    // (like ant eggs) except if you set it to the max.
    no_spawn_on_player: 0
    // Should spawn coordinates in the mob-spawn files be ignored? (Note 1)
    // If set to yes, all monsters will have a random respawn spot across the whole
    // map regardless of what the mob-spawn file says.
    force_random_spawn: no
    // Do summon slaves inherit the passive/aggressive traits of their master?
    // 0: No, retain original mode.
    // 1: Slaves are always aggressive.
    // 2: Slaves are always passive.
    // 3: Same as master's aggressive/passive state.
    slaves_inherit_mode: 2
    // Do summon slaves have the same walking speed as their master?
    // NOTE: The default is 3 for official servers.
    // 0: Never.
    // 1: If the master can walk
    // 2: If the master can't walk (even motionless mobs have a speed
    //	entry in their mob_db)
    // 3: Always
    slaves_inherit_speed: 3
    // Will summoned monsters (alchemists, or @summon'ed monsters) attack cause a
    // chance of triggering the master's autospell cards? (Note 1)
    summons_trigger_autospells: yes
    // When a mob is attacked by another monster, will the mob retaliate against the master of said mob instead of the mob itself?
    // NOTE: Summoned mobs are both those acquired via @summon and summoned by Alchemists
    retaliate_to_master: yes
    // Whether mobs should change target temporarily when a skill triggers a counter mob skill (Note 1)
    // eg: Mob attacks player B, and player A casts a skill C. If set to yes and the
    // mob has a skill that is triggered by skill C, then A will be the target of
    // the skill, otherwise B will be targetted by the reaction skill.
    mob_changetarget_byskill: no
    // If monster's class is changed will it fully recover HP? (Note 1)
    monster_class_change_full_recover: yes
    // Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed)
    // (does not works on guardian or emperium)
    // 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format)
    // 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format)
    // 4: Display mob's level
    show_mob_info: 2
    // Zeny from mobs
    zeny_from_mobs: no
    // Monsters level up (monster will level up each time a player is killed and they will grow stronger)
    // Exp rate is calculated ((monster level-original monster level)*(exp*(mobs_level_up_exp rate/100)))
    // NOTE: Does not apply to WoE Guardians.
    mobs_level_up: no
    mobs_level_up_exp_rate: 1
    // Dynamic Mobs Options
    // Use dynamic mobs? (recommended for small-medium sized servers)
    dynamic_mobs: yes
    // Remove Mobs even if they are hurt
    mob_remove_damaged: yes
    // Delay before removing mobs from empty maps (default 5 min = 300 secs)
    mob_remove_delay: 300000
    // Defines on who the mob npc_event gets executed when a mob is killed.
    // Type 1: On the player that killed the mob (if killed by a non-player, resorts to type 0)
    // Type 0: On the player that did the most damage to the mob.
    // NOTE: This affects who gains the Castle when the Emperium is broken.
    mob_npc_event_type: 1
    // Time in milliseconds to actitave protection against Kill Steal
    // Set to 0 to disable it.
    // If this is activated and a player is using @noks, damage from others players (KS) not in the party
    // will be reduced to 0.
    ksprotection: 0
    // Should MVP slaves retain their target when summoned back to their master?
    mob_slave_keep_target: yes
    // Whether or not to spawn the mvp tomb.
    // See http://irowiki.org/wiki/MVP#Gravestone
    mvp_tomb_enabled: yes

  5. search this line

    getitem .@q[0],.@q[1];

    replace with

    for ( ;.@i <.@q[1];.@i++ )

    rentitem .@q[0], <time>;

    Thanks for your help. But, I didn't get the item after 'purchase'. No errors on map-server and item required being deleted.

    I'm edit the getitem .@q[0],.@q[1]; line like this :

    		   	 for ( ;.@i <.@q[1];.@i++ )
    				rentitem  .@q[0], 604800;

    Is there any mistakes?

  6. like I said before ... adding custom features to existing scripts means = open a new topic

    because in request section, the request to based on 1st post ...

    I'm so sorry for that.. /ok

    Thanks for helping @AnnieRuru..

    I've edit my script according to yours..

    I think 1 problem here if I'm trying to adding repeat function (so players don't need to click the npc again and again).

    when I use

    }while( select("Yeah! Play again!!:Nevermind, I need more Poring Coin. T_T") == 1 );

    An error shows on map-server.

    run_script: infinity loop !
  7. Interesting request and thanks to @Euphy for the script .

    But I need some help..

    No errors on map-server.. But the announcer is wrong.. I need the script announce any items below 50% chance..

       set .@i, rand(1,.Total);
       if (rand(1,100) > getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")) {
         for(set .@j,0; .@j<getarraysize(.Default); set .@j,.@j+2) {
          getitem .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1];
          if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], .Default[.@j], .Default[.@j+1]; } }
       else {
         for(set .@j,1; .@j<getarraysize(getd(".P"+.@i)); set .@j,.@j+2) {
          getitem getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]");
          if (!.@k[0]) setarray .@k[0], getd(".P"+.@i+"["+.@j+"]"), getd(".P"+.@i+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); } }
              if (getd(".P"+.@i+"[0]")<=50 && .@k[0]!=.Default[0]) announce "Congratulations to "+strcharinfo(0)+" for getting "+.@k[1]+"x "+getitemname(.@k[0])+"!",0;


    and @Euphy, can you add 1 more function for viewing who did got items below 10%? Something like PVP Ladder maybe?

    Let say the list will show 20 players who did get the items on what day and time and the list will automatically update from time to time. So, it will overwrite previous winner.. (I hope you understand my cheap explanations)

    original topic

  8. Funny thing, I did the same than Euphy... but mine is easier to edit :P

    prt_in.gat,172,140,3	script	Weapons Shop	951,{
    function enum;
    switch( BaseJob ) {
    	case Job_Priest:	 setarray .@priority, .TYPE_MACE, .TYPE_WAND, .TYPE_BOOK, .TYPE_KNUCKLE; break;
    	case Job_Assassin:   setarray .@priority, .TYPE_DAGGER, .TYPE_KATAR, .TYPE_SWORD; break;
    	case Job_Monk:	   setarray .@priority, .TYPE_MACE, .TYPE_KNUCKLE; break;
    	case Job_Sage:	   setarray .@priority, .TYPE_WAND, .TYPE_BOOK; break;
    	case Job_Rogue:	  setarray .@priority, .TYPE_DAGGER, .TYPE_SWORD, .TYPE_BOW; break;
    	case Job_Bard:	   setarray .@priority, .TYPE_BOW, .TYPE_INSTRUMENT, .TYPE_DAGGER; break;
    	case Job_Dancer:	 setarray .@priority, .TYPE_BOW, .TYPE_WHIP, .TYPE_DAGGER; break;
    	case Job_Gunslinger: setarray .@priority, .TYPE_GUN; break;
    	case Job_Ninja:	  setarray .@priority, .TYPE_KUNAI; break;
    	// Base class, if not in list
    		switch( BaseClass ) {
    			case Job_Novice:   setarray .@priority, .TYPE_DAGGER, .TYPE_SWORD; break;
    			case Job_Swordman: setarray .@priority, .TYPE_SWORD, .TYPE_SPEAR;  break;
    			case Job_Mage:	 setarray .@priority, .TYPE_WAND; break;
    			case Job_Archer:   setarray .@priority, .TYPE_BOW; break;
    			case Job_Acolyte:  setarray .@priority, .TYPE_MACE, .TYPE_WAND; break;
    			case Job_Merchant: setarray .@priority, .TYPE_AXE, .TYPE_DAGGER, .TYPE_MACE, .TYPE_SWORD; break;
    			case Job_Thief:	setarray .@priority, .TYPE_DAGGER, .TYPE_BOW; break;
    set .@size, getarraysize(.@priority);
    // Priority menu
    if ( .@size ) {
    	for (set .@menu$, "^FF0000"; .@i<.@size; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    		set .@type, .@priority[.@i];
    		set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ( .@i ? ":" : "") + .TYPE_NAME$[.@type];
    		set .@list[.@i], .@type;
    		set .@types[.@type], 1;
    // Other menu
    for ( set .@menu$, .@menu$ + "^0000FF"; .@j<.TYPE_MAX; set .@j, .@j + 1 )
    	if ( !.@types[.@j] ) {
    		set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ( .@size+.@j ? ":" : "" ) + .TYPE_NAME$[.@j];
    		set .@types[.@j], 1;
    		set .@list[.@size+.@j], .@j;
    // Display menu
    callshop .TYPE_NAME$[ .@list[select(.@menu$) - 1] ];
    // Constantes
    // Define name base on constantes
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_DAGGER],	 "Daggers";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_SWORD],	  "Swords";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_SPEAR],	  "Spears";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_AXE],		"Axes";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_MACE],	   "Maces";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_WAND],	   "Wands";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_BOW],		"Bows";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_KNUCKLE],	"Knuckles";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_INSTRUMENT], "Instruments";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_WHIP],	   "Whips";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_BOOK],	   "Books";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_GUN],		"Guns";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_KUNAI],	  "Huuma and Kunai";
    set .TYPE_NAME$[.TYPE_KATAR],	  "Katars";
    // Enum functions
    function enum {
    	for ( set .@size, getargcount(); .@i<.@size; set .@i, .@i+1 )
    		set getarg(.@i), .@i;
    -	shop	Daggers	-1,1203:-1,1201:-1,1202:-1,1206:-1,1204:-1,1205:-1,1209:-1,1207:-1,1208:-1,1212:-1,1210:-1,1211:-1,1215:-1,1213:-1,1214:-1,1218:-1,1216:-1,1217:-1,1221:-1,1219:-1,1220:-1,1222:-1,1226:-1,1245:-1,1246:-1,1247:-1,1248:-1,1249:-1,13000:-1,13003:-1,13004:-1
    -	shop	Swords	-1,1103:-1,1101:-1,1102:-1,1106:-1,1104:-1,1105:-1,1109:-1,1107:-1,1108:-1,1112:-1,1110:-1,1111:-1,1113:-1,1114:-1,1121:-1,1119:-1,1120:-1,1122:-1,1125:-1,1123:-1,1128:-1,1126:-1,1127:-1,1129:-1,1149:-1,1146:-1,1147:-1,1118:-1,1116:-1,1117:-1,1153:-1,1151:-1,1152:-1,1156:-1,1154:-1,1155:-1,1159:-1,1157:-1,1158:-1,1160:-1,1162:-1,1163:-1,31172:-1,1172:-1
    -	shop	Spears	-1,1403:-1,1401:-1,1402:-1,1406:-1,1404:-1,1405:-1,1409:-1,1407:-1,1408:-1,1411:-1,1453:-1,1451:-1,1452:-1,1456:-1,1454:-1,1455:-1,1459:-1,1457:-1,1458:-1,1462:-1,1460:-1,1461:-1,1465:-1,1463:-1,1464:-1
    -	shop	Axes	-1,1303:-1,1301:-1,1302:-1,1353:-1,1351:-1,1352:-1,1356:-1,1354:-1,1355:-1,1359:-1,1357:-1,1358:-1,1362:-1,1360:-1,1361:-1
    -	shop	Maces	-1,1503:-1,1501:-1,1502:-1,1506:-1,1504:-1,1505:-1,1509:-1,1507:-1,1508:-1,1512:-1,1510:-1,1511:-1,1519:-1,1520:-1,1521:-1,1513:-1,1514:-1,1515:-1,1516:-1,1517:-1,1518:-1,1522:-1,1532:-1
    -	shop	Wands	-1,1603:-1,1601:-1,1602:-1,1606:-1,1604:-1,1605:-1,1609:-1,1607:-1,1608:-1,1612:-1,1610:-1,1611:-1,1617:-1,1618:-1,1619:-1,1620:-1
    -	shop	Bows	-1,1703:-1,1701:-1,1702:-1,1706:-1,1704:-1,1705:-1,1709:-1,1707:-1,1708:-1,1712:-1,1710:-1,1711:-1,1713:-1,1715:-1,1714:-1,1716:-1,1726:-1,1721:-1
    -	shop	Knuckles	-1,1801:-1,1802:-1,1803:-1,1804:-1,1805:-1,1806:-1,1807:-1,1808:-1,1809:-1,1810:-1,1811:-1,1812:-1
    -	shop	Instruments	-1,1901:-1,1902:-1,1903:-1,1904:-1,1905:-1,1906:-1,1907:-1,1908:-1,1909:-1,1910:-1,1921:-1,1911:-1,1912:-1,1913:-1
    -	shop	Whips	-1,1950:-1,1951:-1,1952:-1,1953:-1,1954:-1,1955:-1,1956:-1,1957:-1,1958:-1,1959:-1,1960:-1,1961:-1,1963:-1
    -	shop	Books	-1,1550:-1,1551:-1,1552:-1,1553:-1,1568:-1,1554:-1,1569:-1,1570:-1,1556:-1,1571:-1,1557:-1,1578:-1
    -	shop	Guns	-1,13102:-1,13103:-1,13150:-1,13151:-1,13152:-1,13163:-1,13164:-1,13165:-1,13166:-1,13154:-1,13155:-1,13168:-1,13169:-1
    -	shop	Huuma and Kunai	-1,13010:-1,13011:-1,13007:-1,13008:-1,13012:-1,13013:-1,13006:-1,13300:-1,13301:-1,13302:-1,13303:-1,13311:-1,13313:-1,13314:-1,13315:-1,13312:-1
    -	shop	Katars	-1,1250:-1,1251:-1,1252:-1,1253:-1,1254:-1,1255:-1

    I love the AnnieRuru way :D

    Edit @Annie:

    You define .@job at the begenning but never used it ? Should be .menu$[.@job] ?

    Isn't it better to, instead of having your switch, just do a "set .@job, BaseClass;" and remove after what you don't want ?


    I just want to try.. xD

  9. BUMP!?


    This happen after/when *MAYBE* :

    * Edit the pvp_ladder script : pvp_ladder.txt

    * Testing the new sounds (by killing other character again and again) : No other errors on map-server found. So, I assume that my edits on the pvp_ladder script don't have problems *MAYBE?*

    Then why is this happen? I never seen any errors like this before.

    SVN : r16816

  10. I still didn't get a way to solve my problem at here : http://rathena.org/b...efine-rentitem/

    So, I came up with another idea for a script to automatically delete item from players ID.

    I need it to be automatically delete the item,

    Example : I will set an ItemID and PlayerID to that script and the duration of rent. Then after the duration finished. The script will delete the item from that ID.

    So, the players will be freely to refine/de-refine the equipments.

    In this case, there should be no problems about trade item because the equipments cannot be trade in any ways.

    I know this sounds noob. But for now, that's what I can think. But if this can be done. We don't have to worry for players to exploit the rentitem.

    Thank you.

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