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Posts posted by uDe

  1. Okay, seems like it can be use now. So, for .npcnamelist$ , I need too list the most important NPC at town right? But, how about duplicate NPC? Do I need to write down the full name like in the script? Example, Buffer#prontera . Like that?

  2. Thanks for the reply. But I still can use @afk cmd around NPC.


    [06/Jul 22:28][Info]: Character '[ADMIN] Helper' logged off (using @autotrade).

    that's on map-server. Is normal if the server tells me that? Even I'm using @afk, not @at/@autotrade.


    Questions :



    That was for set the distance from NPC right?


            setarray .npcnamelist$[0],"aaaa","bbbb","CCC";

    I've no idea for that. What's that?

  3. In trunk/conf/group.conf


    	<commandname> : [ <bool>, <bool> ]
    First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to 
    true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is 
    assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for 
    both atcommand and charcommand.
    For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt.
    Command names must not be aliases.



    It should be like this :


    	id: 20
    	name: "Event"
    	inherit: ( "Support" )
    	level: 20
    	commands: {
    		blvl: [true, false]
    	log_commands: true
    	permissions: {

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  4. I'm sure that you still don't know the main purpose of this script.


    I'm not testing it yet but I'm 100% already know how it's work and why did vonbad ask for this.


    Like I said, this script will make broadcast system more easier. You don't need to use "/b" on everytime when you want to broadcast something. Just whisper the NPC for once, then you can type freely. I, sometime forgotten to use "/b" when I'm broadcasting continiously. But, with this script. There's no need to worry about that.


    I didn't said that "/b" is hard.

  5. so, once you whisper either , map, global, in your next broadast you will not type anything? haha..sorry i dont have time to test :(


    Well, I don't mean to argue or anything. If you don't understand or don't want to understand, it's up to you. That's just a very simple yet useful script. I also didn't test it yet but already found that it's really useful for me.

  6. Hello guys..


    @afk command source : http://rathena.org/board/topic/71389-afk-with-afk-hat/


    May I ask some modification for this source?


    When I use @afk, I need it to automatically create a chatroom with title "Away from keyboard" (default) in order to prevent the players to just type @afk without open any chatroom.


    Why do I need this? It's because players still trying to block NPC while they "afk" and I had set chatroom range from NPC. So with this modification, I hope that the players can't block any NPC anymore after this because they can't create chatroom around NPC.


    Thank you.

  7. i want when some one enter



    he automatic gets Dispell


    How did players enter that map? PVP Warper? GVG Warper? @warp ?


    Paste your script at here so, it's easy for any scripter to help you.


    use this on your script


    sc_end SC_ALL;


    This is the answer. Simple and easy.

  8. This is great. But it only give to guild leader.


    How to make it give the prize to entire winning guild members?



    		setd "$HotAgit_"+.@j,getd("$HotAgit_"+.@j)-1;
    			setd "$HotAgit_"+.@j,0;
    		getitem 504,10; // Set your price
    		getitem 505,10; // Set your price


    Just doing that and of course, the prize and npc location.

  9. Uhh.. I've got this error. Seems like I can't solve it.. /hmm


        parse_callfunc: not enough arguments, expected ','
         3 :
         4 :        mes "Our current WoE Hot Castle is : "+getcastlename($HotAgit$)+".";
         5 :        else
         6 :                mes "Sorry, we do not have Hot Agit event on the list.";
         7 :        set .@j,getcharid(2);
    *    8 :        if(getd("$HotAgit_"+.@j)&&getmapguildusers(.@j')'==getcharid(0))
         9 :        {
        10 :                setd "$HotAgit_"+.@j,getd("$HotAgit_"+.@j)-1;
        11 :                if(getd("$HotAgit_"+.@j)<=0)
        12 :                        setd "$HotAgit_"+.@j,0;
  10. Location: skill.c

    remove or comment out that line

    if (skill == AS_SONICBLOW)

            pc_stop_attack(sd); //Special case, Sonic Blow autospell should stop the player attacking.


    I don't get this but i will figure it out. thanks.



    In trunk/src/map/skill.c


    Find those line and remove or comment (//) that lines.


    And it should be looking like this


    			if( battle_config.autospell_check_range &&
    				!battle_check_range(src, tbl, skill_get_range2(src, skill,skill_lv) + (skill == RG_CLOSECONFINE?0:1)) )
    		//	if (skill == AS_SONICBLOW)
    		//		pc_stop_attack(sd); //Special case, Sonic Blow autospell should stop the player attacking.
    		//	else 
    			if (skill == PF_SPIDERWEB) //Special case, due to its nature of coding.
    				type = CAST_GROUND;
    			sd->state.autocast = 1;
    			skill_toggle_magicpower(src, skill);
    			switch (type) {

    or this


    			if( battle_config.autospell_check_range &&
    				!battle_check_range(src, tbl, skill_get_range2(src, skill,skill_lv) + (skill == RG_CLOSECONFINE?0:1)) )
    			if (skill == PF_SPIDERWEB) //Special case, due to its nature of coding.
    				type = CAST_GROUND;
    			sd->state.autocast = 1;
    			skill_toggle_magicpower(src, skill);
    			switch (type) {


    And don't forget to re-compile your server.


    Correct me if I'm wrong.

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