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Everything posted by Igor

  1. thx, i've know what my error and thx 4 the short script, but sorry i cant change the mark
  2. it's same but thx for short version and i wanna ask why after i click then i got cursed :| become a stone
  3. thx for this script tr0n thank you so much
  4. it's work but i mean it's talk out like we're chatting and 1 click not talk to npc hehe..sorry for not a complete detail
  5. sorry for my bad english =) i mean if baselvl under 255 and hp max = no buff no heal and say that he/she's hp is full if lvl under 255 hp not max = buff + heal "good luck" if lvl 255 hp not max = heal only and say "good luck" really sorry for my bad english =)
  6. I request a healer npc when character HP is 100% can't heal the character and the npc say"...test" or another sentence that random come out, and when lvl "255"*example can't get buff can someone edit it for me?thx b4
  7. Great Job, but the link download is eror
  8. Can you make a new guide of creating Npc and Custom Job Suit? i really want to test it thx b4
  9. Is there someone know how to make it? i really want to try it at the "[GUIDE] Spriting 101: Creating A Sprite and Act File" i can do it, but i can't make a custom Npc and Job Suit can someone help me?
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