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Everything posted by 86991101

  1. @Tokei...grfcl sEncrypt don't work?
  2. I didn't try to decrypt . But I know someone sells the decrypted GRF resources GRF encryption only encrypts the files header. GE modifies exe only to handle the part of the cps.dll name, and does not modify the other content I use GrfTool open the GE encrypted grf files ..See one file name is __encryption.info, maybe this is the decipher's entry point and I have a better idea, is the secret key stored in a file, let the encryption which file to choose to hide in Ex : xxxx.pal Dyed file....Ah..There are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of documents
  3. @Tokei hi my english is not good about GRF Encryption Some people can Decrypt this encrypted grf.. Can you make the encryption more powerful
  4. Link https://github.com/MStr3am/NEMO/issues/151
  5. Yes, this can save a lot of trouble to the game player,U can Fix this system? I think, create sql table, player vending and save item in to sql table, selling out updata the sql table system after starting the application server to create SD , read sql auto login char and auto vending who can help me!~ yes auto logining char upup~~
  6. My English is not good Some people hang on offline store, system server restart automatically load the store. Ex: player login -> select char -> open Vending -> input "@autotrade" -> login off -> server reset -> player is not login -> but system auto load this player vending ! How can this be?????? Please help me !!
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