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Posts posted by Takuyakii

  1. Hello guys can i request for a Reset npc
    For the first 3 reset is free.

    After that you should have to pay zeny.

    Thank you in advance.


    //===== rAthena Script =======================================
    //= Reset NPC
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= Resets skills, stats, or both.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 First Version
    //= 1.1 Optimized for the greater good. [Kisuka]
    //= 1.2 Cleaning [Euphy]
    //= 1.3 All statuses removed upon skill reset. [Euphy]
    //= 1.4 Compressed Script, Added limit use option [Stolao]
    //=	Changed set -> setarray, Improved text with F_InsertPlural
    //= 1.5 Added sc_end_class to reset related status changes [sader1992]
    prontera,150,193,4	script	Reset Girl	124,{
    	//	 		Skills,	Stats,	Both,	Limit
    	setarray .@Reset,	5000,	5000,	9000,	0;
    	mes "[Reset Girl]";
    	if(.@Reset[3] && reset_limit > .@Reset[3]) {
    		mes "Sorry you can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life.";
    	mes "I am the Reset Girl.";
    	mes "Reset Stats: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[1]) +"z";
    	mes "Reset Skills: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[0]) +"z";
    	mes "Reset Both: "+ callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Reset[2]) +"z";
    	if(.@Reset[3]) mes "You may only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+", so use "+((.@Reset[3]>1)?"them":"it")+" wisely.";
    	mes "Please select the service you want:";
    	set .@i,(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Cancel"));
    	if(.@i > 3) close;
    	mes "[Reset Girl]";
    	if (Zeny < .@Reset[.@i-1]) {
    		mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny.";
    		mes "You can only reset "+callfunc("F_InsertPlural",.@Reset[3],"time")+" in your life, are you sure?";
    		if(select("Let me think:That's fine") == 1) close;
    	set Zeny, Zeny-.@Reset[.@i-1];
    	if(.@i&2) ResetStatus;
    	mes "There you go!";
    	if(.@Reset[3]) set reset_limit,reset_limit + 1;


  2. Hello can someone help me to make this

    what i want to happen is waiting room on npc

    but it will fetch or get the 

    /* Time Events */
    /* On<weekday><hour><minute>: */

    for example in waiting room

    Example today is Wednesday
    it will get the time for Thursday

    Activate in (TIME)

  3. function viewid {
        function md {
            while(1) {
                set .@zt,.@zt+1;	
                if(.@zt&13) sleep2(1);
                if(strmobinfo(3,set(.@t,rand(1001,1323)))) break;
            return .@t;
        set .@t,md();
        for(set .@i,0;.@i<30;set .@i,.@i+1)
            if(.@t==.viewid[.@i]||.@t==1285||.@t==1286||.@t==1287||.@t==1288) {
                set .@t,md();
                set .@i,-1;
        return .@t;
    function gviewid {
        set .@n,getarraysize(.viewid);
        while(1) {
            set .@zt,.@zt+1;
            if(.@zt&13) sleep2(1);
            if(set(.@u,.viewid[set(.@t,rand(.@n))])) break;
        for(;.@t<.@n;set .@t,.@t+1)
            set .viewid[.@t],.viewid[.@t+1];
        return .@u;


  4. 4 hours ago, Alexandrite said:

    there used to be accurated amount of monster spawn file in the past from my knowledge

    but after 10-15 years pass most of file all vanish, and what left is most likely the monster spawn that i found it most likely get edit on the monster spawn amount so i don't sure if the amount is true anymore

    mag_dun01.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Explosion    1383,10,0,0,0
    mag_dun01.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Blazer    1367,10,0,0,0
    mag_dun01.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Diabolic    1382,10,0,0,0
    mag_dun01.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Grizzly    1381,5,0,0,0
    mag_dun01.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Lava Golem    1366,3,0,0,0
    mag_dun01.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Kaho    1072,10,0,0,0

    mag_dun02.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Gig    1387,10,0,0,0
    mag_dun02.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Blazer    1367,10,0,0,0
    mag_dun02.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Diabolic    1382,10,0,0,0
    mag_dun02.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Nightmare Terror    1379,3,0,0,0
    mag_dun02.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Sky Deleter    1384,5,0,0,0
    mag_dun02.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Earth Deleter    1385,5,0,0,0
    mag_dun02.gat,0,0,0,0    monster    Kaho    1072,10,0,0,0

  5. 1 hour ago, dalubhasa333 said:



    Maybe someone can lead me to fix issue.

    I changed the settings from renewal to prerenewal commenting #define prere my ragnarok client getting an error


    when i change it back to renewal it works fine, i would like to run my server in prerenewal.



    set your PACKETVER /CLIENT DATE then recompile.

  6. 17 hours ago, Sidy said:

    Hello everyone, good?

    I want to change color view item, someone knows? I searched here and net but I didn't find.

    I want, for example, change that purple, to white. Where I can? Tks !! xD


    contact @Functor

  7. On 2/23/2023 at 8:08 PM, lelouchxv said:

    All items is gone and it went 0/0 but on sql it still have items can someone help me pls. Thanks in advance


    have u fix this? im getting this too.

  8. On 5/21/2023 at 1:03 AM, xeijvro said:

    Sorry if i dont know if im at the right or wrong section of the forum but this is the bug sometimes the gstorage suddenly becomes 0/0 


    This bug happened after i enable vip system. i try to disable vip system in core.hpp but there is error shown on recompiling after i put comment on

     /// Uncomment to enable VIP system.

    //#define VIP_ENABLE


    Can someone help me ?  Its really frustrating because in able to fix this they need to break guild and create a new guild all bounded items are left in gstorage ?


    have u fix this? im getting this too.


    On 6/2/2023 at 9:44 PM, xeijvro said:

    Still bugged idk what happened 

    i already fixed this by recompiling. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Philo said:


    I can't locate this error in server side. Hope you guys can give me a hint which foldedr/file is this. And also, is this the reason why the server keeps on disconnecing? I never see any error apart from this self debugging. 


    check your all custom quest, that have 300.

  10. 2 hours ago, lelouchxv said:

    R> Can someone show me or teach me where to edit Flying Side kick Stargladiator or Taekwon Skill

    because i want it not debuffing any positive buffs> or not go through GTB

    	case TK_JUMPKICK:
    		// debuff the following statuses
    		if( dstsd && dstsd->class_ != MAPID_SOUL_LINKER && !tsc->getSCE(SC_PRESERVE) ) {
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_SPIRIT);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_ADRENALINE2);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_KAITE);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_KAAHI);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_ONEHAND);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_ASPDPOTION2);
    			// New soul links confirmed to not dispell with this skill
    			// but thats likely a bug since soul links can't stack and
    			// soul cutter skill works on them. So ill add this here for now. [Rytech]
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_SOULGOLEM);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_SOULSHADOW);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_SOULFALCON);
    			status_change_end(bl, SC_SOULFAIRY);

    remove this

    • Love 1
  11. Good Day rA,

    i dont' know if this is the right question or section to post this. please move this to right section ty

    just want to ask is this Sprite edit? or client modification? etc.

    the text above of npc,

    i know showscript but i think its not.


  12. 3 hours ago, CyanZoldyck said:

    Heya! Just wondering if somebody knows how to reduce the SP being drained on enemies of Pressure/Gloria Domini skill? I would like to make it 5% SP drained per hit. Thanks a bunch!


    	case PA_PRESSURE:
    		status_percent_damage(src, bl, 0, 15+5*skill_lv, false);


    	case PA_PRESSURE:
    		status_percent_damage(src, bl, 0, 1+5, false);


  13. 27 minutes ago, iFox said:

    good day guys.  I would like to ask how to fixed this issue on dota 2 pvp ladder  by Annieruru.

    Thank you so much.

            if (.msg_die)
                message .@victimaid, "You have been killed by "+ .@killername$;
            if (.msg_kill)
                message .@killeraid, "You just killed "+ .@victimname$;
            if (.msg_die)
                message .@victimname$, "You have been killed by "+ .@killername$;
            if (.msg_kill)
                message .@killername$, "You just killed "+ .@victimname$;



  14. 26 minutes ago, iFox said:

    Good day guys. Sorry if I'm in a wrong section. I would like to ask how to fixed or find this error? Thank you so much for your reply.


    go to the npc/mobs/ and look for the pvp.txt i think u missing those files or deleted

    • Upvote 1
  15. 20 minutes ago, nicolasdemartini said:

    good night how can I do so that the peco peco pegue nomal hits very fast


    1019,PECOPECO,Peco Peco,Peco Peco,19,531,0,159,72,1,50,64,0,0,1,13,13,25,27,9,10,12,2,2,23,0x1089,200,0,0,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,925,9000,2402,20,508,200,507,900,1604,100,0,0,582,1000,0,0,0,0,4031,1


    1019,PECOPECO,Peco Peco,Peco Peco,19,531,0,159,72,1,50,64,0,0,1,13,13,25,27,9,10,12,2,2,23,0x1089,200,0,0,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,925,9000,2402,20,508,200,507,900,1604,100,0,0,582,1000,0,0,0,0,4031,1


  16. 5 hours ago, Sergardo said:

    #ifndef RENEWAL
               //else if (skill == AS_SONICBLOW)
                   // pc_stop_attack(sd); //Special case, Sonic Blow autospell should stop the player attacking.

    #ifndef RENEWAL
               else if (skill == AS_SONICBLOW)
                   // pc_stop_attack(sd); //Special case, Sonic Blow autospell should stop the player attacking.

  17. 11 hours ago, GM Winter said:

    woah thanks but theres an another problem after i remove the homunculus the alchemist can enter the map now but after that he can still use call homunculus skill i just need to disable it on the mapflag thank you so much!

    Or you can add check timer, Like these


    -	script	DisabledHomun	-1,{
    set .Map$,"guild_vs1";
    setmapflag .Map$,mf_loadevent;
    if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ &&  gethominfo(0) && checkhomcall() == 0 ){
        mes "Sorry, Alchemist are not allowed in this Map. thank you";
        warp "SavePoint",0,0;
    		else {
    			addtimer (1 * 1000), strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnPCLoadMapEvent";


    • MVP 1
  18. 1 hour ago, GM Winter said:

    hello sir how can i add that on the script and where

    -	script	DisabledHomun	-1,{
    set .Map$,"guild_vs1";
    setmapflag .Map$,mf_loadevent;
    if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ &&  gethominfo(0) && checkhomcall() == 0 ){
        mes "Sorry, Alchemist are not allowed in this Map. thank you";
        warp "SavePoint",0,0;


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