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Everything posted by bakuriyu2

  1. this is what im using now.. http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lua%20files/ just change .lua to .lub then your done
  2. packet ver should b 30.. no need to change it when your using 2012-04-10 client just diff it
  3. thats what im doing but finally i make it worked now :PPP tnx bro for the help <solved>
  4. #define PACKETVER 20120410 <--- this is one is the version of your client..
  5. everytime i reload my script the npc will show again.. i just want it to show in the desired time.. and if i reload my server it will just show on the desired time.. // - script guessannouncer -1,{ OnMinute50: announce "Guess the Number: Is starting in 1 Minute in Prontera!",0; sleep 30000; announce "Guess the Number: Is starting in 30 Seconds in Prontera!",0; sleep 20000; announce "Guess the Number: 10 Seconds! Gather up in Prontera quick!",0; sleep 5000; announce "Guess the Number: 5 Seconds Left!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 4 Seconds!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 3 Seconds!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 2 Seconds!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 1 Second!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: The event has started!",0; enablenpc "guess"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer100000: disablenpc "guess"; set .guessstart,0; stopnpctimer; announce "No one guessed the number! The event is over!",0; end; } // ============================================================================== prontera,164,188,5 script Guess the Number::guess 723,{ // =================== Setting the NPC Name and Prize and amount ============= set .@n$,"^FF0000[Guess the Number]^000000"; set @prize,7227;//Change the 7227 to your reward item ID set @amoun,10;//Change the 10 to your reward amount // ==================== End of settings ========================================= if(.guessstart==1) goto Oneventevent; set .usednumber, rand(1,100); announce "Guess the Number: Guess the Number Event Started in Prontera!",0; set .guessstart,1; Oneventevent: mes .@n$; mes "Guess the number...It is a number between between 1 and 100!"; input .@guessnumber; next; if(.@guessnumber > .usednumber) { mes .@n$; mes "My number is ^FF0000SMALLER^000000 than the one you guessed!"; close; } else if(.@guessnumber < .usednumber) { mes .@n$; mes "My number is ^FF0000BIGGER^000000 than the one you guessed!"; close; } else if(.@guessnumber == .usednumber) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won the Guess the Number Event! My number was "+.usednumber+"!",0; mes .@n$; mes "You have guessed my number! Congratulations!"; getitem @prize,@amoun; disablenpc "guess"; set .guessstart,0; close2; stopnpctimer "guessannouncer"; end; } } help me tnx!
  6. if( sc ) { //SG_FUSION hp penalty [Komurka] if (sc->data[sC_FUSION]) { int hp= sstatus->max_hp; if (sd && tsd) { hp = 8*hp/100; if (100*sstatus->hp <= 20*sstatus->max_hp) hp = sstatus->hp; } else hp = 2*hp/100; //2% hp loss per hit status_zap(src, hp, 0); } hp = 8*hp/100; change 8 to 1 hp = 2*hp/100; change 2 to 1 20*sstatus->max_hp change 20 to 1 .. just try heehhe
  7. bka sa renewal.h ? ung casting time doon disable mo
  8. i cant find this in hex editor..im using 2012-04-10 client
  9. i dont know if this is the right section to ask this but.. why is it that when i try to use female sura and open my skill tree my window will get the error... -- but when im using male sura it has no error..
  10. ahhhhhhh gets ko na.. pero nosebleed parin talga hahaha
  11. pwede penge sample?? d ko tlga maintindhan scripting x.X
  12. tnx bro! its working now.. mwa mwa chups chups!
  13. i got this error ... untitled.bmp
  14. delete ko lang ito if (getgmlevel() < 20) { tapos ito rin? if (!.Event) { set .Event,1; set $@SpecialMVP,17; set $@NormalMVP,10; set $@Amount,50; set $@ItemID,674; set $@Map$,izlude;
  15. i want to set the time.. that after 2minutes the npc will disappear.. - script guessannouncer -1,{ OnMinute09: OnMinute18: OnMinute27: OnMinute36: OnMinute45: OnMinute54: announce "Guess the Number: Is starting in 1 Minute in Prontera!",0; sleep 30000; announce "Guess the Number: Is starting in 30 Seconds in Prontera!",0; sleep 20000; announce "Guess the Number: 10 Seconds! Gather up in Prontera quick!",0; sleep 5000; announce "Guess the Number: 5 Seconds Left!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 4 Seconds!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 3 Seconds!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 2 Seconds!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: 1 Second!",0; sleep 1000; announce "Guess the Number: The event has started!",0; enablenpc "guess"; end; } // ============================================================================== prontera,164,188,5 script Guess the Number::guess 723,{ // =================== Setting the NPC Name and Prize and amount ============= set .@n$,"^FF0000[Guess the Number]^000000"; set @prize,7227;//Change the 7227 to your reward item ID set @amoun,10;//Change the 10 to your reward amount // ==================== End of settings ========================================= if(.guessstart==1) goto Oneventevent; set .usednumber, rand(1,100); announce "Guess the Number: Guess the Number Event Started in Prontera!",0; set .guessstart,1; Oneventevent: mes .@n$; mes "Guess the number...It is a number between between 1 and 100!"; input .@guessnumber; next; if(.@guessnumber > .usednumber) { mes .@n$; mes "My number is ^FF0000SMALLER^000000 than the one you guessed!"; close; } else if(.@guessnumber < .usednumber) { mes .@n$; mes "My number is ^FF0000BIGGER^000000 than the one you guessed!"; close; } else if(.@guessnumber == .usednumber) { announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won the Guess the Number Event! My number was "+.usednumber+"!",0; mes .@n$; mes "You have guessed my number! Congratulations!"; getitem @prize,@amoun; disablenpc "guess"; set .guessstart,0; close2; end; } }
  16. sus pa kiss ako sayo tol! hahaha ito pa boss tol last.. okey lng? yung d na kailangan e configure yan... mag coconfig pa kc para mag start ang mvp event.. //============================================================ //= Auto MVP Summoner //===== By: =======================Modified By:========= //= xMachina / Acetito Emistry / Myzter //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eA SVN 5000+ //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.0 Testing Mode //============================================================ prontera,156,168,5 script MVP Attack 437,{ if (getgmlevel() < 20) { mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; if (!.Event) { mes "There is no MVP Attack Event now."; } else { mes "There is a MVP Attack Event on now!"; mes "Location: ^ff0000" + $@Map$ + "^000000"; } close; } set .@ItsOK,0; set .@SpecialMVP, $@SpecialMVP; set .@NormalMVP, $@NormalMVP; set .@Amount, $@Amount; set .@ItemID, $@ItemID; set .@Map$, $@Map$; while(!.@Configuring) { mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Customizing MVP Attack Event:"; mes "> MVP Item: " + (.@Amount?"^0000ff" + .@Amount:"^ff0000<Undefined>") + "^000000 x " + (getitemname(.@ItemID) == "null"?"^ff0000<Item>":"^0000ff" + getitemname(.@ItemID)) + "^000000"; mes "> Location: " + (getstrlen(.@Map$)?"^0000ff" + .@Map$:"^ff0000<Undefined>") + "^000000"; mes "> Special MVP: " + (.@SpecialMVP?"^0000ff" + .@SpecialMVP:"^ff0000<None>") + "^000000"; mes "> Normal MVP: " + (.@NormalMVP?"^0000ff" + .@NormalMVP:"^ff0000<None>") + "^000000"; mes "> Status: " + (.Event?"^ff44ffActive^000000":"^ff0000Inactive^000000"); next; set .@ItsOK, getitemname(.@ItemID)!="null" && getstrlen(.@Map$) && getstrlen(.@Map$) < 24 && .@Amount && .@SpecialMVP && .@NormalMVP; if (.Event) { set .@Menu$, "^ff0000[·] Stop Event^000000:::::[x] ^ff0000Exit^000000"; } else { set .@Menu$, (.Event?":".@ItsOK?"^0000ff[!] Start Event^000000:":":") + "- Set MVP Item:- Set Location:- Special MVP Count:- Normal MVP Count:[x] ^ff0000Exit^000000"); } switch(select(.@Menu$)) { case 1: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Are you sure you want to " + (.Event?"Stop the Event":"Start the Event") + "?"; next; set .@Configuring, select("No:Yes")-1; break; case 2: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "What item to be given to MVP Killer ?"; next; do { message strcharinfo(0),"Enter a VALID itemID. Example 501 - Red Potion."; input .@ItemID,501,32767; } while (getitemname(.@ItemID) == "null"); mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Input the Amount of ^0000ff" + getitemname(.@ItemID) + "^000000 to be Rewarded for Special MVP Killer."; next; input .@Amount,1,30000; break; case 3: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Which map would you like me to host this event?"; mes "Input a ^FF0000VALID^000000 mapname."; next; do { message strcharinfo(0),"Enter a VALID map. Example - izlude."; input .@Map$; monster .@Map$,0,0,".",1084,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; sleep2 100; set .@MC, mobcount(.@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"); killmonster .@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; } while (.@MC<1); break; case 4: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "How many ^FF0000Special^000000 MVP would you like me to summon?"; next; input .@SpecialMVP; break; case 5: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "How many ^FF0000Normal^000000 MVP would you like me to summon?"; next; input .@NormalMVP; break; case 6: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "See you later."; close; } } if (!.Event) { set .Event,1; set $@SpecialMVP,17; set $@NormalMVP,10; set $@Amount,50; set $@ItemID,674; set $@Map$,izlude; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@SpecialMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill"; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@NormalMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; announce "Map Invasion Begin : " + $@SpecialMVP + " Special MVP has invaded in " + $@Map$ + ". Hurry Up..",bc_all,0x98FB98; } else { set .Event,0; announce "The MVP Attack Event is now over!",0,0x98FB98; killmonster $@Map$,"All"; } mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes (.Event?"Starting":"Stopping") + " the event now..."; close; OnClock0000: OnClock0400: OnClock0800: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2000: if (!.Event) { set .Event,1; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@SpecialMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill"; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@NormalMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; announce "Map Invasion Begin : "+$@SpecialMVP+" Special MVP has invaded in " + $@Map$ + ". Hurry Up..",bc_all,0x98FB98; } OnSpecialKill: set .@MobCnt, mobcount($@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill"); if (playerattached()) { if (!.@MobCnt) { announce $@Map$ + ": " + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed the last Special MVP",bc_all; } else { announce $@Map$ + ": " + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed 1 Special MVP and Gained Mystery Items - Remaining Special MVP: " + .@MobCnt,(!rand(3)?bc_all:bc_map); } getitem $@ItemID,$@Amount; } if (!.@MobCnt) { set .Event,0; killmonster $@Map$,"All"; sleep 5000; mapannounce $@Map$, "The MVP Attack Event is now over!",bc_all,0x98FB98; } end; OnNormalKill: if (playerattached()) dispbottom "You killed Normal MVP ( No Reward ). Special MVP Left : "+mobcount($@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill")+" ."; end; }
  17. once po napatay ung "Correct na Poring" tapos after mo e write ung name mo sa Npc na lalabas ay makaka recieve ka nang Mithril coins..
  18. pano po e change ung price .. to mithril coins? ayaw kc bumibigay ng mithril coins after ko makakill ng poring ehh // - script poring#announcer -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "poringevent"; hideonnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2"; end;OnMinute02: OnMinute10: OnMinute20: OnMinute30: OnMinute40: OnMinute50: OnMinute00: // SET THE 30 TO THE MINUTE YOU WANT THE EVENT TO START EACH HOUR. announce "Poring Catcher : It's time to play some Poring Catcher!",0; killmonster "poring_w01","All"; sleep2 10000; announce "Poring Catcher : Please make your way to the centre of Prontera.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Poring Catcher : After one minute the portal will close.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Poring Catcher : Enter the warp portal now if you want to join.",0; enablenpc "poringevent"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Poring Catcher : Last 30 seconds.",0; sleep2 5000; announce "Poring Catcher : Hurry to the centre of Prontera if you want to join.",0; end; OnTimer50000: announce "Poring Catcher : Last 10 seconds.",0; end; OnTimer55000: announce "Poring Catcher : 5.",0; end; OnTimer56000: announce "Poring Catcher : 4.",0; end; OnTimer57000: announce "Poring Catcher : 3.",0; end; OnTimer58000: announce "Poring Catcher : 2.",0; end; OnTimer59000: announce "Poring Catcher : 1.",0; end; OnTimer60000: announce "Poring Catcher : Time's up. Portal Will Open again when a GM activates it.",0; end; OnTimer61000: disablenpc "poringevent"; donpcevent "Poring Catcher#evnt2::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; end; } //-------------------------------------------------- prontera,156,163,0 warp poringevent 2,2,poring_w01,106,129 //-------------------------------------------------- poring_w01,100,127,4 script Poring Catcher#evnt2 715,{//-------------------------------------------------- mes "[Poring Catcher]"; if(PORING == 1) goto L_PORING; mes "Please tell me your name"; next; input .@name$; if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) { mes "[Poring Catcher]"; mes "Are you sure thats your character name?"; close; } mes "[Poring Catcher]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; close2; announce "Poring Catcher : All laugh at, "+.@name$+". - This player tried to cheat the system. Muhahahahaha!",0; warp "prontera",155,182; end;L_PORING: mes "Please tell me your name"; next; input .@name$; if(.@name$ != strcharinfo(0)) { mes "[Poring Catcher]"; mes "Are you sure thats your character name?"; close; } mes "[Poring Catcher]"; mes "Congrats. You've won."; close2; announce "Poring Catcher : We have a winner, "+.@name$+". - 150 Mithril Coins!",0; set @prize,674; //Change the 7227 to your reward item ID set @amoun,150; //Change the 10 to your reward amount dispbottom "You have Won 150 Mithril Coins"; set PORING,0; warp "prontera",155,182; hideonnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2"; end; OnEnable: mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : I will be summoning 100 different Porings.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Only one of these Porings is the correct Poring.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : The correct Poring is called [ Poring ], all the other Porings have different names.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Take your time because if you kill the wrong Poring, your out of the game.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : The first player to kill the correct Poring wins.",0; sleep2 10000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : That's that.. Now let's play...",0; goto L_Start; end; L_Start: mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 5",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 4",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 3",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 2",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : 1",0; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Lets Do This!",0; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poiring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"I am not Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Gniriop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Poriiing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"PoriNg",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; areamonster "poring_w01",84,119,121,90,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled"; end; } - script poringwin -1,{OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Poring : Congratulations. You've got me."; set PORING,1; atcommand "@doommap"; killmonster "poring_w01","All"; mapannounce "poring_w01","Poring Catcher : Come to me and tell me your name.",0; hideoffnpc "Poring Catcher#evnt2"; end; } - script poringlose -1,{ OnMobKilled: dispbottom "Poring Catcher : Wahaha, your a loser! - I wasn't the correct Poring."; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; }// -- Mapflags poring_w01 mapflag nowarp poring_w01 mapflag nowarpto poring_w01 mapflag noteleport poring_w01 mapflag nosave poring_w01 mapflag nomemo poring_w01 mapflag nobranch poring_w01 mapflag noloot poring_w01 mapflag noskill poring_w01 mapflag nopenalty bump
  19. i cant even see my aura... ive set max_lv: 320 aura_lv:320 but i cant see it.. im using 2011-11-22
  20. @sir Riki i got problem with the automated dice event.. everytime i reload it it will not hide.. i have set the "OnMinute" so it will just show in that specific time.. can help me?
  21. i can still configure it ryt?
  22. where to put it? after the code? ok i get it now ive searched it here http://rathena.org/b...ent#entry123008 but i have another question.. i want to set the permanent map,rewards,number of mvps and non mvps.. //============================================================ //= Auto MVP Summoner //===== By: =======================Modified By:========= //= xMachina / Acetito Emistry / Myzter //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eA SVN 5000+ //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.0 Testing Mode //============================================================ prontera,156,168,5 script MVP Attack 437,{ if (getgmlevel() < 20) { mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; if (!.Event) { mes "There is no MVP Attack Event now."; } else { mes "There is a MVP Attack Event on now!"; mes "Location: ^ff0000" + $@Map$ + "^000000"; } close; } set .@ItsOK,0; set .@SpecialMVP, $@SpecialMVP; set .@NormalMVP, $@NormalMVP; set .@Amount, $@Amount; set .@ItemID, $@ItemID; set .@Map$, $@Map$; while(!.@Configuring) { mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Customizing MVP Attack Event:"; mes "> MVP Item: " + (.@Amount?"^0000ff" + .@Amount:"^ff0000<Undefined>") + "^000000 x " + (getitemname(.@ItemID) == "null"?"^ff0000<Item>":"^0000ff" + getitemname(.@ItemID)) + "^000000"; mes "> Location: " + (getstrlen(.@Map$)?"^0000ff" + .@Map$:"^ff0000<Undefined>") + "^000000"; mes "> Special MVP: " + (.@SpecialMVP?"^0000ff" + .@SpecialMVP:"^ff0000<None>") + "^000000"; mes "> Normal MVP: " + (.@NormalMVP?"^0000ff" + .@NormalMVP:"^ff0000<None>") + "^000000"; mes "> Status: " + (.Event?"^ff44ffActive^000000":"^ff0000Inactive^000000"); next; set .@ItsOK, getitemname(.@ItemID)!="null" && getstrlen(.@Map$) && getstrlen(.@Map$) < 24 && .@Amount && .@SpecialMVP && .@NormalMVP; if (.Event) { set .@Menu$, "^ff0000[·] Stop Event^000000:::::[x] ^ff0000Exit^000000"; } else { set .@Menu$, (.Event?":".@ItsOK?"^0000ff[!] Start Event^000000:":":") + "- Set MVP Item:- Set Location:- Special MVP Count:- Normal MVP Count:[x] ^ff0000Exit^000000"); } switch(select(.@Menu$)) { case 1: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Are you sure you want to " + (.Event?"Stop the Event":"Start the Event") + "?"; next; set .@Configuring, select("No:Yes")-1; break; case 2: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "What item to be given to MVP Killer ?"; next; do { message strcharinfo(0),"Enter a VALID itemID. Example 501 - Red Potion."; input .@ItemID,501,32767; } while (getitemname(.@ItemID) == "null"); mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Input the Amount of ^0000ff" + getitemname(.@ItemID) + "^000000 to be Rewarded for Special MVP Killer."; next; input .@Amount,1,30000; break; case 3: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "Which map would you like me to host this event?"; mes "Input a ^FF0000VALID^000000 mapname."; next; do { message strcharinfo(0),"Enter a VALID map. Example - izlude."; input .@Map$; monster .@Map$,0,0,".",1084,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; sleep2 100; set .@MC, mobcount(.@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"); killmonster .@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; } while (.@MC<1); break; case 4: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "How many ^FF0000Special^000000 MVP would you like me to summon?"; next; input .@SpecialMVP; break; case 5: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "How many ^FF0000Normal^000000 MVP would you like me to summon?"; next; input .@NormalMVP; break; case 6: mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes "See you later."; close; } } if (!.Event) { set .Event,1; set $@SpecialMVP, .@SpecialMVP; set $@NormalMVP, .@NormalMVP; set $@Amount, .@Amount; set $@ItemID, .@ItemID; set $@Map$, .@Map$; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@SpecialMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill"; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@NormalMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; announce "Map Invasion Begin : " + $@SpecialMVP + " Special MVP has invaded in " + $@Map$ + ". Hurry Up..",bc_all,0x98FB98; } else { set .Event,0; announce "The MVP Attack Event is now over!",0,0x98FB98; killmonster $@Map$,"All"; } mes "[ ^0065DFxMachina^000000 ]"; mes (.Event?"Starting":"Stopping") + " the event now..."; close; OnClock0000: OnClock0400: OnClock0800: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock2000: if (!.Event) { set .Event,1; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@SpecialMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill"; monster $@Map$,0,0,"--ja--",-3,$@NormalMVP,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnNormalKill"; announce "Map Invasion Begin : "+$@SpecialMVP+" Special MVP has invaded in " + $@Map$ + ". Hurry Up..",bc_all,0x98FB98; } OnSpecialKill: set .@MobCnt, mobcount($@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill"); if (playerattached()) { if (!.@MobCnt) { announce $@Map$ + ": " + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed the last Special MVP",bc_all; } else { announce $@Map$ + ": " + strcharinfo(0) + " has killed 1 Special MVP and Gained Mystery Items - Remaining Special MVP: " + .@MobCnt,(!rand(3)?bc_all:bc_map); } getitem $@ItemID,$@Amount; } if (!.@MobCnt) { set .Event,0; killmonster $@Map$,"All"; sleep 5000; mapannounce $@Map$, "The MVP Attack Event is now over!",bc_all,0x98FB98; } end; OnNormalKill: if (playerattached()) dispbottom "You killed Normal MVP ( No Reward ). Special MVP Left : "+mobcount($@Map$,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnSpecialKill")+" ."; end; }
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