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Posts posted by Kurby

  1. What files do I have to edit to make deletion need email and instant delete?


    // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed.
    // Default: 86400 (24 hours)
    // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer.
    char_del_delay: 86400

    change to

    char_del_delay: 0

    use birthdate to delete character


    // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed.
    // Default: 86400 (24 hours)
    // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer.
    char_del_delay: 0

    Still won't work, displays 24 hours still in the server.

  2. I'm running an NPC with custom script, and mapserv-sql.bat gets error saying

    "Error: script:delitem: failed to delete 500 items <AID=2000000 item_id=1001>."

    "Debug: Source <NPC>: Quest Items at crystilia <75,79>

    crystilia,75,79,4 script Quest Items 103,{
    setarray .@Items[0],7539,5000,1058,500,999,500,721,100;
    setarray .@Items2[0],7539,5000,1001,500,732,150;
    set .@n$,"[Quest Items]";
    mes .@n$;
    mes "Greetings traveler, I have a very interesting item for you!";
    if(select("Keep Talking:Leave")==2) goto M_Leave;
    if(BerzQuest == 1) goto M_Once;
    mes .@n$;
    mes "Which Item would you like?";
    if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==3) goto M_Leave;
    mes .@n$;
    mes "I believe the item is called a ^0000A0Cygnus Helmet^0000A0. Its effects are +30 All Stats!";
    mes .@n$;
    mes "I need all of the following items:";
    for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i,.@i+2) {
    mes " ~ "+.@Items[.@i+1]+"x "+getitemname(.@Items[.@i]);
    if (countitem(.@Items[.@i]) < .@Items[.@i+1]) set .@nr,1; }
    if(select("I have all of that!:I'll get those ASAP")==2) goto M_Leave;
    mes .@n$;
    if (.@nr) {
    mes "You lie! Get out of here and get those items, you sorry excuse for a rock star.";
    close; }
    for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i,.@i+2)
    delitem .@Items[.@i], .@Items[.@i+1];
    getitem 19805,1;
    set BerzQuest, 1;
    mes "Congratulations! You have all the items. Here is your ^0000A0Cygnus Helmet^0000A0, as promised.";
    emotion e_grat;
    mes .@n$;
    mes "I believe the item is called a ^0000A0Diamond Dust^0000A0. Its effects are +30 All Stats!";
    mes .@n$;
    mes "I need all of the following items:";
    for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items2); set .@i,.@i+2) {
    mes " ~ "+.@Items2[.@i+1]+"x "+getitemname(.@Items2[.@i]);
    if (countitem(.@Items2[.@i]) < .@Item2s[.@i+1]) set .@nr,1; }
    if(select("I have all of that!:I'll get those ASAP")==2) goto M_Leave;
    mes .@n$;
    if (.@nr) {
    mes "You lie! Get out of here and get those items, you sorry excuse for a rock star.";
    close; }
    for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items2); set .@i,.@i+2)
    delitem .@Items2[.@i], .@Items2[.@i+1];
    getitem 19805,1;
    set BerzQuest, 0;
    mes "Congratulations! You have all the items. Here is your ^0000A0Diamond Dust^0000A0, as promised.";
    emotion e_grat;
    mes .@n$;
    mes "Such a great item I have right here...";

    Solved. Can't log onto client though?

  3. Me and my friend were sitting in game for a little while, then randomly we got Disconnected from server..

    I tried Restarting the char/map/log serv.bat's, but now it keeps saying Failed to connect to server?

    Anyone know what happened? ):

    Do I need to use a new client? Does the packetver not match anymore? Not sure what went wrong?

    Any ideas?

  4. i dont get what ur trying to say about the 1 click enable ._.

    this will show a menu with 3 options. then choose one. and it will redirect u to that option. same as case in if select. but this one is more of a looping menu or skipping-kind of menu.

    I mean if you use "if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==3) goto M_Leave;" You'll have to click "Bye!" option 3 times before it closes the NPC.

    How would your format look like? This?

    mes .@n$;mes "Which Item would you like?";next; menu "Cygnus Helm",chelm,"Diamond Dust",ddust,"Bye!",bye;


    goto M_Twos;


    goto M_Once;


    goto M_Leave;


  5. How I make it so Whenever someone clicks on selection it goes to somewhere?


    mes .@n$;
    mes "Which Item would you like?";
    next; if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!"))
    if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==3) goto M_Leave;
    if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==2) goto M_Once;
    if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==1) goto M_Twos;

    If clicked on "Bye!" go to M_Leave = Exit NPC

    If clicked on "Diamond Dust!" go to M_Once = Buying Custom Item

    If clicked on "Cygnus Helmet!" go to M_Twos = Buying Another Custom Item

    If I use that I have to click many times, unless ()==1), but can't use all for that?


    mes .@n$;
    mes "Which Item would you like?";
    next; if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!"))
    if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==1) goto M_Leave;
    if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==1) goto M_Once;
    if(select("Cygnus Helmet!:Diamond Dust!:Bye!")==1) goto M_Twos;

  6. How do I choose an action for both selections?


    if(select("Dark Helmet!:Sparkling Dust!:Bye!")==3) goto M_Leave;


    if(select("Dark Helmet!:Sparkling Dust!:Bye!")==3,2) goto M_Leave; goto M_Once;

    Would this work? Will it allow the Selection "Bye!" To leave Npc message. And let the "Sparkling Dust!" goto M_once in script file? M_Once allows Player to buy next item.

    Make sense? /hmm

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