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Everything posted by Ron

  1. And I assume disable = 0?
  2. Wouldn't that mean that you basically wont be able to vend on those cells?
  3. Yeah.. and thats where it picked up the error. So what would be a way to fix it / alternative.
  4. I just checked And I even checked the svn All I found was..
  5. How would it work if its not on the list: https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/db/const.txt Same error. [Debug]: Data: string value="prontera" [Debug]: Data: number value=139 [Debug]: Data: number value=129 [Debug]: Data: number value=139 [Debug]: Data: number value=173 [Debug]: Data: variable name='cell_vending' [Debug]: Data: number value=0 [Debug]: Source (NPC): NoVends at prontera (1,1) [Warning]: script:get_val: cannot access player variable 'cell_vending', defaulting to 0
  6. But I want those specific rows to be vend-able. How would that work out?
  7. Using this script ^ I tried switching it to vise-versa it from 1 to 0 but nothing i get this error;
  8. Sirius is the only staff lol. Its really hard to get a hold of him.. Don't bother sending him a support ticket.
  9. Now would this make me able to relog to putty and see logs? Or will this constantly update a .txt file full of logs? Would this be more beneficial? Or should I just go with this screen -- guide http://www.eathena.ws/board/lofiversion/index.php/t261500.html
  10. -> How can I setup nohup? -> Is it possible to re-open logs after you exit putty? -> My map server crashed a few days ago.. the problem doesnt seem to be happening again, but I want to know why it happened.. How can I know how? Thanks!
  11. Ron


    I don't think this works? It keeps saying no one sells it,
  12. Hey, great script for the hunting... In a party with even share say a party of 10.. And a priest has set to hunt 100 les... hes not getting the credits for killing because he cant dmg it.. hes supporting..? What can we do?
  13. No errors whatsoever. Found the problem! When you type @main [message] Everything works smooth! When you do it with main whisper -> The message is sent twice, and you can keep typing - and the msg_conf thing will show but it wont actually delay it. Any fix? Then.. is there a way to disable whisper to @main? Bump. any updates?
  14. This does not work for some reason. It lets you keep typing while showing the msg. Yes I already have it patched -__-
  15. Ron

    Floating Rates

    I do not understand, Can you dumb it down a bit?
  16. Ron

    Floating Rates

    Yes, Heres the script I currently use; Basically for some reason it just does not work! Like... When 2 players are online.. Sometimes it shows the floating rates, then other times it'll show it has ended! When 1 player is online, it gives either or message also. t And when I tried to switch them around, it would give the either or same message regardless.
  17. Ron

    Floating Rates

    I tried working on this on my own, but I cant seem to configure it.. Basically; A Floating Rates script that activates when there is say... 50+ players, and it deactivates when there is < 35 players. It would also randomize the rates between 5x ~ 10x Any ideas? Any help would be appreciated.
  18. Yes I understand but when i click the DEL button it automatically deletes without waiting 24hrs.
  19. // Amount of time in seconds by which the character deletion is delayed. // Default: 86400 (24 hours) // NOTE: Requires client 2010-08-03aragexeRE or newer. char_del_delay: 86400 It says 24hrs
  20. Client: 2011-03-15 When I press "del" to delete a character.. it doesnt ask for birthdate or email.. it just deletes the character that instant. Any way to fix it or go around it? Thanks.
  21. I've done all of those. :/
  22. I already have all that though...
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