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Posts posted by stydianx

  1. Hi guys,

    i hired a guy for a server set-up and he said that the files hes giving me is 99.9% fixed. but i found TONS of problems, and im not exaggerating.

    one of my biggest problem is some of my 3rd jobs are missing their 2nd and 3rd skill tree. i would appreciate so much if someone could help me out with

    this problem.

  2. Oh, I think I've seen something going with the description, but that was long ago.

    I can try to look for it again, but I'm doubting the results. 


    thank you! please do look for it and notify me.

  3. thank you for trying to help but nope, that is not it..

    my friend said ti looks like a bats wing but its not the "manananggal wing" that we have here on rathena.

    it looks like a Bat's wing and is pretty wide, comes in purple, black and red color.

  4. Hi guys, so... a friend of mine keeps talking about this Vampire set that he once saw in OSRO..

    so i was wondering if anyone here has this set? maybe you guys can provide me a link to the site where its located or a direct link for download. i dont know what it really looks like so i dont have any pictures of it.


    thanks guys, hope someone helps.

  5. i have a little problem here Guys, can someone please help me.

    me and my friends are trying out sa test server, and i can't seem to figure out why whenever we use @allskill or @skillall

    we get the skills but we cant use them, we cant click them nor put skill points on the skill to level it up.

    little help here guys, thanks in advance.


  6. Hello guys, you might now about the famous anti-bot system that Myzter made.

    i kinda need help.


    when the anti-bot initializes, a window pops up. asking the question.

    on the window there is a  [next] button.

    in my case, the [next] button only appears for .5-1sec. which is too quick cause you have to read the question,

    then the [next] button (after 0.5-1sec) turns into [close] button, then there is no answer box or choice box.

    how do i fix this?



    and if possible can some one modify it? instead of sending a player to jail, just use @nuke the player if he/she

    fails to answer correctly and/or fails to answer in time. thanks.



    here is the link to the Anti-bot system:


  7. Hello guys, i used this script but it isn't working. the server doesn't say any errors so i dont know whats wrong.


    //===== eAthena Script =======================================
    //= IP Ban NPC
    //===== By ===================================================
    //= llchrisll
    //===== Version ==============================================
    //= 1.0 Remake of a older version
    // 		   Re-making the time calculation
    //===== Compatible With ======================================
    //= Every eAthena Version
    //===== Description ==========================================
    //= Allows you the IP Ban someone. 
    //===== Comments =============================================
    //= None...
    vip_lounge,158,247,4	script	IP Master	451,{
    	set .@n$,"[Mikey]";
    	set .@gm_access,60;
    	set @day_feb,28;
    	set @time$,gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S",21);
    	set @day,gettimestr("%d",10);
    	set @month,gettimestr("%m",10);
    	set @year,gettimestr("%Y",10);
    	set @day_calc,@day + 7;
    		if(@day_calc > 31 && (@month == 1 || @month == 3 || @month == 5 || @month == 7 || @month == 8 || @month == 10 || @month == 12)) {
    			set @day_calc,@day_calc - 31;
    			if(@month != 12) {
    				set @month,@month + 1;
    			} else if(@month == 12) {
    				set @month,1;
    		} else if(@day_calc > @day_feb && (@month == 2)) {
    			set @day_calc,@day_calc - @day_feb;
    		} else if(@day_calc > 30 && (@month == 4 || @month == 6 || @month == 9 || @month == 11)) {
    			set @day_calc,@day_calc - 30;
    	set @month_calc,@month + 1; 
    		if(@month_calc > 12) {
    			set @month_calc,@month_calc - 12; set @year,@year + 1;
    	set @year_calc1,@year + 1;
    	set @year_calc2,@year + 2;
    	set @list$,"";
    	set @rtime$,"";
    	set @reason$,"";
    	setarray @ban_time$[1],gettimestr(""+@year+"-"+@month+"/"+@day_calc+" %H:%M:%S",21),
    						   gettimestr(""+@year+"-"+@month_calc+"/"+@day+" %H:%M:%S",21),
    						   gettimestr(""+@year_calc1+"-"+@month+"/"+@day+" %H:%M:%S",21),
    						   gettimestr(""+@year_calc2+"-"+@month+"/"+@day+" %H:%M:%S",21);
    if(getgmlevel() < .@gm_access) {
    	mes .@n$;
    	mes "Sorry, but I can't help you.";
    } else if(getgmlevel() >= .@gm_access) {
    	if(getgmlevel() >= 99) {
    		mes "Actual Time:";
    		mes @time$;
    		mes "(Test Time for 1 Week:)";
    		mes "("+@day_calc+") (Day)";
    		mes @ban_time$[1];
    		mes "(Test Time for 1 Month:)";
    		mes "("+@month_calc+") (Month)";
    		mes @ban_time$[2];
    		mes "(Test Time for 1 Year:)";
    		mes "("+@year_calc1+") (Year)";
    		mes @ban_time$[3];
    		mes "(Test Time for 2 Year:)";
    		mes "("+@year_calc2+") (Year's)";
    		mes @ban_time$[4];
    	mes .@n$;
    	mes "Hello, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";
    	mes "I can make an IP Ban for you.";
    	mes "As well, I can display the current";
    	mes "IP Ban's and delete them.";
    	mes "Valid duration's are:";
    	mes "1 Week, 1 Month, 1 Year, 2 Year's";
    	mes .@n$;
    	mes "What do you like to do?";
    	switch(select("- Show IP List:- Add an Ban:- Delete an Ban")) {
    		case 1:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "I will list now";
    		mes "the current IP Ban's";
    		mes "in your Chat Box.";
    		query_sql "SELECT `list`  , `rtime` , `reason` FROM `ipbanlist` ORDER BY `list` DESC", @list$, @rtime$, @reason$;
    		if(@list$ == "") {
    			mes .@n$;
    			mes "There are no entrys in the IP Ban List.";
    		dispbottom "  IP  / Ban Expire  /  Reason";
    		for(set @ei,0; @ei < getarraysize(@list$); set @ei,@ei + 1) {
    			dispbottom ""+@list$[@ei]+" / "+@rtime$[@ei]+" / "+@reason$[@ei]+"";
    		case 2:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Now type the Account Name or";
    		mes "Account ID of the Account";
    		mes "you want to ban and I will";
    		mes "search the IP logged to it.";
    		if(select("- Account Name:- Account ID") == 1) {
    			input @acc_n$;
    			mes .@n$;
    			if(@acc_n$ == "") { mes "Invalid Name, try again."; goto t_again;}
    			mes "The inserted name is: "+@acc_n$+".";
    			mes "Is that correct?";
    			if(select("- Yes, it is.:- No, again please.") == 2) {
    				goto t_again;
    			} else {
    				query_sql "SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+@acc_n$+"'", @check_id$;
    				if(@acc_n$ != @check_id$ || @check_id$ == "") { mes "Invalid Name, try again."; goto t_again;}
    				dispbottom "Account Name: "+@acc_n$;
    		} else {
    			input @acc_id;
    			if(!@acc_id || @acc_id < 2000000) { mes "Invalid Value, try again."; goto t_again;}
    			mes .@n$;
    			mes "The inserted name is: "+@acc_id+".";
    			mes "Is that correct?";
    			if(select("- Yes, it is.:- No, again please.") == 2) {
    				goto t_again;
    			} else {
    				query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+@acc_id+"'", @check_aid;
    				if(@acc_id != @check_aid  || !@check_aid) { mes "Invalid Account ID, try again."; goto t_again;}
    				query_sql "SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '"+@acc_id+"'",@acc_n$;
    				dispbottom "Account ID: "+@acc_id;
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Alright, so how";
    		mes "long do you want";
    		mes "to ban him/her?";
    		switch(select("- 1 Week Ban:- 1 Month Ban:- 1 Year Ban:- 2 Year's Ban")) {
    			set @rtime$,@ban_time$[@menu];
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Now I need a reason, why do";
    		mes "you want to ban that Account.";
    		input @reason$;
    		if(@reason$ == "") { mes "Invalid Reason, try again."; goto t_again;}
    		dispbottom "Reason: "+@reason$+"";
    		mes "After the calculation, I will";
    		mes "need a confirmation again.";
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "The Account \"" + @acc_n$+"\"";
    		mes "will be banned until";
    		mes @rtime$;
    		mes "duo the reason "+@reason$+".";
    		menu "Correct",-,"Not correct",t_again;
    			mes .@n$;
    			mes "Your IP Ban Request has been sent.";
    			query_sql "SELECT `last_ip` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+@acc_n$+"'", @last_ip$;
    			query_sql "INSERT INTO `ipbanlist` ( `list` , `btime` , `rtime` , `reason`) VALUES ('"+@last_ip$+"' ,'"+@time$+"' , '"+@rtime$+"' , '"+@reason$+"')";
    		case 3:
    		mes .@n$;
    		mes "Please choose, which one";
    		mes "you want to delete:";
    		mes " ";
    		query_sql "SELECT `list`  , `rtime` , `reason` FROM `ipbanlist`", @list$, @rtime$, @reason$;
    		if(@list$ == "") {
    			mes "There are no entrys in the IP Ban List.";
    		set @ban_menu$,"";
    		for(set @ei,0; @ei < getarraysize(@list$); set @ei,@ei + 1) {
    			mes "Banned IP Nr. ^FF0000"+(@ei+1)+"^000000";
    			mes @list$[@ei];
    			mes "----Ban Expire:-----";
    			mes @rtime$[@ei];
    			mes "-----Reason:------";
    			mes @reason$[@ei];
    			mes "================";
    			set @ban_menu$,@ban_menu$ + "- "+ @list$[@ei]+":";
    		set @ban_menu$,@ban_menu$ + "- Nothing";
    		if((prompt(@ban_menu$) - getarraysize(@list$)) > 0) {
    		} else {
    			set @ip,@menu - 1;
    			mes .@n$;
    			mes "You have choosen:";
    			mes " ";
    			mes "Banned IP Nr. ^FF0000"+(@ip+1)+"^000000";
    			mes @list$[@ip];
    			mes "----Ban Expire:-----";
    			mes @rtime$[@ip];
    			mes "-----Reason:------";
    			mes @reason$[@ip];
    			mes "================";
    			mes " ";
    			mes "Wanna delete this Entry?";
    			if(select("- Yes, please:- No, don't") - 1) {
    			} else {
    				mes .@n$;
    				mes "I'll delete it now.";
    				query_sql "DELETE FROM `ipbanlist` WHERE `list` = '"+@list$[@ip]+"'";


  8. dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item)+".";


    getitemname will take in ID arguments and find out the item name. Is this what you wanted?


    I used .@item since it is the first variable you used for the first prize.


    Change it accordingly for each prize.

    yes this is what i was looking for.. so... i do it like this?


    dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item)+".";
    dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item2)+".";
    dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item3)+".";
    dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item4)+".";
    dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item5)+".";
    dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item6)+".";
    is this right? then i just, apply this to my script right?
  9. dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 160!";


    I am unsure of the reason why it is showing up as "--" considering you are using hard text for it.


    Try using "BaseLevel" instead of hard text... I am unsure if this will change anything but it's worth I try, it'll also save you time in the future if you want to read one's BaseLevel several times throughout the script instead of having to edit each individual line.


    This will work because it will only  read their base level at a certain condition. Since the condition is being checked

    When player has leveled to lvl 160. ( BaseLevel will equal 160 )

    if(BaseLevel == 160 ) {...}


    160 = 160 right? Since they've just reached that level, unless you have a multilvl up and somehow your player levels up more than one level...


    So BaseLevel will take whatever level they are at that moment when the condition is met. ( Which should be the same since the npc event is running anyways... ) Using that to an advantage, you could just simply use BaseLevel in your npc text instead of having to change every single line to ___ level.


    dispbottom "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level ",BaseLevel;


    You should also try temporarily commenting the rest of the copied script and just testing with one until it works, then continue after that. Just to make it easier on you since you would know that it works before you do any other additions/edits.


    no.. thats good, what i was asking for was, how do i make the script say that he got the item reward.

  10. Remove the $ sign at the end of the effects. You are making it take a string instead of a int.


    String = Text

    Int = Numbers.











    Also, you are trying to give your player an unknown item. It does not recognize the item ID 5189.


    Same for your items though, you should change all the strings into integers consider you are only storing ID numbers.

    Remove the $ from the variables that you are using.


    Notice that you are using .@effect3 when the variable you've set up above is .@effect3$.

    Make sure you  catch these small mistakes :P, especially when you are copy and pasting since you will end up having to fix all of them if they are based off the same code that has an error.



    I have not tested this myself btw so I am not 100% sure that it will fix your problem.

    i would kiss you right now! lol. thanks man!


    uhmm.. what do i do if i want it to tell the player that he obtained the reward using dispbottom.

    -	script	Levelupbox	-1,{
    set .@item$,13711;	// Level 1 with Item "Small life potion box 10";
    set .@item2$,2741;	// Level 2 with Item "All in one ring [0]";
    set .@item3$,13746;	// Level 1.5 with Item "small defense potion box 10";
    set .@item4$,5189;	// Level 3 with Item "Autumn Leaves [0] headgear";
    set .@item5$,13714;	// Level 4 with Item "Medium Life potion box 10";
    set .@item6$,13749;	// Level 5 with Item "small defense potion box 10";
    set .@item7$,15052;	// Level 6 with Item "Bayani bakunawa scale armor [0]";
    set .@item8$,14533;	// Level 7 with Item "Field manual 100%";
    set .@item9$,14592;	// Level 8 with Item "JOB manual 50%";
    set .@item10$,4799;	// Level 9 with Item "HP stone +500";
    set .@item11$,14533;	// Level 9.5 with Item "Field manual 100%";
    set .@item12$,12623;	// Level 10 with Item "Advanced weapon box";
    set .@item13$,4133;	// Level 11 with Item "Raydric Card";
    set .@item14$,14533;	// Level 11.5 with Item "Field manual 100%";
    set .@item15$,13755;	// Level 12 with Item "Big magic defense potion box";
    set .@item16$,14592;	// Level 12.5 with Item "JOB manual 50%";
    set .@item17$,13813;	// Level 13 with Item "Lvl 3 food box";
    set .@item18$,14545;	// Level 13.5 with Item "Field manual 300%";
    set .@item19$,14607;	// Level 14 with Item "Luxurious food";
    set .@item20$,9042;	// Level 15 with Item "Loli Ruri pet egg";
    set .@item21$,25001;	// Level 16 with Item "Emperium Crystals";
    set .@item22$,12623;	// Level 17 with Item "Advanced weapon box";
    set .@effect$,71;	// Specialeffect Spiral White balls
    set .@effect2$,72;	// Specialeffect Bigger Spiral White balls
    set .@effect3$,73;	// Specialeffect Blue/White Small Aura
    if(BaseLevel == 5) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 5!";
    if(BaseLevel == 10) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item2$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 20!";
    if(BaseLevel == 20) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item3$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 10!";
    if(BaseLevel == 30) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item4$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 30!";
    if(BaseLevel == 40) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item5$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 40!";
    if(BaseLevel == 50) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item6$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" to level 50!";
    if(BaseLevel == 60) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item7$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 60!";
    if(BaseLevel == 70) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item8$,2;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 70!";
    if(BaseLevel == 80) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item9$,8;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 80!";
    if(BaseLevel == 90) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item10$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 90!";
    if(BaseLevel == 95) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item11$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 95!";
    if(BaseLevel == 100) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item12$,3;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 100!";
    if(BaseLevel == 110) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item13$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 110!";
    if(BaseLevel == 115) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item14$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 115!";
    if(BaseLevel == 120) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item15$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 120!";
    if(BaseLevel == 125) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item16$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 120!";
    if(BaseLevel == 130) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item17$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 130!";
    if(BaseLevel == 135) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item18$,2;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 135!";
    if(BaseLevel == 140) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item19$,5;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 140!";
    if(BaseLevel == 150) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item20$,1;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 150!";
    if(BaseLevel == 160) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item21$,20;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 160!";
    }if(BaseLevel == 170) {
    specialeffect2 .@effect$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect2$;
    specialeffect2 .@effect3;
    getitem .@item22$,5;
    dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 170!";


    Sup guys, i have this script ----^^^

    but it wont give the items. can plus it send a message in the server window.. saying:



    [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected number.
    [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@effect$' index=0
    [Debug]: Function: specialeffect2
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Levelupbox (invisible/not on a map)
    [Warning]: Unexpected type for argument 1. Expected number.
    [Debug]: Data: variable name='.@effect2$' index=0
    [Debug]: Function: specialeffect2
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Levelupbox (invisible/not on a map)
    [Error]: buildin_getitem: Nonexistant item 5189 requested.
    [Debug]: Source (NPC): Levelupbox (invisible/not on a map)


    in-game it only sayas "Congratulations <character name> for reaching lvl --"

    can someone help me? :D i'll give cookies.

  12. You can use OnPCLoadMapEvent (on maps with loadevent), and make the script check if the player is using an elemental palette.


    Something like:


    prontera,50,50,0    script    enableracepvp    -1,{
        if(getlook(7) == 200) {  //change 200 for your elemental race palette    
            atcommand "@killable";    
    prontera	mapflag	loadevent



    But you have to figure out a way to reuse the command to disable the pvp when the player leaves the map.


    I didn't test the script.



    i like this OnPCLoad command, but what if i don't have a race system, could you make a script that has a list of items. kinda like this


    prontera,50,50,0    script    enableracepvp    -1,{
    prontera	mapflag	loadevent

    somethign like this ^

  13. Heres the monster format:






    what you need to edit to make MVP hard to kill:





    IMO. just increase the level = more stats, HP= more tanky, range= self defined, skills=see below, STR/INT=damage and DEX = so that the boss wont miss. ELEMENT = make the boss 50% immune to all elements


    use skills such as safety wall, extremity fist, heal, summon slave mobs, SG, LoV.

  14. Max character slot is here:




    // How many Characters are allowed per Account ? (0 = disabled)
    // You can not exceed the limit of MAX_CHARS slots, defined in mmo.h
    // Doing that, chars_per_account will be default to MAX_CHARS.
    chars_per_account: 0


    go to mmo.h .. the original is 9 tho.

  15. http://rathena.org/board/topic/71734-sql-script-for-this-script/#entry142444

    got the script from there.

    but im confused..


    seeing these lines

    set $VIPs_SilverAccLevel,1;set $VIPs_GoldAccLevel,2;
    set $VIPs_PlatinumAccLevel,3;
    set $VIPs_SilverExpRate,50;
    set $VIPs_GoldExpRate,100

    makes me think about the groups.conf

    so, are these connected? do i edit the @commands that each player with different VIP accounts from groups.conf?


    how does this exactly work?

    if theres a link or explanation on how to install this, please leave a link :)


    sorry for the troubles :)

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