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Posts posted by RyokoMVP

  1. @keikun thanks ~

    20 minutes ago , i already download a new 3CeAM and update packetrev28 @ src ( work fine , i can see people n npc )

    but after i edit for rent mount why i get this error?


    im not edit npc.c , homunculus.h dll ~ you know why ?

    sorry if im stupid ><~ but i want to learn and try T_T~ ( too many ask >_< )

  2. i copy my error SQL files into my new server ( use 3CeAM rev 657 all server ) and i got error

    uhmm....can somebody give me a src from 3CeAM rev 657 with codec for new mount & support packet v28 ?

    it's from Here

    i already to download Packetver28.patch with tortoise SVN but i get error when downloading ( i never use tortoiseSVN before TT )

  3. clientinfo

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>





    <display>AFRO (3rd Job)</display>

    <balloon>Support 3rd Job ( www.AFRO.co.in/CP )</balloon>
















    login server log


    i think this is server side because i use my exe for login into my friends server it's work 100%

    NB : I try to download new 3CeAM and compile a fresh server ( with client 2010 06 16b ) and work good i can see other + npc

    but after it i copy my old src ( with client 2011 11 22 ) i got error again ( can't see people & npc ) if error @ src , why no error msg at mapserver ? or error when compiling?

  4. Is your friend using a Client same as your if they can see you and the npc using the same client your using I guess it might be your Internet?

    yes we use same client 2011-11-22

    he said it's error at my server ? but if i see no error @mapserver

    i got error after manual patch packet ver 28 & new mount @_@ before that i can see anyone

    my internet it's work good , because after my friend join to my server then i cant see him , i log off and login into my friends server and i see him and all npc @_@~

    my friends is recall me ( in my server ) but i cant see him... ( i only can see his chat only )

    i already check mmo.h but it's no error

    Did you really recompile server after changes in mmo.h?

    yes until before i make this thread i already try to recompile again @_@~

  5. yes , i already load the npc ( overall i can't see kafra o.O )

    hmm yes i can view myself , and my friends chat , he can recall me but i can see him o.O~

    i allowed other player join to my server~

    before i think this is client error but after i try login to my friends server , i can see all of npc and users

  6. check your packet_db.txt


    0x083A,5 // Search Stalls Feature
















    packet_ver: 28













  7. Hello guys , i use 3CeAM Rev 657

    And I Use exe 2011 - 11 - 22

    But Why I Can't See Other People Or NPC ? I only can view my self , and only chat of them...

    i already check mmo.h but it's no error

    and no error report @ map server

    but if i join into my friends server i can see all people n npc ( i use my exe )

    so i think it's server problem

    someone help me ? thanks

  8. i dont know my friends give me the lua files and i use msgtable from iRO

    check your alt Q it's be a general and style but look i have it's be failed to deal due to lack of zeny

    my friends can edit all of it , but he don't want to tell me ( so there's no one NO MSG error )

    @ judas

    can u share link for your msgstringtable ?

    @All : I try to dual login in my server with exe 2011 - 11 - 22 but why i can meet my other character ? i can see the chat log , but i can't see the character and i can't see all npc too , what's wrong?

  9. please look my spoiler and see my pic

    in inventory ( alt E ) i got error it&#39;s must be





    but at Pic It&#39;s Be




    NO MSG

    and dialog box ( in inventory for lock item ) NO MSG too

    and see a general tab and custom equip tab at equip windows ( ALT Q )

    this is the error PICTURE :


  10. clif.c:95: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'static'

    clif.c - file with error

    95 - line with error

    error: (...) - description of error

    If you see, the given error has appeared from "a" at line 90. Having removed an unknown symbol error will disappear.

    argh yes sorry i do it again ><~ but if error at line 90 why clif.c:95 not 90 ?

    and how about line 115 and 152 ? it's a error too ?

    Meaning u probably went too fast and copies the wrong line. So u just have to go back and check carefully

    hehehehe.... yes sorry im too fast copies ( im so dizzy when copy this src ><~ )

    yes i know~ i must read carefully but before this i never know where's error line at my problem ( before lilith teach me i never know how to read error at putty >< )

    sorry all im so stupid ><

    ok now i can solve my problem ~ but now i have problem in game

    PIC :


    i alreaady try all i know for edit msgtable but i still get error like this ( NO MSG on inventory ) and error at general + custom equip ( it's change to failed to deal due to lack of zeny )

    how to fix that? someone can teach me how to edit msgtable for exe 2011-11-22 ? so i can edit it by myself :D

    NB : Someone know what's for a new tab ( misc ) at skill tree and inventory ? before this i only use 3 tab ( item , equip , etc but now i have 4 with NO MSG ) And 1 again at skill tree ( 1st job , 2nd job , 3rd job , misc )

  11. Errors on a screenshot only from your inattention.

    If you are not able to apply a patch manually use the tortoise svn

    yes i know , i need more inattention~

    but i ask ~ how you can find where is error from my screenshoot ? i want to try find the error like you , but i dont know how to read error report from putty

    please tell me how to read it so i know where's error from my server :D

    btw i get error again like this


  12. I found this:

    +#elif PACKETVER < 20101124

    + WBUFW(buf,0) = spawn?0x7f8:0x7f9;

    "+" must be deleted!


    a WBUFW(buf,2) = (spawn?64:65)+strlen(name);

    What for "a" in the beginning of a line?

    remake the patch


    Use tortoise svn for apply patch...


    sorry im not looking about + and " a " hahahaha....

    thanks for help :D

    btw how i can " read " where is error report from my putty ?

    EDIT : i already edit thats 2 problem , and i recompile again , why i still get error at clif.c?

  13. Yes. See db/packet_db.txt


    packet_ver: 26


    packet_ver: 27

    // 2011-11-02aRagexe

    packet_ver: 28

    thanks for help ~ i'll try all tricks here~ if i got error / can't do something i'll ask in this thread again..i hope you can help me again :(

    sorry im noob i never edit src ( because before i only use exe 2009 xray + 2010-06-16b ) and because exe 2011 more hard i must learn about src from now ;) hehehe

  14. hmm can u teach me how to use manual patch from there ?

    this is my packet_db.txt now

    // 2011-11-22aRagexeRE





























    // 2011-12-20bRagexeRE





























    0//x0907,5,moveitem,0 // 2011-11-22aRagexeRE Personal Tab

    //Add new packets here

    //packet_ver: 29

    * OOT sorry , how to use manual patch for mounts in 3ceam too ? hehehe...

    Probably you use the client which uses 28 packet ver., but 3CeaM knows 25 packet only and client send unknown packets to server? :(

    What server says?

    yes i know about it , but my friends say 3CeAM can support new exe from rev 640++

    my server dont say anything

  15. tried diffing(first time) 2011-11-22aRagexeRE.exe,

    the client ended up running the Setup.exe over and over and over

    did i do something wrong?

    already use blue ghostring setup ? please update your kRO

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