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Everything posted by RockStar

  1. thank you i paste a wrong system folder now its working thank you for your suggestion
  2. As topic i need help on this issue. Client used : 2015-11-04aRagexe_4_patched data folder from data anyone know why?
  3. Hi since rodex and mail box is not wrking this script auto event is using mail function. i need help on someone that can help me fix this script about item prize sending? at the moment it use query_sql("INSERT INTO `mail` (send_name,dest_id,title,message,nameid,amount,identify,zeny,time) VALUES i want this script send direct to account when the winner is annouce..
  4. Hi guys i need some help on mailbox npc i have enable the npc but the problem is after click the npc and paid the mailbox is not opening.. can someone help me with this issue? svn 17395 client 2016-12-28aRagexeRE.exe
  5. Error stucj at chuckles event! anyone can help? [Error]: npc_enable: Attempted to hide a non-existing NPC 'ManhuntPrize' (flag=0). [Debug]: (npc_parsesrcfile) mapindex_name2id: Map "1@zombie" not found in index list! [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown map '1@zombie' in file 'npc/custom/Auto_Event.txt', line '770'. Skipping line... [Debug]: (npc_parsesrcfile) mapindex_name2id: Map "maze" not found in index list! [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown map 'maze' in file 'npc/custom/Auto_Event.txt', line '779'. Skipping line... [Debug]: (npc_parsesrcfile) mapindex_name2id: Map "maze" not found in index list! [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown map 'maze' in file 'npc/custom/Auto_Event.txt', line '781'. Skipping line... [Debug]: Source (NPC): Event_Management (invisible/not on a map) [Error]: buildin_callfunc: Function not found! [dispell]
  6. anyone know about pvp room always full? Room is Full
  7. Hi i download data folder from https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation it seems like my battle chat is still in korean also my item description help will be appreciate and thank you edit fixed by changing lua files. for item in korea change the Iteminfo to iteminfo_Sak.lub for the menu change savedata folder ChatWndInfo_U.lua TabName = [[Chat Menu]], TabName = [[battle Menu]],
  8. Hi i already compile server and download ro05182015 now i cant find the suitable Ragexe for the client for my server anyone can help me will be appreciate thanks
  9. RockStar


    Hi guys. i need some pro advice from hardcore source modification. need help to implement this code inside atcomand.c on rathena source. i tried many time to change it but is still fail. i need some advice here since this code is for old athena core it wont work on rathena core thanks // add this to map/atcommand.c // line 8798 /*========================================== * @afk by Rad, built on by Tubby * same as autotrade, but works without vending *------------------------------------------*/ int atcommand_afk(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.autotrade == battle_config.autotrade_mapflag ) { if (!message || !*message) { chat_createpcchat(sd, "afk", "", 1, 1); trade_tradeack(sd,4); sd->state.autotrade = 1; if( battle_config.at_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.at_timeout) : battle_config.at_timeout) * 60000, 0); } clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } if((strlen(message) < 0)||(strlen(message) > 36)) { chat_createpcchat(sd, "afk", "", 1, 1); trade_tradeack(sd,4); sd->state.autotrade = 1; if( battle_config.at_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.at_timeout) : battle_config.at_timeout) * 60000, 0); } clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } chat_createpcchat(sd, message, "", 1, 1); trade_tradeack(sd,4); sd->state.autotrade = 1; if( battle_config.at_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.at_timeout) : battle_config.at_timeout) * 60000, 0); } clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } else clif_displaymessage(fd, "AFK is not allowed on this map."); return 0; } //======================================== // add command at upper rura { "afk", 40,40, atcommand_afk }, //======================================== // add conf/import/atcommand_conf.txt // tambahkan afk: 1,1 //===========COMPILE=====================
  10. already recompile. its still same im also not sure what happend.
  11. Hi peps. i left ragnarok for a long time and now the new revision is to much difrent from real ro server(eathena) i need some help here. here the problem im getting the error CHARACTER_INFO size error!! character num: 0 CHARACTER_INFO size: 136 on client/data folder that i download here i have change the mmo.h also also no hope to fix it is there anything more i need to change? packet_db? i have set it to default also i try to set it to 30 none of them working. im using rathena - Revision 16352 as my server core any help will be appreciated
  12. which packet version is this client? i keep getting error character info size error 136 lol
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