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Petey Pablo

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Everything posted by Petey Pablo

  1. -Yes accumulative it will continue time played if they online -Auto pause the total time played if they go offline and please add the announce message saying Congratulations this player is eligible for beta rewards on official server launch. Thank you Dont forget the Beta Rewards NPC that have function to check if this player have playing 5 hours during beta. Thank you very much @Patskie I need must be ingame for 5 hours or more during beta to this script. Thank you prontera,150,150,3 script Beta Reward 100,{ if(BaseLevel < 255) goto OnDeny; if(getcharid(3) <= 2000100){ if(#cbtreward == 1) { mes "[ Beta Reward ]"; mes "You already got your reward!"; close; } getitembound 909,1,Bound_Account; // <-- should be bound if you don't want this to be abused. mes "[ Beta Reward ]"; mes "Here's your reward!"; set #cbtreward,1; close; } mes "[ Beta Reward ]"; mes "You're not a beta player, sorry!"; close; OnDeny: mes "[ Beta Reward ]"; mes "You don't have the required level for Beta Reward."; mes "Come back when you reached it - Base Level 255!"; close; }
  2. I need beta script npc like the function below Need to play atleast 5 hours minimum during beta Claim beta reward on official server launch who played more than 5 hours on beta Thank you and more power to rA community
  3. Need help to add mini boss cards and mvp boss cards btw its card seller from latest rA. Thank you and more power rA community //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Card Seller A-Z //===== Description: ========================================= //= Sells all cards dropped by mobs, grouped alphabetically. //= MVP cards are excluded from the list. //= //= NOTE: Requires SQL item and mob databases. //===== Changelogs: ========================================== //= 1.0 First version [AnnieRuru] //= 1.1 Minor edits [Euphy] //= 1.2 Update for monster mode and enchants [Lemongrass] //============================================================ prontera,147,157,5 script Beta Card Seller 124,{ .@menu$ = getvariableofnpc( .alphabet_menu$, "card_seller_creation" ); if (.@menu$ == "") { mes "[Card Seller]"; mes "I am sorry, it seems like something went wrong."; mes "I cannot find any cards in our database at the moment."; mes "Please contact a game master."; close; } mes "[Card Seller]"; mes "Welcome!"; mes "I can sell you any normal monster card in the game. Would you like to have a look?"; next; .@s = select(.@menu$) -1; close2; callshop "card_mob#"+ getvariableofnpc( .alphabet$[.@s], "card_seller_creation" ), 1; end; } - script card_seller_creation -1,{ end; OnInit: if (checkre(0)) { .@mob_db$ = "mob_db_re"; .@item_db$ = "item_db_re"; } else { .@mob_db$ = "mob_db"; .@item_db$ = "item_db"; } freeloop 1; .@total = query_sql( "SELECT DISTINCT LEFT( `name_japanese`, 1 ) AS alphabets FROM `"+ .@item_db$ +"` WHERE `type` = " + IT_CARD + " AND `id` IN ( SELECT DISTINCT `dropcardid` FROM `"+ .@mob_db$ +"` WHERE ~(`MODE`) & " + MD_MVP + " ) ORDER BY alphabets;", .@alphabet$ ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .@total; .@i++ ) { .@nb = query_sql( "SELECT `"+ .@item_db$ +"`.`id` FROM `"+ .@item_db$ +"` WHERE `type` = " + IT_CARD + " AND LEFT( `name_japanese`, 1 ) = '"+ .@alphabet$[.@i] +"' AND `id` IN ( SELECT DISTINCT `dropcardid` FROM `"+ .@mob_db$ +"` WHERE ~(`MODE`) & " + MD_MVP + " ) ORDER BY `name_japanese` LIMIT 128;", .@id ); if (.@nb > 0) { .alphabet$[.@size_alphabet++] = .@alphabet$[.@i]; .alphabet_menu$ = .alphabet_menu$ + .@alphabet$[.@i] +" Cards:"; npcshopdelitem "card_mob#"+ .@alphabet$[.@i], 501; for ( .@j = 0; .@j < .@nb; .@j++ ) { if (callfunc( "F_IsCharm", .@id[.@j] ) == true)// Skip enchants in case someone added them as card drop continue; npcshopadditem "card_mob#"+ .@alphabet$[.@i], .@id[.@j], 1000000; } } } freeloop 0; end; } - shop card_mob#A -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#B -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#C -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#D -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#E -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#F -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#G -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#H -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#I -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#J -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#K -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#L -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#M -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#N -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#O -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#P -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#Q -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#R -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#S -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#T -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#U -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#V -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#W -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#X -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#Y -1,501:1000 - shop card_mob#Z -1,501:1000
  4. The 300mins and Auto kick is working but they still able to enter the goldroom after 300mins and I dont see the "You can only re-enter after bla bla after 12 hours" if (gettimetick(0) < #GOLDROOM_CD) { mes "You can only re-enter after "+(#GOLDROOM_CD - gettimetick(0))+" seconds."; It works! Thank you very much @Emistry.
  5. Thank you very much @Emistry I just want to ask if this with auto kick after 300mins farm and wait for 12 hours cooldown to enter again and how to adjust the time sorry I dont understand the (12 * 60 * 60)
  6. Need help to this error [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/custom/test/valkyriequest.txt', line '95'. Stopping... * w1=if(bry_bry >= 1) goto L_udone; * w2= * w3= * w4=
  7. How to make this target new tab 'JoinUsInFacebookLabel' => array('exturl' => 'https://www.facebook.com/<facebook_link>'),
  8. Good day rA community! I just want to ask how to create the login.sh, char.sh and map.sh to vnc server? Anyone can help me? im having a problem with this error on running start Start.Desktop on my vnc This is my Start.Desktop script [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Start rAthena Type=Application Terminal=false Exec=/usr/share/test/scripts/start_server.sh Icon=/usr/share/test/img/ragnarok.png This is the start.server.sh #!/bin/sh TEST_DIR=/usr/share/test xterm -title "Login Server" -bg black -fg white -hold -e $TEST_DIR/scripts/start_login_server.sh & sleep 1 xterm -title "Char Server" -bg black -fg white -hold -e $TEST_DIR/scripts/start_char_server.sh & sleep 1 xterm -title "Map Server" -bg black -fg white -hold -e $TEST_DIR/scripts/start_map_server.sh & This is the login, char and map #!/bin/sh cd /root/Desktop/rAthena ./login-server #!/bin/sh cd /root/Desktop/rAthena ./char-server #!/bin/sh cd /root/Desktop/rAthena ./map-server Thank you
  9. I switched version of rA from Old (44b80448df07bec285b1a5056ceae519265bd19b) to latest (dd9b6d30e2785fd9d6f665e89af8c614a8364fe5) Same happen! I already reported it to github issue here https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/4816
  10. Help me to find this error I already remove all my scripts but still error after killing Phen mobs in jawaii town btw this is my rA version '44b80448df07bec285b1a5056ceae519265bd19b' [Error]: npc_event: event not found [1234] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [1234] [Error]: npc_event: event not found [1234]
  11. Thank you, how about adding this Limit farm maximum of 300 minutes(Auto kick after 300mins) Once you reach your maximum time, you'll need to wait 12 hours before entering again. Help me to add this on my gold room -Limit 300mins (Auto kick after 5hrs) -Once you reach the maximum time, you'll need to wait 12 hours to enter again -The time is per account based This is my goldroom script. Thank you and more power rA community. // https://rathena.org/board/topic/108888-request-a-gold-room-drop-gold-point/ prontera,155,181,5 script Sample#goldroom 4_F_KAFRA1,{ doevent "gold_room_main::OnTalk"; } // warp portal back prontera ordeal_3-2,123,123,0 warp gold_room_back_prt 1,1,prontera,155,181 // peco peco summon ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Peco Peco 1019,200,60000,0,"gold_room_main::OnKill" - script gold_room_main -1,{ OnInit: // gold room map .map$ = "ordeal_3-2"; // entrance fee .zeny_cost = 200000; // rate to get gold .rate = 50; // gold random amount setarray .gold_amount,1,5; setmapflag .map$,mf_noteleport; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp_noguild; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp_noparty; setmapflag .map$,mf_nobranch; setmapflag .map$,mf_nosave; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomemo; setmapflag .map$,mf_noreturn; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarp; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarpto; end; OnTalk: mes "Enter Gold Room ?"; if ( .zeny_cost ) mes F_InsertComma( .zeny_cost ) + " Zeny"; switch ( select( "Enter Gold Room", "Exchange Gold Point", "Cancel" )) { case 1: if ( Zeny < .zeny_cost ) { mes "Not enough Zeny."; } else { Zeny -= .zeny_cost; warp .map$,0,0; } break; case 2: mes "You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points"; input .@value,0,#GOLDPOINTS; if ( checkweight( 969, .@value ) ) { #GOLDPOINTS -= .@value; getitem 969,.@value; mes "Gained "+.@value+" Gold."; } else { mes "You overweight."; } default: break; } close; OnKill: if ( .rate < rand( 100 ) ) { .@point = rand( .gold_amount[0],.gold_amount[1] ); #GOLDPOINTS += .@point; dispbottom "Gained "+.@point+" Point. You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points now."; } end; OnPCDieEvent: .@killerrid = killerrid; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .map$ && .@killerrid != getcharid(3) && getmonsterinfo( .@killerrid,MOB_NAME ) != "null" ) { #GOLDPOINTS = 0; dispbottom "You died, you lost all the point."; } end; }
  12. Have you tested it for latest rA?
  13. This is the error if input 0 exchange point [Error]: buildin_checkweight: Invalid amount '0'. [Debug]: Source (NPC): gold_room_main (invisible/not on a map) Full script here // https://rathena.org/board/topic/108888-request-a-gold-room-drop-gold-point/ prontera,155,181,5 script Sample#goldroom 4_F_KAFRA1,{ doevent "gold_room_main::OnTalk"; } // warp portal back prontera ordeal_3-2,123,123,0 warp gold_room_back_prt 1,1,prontera,155,181 // peco peco summon ordeal_3-2,0,0,0,0 monster Peco Peco 1019,200,60000,0,"gold_room_main::OnKill" - script gold_room_main -1,{ OnInit: // gold room map .map$ = "ordeal_3-2"; // entrance fee .zeny_cost = 200000; // rate to get gold .rate = 50; // gold random amount setarray .gold_amount,1,5; setmapflag .map$,mf_noteleport; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp_noguild; setmapflag .map$,mf_pvp_noparty; setmapflag .map$,mf_nobranch; setmapflag .map$,mf_nosave; setmapflag .map$,mf_nomemo; setmapflag .map$,mf_noreturn; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarp; setmapflag .map$,mf_nowarpto; end; OnTalk: mes "Enter Gold Room ?"; if ( .zeny_cost ) mes F_InsertComma( .zeny_cost ) + " Zeny"; switch ( select( "Enter Gold Room", "Exchange Gold Point", "Cancel" )) { case 1: if ( Zeny < .zeny_cost ) { mes "Not enough Zeny."; } else { Zeny -= .zeny_cost; warp .map$,0,0; } break; case 2: mes "You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points"; input .@value,0,#GOLDPOINTS; if ( checkweight( 969, .@value ) ) { #GOLDPOINTS -= .@value; getitem 969,.@value; mes "Gained "+.@value+" Gold."; } else { mes "You overweight."; } default: break; } close; OnKill: if ( .rate < rand( 100 ) ) { .@point = rand( .gold_amount[0],.gold_amount[1] ); #GOLDPOINTS += .@point; dispbottom "Gained "+.@point+" Point. You got "+F_InsertComma( #GOLDPOINTS )+" Points now."; } end; OnPCDieEvent: .@killerrid = killerrid; if ( strcharinfo(3) == .map$ && .@killerrid != getcharid(3) && getmonsterinfo( .@killerrid,MOB_NAME ) != "null" ) { #GOLDPOINTS = 0; dispbottom "You died, you lost all the point."; } end; }
  14. Need help to this error 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\pc.cpp(5496,11): error C2440: 'return': cannot convert from 'int' to 'e_additem_result' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\pc.cpp(5496,10): message : Conversion to enumeration type requires an explicit cast (static_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast) This is the patch Protection-(EN-US).patch
  15. Need help to modified this hit-delay plugin for rA, Thank you rA community more power! //===== Hercules Plugin ====================================== //= Warp Hit Delay //===== By: ================================================== //= Dastgir/Hercules //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4 //===== Description: ========================================= //= You need to wait before warping, if you have been hit //===== Changelog: =========================================== //= v1.0 - Initial Release. //= v1.1 - Now Adjustable Delay from hits from //= player/homun/mobs/etc.. //= v1.1a- Fix Crash from @die. //= v1.2 - Teleportation does not cause delay. //= v1.3 - Players and Others are now separated. //= v1.3a- You can now warp once dead. //= v1.3b- Some Crash Fixes. //= v1.4 - Timer is Reset once dead. //===== Additional Detail: =================================== //= 6 Battle Configs: //= * warp_delay: Seconds*1000 //= * warp_delay_mob: Seconds*1000 //= * warp_delay_pet: Seconds*1000 //= * warp_delay_homun: Seconds*1000 //= * warp_delay_merc: Seconds*1000 //= * warp_delay_others: Seconds*1000 //===== Repo Link: =========================================== //= https://github.com/dastgir/HPM-Plugins //============================================================ #include "common/hercules.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "common/HPMi.h" #include "common/memmgr.h" #include "common/mmo.h" #include "common/nullpo.h" #include "common/socket.h" #include "common/strlib.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/mapindex.h" #include "map/clif.h" #include "map/script.h" #include "map/skill.h" #include "map/pc.h" #include "map/map.h" #include "map/battle.h" #include "plugins/HPMHooking.h" #include "common/HPMDataCheck.h" HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "Warp Delay", SERVER_TYPE_MAP, "1.3b", HPM_VERSION, }; int64 warp_delay = 5000; ///< Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Player). int64 warp_delay_mob = 6000; ///< Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Monster). int64 warp_delay_pet = 7000; ///< Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Pet). int64 warp_delay_homun = 8000; ///< Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Homunculus). int64 warp_delay_merc = 9000; ///< Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Mercenary). int64 warp_delay_others = 10000; ///< Seconds*1000 (Second) Delay(For Others). struct warp_delay_tick { int64 last_hit; enum bl_type who_hit; }; int pc_dead_pre(struct map_session_data **sd, struct block_list **src) { struct warp_delay_tick *delay_data; nullpo_retr(0, sd); if ((delay_data = getFromMSD(*sd, 0)) == NULL) { return 0; } // Reset the Data delay_data->last_hit = 0; delay_data->who_hit = BL_NUL; return 1; } void pc_damage_received(struct map_session_data **sd, struct block_list **src, unsigned int *hp, unsigned int *sp) { struct warp_delay_tick *delay_data; if ((delay_data = getFromMSD(*sd, 0)) == NULL) { CREATE(delay_data,struct warp_delay_tick,1); addToMSD(*sd,delay_data,0,true); } delay_data->last_hit = timer->gettick(); if (*src) delay_data->who_hit = (*src)->type; else delay_data->who_hit = BL_NUL; return; } int pc_setpos_delay(struct map_session_data **sd, unsigned short *map_index, int *x, int *y, enum clr_type *clrtype) { int16 m; struct warp_delay_tick *delay_data; unsigned short mapindex_ = *map_index; int64 temp_delay; if (*sd == NULL) return 0; if (!mapindex_ || !mapindex_id2name(mapindex_) || (m = map->mapindex2mapid(mapindex_)) == -1) { ShowDebug("pc_setpos: Passed mapindex(%d) is invalid!\n", mapindex_); return 1; } if ((delay_data = getFromMSD(*sd, 0)) == NULL) { return 0; } switch(delay_data->who_hit){ case BL_MOB: temp_delay = warp_delay_mob; break; case BL_PET: temp_delay = warp_delay_pet; break; case BL_HOM: temp_delay = warp_delay_homun; break; case BL_MER: temp_delay = warp_delay_merc; break; case BL_NUL: temp_delay = 0; break; case BL_PC: temp_delay = warp_delay; break; default: temp_delay = warp_delay_others; break; } if ((*sd)->status.hp && DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(), delay_data->last_hit) < temp_delay ){ char output[50]; sprintf(output,"Please Wait %d second before warping.",(int)((temp_delay-DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(),delay_data->last_hit))/1000)); clif->message((*sd)->fd,output); hookStop(); } return 0; } int battle_config_validate(const char *val,const char *setting,int64 default_delay) { int value = config_switch(val); if (value <= 0){ ShowDebug("Received Invalid Setting for %s(%d), Defaulting to %d\n",setting,value,(int)default_delay); return (int)default_delay; } return value; } void go_warp_delay_bc(const char *key, const char *val) { if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay") == 0) { warp_delay = (int64)battle_config_validate(val,"battle_configuration/warp_delay",warp_delay); } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_others") == 0) { warp_delay_others = (int64)battle_config_validate(val,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_others",warp_delay_others); } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_pet") == 0) { warp_delay_pet = (int64)battle_config_validate(val,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_pet",warp_delay_pet); } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_homun") == 0) { warp_delay_homun = (int64)battle_config_validate(val,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_homun",warp_delay_homun); } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_mob") == 0) { warp_delay_mob = (int64)battle_config_validate(val,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_mob",warp_delay_mob); } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_merc") == 0) { warp_delay_merc = (int64)battle_config_validate(val,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_merc",warp_delay_merc); } else { ShowError("hit-delay: Invalid Configuration '%s'\n", key); } } int go_warp_delay_return_bc(const char *key) { if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay") == 0) { return (int)warp_delay; } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_others") == 0) { return (int)warp_delay_others; } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_pet") == 0) { return (int)warp_delay_pet; } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_homun") == 0) { return (int)warp_delay_homun; } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_mob") == 0) { return (int)warp_delay_mob; } else if (strcmpi(key,"battle_configuration/warp_delay_merc") == 0) { return (int)warp_delay_merc; } return 0; } HPExport void plugin_init(void) { addHookPre(pc, setpos, pc_setpos_delay); addHookPre(pc, damage, pc_damage_received); addHookPre(pc, dead, pc_dead_pre); } HPExport void server_preinit(void) { addBattleConf("battle_configuration/warp_delay", go_warp_delay_bc, go_warp_delay_return_bc, false); addBattleConf("battle_configuration/warp_delay_mob", go_warp_delay_bc, go_warp_delay_return_bc, false); addBattleConf("battle_configuration/warp_delay_pet", go_warp_delay_bc, go_warp_delay_return_bc, false); addBattleConf("battle_configuration/warp_delay_homun", go_warp_delay_bc, go_warp_delay_return_bc, false); addBattleConf("battle_configuration/warp_delay_merc", go_warp_delay_bc, go_warp_delay_return_bc, false); addBattleConf("battle_configuration/warp_delay_others", go_warp_delay_bc, go_warp_delay_return_bc, false); } HPExport void server_online(void) { ShowInfo("'%s' Plugin by Dastgir/Hercules. Version '%s'\n", pinfo.name, pinfo.version); }
  16. It works! Thank you very much @Patskie ?
  17. Here ACMD_FUNC(pk) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if (map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_PVP) || map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_GVG) || map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_GVG_CASTLE) || map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_GVG_DUNGEON)) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can only change your PK state on non-PVP maps."); return -1; } if (!sd->state.pk_mode) { sd->state.pk_mode = 1; clif_displaymessage(fd, "You are now no longer in PK mode."); } else { sd->state.pk_mode = 0; clif_displaymessage(fd, "Returned to normal state."); } return 0; } Before this /*========================================== * @rura, @warp, @mapmove *------------------------------------------*/
  18. I got this error 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10293,3): error C2059: syntax error: '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10293,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10293,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10293,18): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10294,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10294,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10294,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10295,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10295,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10295,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10296,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10296,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10296,18): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10297,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10297,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10297,20): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10298,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10298,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10298,25): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10299,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10299,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10299,19): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10300,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10300,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10300,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10301,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10301,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10301,40): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10302,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10302,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10302,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10303,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10303,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10303,18): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10304,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10304,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10304,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10305,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10305,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10305,27): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10306,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10306,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10306,27): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10307,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10307,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10307,27): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10308,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10308,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10308,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10309,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10309,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10309,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10310,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10310,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10310,18): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10311,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10311,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10311,30): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10312,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10312,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10312,32): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10313,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10313,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10313,22): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10314,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10314,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10314,25): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10315,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10315,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10315,26): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10316,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10316,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10316,22): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10317,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10317,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10317,51): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10318,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10318,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10318,32): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10319,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10319,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10319,17): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10320,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10320,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10320,19): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10321,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10321,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10321,18): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10322,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10322,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10322,19): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10323,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10323,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10323,18): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10324,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10324,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10324,18): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10325,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10325,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10325,33): error C2059: syntax error: ',' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10326,3): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(10326,3): fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation
  19. This is the error 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(240,4): error C2039: 'pvp': is not a member of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\map.hpp(738): message : see declaration of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(240,4): error C2039: 'gvg': is not a member of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\map.hpp(738): message : see declaration of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(240,4): error C2039: 'gvg_castle': is not a member of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\map.hpp(738): message : see declaration of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\atcommand.cpp(240,122): error C2039: 'gvg_dungeon': is not a member of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\map.hpp(738): message : see declaration of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\map.hpp(738): message : see declaration of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8183,13): error C2039: 'pvp': is not a member of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\map.hpp(738): message : see declaration of 'std::unordered_map<int16,int,std::hash<int16>,std::equal_to<int16>,std::allocator<std::pair<const int16,int>>>' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8186,9): error C2065: 'sd': undeclared identifier 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8192,3): error C2046: illegal case 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8215,3): error C2047: illegal default 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8213,4): error C2043: illegal break 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8219,4): error C2043: illegal break 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8222,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'if' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8223,2): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8223,2): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8229,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'if' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8232,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'if' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8233,2): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8233,2): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8240,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'if' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8241,2): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8241,2): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8281,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'else' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8282,2): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8282,2): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8298,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'if' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8301,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'else' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8304,2): error C2059: syntax error: 'return' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8304,24): error C2059: syntax error: '-' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8305,1): error C2059: syntax error: '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8305,1): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '}' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8312,1): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 9>D:\Ragnarok\rathena\src\map\battle.cpp(8312,1): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) Can you share your working copy for latest rA version? Thank you
  20. Help me to update this patch for latest rA. Thank you pk_mod_rA_r16215.PATCH And please add this code to use @pk state on/off only on towns/non-PVP maps if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.pvp || map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg || map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_castle || map[sd->bl.m].flag.gvg_dungeon ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can only change your PK state on non-PVP maps."); return -1; } Thank you very much
  21. Help me to add guild skill check like Guild "Official Approval Skill" before they enter prontera,155,188,0 script GuildCheck 910,{ query_sql "SELECT guild_lv FROM guild WHERE guild_id = "+getcharid(2), .@guild_lv; mes "hi bla"; if (getcharid(2) == 0) { mes "You are not in a guild."; } else if (.@guild_lv < 50) { mes "you cant use this service"; mes "Your guild must be level 50."; } else { warp "bla",0,0; } close; }
  22. Need help to fix this error [Error]: buildin_sleep2: no unit is attached [Debug]: Source (NPC): Emperium Breaker at turbo_room (106,105) This is the script turbo_room,106,105,5 script Emperium Breaker 1288,{ // What Map will be used set .Map$,"job3_arch01"; // How many Top Breaker will be Recorded set .TopRank,5; // Message to Inform Players while inside the Room setarray .Instruction$[0], "You need a guild to be able to hit the Emperium, create one with the Emperium i have you if you don't have any. Please read carefully.", "This room is to test how quick you can break an Emperium.", "So get prepared, the Emperium will spawn in a few seconds.", "When you enter there, you rill recieve Butterfly Wings so you can return when you finish, be prepared."; while( 1 ){ mes "Emperium Breaker Room to test how quick you destroy it."; mes "You can compare too the records of other players."; next; switch( select( ( getmapusers( .Map$ ) )?"^FF0000No available":"^0000FFAvailable^000000", "Top ^FF0000"+.TopRank+"^000000 Record", ( getgmlevel() < 90 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Reset Room", ( getgmlevel() < 90 )?"":"^FF0000[GM]^000000 Reset Ladder" )){ Case 1: if( getmapusers( .Map$ ) ){ mes "There is another player, please wait until the player ends."; next; break; } warp .Map$,0,0; getitem 714,1; // Emperium if they don't have a guild they can easly create one and test on the Emperium Room killmonster .Map$,"All"; // removemapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReady"; end; Case 2: mes "^ED1ADCBest Record^000000 : "+LatestRecord/1000+"."+LatestRecord%1000+" Seconds."; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( !$TopRankTime[.@i] ) break; mes "^FF0000Top "+( .@i + 1 )+" : ^0000FF"+$TopName$[.@i]+" "; mes "^FF0000Time : ^ED1ADC[ "+$TopRankTime[.@i]/1000+"."+$TopRankTime[.@i]%1000+" Sec. ]^000000 "; } next; break; Case 3: mapannounce .Map$,"El GM reinicio los record del Emperium Breaker.",0,0x00FF00; killmonster .Map$,"All"; sleep2 3000; mapwarp .Map$,"izlude",103,142; mes "Listo, los jugadores que estaban adentro son enviados a fuera."; next; break; Case 4: switch( select( "^0000FFAll Player^000000:^FF0000One Player^000000" ) ){ Case 1: deletearray $TopRankTime[0],getarraysize( $TopRankTime ); deletearray $TopName$[0],getarraysize( $TopName$ ); mes "RESETED WHOLE LADDER."; break; Case 2: mes "Please input the ^FF0000EXACT NAME^000000 of player you want to delete."; input .Name$; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( .Name$ == $TopName$[.@i] ){ deletearray $TopName$[.@i],1; deletearray $TopRankTime[.@i],1; mes "Removed ^FF0000"+.Name$+"^000000 from the List."; } } } next; break; } } OnReady: sleep2 3000; for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .Instruction$ ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ mapannounce .Map$,.Instruction$[.@i],0,0x00FF00; sleep2 2500; } for( set .@i,5; .@i > 0; set .@i,.@i - 1 ){ mapannounce .Map$," : "+.@i+" seconds left.",0,0x00FF00; sleep2 1000; } //mapannounce .Map$,"Hit the Emperium Now and Skills Disabled.",0,0x00FF00; setmapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; monster .Map$,29,27,"Breaker Test",1288,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBreaked"; set .Record,0; sleep2 500; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer600000: if( !mobcount( .Map$,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBreaked" ) ) end; mapannounce .Map$,"You spent too much time. i think you are AFK , so you are out.",0,0xED1ADC; sleep2 3000; mapwarp .Map$,"izlude",103,142; stopnpctimer; end; OnBreaked: set .Time,getnpctimer(0); copyarray .@tempName$[0],$TopName$[0],getarraysize( $TopName$ ); copyarray .@tempRecord[0],$TopRankTime[0],getarraysize( $TopRankTime[0] ); set LatestRecord,.Time; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .TopRank; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ if( .Time < $TopRankTime[.@i] || !$TopRankTime[.@i] ){ set $TopRankTime[.@i],.Time; set $TopName$[.@i],strcharinfo(0); copyarray $TopRankTime[.@i + 1],.@tempRecord[0],getarraysize( .@tempRecord ); copyarray $TopName$[.@i + 1],.@tempName$[0],getarraysize( .@tempName$ ); announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] Got the Ranking "+( .@i + 1 )+" on the Emperium Breaker Room with a record of "+.Time/1000+"."+.Time%1000+" seconds !!!",bc_all,0xED1ADC; break; } } stopnpctimer; announce "Time tooked : "+.Time/1000+"."+.Time%1000+" Seconds. ",bc_self,0xED1ADC; // removemapflag .Map$,mf_noskill; sleep2 5000; mapwarp .Map$,"izlude",103,142; //here is the place of the npc end; } job3_arch01 mapflag nocommand 50 job3_arch01 mapflag gvg on job3_arch01 mapflag gvg_castle job3_arch01 mapflag monster_noteleport job3_arch01 mapflag nosave SavePoint
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