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Everything posted by jigsgfx

  1. Hi, can anyone tell me how can i make Ministrel & Wanderer Skill cant be cancel by any other skills? specially this following skills Please Don't Forget Me Apple of Iduns Assassin Cross of Sunset A Poem of Bragi the ff skill can only be cancel once you change your weapon.. thanks in advanced..
  2. oh i see, btw how can i set it to make only GX are allowed to enter the restricted map? coz the only way i can see is the remove all thief class job ids from BitMasks
  3. hi, may i know what this part means? is it all jobs selected will warp to prontera after 5secs? can we remove that coz im just planning to add a warper npc its like a pvp room but with job restrictions.. mes "You will be warped out within ^FF0000"+.Sec+" Seconds^000000."; sleep2 ( .Sec * 1000 ); warp "prontera",155,181; } return; } OnInit: // Wait X Seconds before warped out. set .Sec,5;
  4. wow great ill try this out.. thanks dude.. btw what command should i type to use it? @ec or @ecall?
  5. jigsgfx

    EC Problem

    what do you think the problem why my players cant use EC? sometimes they can & sometimes if they did use it they can only use it once.. ??
  6. Hi, im having problem with my EC sometimes players can use it sometimes they cant but on my GM account i can use it with no problem, so i thought suddenly that is it possible to add a @command for ecall? like @ec or @ecall that players can use during WOE but it has also a delay when using it.. is this possible? thanks to those who can help with this..
  7. jigsgfx

    EC Problem

    i check it and its emergency_call: 11 this is my settings on my skill_cast_db.txt //-- GD_EMERGENCYCALL 10013,5000,0,0,0,40000,0,0 my settings on skill_db.txt 10013,0,0,4,0,0x3,0,1,0,yes,0,0x10,0,none,0, GD_EMERGENCYCALL,Urgent Call bump!! up
  8. Hi, can anyone help me with my problem? i dont have an idea on how or where to fixed it.. my problem my players cant use EC skill during WOE, i change the cool down or duration from 5mins to 1min. its working fine with my GM Guild but on my players Guild sometimes they cant use EC, sometimes they can but they can only use it once it supposed to be every 1minute, i also set it to guild_skill_relog so that they can use EC when they character select but still not working.. dont know if its a bug or what.. can anyone help with this problem? BTW im using trunk16084 thanks in advance sorry if i post on a wrong thread dont know exactly the problem if its database or source code.. thanks again..
  9. great thanks ill try this out..
  10. Hi, i have a script here just want to ask why even i set the GM level access to 60, my GM's cant still access it.. is there something wrong with the script? i need GM 60 to access the script MENU. here's the script ( credits to the one who made it ) //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Item Rewards NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.8 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Useful for event rewards, when a player is not necessarily online. //= Logging is available, if needed (holds 128 names). //= Note: Unclaimed rewards are limited to 64 at a time. //============================================================ turbo_room,95,122,6 script Item Rewards 836,{ // --------------------- Config --------------------- // Package format is "ID1,Count1,ID2,Count2,..." // GM Access: Level required to open the GM menu. // GM Delete: Level required to erase entries. // GM Logging: Level required to manage logs. set .GMAccess,60; set .GMDelete,99; set .GMLogging,99; set .PackageCount,4; setarray .Package1[0],7227,5,607,10; setarray .Package2[0],7227,5,674,20; setarray .Package3[0],7227,3,607,20; setarray .Package4[0],7227,3,674,30; // -------------------------------------------------- if (getgmlevel() >= .GMAccess) goto GM_Menu; mes "[item Rewards]"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { if (strcharinfo(0) == $itemreward$[.@i]) goto GetReward; set .@i, .@i+2; } mes "You have no rewards pending."; close; GetReward: if (((Weight*100)/MaxWeight) > 49) { mes "You are over the weight limit."; close; } if (!checkweight(5055,getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1])))) { mes "Clear space in your inventory."; close; } set .@j,0; while (.@j < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]))) { getitem getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+.@j+"]"),getd(".Package"+$itemreward$[.@i+1]+"["+(.@j+1)+"]"); set .@j, .@j+2; } specialeffect2 248; deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2; mes "Here you go!"; close; OnMinute00: OnMinute30: if (!getarraysize($itemreward$)) end; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { message $itemreward$[.@i],"[You have a reward pending. See the Item Rewards NPC.]"; sleep 10; set .@i, .@i+2; } end; GM_Menu: mes "[item Rewards]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select(" ~ ^FF55FFPackage information^000000: ~ ^FF55FFList unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ ^00D900Give a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete a reward^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMDelete)?"^777777":"^DE0000")+"Delete all unclaimed rewards^000000: ~ "+((getgmlevel()<.GMLogging)?"^777777":"^55AAFF")+"Manage logs^000000: ~ [Close]")) { case 1: mes "[item Rewards]"; set .@j,1; while (getd(".Package"+.@j)) { mes "^660099Package " + .@j + ":^000000"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize(getd(".Package"+.@j))) { mes " ~ " + getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i+1)+"]") + "x " + getitemname(getd(".Package"+.@j+"["+(.@i)+"]")); set .@i, .@i+2; } set .@j, .@j+1; } next; goto GM_Menu; case 2: mes "[item Rewards]"; mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemreward$)/2) + "^000000/64"; mes "--------------------------------"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { mes "^B041FF" + $itemreward$[.@i] + "^000000: package #" + $itemreward$[.@i+1]; set .@i, .@i+2; } next; goto GM_Menu; case 3: mes "[item Rewards]"; if (getarraysize($itemreward$) > 127) { mes "No more names can be stored."; mes "Delete some values and try again."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Input a name, then a package number."; input .@name$; query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `name` = '"+.@name$+"'",.@charid; if (!.@charid) { mes "The name is invalid."; next; goto GM_Menu; } else set .@charid,0; input .@package,1,.PackageCount; next; mes "[item Rewards]"; mes "Player: ^B041FF" + .@name$ + "^000000"; mes "Package: ^B041FF#" + .@package + "^000000"; mes " "; mes "Are you sure?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; } setarray $itemreward$[getarraysize($itemreward$)],.@name$,.@package; message .@name$,"[You have a reward pending. See the Item Rewards NPC.]"; if ($itemlog) { if (getarraysize($itemlog1$) > 127) { deletearray $itemlog1$[0],1; deletearray $itemlog2$[0],1; } setarray $itemlog1$[getarraysize($itemlog1$)],strcharinfo(0); setarray $itemlog2$[getarraysize($itemlog2$)],.@name$; } mes "Reward added."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 4: mes "[item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) { mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Input a name to cancel a reward."; input .@name$; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemreward$)) { if ($itemreward$[.@i] == .@name$) { deletearray $itemreward$[.@i],2; mes "Name cleared."; next; goto GM_Menu; } set .@i, .@i+2; } mes "The name is invalid."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 5: mes "[item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMDelete) { mes "You are not permitted to delete entries."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000"; mes "Are you sure?"; mes " "; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto GM_Menu; } deletearray $itemreward$[0],getarraysize($itemreward$); mes "All entries cleared."; next; goto GM_Menu; case 6: Log_Menu: mes "[item Rewards]"; if (getgmlevel() < .GMLogging) { mes "You are not permitted to manage logs."; next; goto GM_Menu; } mes "Logs are currently "+(($itemlog)?"^00D900enabled^000000":"^FF0000disabled^000000")+"."; next; switch(select(" ~ ^55AAFFView Logs^000000: ~ [Go back]")) { case 1: mes "[item Rewards]"; mes "Used space: ^F52887" + (getarraysize($itemlog1$)) + "^000000/128"; mes "--------------------------------"; set .@i,0; while (.@i < getarraysize($itemlog1$)) { mes "^B041FF" + $itemlog1$[.@i] + "^000000: sent to ^55AAFF" + $itemlog2$[.@i] + "^000000"; set .@i, .@i+1; } next; goto Log_Menu; case 2: next; goto GM_Menu; case 3: set $itemlog, ((!$itemlog)?1:0); goto Log_Menu; case 4: mes "[item Rewards]"; mes "^FF0000This action cannot be undone.^000000"; mes "Are you sure?"; mes " "; if (select("Yes:No") == 2) { mes "Request cancelled."; next; goto Log_Menu; } deletearray $itemlog1$[0],getarraysize($itemlog1$); deletearray $itemlog2$[0],getarraysize($itemlog2$); mes "Logs cleared."; next; goto Log_Menu; } case 7: close; } } thanks for those who will help me..
  11. here's the error.. Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/script/magicgear.txt script error on npc/script/magicgear.txt line 16 parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ')' 11 : } 12 : if (!getskilllv("NC_MADOLICENCE")) { 13 : mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; 14 : mes "Please learn how to use a Magic Gear first."; 15 : close; * 16 : } else if (checkmadogear'(')) { 17 : mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; 18 : mes "You already have a Magic Gear."; 19 : close; 20 : } else if (ismounting()) { 21 : mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; thanks in advance again..
  12. hmm test it but still have the same problem when i click the npc nothing happen.. no dialogue box appeared
  13. hi, im looking for this Magic Gear script i saw that it can be found on npc/merchant/renters.txt but when i checked i didnt find it.. i saw a script here but when i test it its not working.. the NPC was there but when i try to talk to it even im on Mechanics jobs nothing happens.. here's the script can anyone check this out ? thanks in advance // Magic Gear Renter prontera,163,178,4 script Magic Gear Master 105,{ mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; if (Class == Job_Mechanic || Class == Job_Mechanic_T || Class == Job_Baby_Mechanic) { mes "Welcome. Would you like to rent a Magic Gear?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: if (!getskilllv("NC_MADOLICENCE")) { mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; mes "Please learn how to use a Magic Gear first."; close; } else if (checkmadogear()) { mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; mes "You already have a Magic Gear."; close; } else if(ismounting()) { mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; mes "Please remove your cash mount."; close; } setmadogear; close; case 2: mes "[Magic Gear Master]"; mes "I see. Then have a great day."; close; } } mes "How may I help you?"; mes "Magic Gears are only available for Mechanics."; close; }
  14. it means does it means that players needs to be online for 5 hours in total per day ?? and if ever i want to reduce time like make it 2hrs or 3hrs where can i change that?
  15. jigsgfx


    hi, Anniie can you check it out tell me if my script is correct or wrong ? if the "OnMinute00:" add correctly, thanks turbo_room,89,123,4 script Cluckers 800,{ if ($@startcluck == 1) goto L_playcluck; cluckcluck: if (getgmlevel() >= 60) goto cluckadmin; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?"; mes "Cluck...."; close; cluckadmin: mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck? ^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Wanna play today?~^000000"; mes "Cluck cluck... CLUCK! ^FF0000~Just tell me what to do!~^000000"; switch(select("Start Event:Check Prize:Set Prize:Not today Cluckers")) { case 1: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "CLUCK! ^FF0000~Sure thing!~^000000"; emotion 33; close2; goto L_cluckannounce; case 2: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck, cluck cluck... Cluck! ^FF0000~The current prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +".^000000"; next; goto cluckadmin; case 3: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck? Cluck??? ^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; input $cluck_item_id; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck? cluuuck? ^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000"; input $cluck_item_amount; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck..? Cluck. ^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; emotion 33; next; goto cluckadmin; case 4: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck cluck..."; close; } L_cluckannounce: announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in sRO Mall!",bc_blue; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: announce "Please hurry below the Pet Store NPC if you want to play with the crazy chicken!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer20000: announce "Cluckers has eaten my 5x TCG! I'm too scared to retrieve it!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Click the insane chicken and try squeeze out the item, if you're lucky you'll win! Are you ready?",bc_blue; end; OnTimer40000: announce "GO! Click the chicken to get the prize!",bc_blue; if (!$cluck_item_id) set $cluck_item_id,512; if (!$cluck_item_amount) set $cluck_item_amount,1; set .startcluck,1; end; OnMinute00: // add this at the end of the script if (gettime(3)%2 || .startcluck) end; announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in sRO Mall!",bc_blue; initnpctimer; end; L_playcluck: specialeffect2 2; switch( rand(15) ) { case 0: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 1: npctalk "Cluuuuuck!~"; break; case 2: unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 3: sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0; break; case 4: npctalk "CLUUUUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 5: sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 6: emotion 29; sc_start SC_Stone,10000,0; break; case 7: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 8: npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; emotion 23; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; case 9: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 10: emotion 29; sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 11: npctalk "Cluck! Cluck!"; break; case 12: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 13: unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; break; default: if( rand(50) < 3 ) { npctalk "WOOF!..........."; specialeffect2 72; announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] " + strcharinfo(0) + " Squeezed out the prize! Well done!",0; getitem $cluck_item_id,$cluck_item_amount; set $@startcluck,0; } else { npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; unitskilluseid getcharid(3), 173, 1; } break; } }
  16. hi, just want to ask again if is there's something wrong with my script please take a look coz my players said that they dont receive any item.. here's the code turbo_room,89,99,4 script Active Rewarder 757,{ if( #Day == gettime(4) ){ mes "You have claimed the item for today. try again tomorrow."; }else{ mes "Please online 5 hours continuously to get 15x TCG...."; } close; OnUpdate: if( !checkvending() ){ set #Hour,#Hour + 1; if( #Hour % 5 == 0 && #Day != gettime(4) ){ getitem 7227,15; set #Day,gettime(4); dispbottom "Online 5 Hours continuously...gained 15x TCG for today."; } } OnPCLoginEvent: if( #Day != gettime(4) ) addtimer ( 5 * 3600000 ),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnUpdate"; end; } thanks again in advance
  17. thanks dude.. if i choose #Hour it means? beside that its account based
  18. jigsgfx


    great thanks alot annie ill try this..
  19. jigsgfx


    thanks please correct me if im wrong i should do this? L_cluckannounce: <---- change this to OnMinute00: if ( gettime(3) % 2 == 1 ) end; ??? right? or wrong? announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in sRO Mall!",bc_blue; initnpctimer; end;
  20. jigsgfx


    hi Euphy thanks but is it ok if you add the lines you give on the script that i gave? sorry dont have an idea on where i put the lines.. thanks alot
  21. jigsgfx


    hi, i have this script named Cluckers the only thing is i need to set it manually is there a way to set it up automatically every 2 hours? here's the script.. thanks in advance more power to rathena and who ever make my request possible.. //===== Athena Script ===================================== //= Cluck! Cluck! Boom! //===== By Keale of VoidRO ================================ //= http://voidro.com //===== Description ======================================= //= Click the chicken and try retrieve the item at a low //= chance. If you fail he will nuke, freeze, stone, //= stun, or make you fall asleep. //= The prize is configurable and triggered by the NPC. //===== Credits =========================================== //= LuTze for his 'Chicken of Punishment' script. //= BrianL for suggesting the 'switch' command. //===== Version =========================================== //= v1.1 //========================================================= //= v1.0 - First release. //= v1.1 - Using 'switch rand' instead. //========================================================= turbo_room,89,123,4 script Cluckers 800,{ if ($@startcluck == 1) goto L_playcluck; cluckcluck: if (getgmlevel() >= 60) goto cluckadmin; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck?"; mes "Cluck...."; close; cluckadmin: mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck! Cluuuuuck? ^FF0000~Hi GM " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Wanna play today?~^000000"; mes "Cluck cluck... CLUCK! ^FF0000~Just tell me what to do!~^000000"; switch(select("Start Event:Check Prize:Set Prize:Not today Cluckers")) { case 1: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "CLUCK! ^FF0000~Sure thing!~^000000"; emotion 33; close2; goto L_cluckannounce; case 2: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck, cluck cluck... Cluck! ^FF0000~The current prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +".^000000"; next; goto cluckadmin; case 3: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck? Cluck??? ^FF0000~What should the prize for winning be? Please input the ID.~^000000"; input $cluck_item_id; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck? cluuuck? ^FF0000~How many if this item should I give away?~^000000"; input $cluck_item_amount; next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck..? Cluck. ^FF0000~So, the prize is^000000 ^008000"+ $cluck_item_amount +" "+ getitemname($cluck_item_id) +"^000000? ^FF0000Great.~^000000"; emotion 33; next; goto cluckadmin; case 4: next; mes "[Cluckers]"; mes "Cluck cluck cluck..."; close; } L_cluckannounce: announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] is about to start in sRO Mall!",bc_blue; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer10000: announce "Please hurry below the Pet Store NPC if you want to play with the crazy chicken!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer20000: announce "Cluckers has eaten my 5x TCG! I'm too scared to retrieve it!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Click the insane chicken and try squeeze out the item, if you're lucky you'll win! Are you ready?",bc_blue; end; OnTimer40000: announce "GO! Click the chicken to get the 5x TCG!",bc_blue; set $@startcluck,1; end; L_playcluck: specialeffect2 2; switch( rand(15) ) { case 0: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); break; case 1: npctalk "Cluuuuuck!~"; break; case 2: atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); break; case 3: sc_start SC_Freeze,10000,0; break; case 4: npctalk "CLUUUUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); break; case 5: sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 6: emotion 29; sc_start SC_Stone,10000,0; break; case 7: npctalk "CLUUUUUUCK!!!"; emotion 23; atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); break; case 8: npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; emotion 23; atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); break; case 9: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 10: emotion 29; sc_start SC_Sleep,10000,0; break; case 11: npctalk "Cluck! Cluck!"; break; case 12: sc_start SC_Stun,10000,0; break; case 13: atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); break; default: if( rand(50) < 3 ) { npctalk "WOOF!..........."; specialeffect2 72; announce "[Cluck! Cluck! Boom!] " + strcharinfo(0) + " Squeezed out the prize! Well done!",0; getitem $cluck_item_id,$cluck_item_amount; set $@startcluck,0; } else { npctalk "Cluck! CLUUUCK!!"; atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); } break; } }
  22. btw this script will be useless once the player is disconnected or character select right? is there a way to compensate time once they got disconnected? like if a player disconnected and back online again script will count 4 hours instead of 5 hrs? just asking if its possible its ok if not thanks Master Emistry and who ever can help me out..
  23. LOL...my bad... addtimer 60000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnUpdate"; should be addtimer 3600000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnUpdate"; 3600000 is = to 1 hour right? coz 5 hours is 18000000 in ms? or not?
  24. its working.. i just notice when im testing it on a single player only.. then when its time to summon the 50 bombporings it will immediately killed.. my character won in less than a minute.. my character was surrounded by bombporings when the poring explode actually it's not look that it's explode coz there's no timer above the head of the poring.., and my character dont have a single scratch.. what do you think supposed to be the problem?
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