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Everything posted by Breaker

  1. hey buddy that works thank you but its not checking if there is another member next to the npc like the one who is talking another member just must be online it doesnt matter where he stands
  2. [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/custom/test3.txt script error on npc/custom/test3.txt line 13 parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ')' 8 : else if( distance( .@x, .@y, .x_npc, .y_npc ) > .minimal_distance ) { 9 : mes "come near to me."; 10 : close; 11 : } 12 : getpartymember getcharid(1), 0; * 13 : if(!instance_check_party'('getcharid(1),2)) { thats the error i get could you please watch over this?
  3. um.. could you please make a easy example? tried mine but doesnt work
  4. hey guys, is there a way to set a npc that it only will work if partymember a is talking to him and another party member must be very close to the npc so it will only trigger then? i've seen something like this on ohmygods king of the hill script but could not recreate it ^^ thank you in advance!
  5. hi im looking for a way to grant each player who is playing on my server on each new day 10 obbs. but i dont know how to handle online characters different than offline players T_T i guess a mysql solution would be best? one thing on the sidenote would be that a current obb amount of the player never exceeds 10. so that 10 should be always the maximum whether they use it or not. hope anyone can help me! thanks in advance Breaker!
  6. hey is there a way you could trade your paypal button with the modification? im having the same problem here...!
  7. can you share your control panel files? i cant get my cp to work with donations
  8. hi, i made a business account in paypal and use the ipn to forward but still i dont know how to set it like that, that you can get the donations to your flux cp. if anyone has a guide it can be in english or in german please or a video or can tell me how this works i would be very glad! thanks!
  9. hi is there a way to check if someone logs in that he has item xyz so he gets a certain gm level? thanks in advance
  10. hi im using the normal koe script and im asking is it possible that i define 4 random rooms (with treasure chests from prt, alde, pay, gef castles) and whenever a koe is over that the guildmaster can enter one of the random rooms and get the treasure? when koe is again the next possessing guildmaster can again enter one of the random defined 4 rooms and stuff. how can i make this? thanks in advance! BREAKER bump
  11. can you post the full modified script please?
  12. exactly lets say level 1-4 is already 100% safe then you shouldnt have the option to use the protection scroll im just afraid people wouldnt get it and use it to a anyway safe thing and complain then
  13. hi im referring to thi script http://rathena.org/board/topic/66190-refine/, since this one gives you on every upgrade level the choice to use a safe refine or a normal one im asking you guys to change it that it wont ask for protection scroll while the refine level is still 100%. i tried it myself but im totally new to the stuff and meh... didnt turn out very well hope you guys would help me with that, thanks in advance! BREAKER
  14. since im not that good at scripting i tried to make the scroll only appearable if you are getting below the 100% refine rate but i failed cant you please make another version of the script where it is like that?
  15. why if you are rich? what are you talking about? as long as the weapons cant be broken why offering the way to use a safe refine anyway?
  16. thats kinda nice as usual from you goddameit but can you set it up somehow that as long as it is 100% safe you wont have the option to choose the protection scroll? since it doesnt make any sense using protection scroll as long as it 100% refine anyway
  17. did add the map to castle_db, did add the gvg_castle mapflag but its still not working what do i need to change in the script to make it the 34. castle? bump!!!!
  18. hi im using imagecreatefrombmpstring from flux and just want to know how i can get the current king of emperium holder on the homepage. its inside the mapreg as $koegid thats what i know so far but dont know how to set up a command which will show the current holder (its not like the castle commands for this since they just show you the current castle and with that the holder) x_x help please SELECT emblem_len, emblem_data FROM cabalro.guild, cabalro.mapreg WHERE varname="$koegid" AND value = guild_id LIMIT 1; thats my current command and sql query shows it works but i dont know how to put the other things together
  19. hi im curious how can i register the koe emperium ( script) as a official castle and display like a woe castle? im using this script - script KoE -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) end; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "on" ) ) goto L_start; else if ( compare ( @whispervar0$, "off" ) ) goto L_end; else end; L_end: OnClock2200: announce "The King of Emperium Hill is over!", 0; set .koe_start, 0; enablenpc "Exit#KoE"; disablenpc "The King#KoE"; killmonsterall "guild_vs1"; end; L_start: OnClock2150: announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun!", 0; set .koe_start, 1; enablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Exit#KoE"; set $koegid, 0; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 6; monster "guild_vs1",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; OnEmpDead: set $koegid, getcharid(2); announce "The current King of Emperium Hill is the [" + strcharinfo(2) + "] guild.", 0; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 6; sleep 500; if ( .koe_start ) monster "guild_vs1",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead"; end; } // KoE Entrance prontera,155,191,4 script The King#KoE 58,{ mes "[The King]"; if ( getcharid(2) == 0 ) { mes "You must have a guild to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000."; close; } mes "Hello."; mes "Would you like to participate in the ^FF0000King of Emperium Hill Tournament^000000?"; if ( select ( "Yes", "No" ) == 2 ) close; switch( rand(1,4) ){ case 1: warp "guild_vs1", 50, 88; end; case 2: warp "guild_vs1", 88, 50; end; case 3: warp "guild_vs1", 50, 11; end; case 4: warp "guild_vs1", 11, 50; end; } } // KoE Exit guild_vs1,49,56,5 script Exit#KoE 51,{ mes "[Exit]"; mes "See ya."; if ( getcharid(2) == $koegid ) getitem 501, 1; // configure prize here next; warp "Save",0,0; close; } // Flags guild_vs1,49,38,4 script King of Emperium Hill#1::koe_flag 722,{ set .@gid, $koegid; if ( .@gid == 0 ) end; mes "[King of Emperium Hill]"; mes "The Current King of Emperium Hill is the ["+ getguildname(.@gid) +"] guild."; close; OnRevKoE: flagemblem $koegid; end; } guild_vs1,61,49,6 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#2 722 guild_vs1,38,49,2 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#3 722 guild_vs1,49,61,0 duplicate(koe_flag) King of Emperium Hill#4 722 guild_vs1 mapflag gvg guild_vs1 mapflag nobranch guild_vs1 mapflag nomemo guild_vs1 mapflag nopenalty guild_vs1 mapflag noreturn guild_vs1 mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs1 mapflag noteleport guild_vs1 mapflag gvg_noparty guild_vs1 mapflag nowarp guild_vs1 mapflag nowarpto
  20. hi is there a easy way to transform my itemdb.txt into itemsql without doing everything with hand? thanks in advance BREAKER
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