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Posts posted by Arii

  1. Hello

    Does anyone know why the dialog box for the NPC is bigger than usual on Client 2021-11-03? Also I didn't find an option to fix this with WARP.

    I didn't apply a modification to the dialog box size when hexing the client and the Woe controller npc wasn't edited. This same issue happens with other NPC like the euphy quest shop.



  2. Hello, I've testing some renewal cards on pre-renewal and everything was working fine except Infinite Orc Hero Card ( VIT +3. Every time the wearer receives magical attack, has a 100% chance to stun the attacker. )

    4650,Min_Orc_Hero_Card,Infinite Orc Hero Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,769,,,,,{ bonus bVit,3; bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stun,10000,ATF_MAGIC; },{},{}

    I guess something isn't right with the bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit...ATF_MAGIC because the status applies when the character is physically attacked but it doesn't work against magic skills (Jupitel thunder, Storm gust, etc).

    Reference Item_Bonus:

    bonus3 bAddEffWhenHit,eff,n,atf;		Adds a n/100% chance to cause status eff on the target when being hit by physical damage
    bonus4 bAddEffWhenHit,eff,n,atf,t;	Adds a n/100% chance to cause status eff for t milliseconds on the target when being hit by physical damage
                                  		atf is the trigger criteria:
                                  		 Effect target: (Default: Attacked target)
                                  		  ATF_SELF   = trigger effect on self
                                  		  ATF_TARGET = trigger effect on target
                                  		 Attack range criteria: (Default: All attacks)
                                  		  ATF_SHORT  = trigger on melee attacks
                                  		  ATF_LONG   = trigger on ranged attacks
                                  		 Skill/attack type criteria: (Default: Physical/weapon)
                                  		  ATF_WEAPON = trigger on weapon skill / physical attacks
                                  		  ATF_MAGIC  = trigger on magic skills
                                  		  ATF_MISC   = trigger on misc skills


  3. 36 minutes ago, BrOgBr said:

    The fixed cast doesn't exist at Pre-Renewal, only Renewal.

    I understand that by default Fixed Casting doesn't exist at Pre-Renewal but I'd like some guidance about how to implement, maybe someone knows how or has done something similar.

    Or maybe there's a way to 'emulate' the Renewal casting mechanic (20% Fixed + 80% Variable) only for Expanded Jobs from Renewal.

  4. Hello,

    I'm looking for a way to implement Expanded jobs from renewal (Rebellion, Kagerou/Oboro, Summoner) into the Pre-Renewal, my question is how to enable the Fixed Casting time only for these jobs without affecting the Trans. Jobs.

    I copied the necessary lines from skill_db.txt , skill_require_db.txt , skill_tree.txt and skill_unit_db.txt, so the skills are already working fine except by the Casting time (Variable + Fixed).

    I know skill_castnodex_db.txt can add the Fixed casting time if source is refined as renewal but that would affect the Trans. skills too /hmm

  5. Hi, some users have problems/gepard crashes at random moments while playing. I was talking with Functor about the problems but I can't find the exact source of the crashes.

    The following bullets list are what Functor told me after analizing the logs:

    - It looks like missing some sound file, which client has to play while attacking.
    - Also it can be corrupted lua file or lua file with mistake.
    - Not skill. Simple attack
    - First crash in function which builds file name of "wav" file. Second crash in function which plays this "wav" file.

    I checked the files on the data.grf ~data/wav/file.wav but I didn't find a corrupted file, the only files I couldn't play were: banshee_attack.wav, banshee_damage.wav, banshee_die.wav.
    But couldn't play those wave files from Kro neither, so I guess this is normal.

    Edit: If users disable BGM and sound Effects from the client the amount of problems is lower.

  6. Hi, I'm trying to remove only the yellow/purple lights displayed on the cast of Cross Impact but I couldn't find the where is the clif_specialeffect of the skill.

    If someone know another way to permanently remove only this effect I could try it.


  7. I'm using client 2015-11-04 and the packet is defined fine (I think), but I will put the file here just in case. (btw, the server is pre-re)

    // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
    // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
    #ifndef _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_
    #define _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_
     * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org)
     * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/
    #ifndef PACKETVER
    	#define PACKETVER 20151104
    #ifndef PACKETVER_RE
    	/// From this point on only kRO RE clients are supported
    	#if PACKETVER > 20151104
    		#define PACKETVER_RE
    #if PACKETVER >= 20110817
    	/// Comment to disable the official packet obfuscation support.
    	/// This requires PACKETVER 2011-08-17 or newer.
    		// Define these inside src/custom/defines_pre.h or src/custom/defines_post.h
    		//#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY1 <key1>
    		//#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY2 <key2>
    		//#define PACKET_OBFUSCATION_KEY3 <key3>
    		/// Comment this to disable warnings for missing client side encryption
    	#if defined(PACKET_OBFUSCATION)
    		#error You enabled packet obfuscation for a version which is too old. Minimum supported client is 2011-08-17.
    	//#define DUMP_UNKNOWN_PACKET
    	//#define DUMP_INVALID_PACKET
     * No settings past this point
    /// Check if the specified packetversion supports the pincode system
    /// Check if the client needs delete_date as remaining time and not the actual delete_date (actually it was tested for clients since 2013)
    #define PACKETVER_CHAR_DELETEDATE (PACKETVER > 20130000 && PACKETVER <= 20141022) || PACKETVER >= 20150513
    /// Check if the specified packetvresion supports the cashshop sale system
    #endif // _CONFIG_PACKETS_H_


  8. The problem still the same. I enter the account and password, select the server (0 players) and appears the message "Failed to connect to server".
    On the login-server of the server host:
    [Status]: Request for connection of "account" (pc IP)
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: "account", id: 2000000, ip: (pc IP) )
    [Status]: Connection of account "account" accepted.
    [Info]: Closed connection from (pc IP).

    Maybe it is missing to edit another file?

  9. I'm trying to configure the server host (ports are already open) but when I try to login using the Ro client (2015-11-04) from my pc the login-server shows the following message:
         [Status]: Connection of the account "account" accepted.
         [Info]: "Closed connection from (IP)"

    I'm using the public ip of the host in the files of the server and the client (clientinfo), according to other topics this problems is caused by a wrong configuration of the ip in the conf files/clientinfo but I really can't identify the problem. Can you guys help me identify what is causing the closed connection?

         login_ip: public ip
         char_ip: public ip

         char_ip: public ip
         map_ip: public ip

    subnet_athena public ip : public ip

        <address> public ip </address>
        <version> 55 </version>

    Note: The diff client didn't "Enable Proxy Support " so thats not causing the problem.
    Note: Also tried disabling "PACKET_OBFUSCATION" on packets.h but didn't solved the problem.

    • Upvote 1
  10. @Lighta , I followed the guides github to install rAthena on windows, connecting and SQL_installation. I tested it on my personal pc and everything was fine but when I tried to do the same on the server's host that error about missing dll showed up and subsequently the application error in map-server.exe

    Char server and Log appears to be fine and ready but I believe something it's missing. There is something like a list of requirements of .dll or programs to run the map-server correctly?

    Edit: Downloaded everything again and now its working, thanks for the help.

  11. Hello, I got an error about a missing .dll; MSVCR110.DLL so I downloaded it on system32 and SysWOW64.
    The missing dll error was fixed but another errors appears now (image), I tried searching around the forums but the following solution didn't worked for me.
    Note 1: System = Windows 10, the mysql config it's already done, char-server and log-server works fine and are waiting for the map-server, no errors on rebuild rAthena using VS 2017.
    Note 2: I used google translator on the topic (portuguese), this is the translation.

    "Hi, I have a problem in creating, after copying and configuring mysql, when I'm going to execute it, I'm giving MSVCR110.DLL error saying that I was missing the file, 
    I searched and ended up finding the DLLs and put them in system32, the error now changed to " application can not be initialized correctly 0xc000007b "well, my system 
    is windows 7 64bits, I have visual studio 2017, netframework 4.5. How can I fix this problem?"
    "After getting a lot, I managed to solve it, I only err the DLL that I downloaded the wrong version or had a problem, but I got a safe, I made the replacement in 
    system32 and SysWOW64 and it worked perfectly."

    Link of similar problem:


  12. Hello, it is possible to integrate this feature of the renewal system to a pre-renewal server? (client 2015-11-04)

    I tried to copy the signboardlist.lub and the icons to the data.grf using grf editor but it didn't worked.

    If this feature is renewal only, can someone guide me on the right direction to replicate it to pre-renewal?

  13. I use the executables (since I don't known how to run it from VS), but just to be sure I will describe the process:

    • I use OpenServerx64 -> Right click the flag -> "Run Server"
    • To recompile I use Visual Studio Professional 2017 (with some complements of the guide)
    • Open rAthena-15.sln ->  Right click "Solution 'rAthena-15' (4 projects)" -> Clean Solution -> Right click again and Rebuild/Build
    • Check: ========== Rebuild All: 4 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
    • Open "runserver_PRERE" which open the other three .bat files (logserv_PRERE, charserv_PRERE, mapserv_PRERE)
  14. @Playtester Looks like the message still the same, so we can assume the recompile process isn't complete. (VS Express 2013 & rAthena-14.sln)

    I downloaded Visual Studio Professional 2017 and recompiled using rAthena-15.sln, but the message still the same.
    Used Clean Solution -> ReBuild instead of Clean Solution -> Build, but again the message didn't change.

    What can I do to recompile all the sources?



  15. 7 hours ago, Playtester said:

    Can't find an error on first look, try to debug in pc.c:

    	maxlvl = atoi(fields[0]);
    	if(maxlvl > MAX_LEVEL || maxlvl<1){
    		ShowError("pc_readdb_job_exp: Invalid maxlevel %d specified.\n", maxlvl);
    		return false;

    As you can see, it just reads the first column in the file (255) then compared it with MAX_LEVEL. So it seems "maxlvl > MAX_LEVEL" is true. The only reason for that can be that MAX_LEVEL is not set to 255.

    Hello Sr. Playtester, can you guide me to debug that line in pc.c ?

    If I understood right, I should mark the following line in the file pc.c (red point) and then debug the program but nothing happens (according to google I should press F10? <--- not sure about this).

    if(maxlvl > MAX_LEVEL || maxlvl<1){

    Note: This warning also shows up but I read its not relevant...


  16. I couldn't increase the base level successfully so I decided to edit other features in the meanwhile.

    Refering to this topic, I was trying to edit the base capacity of the guilds (16 -> 12) but after editing the /src/common/mmo.h , the  /src/char/int_guild.c and recompiling it didn't change anything... It could be somehow related to my max level problem?

    #define MAX_GUILD 12+10*6 // increased max guild members +6 per 1 extension levels [Lupus]
    g->max_member = 12 + guild_checkskill(g, GD_EXTENSION) * 6;



  17. Yes, I did recompile the server.
    rAthena-14 (Visual Studio 2013) ->  Clean solution -> F7 -> ========== Build: 4 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    I've tried to replicate this guide but it didn't help.

    Guide: https://gist.github.com/cydh/d82a06472f12c4ec7f38ab3de22fe86b

    I've tried to replicate others topics too but at the end the same error shows up.

    Topic: https://rathena.org/board/topic/108703-maxlv-skill-drop-problem/#comment-314460

    Info: I'm using these files to make the server, (2015-11-04aRagexe.exe). Someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong or any ideas about how to fix it?


  18. Hello, I'm using the Ro complete offline pack 2017 but I have problems with the Max Level.
    I'm trying to modify the Max Base level of trans classes to 255 but some errors showed up, at this point I don't understand what is wrong the db/import/job_exp.txt.

    File: src/map/map.h
    Edit: #define MAX_LEVEL 255

    File: conf/battle/client.h
    Edit: max_lv: 255
            aura_lv: 255

    File: db/import/job_exp.txt

    // Experience Tables [Custom]
    // Supports up to base level 1000 and job level 255
    // Uncomment the rows below, enter the max level you want and replace "x" by the list of classes 
    // you want these to apply to. You can also write your own exp requirements.
    //Base - Pre-renewal 1000 Levels
    //Job - Pre-renewal 255 Levels
    //Base - Renewal 1000 Levels
    //Job - Renewal 255 Levels


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