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  1. There is no solution until now. Just wait for JayPee to solve this matter since he is the one who release this Voting system.
  2. Maybe its not compatible with current hosting that you're rent now. try to use other free hosting first, as we got right now the famous one is 000webhost.com.
  3. Hi, http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/
  4. Already support and tested for 2012-04-10. It work fine for me. But i couldn't find data for latest Client. All the navigator point are in Korean. Anyone have the latest one?
  5. 3 - When your patching your client, make sure your use the skip packet obfuscation fix This setting most important part if you're going to use latest Client.
  6. Sorry for late reply. Still same, nothing happen. No Voting Sites. I'm using Calcium_Kid Renewal Flux CP. Wondering what is the major prob.
  7. @randell1993: I do a check-out from Tortoise SVN using link that you provide and pick Lub Files that match with my Client Version and guess what? Successfully done! I've seen that link before but maybe i'm not in a good mood to search deeper on that link. It removes my current problems. Thumbs UP for randell1993. So i assume this problem has been solved by me and thanks for reminding me, randell1993. Also EvilPuncker, he did explain about the Old Login System.
  8. @Will Suranol : Can you teach me how to do it? Is there any files need to be change? Really need your help. Thanks !
  9. @randell1993 : Are you saying that my client not compatible with current Lua Files that i'm using right now? I already apply that client to run as admin. Hmmph. @EvilPuncker : No, there is no other error except those 2 errors. Hmmph, i really don't know how to solve it. Thanks for two of you.
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