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  1. Hi, I got this message everytime I enter new map. I wonder what does it mean ReadEZ2STRInfoz. I tried to find it in my grf but I found nothing. I hope I could get some help to fix this problem. Thanks in advance. Edit: Has been solved using llchrisll ROEnglishRE translation project: https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  2. Thanks brother, I forgot about this possibility. Thank you so much for helping ?
  3. Hi, I have a concept about a shop which use instance point as a currency, player will get the instance point after finishing certain instance. I would be grateful if someone would provide me the script or instruct me on how to make it. Thanks in advance.
  4. I have tested it, but it does not work on me, other class can access the shop.? Thanks for helping.
  5. Other class still can access the shop ?
  6. Thanks for the script, but unfortunately, we can not enchant the manteau and the HG. I hope you can give us a solution about this ?
  7. Hi, I have a concept about a shop that can only be accessed by the top 10 Ranked Blacksmith. I would be grateful if someone would provide me the script or instruct me on how to make it. Thanks in advance.
  8. Thank you so much for the response, I will test it first
  9. This is a good idea. I have tested your script, but the monster limit didn't work, it keeps spawning. Could you help us how to make it doesnt spawn it more than 3 or 5 times??
  10. Hello, I need a help, I am looking for a script which makes the Boss monster [when dies] will grant everyone on Map a specific reward. However, the reward won't be granted to the similar IP/dual client and auto-trade players. Thanks in advance ?
  11. Hello, does anyone have the latest Hugel Racing Cap enchantment system? I would like to make the Racing Cap 3rd hidden slot can be enchanted by specific Classes Stone. I hope someone can help me ?
  12. Hello, I have tested a script made by Emistry called Usable Enchant item. However, the script doesn't work properly in latest Ra. For that reason, I ask a help to create or modify the existing script so that It can enchant 3rd hidden slot with a specific status stone like STR+1 etc to specific headgear/equipment. For example an item like Magic Scroll can be used to enchant Hat [1] with random Status stone. // usage: // callfunc( "F_DiabloEnchant",<delete item id>,<bonus item id> ); function script F_DiabloEnchant { .@itemid = getarg( 0,0 ); .@enchant = getarg( 1,0 ); if ( .@itemid && .@enchant ) { for ( .@i = EQI_HEAD_TOP; .@i < EQI_ACC_R; .@i++ ) { .@equip_itemid = getequipid( .@i ); .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ( .@equip_itemid == -1 ? "": getitemname( .@equip_itemid ) ) + ":"; } .@i = select( .@menu$ ); .@equip_itemid = getequipid( .@i ); .@equip_refine = getequiprefinerycnt( .@i ); for ( .@c = 0; .@c < 4; .@c++ ) .@card[.@c] = getequipcardid( .@i,.@c ); if ( .@card[0] && .@card[0] < 4001 ) { mes "Signed Item can't be enchanted."; } // else if ( .@card[3] ) { // mes "This item has been enchanted. Cant enchant twice."; // } else { delequip .@i; delitem .@itemid,1; .@card[3] = .@enchant; getitem2 .@equip_itemid,1,1,.@equip_refine,0,.@card[0],.@card[1],.@card[2],.@card[3]; // equip2 .@equip_itemid,.@equip_refine,0,.@card[0],.@card[1],.@card[2],.@card[3]; specialeffect2 154; message strcharinfo(0),"Enchant Success!"; } close; } return; }
  13. Hello, I need help to modify the the Blacksmith's forging ATK (mastery bonus). The current bonus +5 Atk per Star Crumb used - +40 Atk if 3 Star Crumbs [Very Very Very Strong suffix]. I want to change it to grant +80 if 3 star crumbs used but I don't know what source code should I change. Please help me..
  14. Hello, I found a party drop script made by llchrisll, however I need a help to modify this script only give the drop share within screen 15x15 area so the party member outside the screen can't leech. Moreover, this scripts uses general drop chance, would you like to help me changing this into specific one? For example: OnInit: setarray .drop_id[0],15378, // Lava Leather Armor - 2% chance 15379, // Lava Leather Suit - 5% 15380, // Lava Leather Robe - 2% //================================================== // Party Drop Script //================================================== mag_dun03,0,0,0 script #MagmaF3_Drop -1,{ OnMagma3MobDead: if(getcharid(1)) { getpartymember getcharid(1),1; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for ( .@p = 0; .@p < $@partymembercount; .@p++) if(attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@p],$@partymembercid[.@p]) == 1) { if(strcharinfo(3) != strnpcinfo(4)) continue; if(rand(1,10000) >= (10000 - .chance)) getitem .drop_id[rand(getarraysize(.drop_id))],1; } } else { if(rand(1,10000) >= (10000 - .chance)) getitem .drop_id[rand(getarraysize(.drop_id))],1; } end; OnInit: setarray .drop_id[0],15378, // Lava Leather Armor 15379, // Lava Leather Suit 15380, // Lava Leather Robe 20935, // Lava Leather Manteau 20936, // Lava Leather Muffler 20937, // Lava Leather Hood 22199, // Lava Leather Boots 22200, // Lava Leather Shoes 22201; // Lava Leather Sandals // ==== Drop Settings ==== // Multiply the Drop Chance below with the Server Drop Chance for Equipment // 1 = Yes // 0 = No .battleconf_drop = 0; // General Drop Chance .drop = 50; // 50 = 0.5% // Calculation .chance = .drop * ( (.battleconf_drop)?( (getbattleflag("item_rate_equip")%100 > 0)? (getbattleflag("item_rate_equip")/100):1):1); end; }
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